Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited August 2016
    @Karen ~I’m equally frustrated; although, I just really haven’t been tracking food consistently since this last ankle surgery. :anguished: As you know, also, I’m back to counting points on WW and not tracking calories—I just get too OCD with my macros when I track on MFP so I had to switch back. Right now I just need to be more consistent with tracking. That being said, based on what your BMR is I think you’re daily caloric allotment is right where it should be. I looked at your diary for a few days and the only area I see to make a change is protein (and possibly sugar—I eat too much of it too but it can play a huge role in our success :confounded:). Try having a few more protein-rich, low carb snacks--maybe add a protein shake after you exercise (there are so many varieties now, including plant based).

    I’ve been reading a lot recently about how exercise affects weight loss. Because of the adrenal load aerobic exercise puts on our bodies, it can be detrimental to weight loss—it causes the body to become endurance focused, storing energy as fat. Too much cardio can cause the loss of lean muscle mass which effects metabolism. Your workout schedule doesn’t seem to be loaded with cardio, so this is just food for thought. Of course get in some weight training three days a week. Make sure to have an “active recovery day,” too--maybe just a walk with gunner and some light stretching this day. If you remember when I was really active before all this Achilles/ankle stuff happened—I was doing a HIIT workout once/week, followed by 3 days of combined cardio/weight training (once on my own, twice with a trainer), and a day of active recovery (which was either a walk around the neighborhood or a stroll on the treadmill at the gym followed by either hot tub or sauna time). I was most successful with this kind of workout schedule—that, combined with my diet, and I was losing consistently. I really need to get back to that kind of schedule myself! :wink:

    I am, by no means, an expert (I’ve been struggling too since June) so take my thoughts with a grain of salt. But maybe my ideas will get your mind working in what changes will work for you. I know how frustrated you are, I also know you've got this! :smile:
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Class thing went okay! It helped answer questions but open up a whole bunch of new ones!
    @Grandmakaye welcome back!

    Went to the Y today my water class ! I love it water is my happy place!

    Wednesday Wish! This certified home thing we are doing ! It seems like when ever we work on a project like this that is stressful DH and I fight. He has such a hard time with something that he can't just fix right away and get it done. But this takes a lot of patience . The disagreements will go on Normally till it is over. Than when it is done its over he acts like nothing happen. I wish we could handle this stuff more like adults and work as a team.

    Tomorrow we are taking a break from this stuff going to the state fair as a family!

    Hope everyone has a good evening!

    From Treasure Valley Idaho

  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    I've been really struggling with motivation the past month, ever since I came back from vacation. It's a really vicious cycle: the scale doesn't move, so I get <<feelings>>, so I binge on something, then work really hard to make up for it, but the scale doesn't move, so I get <<feelings>>, so I binge, so I work, and so on. I absolutely know it's destructive, and the bingeing is really a new phenomenon. I mean, yes, I was and am a fat girl, and I've always eaten my feelings, but not like this. I went almost six months doing really well, but all of the sudden, it's "screw you diet, I hate you and Imma just eat this entire sleeve of Ritz crackers because the world is a Nietzschean abyss and what's the point of even trying"

    I swear, for the next couple of weeks I need an accountability buddy or something, like they do with freshly dried out alcoholics. :( I think if I could just break the plateau, I could find my groove again. But I have to stick to the plan for more than a couple days at a time for it to work.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @badnoodle -- sorry you are going through this. If you read my previous post, you know I'm stuck as well. I'm not an emotional eater, but I've also struggled with consistency lately due to my rebellious "no payoff, so why bother?" bad attitude.

    @liz-- glad you like the water class and sorry you and the DH are bickering. I hope your break day at the fair helps.

