Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Hump Day!!! I’ve never been one to make wishes on Wednesday, but I believe ALL of us have one common one today – LOTTERY! I guess I have to play to win so I may spend a $1. LOL!!! Yesterday was OK. Still no exercise, but it will come soon. Food was OK for the most part. I had a cheese vendor so had to do some sampling, but luckily pretty small cubes and premium cheeses some made out of yogurt. Not too bad. Today I’ve got a lunch with a vendor, but I get to pick the place so I think I’m going seafood always a safe pick to get something broiled or grilled. I hope everyone makes it a GREAT day.

    @RobinsEgg – Ellen, 11 lbs?!! WOO HOO!! Happy dance with you!! We’ll take a loss any way. Keep it up! Hugs as you continue through these appointments and don’t let them get you down.

    @MountMary – Barb, I’m so glad it wasn’t a heart attack for DH, but I know how hard it is to get started when other life circumstances are thrown at us. Remember baby steps. I’m focusing on clean eating for now and going to slowly work in exercise.

    @Sora4ever – I’ve been struggling getting started with my walking due to the cold. I’m a wimp. I admit it. As I was driving to work around 6:30 this morning, I saw two ladies out walking. They were bundled up like crazy. I thought “why don’t I do that?” Of course, I then had a pity part and said “must be nice to be stay at home moms and have time to walk?” Shame on me!!! I should not have judged them, but it did cross my mind. LOL!!!

    @Rosie711 – I love what you ask your students. We each should ask ourselves that every day. We’ve got quite a few teachers in our group so you’ll definitely find support here. Part of my 2016 goals is to “Do Me” this year. I’m always giving, giving, giving to everyone around me that I finally need to accept – I deserve it too! We both do. Have an awesome day!

    @skinnyjeanz – 3.1 miles in 34 minutes? Karen – you rock!! This should give you that encouragement to keep up the momentum. Sorry about the school stuff. I know how much grading you have to get through. The joys of teaching – NOT!!!

    @GraceWyatt – Welcome! This group is amazing and will give you as much or as little support as you want. Check back frequently. Post as often as you want. Good luck in your journey.

    @Bohemian – Thanks Allison! This dating thing has been much harder than I ever imagined. Unfortunately, I’ve met some really poor characters, but I’ve got a couple of potentials right now especially one who’s making a few extra sparks. Have fun at Matilda! I love musical theater and try to take my son when there are appropriate shows. This one would be perfect. Can’t wait to hear about it.

    @Becky – I think we can all relate to the cold and walking right now. I think putting our kids in daycare is harder on the parents than the kids. The first time I dropped my son off I bawled like a baby all the way to work. I know it’s tough. Kids are pretty resilient though, but I bet many of us wish the same thing to win the lottery and stay at home!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Robin~ What a fantastic surprise at your doctor’s office! :star:

    @Susan~ So glad to see you back! Good goals for 2016. We’re at the age it’s all about having fun so have fun on the dating scene. I feel like I’m perpetually single—marriage and kids was never high on my priority list—I was more interested in my career (probably still am in some respects). I’m happy single, but it does get lonely from time to time and it would be nice to have a guy around interested in the same things I am and to help me fix things around the house! :lol: BTW, a Powerball ticket is $2 and the odds of actually winning are 290M:1. :smirk:

    @Barb~ So sorry to hear about DHs trip to the ER, very glad to hear it was nothing serious. Hope that his stress test goes well today.

    @Karen~ Its amazing how runs can vary from day-to-day isn’t it? Glad you had a good one yesterday, great time!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been meaning to post here for a few months now but things keep getting in the way, oh and I'm a huge procrastinator.

    Been away from MFP since early summer so here's the last several months in a nutshell. Began getting sore feet in May/June which I finally got looked at in September. Long story short with that.. was (mis)diagnosed with everything from Morton's neuroma to plantar faschiitis to tendinitis. It's probably none of those things and PT is not helping but I found a great chiropractor who did a gait scan and will use those results to get me a more custom prescribed pair of orthotics. I was on light duties at work because of the pain. Out of this also came a referral to a rheumatologist, who I see in February. I've done some research on my own and it's not out of the question. :/

    I also got EMG tests done on my wrists and have carpal tunnel syndrome in both. I've known this for years but my left hand has been getting steadily worse and it was time to mention it to the doc. I had my first open release operation on Dec. 4th and am scheduled for the other hand in March. So I haven't been at work for a good part of the last few months, and it will be a while before I go back.

