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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I'm thinking a lot about the many old friends here who haven't posted for quite awhile. I really miss them. Is anyone in touch with Robin? We surely do miss her. She had so many challenges in her life. I hope she is doing well.
    Wishing everyone a good day. Also wishing that the number which I saw on the scale this morning would hold for tomorrow when I will record my official weight.
    Onward and downward. Kaye

    I'm in touch with Robin. Talked to her a little over a week ago. She has a pet now, a 10 year old small mixed breed dog adopted from a shelter and registered as a companion dog so she can take it everywhere. She is so happy with her new family status of being one plus pet. Every time we talk, she always asks about the regulars that she remembers and wishes everyone success on their journey. Actually ... she logged in a few weeks ago in September and challenged everyone to dance to songs this month as part of their exercise routine.
  • elaineously
    elaineously Posts: 40 Member
    Wednesday wish- I too wish to be out of the 300's! It will be a bit longer for me than for Rach (congrats on getting so close). I'm about 20 lbs away from the 300 mark and it feels like its miles away today.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @pinkstrawberry thanks for the recipe. I was just reading yesterday on the board about pumpkin spice time and people were posting all these things I can't even bring in my house for fear of eating all in one session. LOL I'm heading out soon to grocery shop and pumpkin puree is on the list!!!

    @ Rach Girl you got it going on! I'm so thrilled for you!
    @elaineously 20 pounds does seem like a lot. That is my next goal too, but this much I already know, we can do it if we just keep doing the things we know works for us and don't give up hope! I'm seeing this in my minds eye that you are going to be there and we will celebrate!
    @grandmakaye44 I'm hoping with you for that great number tomorrow

    @Nikion901 thanks for the update on Robin!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Nikion901 Thanks for the update on Robin. Please give her my best when you talk to her. I hope some of our other lost souls will check in soon.
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    @Nikion, that’s for the change chart. I liked it. It is a good reminder, especially the what we do every day versus once in a while. Small and maintainable changes can have a lasting impact.

    @campfirequeen let me know if you see an improvement in your knees by working on your core and legs. My knees are my biggest issue right now and definitely influence the type of exercise I can attempt.

    @badnoodle that is an awesome NSV, I love it. Despite increasing how much I walk I still take the elevator a lot to baby my knees and for convenience. I admire a month of going without.

    My Wednesday wish is for my knees to get better. While the discomfort was what finally prompted me to take my weight seriously and do something about it I really hope that if I lose enough weight that they will get better. I’m scared to think that I might have damaged them permanently. I will be in Egypt in December (lots of stairs no elevators) and so to get in shape I did the stairs in my building slowly yesterday with the goal of doing them daily. It wasn’t too bad and my legs aren’t sore like I thought but my knees are wobbly today. I’ve lost 36lbs so far (under 300 as of Monday) and I haven’t noticed an improvement yet. Hopefully at 250 they’ll be better…
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I have completed 2 weeks of good solid healthy eating, no unplanned indulgences. I went back to basics of eating 3 meals a day with plenty of fresh real food. I feel so much better when I cut out the junk.
    Junk food really does make me hungry, the more of it I eat the more hungry I get. Eating real food at deficit I feel full and eating over 5000 calories a day of junk leaves me feeling hungry.
    My wednesday wish is simply to continue eating real food and feeling satisfied.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @ObesityWarrior - yes, I know what you mean! When I eat junk I never really feel like I've eaten. I keep looking for food, and THAT'S how I end up bingeing. So the trick, for me, is to never eat junk food unless I'm already full from "real" food. That way, nothing is off limits, nothing is "bad," - but all in it's time.

    @dreawest and @campfirequeen1 - at my heaviest (305 lbs), my knees and feet ached all the time. In fact, because I was always in pain I became less and less active and gained more and more weight. Finally I decided to just ignore the pain and started walking. Started losing weight, walked more, lost more weight. I'm now down 72lbs and the achy knees and feet are a distant memory. Really, I don't feel it any more. My Wed wish is that the same happens for you!

    Hugs and best wishes too all!

  • BlueWillowMist
    BlueWillowMist Posts: 12 Member
    Need to lose about 125 pounds and need all the help I can get.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @birgitkwood Love you girl and I'm hoping that you are exactly right!
    @dreawest I will surely let you know how they work and we will work and encourage each other whatever the outcome.
    @BlueWillowMist Welcome you've found the place in this community where you will be encouraged and helped by people who have been where we want to go and those on the same journey, like me. I have at least 125 to lose, so I'm going to be here for a good long while!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!! Sorry for being MIA for the past several days. I have been checking the thread most days, but haven't logged much or had time to post.

    If you recall, last week I had a nasty cold and started really feeling better by Friday (my birthday). Saturday morning I awoke early feeling tired but pretty good for my annual 5k Oktoberfast walk I do with an MFP friend. We met, walked in some drizzly conditions, and hung out for brats and beer afterwards. I only had one sip of my beer b/c I wasn't feeling it, but otherwise all was good. Half an hour later as I arrived home, I started feeling headachy and nauseous. This turned into a terribly migraine that had my laid up the rest of the day. I literally slept from 11 am Saturday until 7 am Sunday.