    @kelley-- thanks for the feedback. I've done a couple of days of research and found the following BMR calculations for me: Harris-Bendict = 1608, Katch McArdle = 1637. I also checked the test I had done in April and it = 1573. I've also read a lot that cautions against eating below BMR which I've been attempting to do all summer with my calories set at 1400. Based on this, I'm going to increase my net intake slightly. I'm also going to change how I count my calorie expenditure which I will outline in my plan below. Please let me know what you think. :smile:

    @kaye-- It's so good to see you back here! Sorry for your backslide--I still haven't made it back to my lowest weight--I've been fighting just to avoid gaining any more than the 10 lbs I put on last school year.

    @tracy-- I do monitor my sodium and other than when I eat out, it's not an issue. It does affect my weight slightly if it's really high, but that's not common for me. My doctor checks my thyroid function every couple of years, and fortunately, it's never been a problem, but thanks for the suggestions. I'm glad you've made the decision to go part time at work, and it seems like a smart move to try to get the HHC job position for yourself. I hope it all works out.

    @trinati-- Fully agree I need to be precise about weighing food and logging accurately going forward, but I was doing that for years with no movement on the scale, so I need to make some other changes as well. I WISH I were gaining muscle and losing fat! But alas, that is definitely not the issue right now. Yes, my scale measures BF% and mine has gone up slightly with the 10 lb gain. More so, I can tell by the way my clothes fit and the jello-like nature of my midriff that I've not gained muscle. I also actually went through that a couple of years ago, so I know what that feels like, and this isn't it. :/

    AFM-- Thanks to everyone for the feedback on my calorie conundrum. As I mentioned to kelley above, my research has brought me to the conclusion that I'm not eating enough calories on a daily basis. As a result, I have too much temptation to ignore my goal whenever a social event or special occasion arises. In addition, I got a fitness tracker this summer, and I've realized as I returned to work this week, that I actually expend a lot more calories in my daily (non-exercise) activity than I had guessed. Over the summer, on days with no formal workout, it was showing somewhere between 300-400 calories burned. However, Monday and Tuesday, I burned close to 1000 calories without any real exercise-- and that was with sitting in meetings for a portion of each day. Today, I spent almost the entire morning in meetings and still expended over 500 calories. Then I walked gunner and went to the gym and I'm close to 900 for the day.

    My conclusion from this is that back when I was working out a lot more and eating about 1800 net/day, I was probably not eating enough calories. I assumed I was just "practicing maintenance," but now I think I may have been taxing my metabolism by not fueling my body enough. So here is my new plan:

    I will eat my BMR + calories expended (based on my tracker which INCLUDES exercise calories) - 500 (1 lb/wk deficit). Because I won't know my total calorie expenditure until each day is complete, I will always use yesterdays numbers for today's allowance. This makes more sense for me anyways, since I tend to work out in the late afternoon or evening. Here is my example of what I mean:

    My BMR is 1573. Yesterday I burned 898 calories according to my tracker, so that = 2471. Now I subtract 500 for my deficit = 1971 calories that I will eat today. Then whatever calories I expended today - 500 will get added to tomorrow's calorie allowance.

    I hope that makes sense. I am taking a big leap of faith that my fitness tracker is accurate. However, I've paid attention to the calorie burn it shows when I'm purposefully working out, and it seems reasonable, so I'm going to trust it for now.

    I will also follow some of the suggestions to raise protein, limit sugar and sodium, etc. My intention with this increase is NOT to just fill the extra calories with junk. I also plan to stick with this for a full month before making adjustments--even if I see a weight gain. It scares the crap out of me b/c I'm so close to 200 and don't want to venture out of Onderland and back in to Twoderville, but I have to be willing to give it fair shot, or it's just a waste.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. clean fish tank

    Fitness Goals for the month of August:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week: Week 1 = 10:32; Week 2 = 10:14, Week 3 = 11:35 (yikes!)
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week: Week 1 = 25:33 & 24:46; Week 2 = 22:37; Week 3 =
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end

    You vs Year Challenge:
    247 k done/ 753 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + mow lawn DONE (back yard)
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE TWICE + gym or run outside NOT DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    Wednesday Wishes

    I wish that everything goes well at my meeting tomorrow at the school. My niece has moved in with me to get a fresh start and make better friends and life decisions. This was her choice not a punishment. So wish me luck that everything goes well.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,979 Member
    @Elizabeth2360 I too love the water aerobic at my YMCA ... but I dont care for the instructors teaching style. It seems she barely knows the moves herself. And, unfortunately she is the class I can go to because I work fulltime.