    So... using all that as an excuse to not keep my weight down,... I've gained a whopping 36 lb since last spring. I can't stay active with my feet in so much pain, but I managed to completely derail my dietary habits instead of being more steadfast knowing my diet has to be that more strict to make up for the decrease in exercise. So here I am again, 12 lb below my highest ever weight of 250lb... I'm disgusted I let myself get back here and that I didn't start sooner when I noticed the first changes. Will I ever learn?

    I skimmed a few posts, it's nice to see some familiar names here, and I'm sure I'll meet more of you as I get back to being active on this board.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    So glad to see so many posters, new, returning, and regulars ... For my Wednesday Wish ... that we each and everyone get what we need out of this site on our journey to lower weight and better health. There are so many postings since my last entry on Monday that I will not attempt any personals ... thus just know that I have read everyone's post and enjoyed reading what you wrote about your self and that I know we can do this if we don't give up and just keep at it.

    Today is Epiphany for many Christians. In my church it is Theophany ... a Great Feast which reveals the Most Holy Trinity to the world through the Baptism of the Lord (Mt.3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). I went for the liturgy and water blessing and brought home a small bottle of blessed water to have on hand throughout the year. This service is very nostalgic and a bit melancholy for me: in my youth and young adulthood the church followed the 'Eastern Rite' calendar and today would be Christmas Eve ... a celebration on par with Easter in it's importance ... Still. this is the West, not the East ... so it is nice to be in step with everyone else and celebrate the feast on 12/24 instead of 1/6. Yes, Christmas day is a day of celebration and merriment, but the holiday begins on the Eve of the day before ... thus today, in my heart I remember how in my parent's home my family prepared for Christ's birth even as today we celebrate His, and our own, baptism. Funny how it seems the older I get the more the lessons and traditions I learned in my youth come to the forefront of my thoughts.

    Follow Through on Consistent Focus
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    Just poping in to say howdy. Glad to see so many newlines and welcome back to those "returnees".
    Wednesday wish:


    But also to share a new found quote:

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Just tried to post a long thing and it went to La-la land.
    DH is home and very tired; we are both quite tired. He is going to be fine.
    No exercise for me except walking all over the hosp; food has been totally odd.
    I am glad to see everyone is off to a good start for the year. I will be joining you with actual tracking food and doing measurable exercise now that things hopefully are settled down.
    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • GraceWyatt91
    GraceWyatt91 Posts: 14 Member
    Omgosh I am so upset. I took my 6 month old son to the Dr today (everything is fine with him) but I asked the woman if I could step on the scales to see if I had lost any weight but it said 239 I almost started crying then when I got home I got on my scales and they still said 235 I don't get it am I going back up or coming down?????...
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Omgosh I am so upset. I took my 6 month old son to the Dr today (everything is fine with him) but I asked the woman if I could step on the scales to see if I had lost any weight but it said 239 I almost started crying then when I got home I got on my scales and they still said 235 I don't get it am I going back up or coming down?????...

    Remember that you were weighing on a different scale at your sons doctor's office, so don't read too much into it. If you want to see more accurate trends, weigh on the same scale at the same time--also, weight fluctuates from day to day (i.e. Sodium, water retention, muscle soreness, etc.) Keep doing what your doing, I promise the scale will reflect your hard work--patience grasshopper. :wink:

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Grace- different scales on the same day at different times will read a different weight. It depends on the surface the scale is on, if it is balanced correctly etc. Stick with the measurements from one scale, it works better.

    It is great to see so many people back and ready for the new year. Welcome to the new people, we are looking forward to getting to know you.

    I am going to skip personals tonight since it is getting late.

    I started this year around 198.8 pounds but today I was down to 193.8. It may be water weight but I am happy to see the number going down. I have been eating less at night for dinner and that is helping. Plus I have done something everyday in terms of exercise and that is working for me. It may not be strenuous and could be just walking but the point is I am up and moving before I settle down for the night.

    This has been a hard week for me personally. I had a friend pass away suddenly on New Year's Eve, who was only 51 and was in good shape but he had a heart attack and died. The news has really affected me, I guess because it was so sudden and that I don't see this group of friends as often since I finished my time with the Jaycees. This group of friends has not seen me in over 5 years and do not know that I have lost the weight. Now, I am on a mission to get people together again just to have fun and enjoy each other company. I am just making sure it does not impact my exercise goals and nutrition goals. Also this week, I learned that another friend will have surgery on Wednesday of next week. I pray that he will be okay, it is an experimental procedure but it is the only thing that will work, we hope.

