Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Well, I'm not going to be on the computer tomorow so I will jump ahead a couple of hours in my head and pretend it is the morning right now!

    Thursday Truth ...
    I have to weigh in and report it for one of my challenge groups and I don't want to do it. I got a new scale this week and it is 2.2 pounds heavier in weight than my old one. I don't 'feel' like I lost any weight since the new scale gave me those extra 2 pounds to shed, and I just suspect I will have to take a gain this week because of it. Of course, I could hold off reporting, but that wouldn't be very fair to myself cause for this challenge it's always my Thursday reading. Sigh.

    I have NEWS ... I spoke with Robin (Ellen) on the phone today and she gave me permission to tell about her on this thread for those who know her and are wondering how she is. ... Ellen had a theraputic shot in her knee and hip and is feeling ever so much better right now. Also, she just got back from a wonderful 2-day trip in Colorado City with 2 childhood friends. It was a 12 hour drive over 2 days to get there and back, and she drove it. Ellen said it was a wonderful time; visiting, relaxing, playing with these two dear women friends (and one of the husbands) that she's been friends with since grade school when they were on a swimming team together. As usual, Robin/Ellen wanted to send her 'hi there and keep at it' through me to all of you and to tell you she's doing fine. She sounded great to me.

    Speaking of watermellon and apples ... I just love both of them but found I need to limit how much/how often more closely with these fruits than I do with something like berries, plum or peach. They drive my blood glucose numbers high ... and one thing I've noticed is that I don't lose any weight when that happens. But if I can keep my blood sugars on a stable and lower level that the weight does move downward. Still ... there is a really juicy and crunchy itty-bitty Ginger Gold apple waiting for me to have with a bit of Cheddar tonight to bring my calories for the day up to the level I am trying to maintain. (I have also noticed that if I let my calories be too low that weight loss stops for me)

    Night all.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound I work in the marketing department at a telecommunications company. I market to our customer base (upsell, retention and renewal). I do the advertising..
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Just a real quick check in. My niece turned one today so we had a birthday party for her and then I went to a two-hour choir practice. We are doing a one-day two concert tour on Sunday so we needed to get vocal cords back in shape. Now I'm watching the Olympics. Which leads me to My Wish for Wednesday- that my severance package was now instead of January through May. My late nights of watching the Olympics and my early morning to work don't mesh very well.

    Have a great day!
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member

    @pinkstarberry -- congrats on the weight loss!
    @Kelley yay on getting the cast off

    Today was overall a normal day!
    This evening turned into an adventure! My husband somehow between our car and a local store loss his car keys! I get this crazy call! This went on for a couple of hours! By the way we only have one car! Finally he remembers where they were!

    My wish is to be able to get into the advance River class.

    Sorry this is a short one i am exhausted heading to bed.

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Had a successful day. I have been primarily fasting, not just for weight loss because I lose more when I eat, but to cleanse myself out and to get to feeling better. Without eating, except small amounts on non carbs and fruits, I feel so much better. I don't know if it's just getting the gluten out of my system or not, but I too feel better if a little weak. But I found I was walking with more energy today. Going to lunch with a group today so plan to have either salad or quiche and not eat the bread. Not sure how long I can follow this but hoping to get a lighter feeling

    skinnyjeanz - You'll get back to where you were and better

    Nikion - Thanks for keeping us posted on Robin. We all miss her so much. She was such an nspiration. so glad to hear she is doing well. Please give her my best wishes

  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Thursday truth- the last two days I've had a hard time with dinner. I make a good dinner but I start to eat it while I'm cooking. The first night I wasn't that far over my calories except for that peanut butter that I didn't track and I gained 2 lbs. I usually think a gain like that must be water weight and will come off easily the next day or two if I'm good, walk and drink more water. The next day was good and I stayed at my 1400 cal goal and gained another 0.1lb. I have a feeling that this might be related to "that time of the month" but it makes it hard to be good when I feel depressed about the weight loss or lack there of.

    I'm heading off to vacation for 4 days. It should be fun and we have rented a house, so at least I'll be able to cook. I'll be tracking while I'm gone with the hope to keep the weight loss going. I just hate to be away from my scale at a time like this. I would rather head into vacation after a weight loss instead of a gain. I feel like I'm on the top of a slippery slope and I'm trying not to go down.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,971 Member
    Thursday truth - I am exhausted and need a long vacation ... on a boat ... with boat drinks!
  • taburbey
    taburbey Posts: 21 Member
    Thursday truth - I need to control my portion sizes better. I think its time to invest in a scale.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Thursday Truth - I need to get motivated to exercise. I really truly am doing nothing these days.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound I have learned that small, specific goals work better for me...though I meant 10 kilometers, not 10 miles.