    @badnoodle I can be your accountability buddy! Everyone has good days and bad days. Keep it simple and find the positives. What can you do confidently well to reach your goal?

    I went for coffee stroll #4 today. Building a new/old habit! Yeah!

    <3 Rach
  • curvymegan89
    curvymegan89 Posts: 98 Member
    Today was not a good calorie day. I ate salt and vinegar chips for lunch, and McDonald's for dinner.
    I've been feeling really stressed lately. I'm moving interstate next year to be with my long distance boyfriend, and registering to be a teacher and find a job in this state is a frustrating process.
  • rhondariley1
    rhondariley1 Posts: 12 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi I am new to this part of myfitness pal. I would like to lose 100 pounds.
    • Starting weight 255
    • Current Weight 242
    • 4 month goal 199
    • Long term Goal 155
    • Exercise goal: at least 150 minutes a week of elliptical. Right now I don't use resistance and the angle or climb is the lowest it can go at 10%
    • Nikion901
      Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member

      I will eat my BMR + calories expended (based on my tracker which INCLUDES exercise calories) - 500 (1 lb/wk deficit). Because I won't know my total calorie expenditure until each day is complete, I will always use yesterdays numbers for today's allowance. This makes more sense for me anyways, since I tend to work out in the late afternoon or evening. Here is my example of what I mean:

      My BMR is 1573. Yesterday I burned 898 calories according to my tracker, so that = 2471. Now I subtract 500 for my deficit = 1971 calories that I will eat today. Then whatever calories I expended today - 500 will get added to tomorrow's calorie allowance.

      Your plan sounds very much like several people on one of the challenges i'm in calculate their calories ... some use a heart-rate activity monitor that resets itself at midnight and they wear it 24/7 to get their expenditure as the day goes on, then they base their meal intake on that. Others do pretty much exactly as you are doing.

      I based my own off the calories I ate over a 6 month period and calculated in the calories from weight loss to find out whay my average TDEE is a day and then cut 500 from that for my target NET calories. Maybe Santa will bring a tracker to place under my Christmas tree this year.
    • Nikion901
      Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
      Thursday Truth ... I had lunch out with close friends yesterday at a very elegant and historic bed and breadfast/restaurant in one of the little villages out beyond the furtherst suburb ring. And what I noticed was that it was a multi-course meal, that each dish was about a taste-and-a-half instead of an entire recipe. Also that when we finished the bread and butter, the soup, the salad, and the entre, we still had plenty of room and desire for a dessert and drink ... and that we each had drunk about 16 ounces of icy cold water during that meal.

      That's one secret to good eating ... small portions, multiple courses. Not one huge portion of 1 course as I usually do.

    • skinnyjeanzbound
      skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
      @niki-- yes, I also wear my activity tracker 24/7, but my version does not have a HRM. I'm taking a leap of faith that it will accurately track caloric burn based on movement, but as I said previously, it seems on target when I workout or am active mowing the lawn, etc. Time will tell. I also based my previous calorie allowance on my TDEE -10%, but it's clearly not working for me, so time for a change. :) I also agree that smaller portions are the way to go; however, I tend to over-indulge when something is extra tasty. :blush:

      @rhonda--welcome to the thread! I started at 247, so very close to your starting weight. Looks like you are off to a good start!!

      @megan-- what state are you in? I'm in IL and have found that almost anything requiring communication with the State Board of Ed is frustrating. I will say though, that the online renewal process has improved quite a bit over the past couple of years.

      @cj-- hope everything went well at your meeting.