    Jan 1 to 3- walked everyday at least 3 miles, weights and ellipitical.
    Monday- Trainer DONE
    Tuesday- walk-DONE with half mile run
    Wednesday- run- did run a little, elliptical, row and a long walk at least 3 miles tonight
    Thursday- weights- will walk instead- climbing will replace weights
    Friday- Climb
    Saturday- swim? or gym
    Sunday-swim? or gym walk

    Wish- Those who play the lottery are successful.
    That my friend comes through surgery and it goes as planned with no complications.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Once again the thread is moving faster than I can read. LOL I will try to get in a few personals:

    @grace-- try not to get upset about a difference on 2 different scales. That's very common. Also, though research supports that people do better at controlling their weight if they weigh in every morning, you have to be able to handle the little day to day fluctuations due to water retention from exercise, high-sodium foods, etc. as well as monthly hormone changes. When I started on here almost 5 years ago, I would weigh myself each morning, but only check-in my weight when it dropped below the previous low. If it fluttered up a pound or 3 one morning, I would take note, but since I was tracking calories carefully and staying below maintenance calorie allowance, it would always go back down even further within a few days. Don't let movement on the scale discourage you--if you are consistent with your goals, you will see an overall downward trend. :smile:

    @barb-- glad to hear the DH is okay.

    @tanya & terri-- Welcome back!!!

    @kelley-- yes, I love the feeling when I have a great run, but have to remember not to feel let down when the next one isn't as wonderful.

    @susan-- yes, I used to say if I only had to teach lessons and not do the grading, the job would be heaven. Now I would be overjoyed to just have the teaching AND grading without all of the other crap (dealing with union issues, contacting parents and counselors when students are struggling, responding to 10 million emails every day). I know it's the same in any profession; there's always the tedious housekeeping stuff people have to deal with.

    @alison-- glad to hear you are still doing the Morris dancing even if you aren't enjoying it as much. Just get back to what you know works, and the weight will start to drop before you know it. You've got this!

    Wed Wish:
    I'm right there with all of you dreaming of winning the lottery tonight. My colleagues and I pool our money to buy tickets-- keeping my fingers crossed. ;)

    The temps here warmed up just enough to allow the sunshine to melt the top layer of snow and then refreeze it, making for treacherously slippery surfaces. I didn't even attempt to walk gunner b/c so many of our sidewalks have that slippery snow covering them-- ours included. We just didn't have time to shovel before the last snowfall froze solid. Fortunately, we have a few warmer days coming when it should soften enough to clear before the next deep freeze.

    I'm including a link to an interview on Runner's World website with the author of Always Hungry. I've never read the book, but a lot of what he says in the post conforms to personal changes I've made (or tried to make) in my effort to get healthier. One of the questions was if he could recommend just 3 foods to eliminate from your diet which would they be? His answer: white potatoes, highly processed grains, and added sugar. I'm not an advocate of a one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss, but I know when I cut down on processed carbs and sugar, I eat less and lose weight. I rarely eat white potatoes (opting for sweet potatoes instead). and I try to avoid white rice and pasta replacing it with brown rice or quinoa. My one real struggle is bread and cakes. They are delicious.'s World - RunnersWorld_FBPAGE_Runner’s World__News

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week. Week 1 = 2/3 runs; 1/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 5/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    8k done/ 992k to go

    Grading Goals:
    1. 17/40 AP essays
    2. 29/41 AP journals
    3. 5/15 SOS Speeches

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun-- rest day
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie-- so sorry to hear about your friend's passing.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Morgori -- Tom, I know what you mean about it being a bit sad taking down all the Christmas decorations; here it's unlucky not to do it by 6 January. I like to read through the cards again, and then I have a little tradition of cutting them up with my diecutter to make gift tags.

    @susan2396 -- Susan, I am not ever going to do the lottery! I do have some Premium Bonds though, which could theoretically win me a million.

    @Tanya949 -- good luck what's working out what's going on with your feet, and I hope the custom orthotics do well for you.

    @GraceWyatt91 -- Different sets of scales vary quite a lot; as long as you use the same set day to day, it should be consistent.