    My truth this week is that I have been legit struggling with exercise calories. I tend to exercise late in the evening, when it's dark and cooled off. It's not uncommon for me to finish up at 10:30, and by that time of night, I just don't want to eat anything. I want to shower and go to bed! Two days this past week I wound up netting <500 calories for the day. I know that's not healthy in the long run. Last night I MADE myself eat a late night snack, even though I didn't really want it (and that's a good way to relate to food either).

    I realize it's a problem others would kill to have, but it's still a problem.

    On a happier note, I jogwalked a complete 10k on Tuesday! I knew I could, but now I have objective proof.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @oberon-- have you figured out what kind of exercise you want to do? I'm kind of all over the place with my workouts which is why I like having a gym membership--there's lots of variety there. However, the Amazing Race challenge I'm doing has introduced me to a lot of different videos that I never would have tried on my own. Some I like, and some not so much, but I'm glad I'm being forced to try some new stuff. Marketing sounds like such an interesting line of work--are you a more creative, introverted personality?

    @taburbey --a food scale is honestly the best fitness related purchase I've ever made. I bought a very simple digital scale for about $30 at Target about 5 years ago, and I still use it for almost everything I eat. If I'm making a sandwich, I set my plate and bread on the scale and tare it to zero to weigh out the mayo. Then I hit the tare button again to weigh the lunchmeat, etc. It's really easy and pretty much second nature for me to use it.

    @mermaid-- Haha, boat drinks are delicious!

    @trinati-- I've found that it takes my body about 3 weeks to catch up with an increase or decrease in calorie intake. Everyone is different, but it's likely that the fluctuations you are seeing on the scale have nothing to do with what you ate yesterday or the day before. And like you said, hydration, sodium, hormones all affect our weight from day to day. Continue to stay the course and you will see a general downward trend on the scale despite daily fluctuations up and down. Also, even though research suggests people who weigh themselves daily are more successful at losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight, don't stress about the week without a scale. It is your vacation and you should enjoy it.

    @katrena-- thanks, I know you are right--I just have to work for it.

    @liz-- glad your DH found the car keys!

    @tracy-- Love your wish! It made me think of how lucky I am to be a teacher being that my favorite sport to watch is the Tour de France. I don't know how I would manage that if I had to work.
    @niki-- thanks for the update on ellen (robin). It's good to hear she is doing well. :smile:

    Thursday Truth:
    I need to stop all my procrastinating and get some stuff done around my house. On that note, I will sign off and go do it! :blush:

    Fitness Goals for the month of August:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week: Week 1 = 10:32
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end

    You vs Year Challenge:
    229 k done/ 771 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner NOT DONE + do weights and abs videos DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner + do weights and abs videos
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat-- walk gunner

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited August 2016
    taburbey wrote: »
    Thursday truth - I need to control my portion sizes better. I think its time to invest in a scale.

    No need to make the investment as measuring cups works just as well to cutting down on portion sizes, especially when you are still learning how to cut portions. A scale comes in handy when you already can do that consistently but want to measure to the smallest measure. A gram isn't going to make that much difference ... it's 1/4 of an ounce.
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Thursday Truth - I need to get motivated to exercise. I really truly am doing nothing these days.

    Yeah, that's me too now-adays. When I was a young woman I couldn't get enough of it, but seem to have developed an 'allergy' to it in my middle years. It's a struggle to get my butt in gear now!. I read a tip that you put exercise into your calendar as an appointment, then keep that appointment. Me, I just ignore the calendar, just like I ignore time by not wearing a watch.
    badnoodle wrote: »
    ...Two days this past week I wound up netting <500 calories for the day. I know that's not healthy in the long run.

    I assume you are talking about NET calories ... the difference between what you ate and what your exercise calories burned up? Is your scale running downhill too fast because of this? If not, it's probably not a problem, after all, you still got the nutrients from the food you did eat (they don't go 'poof' along with the fat and muscle that gets used up when in a caloric defiicit). :)
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    I have to disagree with you, Niki - volumetric measurements are often inaccurate for any solid that can "pack" - flour, beans, nuts, M&Ms, pasta, what-have-you. As someone who discovered that my "1 cup" of Lucky Charms translated to almost 2 servings by weight...those inaccuracies can add up fast.