      Thursday Truth:
      I'm still hungry, but it's getting better. A colleague suggested the more restricted eating schedule could be a contributing factor, so hopefully my body will adjust before I chew off my arm.

      Tuesday Goals:
      1. clean fish tank

      Grading Goals:
      1. x/81 writing screeners

      Fitness Goals for the month of August:
      Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week: Week 1 = 10:32; Week 2 = 10:14, Week 3 = 11:35 (yikes!)
      Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week: Week 1 = 25:33 & 24:46; Week 2 = 22:37; Week 3 =
      Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end

      You vs Year Challenge:
      247 k done/ 753 k to go

      Exercise Goals:
      Sun-- walk gunner DONE
      Mon-- walk gunner DONE + mow lawn DONE (back yard)
      Tues-- walk gunner DONE TWICE + gym or run outside NOT DONE
      Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
      Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym or run outside NOT DONE
      Fri-- rest day
      Sat-- walk gunner + gym or run outside

    • tootsanderson
      tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
      Good morning. I've been away, and backsliding for quite awhile now. At one time I was within 5# of my goal. I decided that I could slack off and start with a 'maintenance attitude'. Big mistake! I am now 50# from my goal.

      I've done that before, too. Congrats on making your way back!
    • NewCaddy
      NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
      Karen, what type of tracker do you have?
    • skinnyjeanzbound
      skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
      NewCaddy wrote: »
      Karen, what type of tracker do you have?

      It's called Pivotal Living. My mom actually got it for me from the Casino. It was one of those free gifts they give to seniors to get them to come gamble on weekday afternoons. LOL

      It's actually pretty nice. It tracks activity and sleep and it connects to an app on my phone. It looks similar to a fitbit. I would prefer one with a heart rate monitor, but you can't argue with free, right?
    • GOINSTD12
      GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
      Hi, y'all. I gave up on my Misfit, after it broke a 2nd time. Now I'm just using the exercise database and the MapMyFitness app to keep track. I've been working out at my PT 2x week and trying to walk at least 2x week as well. Today I got to use the in-pool treadmill for 45 minutes and got a great workout in, and almost 1.5 miles at really good resistance from the water.
      I got approved for part time, now I will be working 32 hours a week (plus .5 for lunch 4x week) - doesn't seem like much of a reduction but it will make a big difference in the stress level at home.
      I have a base recipe for you that can be used in multiple applications, and it's very very simple:

      2 Tbsp Green Mountain Farms Greek Cream Cheese (sold at Wally World)
      2 oz Dannon Light & Fit Greek Vanilla Yogurt
      1/2 tsp (to taste) ground cinnamon

      Warm the cream cheese approx. 30 seconds in microwave to soften. Mix all ingredients. 80 calories (approx.)

      Recipes to use it in:

      1 Flatout Flat bread, cut in half (100 calories)
      Filling (above) (80 calories, spread 1/4 on each half of flatbread, top with fruit, then dollop the rest on top of fruit)
      4 strawberries, sliced (15 calories)

      Warm the flat bread slightly first, spread filling, top with fruit, dollop with the rest of the filling, roll, enjoy)


      or, just layer 1/3 filling, strawberries, 1/3 filling, blueberries, rest of filling, and add a little more cinnamon on top, for a delicious parfait for less than 100 calories

      Or, top pancakes with filling and strawberries (or fruit of your choice) for a low-fat high protein alternative to syrup or jam.

      Get premade Phyllo cups add filling, top with fruit of choice. Elegant quick dessert for buffet or home dining.

      Use as dip for sliced apples.

      soooo many uses, so little calories. Notice no added sweetener - it's not necessary.


    • cjbrummet
      cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
      Thursday truth

      I went on my first job interview. It was good. I think they will offer me the position. They even talked salary and it would mean a decent pay raise. It is a further commute but the benefits are better and I like the increase in pay. I will work M-F 8 hrs a day. I hope I get it, I am definitely ready for a change.

      Meeting at school went OK not exactly what I wanted but I will deal.