    @Lauriek70 -- so sorry to hear about your friend. It's such a reminder that we need to nurture our friendships!

    I am not setting everyone a good example right now. I told the kids that we needed to have quick food rather than a restaurant meal to go with the theatre trip, and we ended up at Five Guys. My first time there -- how was I to know that I should have ordered a 'little' burger? I have just checked the nutritional information online. Ahem. Right. It was really very nice though. That's it, though; from today I'm tracking properly, no more ludicrous 'treats'.

    Matilda was jolly good fun, particularly the kids who are all amazing -- do they grow them in vats? The show's well worth seeing if you can and its best bits are really top-notch. (Though the best bit of all in my opinion is "When I Grow Up", which you can go watch the Royal Variety Performance of on YouTube).

    Thursday -- we're on a roll to the weekend now, chaps!

    -- Alison
  • AshleyC1023
    AshleyC1023 Posts: 272 Member
    This is my first time posting in this thread. I'm almost 31 (that's scary feeling in itself) and need to lose about 60 lbs. I was so scrawny in my late teens, early 20's, and where did all this weight come from?! I used to wear size 3 pants, and now I'm in a 13. :( Granted, that is after 4 children, but we've been trying for #5 for over a year and I think my weight has a lot to do with it. It's not hubby, that's for sure. I lost the baby weight from #4, but we moved and the weather where we moved to sucked a lot and I hate the cold, so I got lazy.
    I'm trying a low carb diet to go with exercise. I think that's the most reasonable approach to it, as what we usually eat does include a LOT of carbs (I love baking). I guess the hardest part of that is cutting out the sugar. I have some old joint injuries from being on the rodeo circuit in my teens, so exercise has to be gentle. I think that's why a more aggressive diet plan is going to work for me. I've had 2 major surgeries on joints to repair them. The one on my elbow is miserable and I tend to get "tennis elbow" from doing basically nothing. But I start PT on that this week, even though I think PT is pretty useless in my previous experiences with it. I've been on a no impact exercise profile for the last 10 years due to a knee surgery and injury, so I feel rather deflated when my primary care doc tells me to get more exercise. What a double edged sword that is. I need to lose weight to relieve some pressure on my knee, but I can't run because my knee has no cartilage left in it. Conundrum! Pushups are also out due to the elbow problem, which is rather sad when I used to be able to do 100 of them no sweat.
    My husband just left for a month for work this morning, so this is my time to get my crap together and start eating better. He's lean and has always been lean, so he doesn't worry about what he eats, and that makes it difficult for me to eat better when he's around. Hopefully I can get past the snack craving while he's gone and have more will power for when he comes home. He's very supportive, he just has never had to watch what he eats.
  • beckyboo8504
    beckyboo8504 Posts: 25 Member
    Well if tiday is telling the truth, it's good it happened last night. I'm definitely a binge eater, I'll just suddenly feel thi urge to eat anything I can get my hands on. This week, up until last night, I have done well at resisting, but sometimes it feels like compulsion and it feel like there's nothing I can do to stop it. Last night when it hit I tried so hard to stay out of the kitchen, but eventually i made my way to the kitchen and ended up eating almost all of the spaghetti meat sauce I made that night for dinner. I didn't track it because I was too ashamed. I still had 500 calories before hand, and I don't even know how much I had eaten. So now the guilt is setting in today which is always when I end up sabatoging myself. But I'm not going to today. Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks :smile:

    @GraceWyatt91 I don't know why, but every time I go to the doctor, the scale says something more than what I had weighed at home. It seriously sucks when that happens. It's honestly why I don't go to the doctor as much as I probably sould haha! What my mom does is weigh before she goes and gives the doctor that weight. But she's handicap, so maybe that's why? I've never tried it personally haha! But yeah, I would only stick to one scale for an accurate measure of your weight loss.
  • beckyboo8504
    beckyboo8504 Posts: 25 Member
    @susan2396 As far as dropping the baby off with the daycare, it's not as hard as it once was. Before I quit working to help my mom, she was only 9 months old and would scream whenever I'd leave her, and that was hard. Now, she is excited to go. My aunt is the one that watches her, and my aunt is one of her favorite people, so that helps. :smile:
  • GraceWyatt91
    GraceWyatt91 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you bohemiancoast...
  • GraceWyatt91
    GraceWyatt91 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you beckyboo8504... I just got so upset...
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Old Rock Day!