    Given how inexpensive a food scale is, and the peace of mind you get by being CERTAIN you haven't overserved yourself, why wouldn't you buy one? It also really helps when doing fractional servings.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited August 2016
    badnoodle wrote: »
    I have to disagree with you, Niki - volumetric measurements are often inaccurate for any solid that can "pack" - flour, beans, nuts, M&Ms, pasta, what-have-you. As someone who discovered that my "1 cup" of Lucky Charms translated to almost 2 servings by weight...those inaccuracies can add up fast.

    Given how inexpensive a food scale is, and the peace of mind you get by being CERTAIN you haven't overserved yourself, why wouldn't you buy one? It also really helps when doing fractional servings.

    I do own a scale, and I use it for almost every serving of food. My suggestion to use cups was intended for the person new to cutting down on the volume of food consumed.

    As for the cost of a scale, mine was about $50.00 ... that's not cheap in my budget.

    Baby steps! :wink:
  • WIGirl1970
    WIGirl1970 Posts: 29 Member
    There are many different highly rated scales on Amazon for less than $15. Definitely recommended.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited August 2016
    WIGirl1970 wrote: »
    There are many different highly rated scales on Amazon for less than $15. Definitely recommended.

    you are right. Glad you joined in to the conversation.

    For those of you looking to purchase a kitchen scale ...;field-keywords=kitchen+scales
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    @Nikion901 I am 48 and really didn't become active until I was around 30 but have been up and down. This is the longest I have just lost all motivation. Need to find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A calendar wouldn't work for me. I have tried that. I ignore it. And trainers, despite paying them a lot of $. It's like weight loss... I don't lose weight unless my brain clicks over, and I get focused. And I don't know what causes it. But right now I can't seem to find the exercise mojo in my brain. It needs to click over. I can see the negative impact on my body from not exercising (that is where being 48 comes into play... things hurt now that used to not hurt).
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @Oberon21 ... If I could impart anything to you at this time is to not give up trying.

    I'm 71 and if I had kept at it when I was 48, maybe I wouldn't still be trying now. However, I always found a reason not to, including the serious back issues, the demands on my time from outside sources (like my job, family, church, clubs) ...

    But you have a very real and valid point ... something has to click in our heads or hearts or somewhere ... and I think it is habits. We let the habit of inactivity and not-the-right-time/no-time take over our lives. So the thing we need to learn is how to modify that behavior we don't like with one we like better. Then, there is that 'brain thing' that allows our brains to plan for the future with great anticipation and motivation, but when the immediate comes into play, our brains want 'same old - same old' because the immediate brain just wants satisfaction. And, for me at least, hurting and sweating while I exercise is not an immediate form of satisfaction.

    That's why I join challenges on here ... in the ever fervent hopes that having to own up to strangers online will get me up off my butt a bit more than I otherwise would do it.

    That's another reason, also, why I don't rely on exercise to help me lose weight. I hope that whatever exercise I manage to do will help strengthen my heart or my body parts that keep me able to walk and rise from a chair or bed and dress or feed or toilet myself. Cause I know if I don't keep those things moving I'll end up in a nursing home wheelchair in my twilight instead of in my own home.

    For losing weight, I rely on the old standby of eat less than you use.

    Good luck. Don't give up. Love yourself while you are learning how to change yourself to a fitter you.
  • suznhenz
    suznhenz Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 69 and realized that, if I didn't do something soon, my good years would be definitely long gone. Then, I found my TerraTrike and have LOVED exercising ever since! And, since I work so hard to ride 10 - 20 miles a day, I have had no real inclination to over eat - I don't want to waste that effort, plus my appetite is substantially reduced now that I have cut WAY down on refined carbs, which were always my nemesis. I even turned down DH's offer of a biscuit yesterday - which, in the past, would have been impossible. I just didn't want it. According to MFP, my calorie "target" is 1840, but I don't think I have eaten over about 1100 - 1200 calories in the last 34 days (since I started tracking with MFP). Since my GPS watch calculates my exercise calories at between 1100 and 2200 calories per ride, depending on distance, time, elevation changes and speed of my ride, I usually have about 1800 calories remaining at the end of the day, which I gather is equivalent to 1/2 pound of fat. I guess each of us have to find our motivation. I know my weight loss will slow down as I reduce my weight. So far, I've lost 24 pounds in 35 days, but at least 6 pounds of that was probably water weight at the very beginning, as I cut out sweets and refined carbs. However, with each bike ride, I get stronger and want to ride longer and faster, which should help.
  • featherlilly
    featherlilly Posts: 2 Member
    Can anyone join this group? I need to lose 100+ also and would like to have an online network of great people that are also on the same journey.