      @skinnyjeanzbound I think that most of the activity trackers with HR monitors are not on 100% of the time, not really sure it is worth the investment. Stick with the one you have.

      @rhondariley1 sounds like a game plan, Good luck to you!

      @curvymegan89 we all have the bad days. Just because you slide off the diet doesn't mean you have to dwell on that. We all fall off, so go ahead and have a slice a cake just don't eat the whole

      @GOINSTD12 I don't blame you for cutting back on the hours but I would hesitate on being his official aide. I think even with the cut back of work hours you are still going to need some assistance so having an aide for a few hours each day will help you. But I trust your judgement on what you can and cannot handle. Hang in there!
    • rhondariley1
      rhondariley1 Posts: 12 Member
      Good luck! I hope you get it. It sounds like you will
    • RachaelPooh
      RachaelPooh Posts: 5,979 Member
      edited August 2016
      I love my Garmin vivofit2! Its pink! Waterproof! I can wear it swimming and to water aerobics! Doesnt ever need charged, battery good for a year! And I have had very few issues with syncing it! I named it because she is "my fitness pal" Wilma. She tracks steps, calories, sleep, walking, running, swimming, and cycling. I have a separate heart rate strap that I can sync with her if I so desire. I got her last xmas on sale for $60, a price I can afford and believe she is worth every penny.
    • GOINSTD12
      GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
      Wilma sounds like a great fitness buddy, @MermaidPrincessRach ! @cjbrummet, my prayers are with you for the job offer. I agree I would like to have an aide as well as myself, unfortunately I live in what appears to be a dead zone for home health aides - the agency I'm currently with only has 2 aides in my area and I fired one of them, the other has too many customers already. The first agency I was with went for 2 months trying to find someone for us and finally gave up. There's only one more approved agency in my area, and the way things are going, they probably don't have anyone either. So I might as well get paid for what I'm already doing, since nobody else wants to.
    • kah68
      kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
      @Karen~ I like your plan, it seems reasonable. If you trust accuracy the caloric burn during every day activities on your activity tracker, I would say that your goal is fair based on your activity level. I think the activity tracker may be more accurate than TDEE—I think there is a larger margin of error because every body is so different and there are some things it doesn’t take into account (i.e. frame size, metabolism, etc.) Only expensive resting metabolic assessments are more accurate, but the fitness trackers learn. If you have days where you get busy and can’t get to the gym/walk gunner you may aim a little lower in the calories you eat just to even things out. I try to do that, on days where I’m just sedentary I try to eat less. I also do not eat back exercise calories--unless I am super low on protein that day, I might add a low calorie protein-based snack. Keep me posted on how it’s working and remember to allow time for your body to adjust. By the way, I had a job come across my desk from the software company that I just became certified in, job is in Chicago—don’t think I can handle the cold though. :wink:

      @cjbrummet~ Hooray for the job interview, I hope you get the job! Great news!!!

      @curvymegan89~ Salt & vinegar potato chips are my favorite I cannot keep them around. I found a great alternative though, salt & vinegar almonds! I’m job searching also; it’s a very frustrating process.

      AFM~Followed up with my surgeon yesterday, I still have to wear the boot at work but can take it off at home—I start PT on Tuesday. We’re also watching a nerve on the outside of my ankle that is inflamed/aggravated (common with this surgery)—hopefully after some ultrasonic treatments and massage in PT it will subside. I’m also allowed to add in the elliptical or arc trainer at the gym, but still cannot ride my bike outdoors. :confounded: Baby steps. Speaking of trackers, a piece is coming loose off of my Fitbit—I contacted them and it is out of warranty but they did offer me a discount, but I’m toying with the idea of an Apple Watch. The Fitbit Blaze is so similar and half the price, wish the Apple Watch wasn’t so pricey.

      On the job front I have a TON of resumes circulating, some promising so I’m continuing to pray something materializes soon—I’d like to find a new job before the end of the year.