    I'm really not sure who started this holiday or why they picked this day but we've been in awe of the beauty of old rocks for years. Some people even go as far as making jewelry or art out of these rocks. Can you remember the first time you saw a fossil in an old rock? It's always interesting to find the imprint of past lives in random rocks, especially when you find them on the tops of mountains! Geology, the study of solid Earth, has been around since at least ancient Greece in the 4th century B.C. when Theophrastus wrote Peri Lithon, AKA On Stones. It was a book about the gem stones they knew about in that time period. Some rocks are seen as valuable because of their beauty and because they're so hard to find.
    In 1074, Shen Kua came up with a hypothesis on how land was formed after observing fossils of shells in rocks up in the mountains of China, hundreds of miles from the ocean. I remember finding fossils of shells as I was digging in my backyard and we live on the side of a mountain. I was pretty amazed to find that when we live miles from the ocean, in Pennsylvania. And in the 1800s, William Smith started coming up with a way to organize the different layers of rocks in the Earth by the fossils contained in them. We still don't have the Earth completely figured out, but these old rocks still have our attention which is as good of a reason to celebrate as any!


    So how are you going to celebrate today? Well, you could show someone your collection if you're already collected some fossils or unique rocks. I know I have a nice collection of stones and minerals that I've gathered over the years. Or you could go to random shops near you, buy some rocks and make some jewelry or art out of them. Or take the easy route and order some unique rock jewelry ;).

    Or you can go outside and go on an old rock hunt yourself! There are fossils all over the place and some places even let you dig for diamonds. This is a good way to get you outside and have a little adventure for the day. It'll be a lot more rewarding when you find your special, old rocks. You could even head to some local museums and check out some fossil-filled rocks they have on display. This is one of the best ways to ensure that you see some truly old rocks and some amazing fossils too. Be prepared for a lot of "ooo's and ahh's". Whatever you decide to do, I hope your day is filled with old rocks!

    ” If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you don't get that you don't want.” ~Oscar Wilde


  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2016
    I actually meant to buy a lottery ticket last night but forgot, so glad no one won :wink: —I WILL by one or two before Saturday’s drawing though! I only play when it’s a huge jackpot. :lol:

    @Laurie~ I’m so sorry to hear of your friend’s sudden passing, it’s always hard—hope the surgery for your other friend goes well.

    @Karen~ I’m amazed at the number of emails I come in to every morning, sometimes I don’t want to turn on my computer—that way if I don’t know about them, they don’t exist. Right?! :lol:

    @AClark1023~ Welcome to the thread, you found a great place for support and motivation. Its unfair how some people can just eat whatever they want and it not affect them, I work with some people like that. I just want to smack them! :confounded: I hear you on the joint injuries—I had a meniscusectomy in my knee in 2012, repair to a ruptured UCL in my thumb last year and in October I had Achilles reconstruction surgery (which I’m still rehabilitating and still in a walking boot). Right now PT is nothing more than riding a stationary bike for 10-minutes (woo hoo :expressionless:). Because of the type of repair my Achilles required, I’ve already been told my running days are over. :cry: Luckily I love to cycle, so when I’m released for full activity I’ll stick to the elliptical, yoga and the cycle club at my gym—all great forms of low-impact exercise.

    @beckyboo8504~ Have you found if you are craving something specific at night? Emotions like stress, sadness and boredom can cause food cravings. Also, depriving yourself of something that you really enjoy can cause unnecessary snacking/binging—so if you are doing that try having either a smaller portion or find a healthier alternative. As for myself, I’ve discovered that since I really cut back on processed foods and sweets I don’t want them anymore. I will always love salty things though, so I keep Boom Chicka Pop Sea Salt popcorn around (140 calories in 4 cups). As for sweets, I do treat myself a couple of times a week but the only thing I keep around is dark chocolate--Endangered Species 75% cacao with cocoa nibs is my favorite. One bar is 2-servings but I actually get 5 out of it (~85 calories for 3 pieces), so a little goes a long way--since its organic they are pretty pricey, but well worth it! :yum:
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi y'all! Hope this finds everyone well! I've GOT to work on getting my water in. I bring 4 (24oz) bottles to work with the plan of drinking them before I leave. Hmmm Those 4 bottles are daunting to look at! lol Pushing through though.

    Have a great day!