    I felt much better Sunday, but had 2 days worth of work to complete in just 1, so spent all of Sunday at starbucks grading AP essays.

    Monday and Tuesday were also grading heavy, but I'm finally felling caught up. Today I attended an AP workshop with a colleague. It was a nice break from the usual, and we learned a lot, so a good day.

    I will stop back later to do some personals and post my Wed. Wish.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Karen, happy belated Birthday greetings. Glad you are feeling better
  • kayfhoward1
    kayfhoward1 Posts: 63 Member
    Wednesday Wishes - I wish that I weren't so socially awkward.
  • TXChelleD
    TXChelleD Posts: 76 Member
    I am a (soon to be) 43 year old female that lives in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. I just started back on my weight loss journey after gaining even more weight over the last 8 months. My goal is to lose 100 pounds and to be able to do all the fun activities that I no longer have the energy, stamina or lung capacity for! I just started a new job where I get to work from home. I'm super excited that I just lost my long commute and gained time that I hope to use for walking or exercising in some way every single day.
    I'm open to any and all mfp friends. Let's support each other!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @TXChelleD This is a great place for support. Some of us have been here for a long time cheering each other on. Good luck with your new job and using that extra time for exercise and getting healthy.
    For those of you who are having knee issues, I had to have both of mine replaced. So glad I did. It has made a huge difference in my mobility.
    The scales are down 2# this morning. Wonderland is creeping up there. Can hardly wait to see that again.
    This morning is our Fit and Fall Proof class. For those of you who fit into the "seniors" category, I would highly recommend that you look into this class. Ours is sponsored by the Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare. It is a really good exercise program. Call your local Health and Welfare or your local senior center and find out if its offered in your area. It is very adaptable to your fitness level and would help you get stronger. They use resistance bands and hand weights. Each person can pick the ones that are best suited for them. They have adaptations and you can turn them into chair exercises, too. If you can move at all, you could probably benefit.
    Okay, enough of my soap box. Have a great day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    edited October 2016
    Thursday Truth- I like eating healthy. At Bible study last night, someone brought a bunch of brownies shaped in the breast cancer bow shape with pink icing on them. We don't always have desserts but I always bring my legal snack with me just in case and sometimes, like yesterday, I had plenty of calories left over to have a dessert if I wanted to indulge. My little bag of mini pretzels and a cheese stick looked good to me and I wanted it more than the brownies. That was a nice realization to me, that healthy food is really tasty and filling and I didn't have to worry about getting the blood sugar out of whack and maybe ending up eating a bunch of junk.

    And to be honest, I'm still procrastinating about the two things I want to accomplish but just talking about it, makes it more likely that I will do more today than yesterday to get them on the completed list!

    @Karen ditto what NIki said!!! Missed you! So happy to see you back!
    @Kaye I need to look that class up here. My balance isn't as good as it used to be and it was really not that good when it was better! haha
    @kayfhoward1 That's the great part about online communities, no one knows we are unless we tell them! You don't look socially awkward and I hope I don't either!
    @TXChelleD welcome! the more the merrier!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,092 Member
    @campfirequeen1 that is a GREAT NSV to prefer healthy over junk! WTG!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    SJB- Happy belated birthday!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2016
    Thursday Truth ... I'm curious about the definition of Healthy Food and Junk Food ... Those seem to be the words of the day because I've run across them three times today in reading the community pages, including on this thread.

    I have a strong suspicion that the same food might appear on both lists, depending on the personal preferences of the one doing the eating. I also believe that eating 'healthy' is not a sure-fire ticket to weight loss. So what I am working on is moderation. That means learning to stop at 2 tablespoons of raisins instead of eating a cup of them at one time!

    @Morgori ...Ah,ha ... it was a treat today to see your smiling face in your BD greetings to SJB .... I miss your daily quotes. Hope you are doing great.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @TXChelleD - welcome! I'm new to this these as well and am finding these participants a wonderful source of support and inspiration. You've come to the right place.

    @campfirequeen1 - good job, making the better choice. For me half the battle is knowing, IN ADVANCE, which food choice will make my body feel good and what will make me feel... well, just yucky. Because really, I have no trouble at all scarfing down a pan of brownies and a half gallon of ice cream. But then I feel sick afterwards, and these days I'm doing my best to be mindful of that BEFORE I eat crap.

    @kayfhoward1 - you sure don't come across as socially awkward to me. But as @campfirequeen1 said, that's the beauty of on-line friendships. We all can let it all hang out. It's a nice way to get to know people without extraneous (often unimportant) social "niceties" getting in the way. I like you!

    @Nikion901 - personally I define junk food as anything that I don't really feel good about eating. A pan of brownies will make me sick to my stomach (I know this cuz I've done it ;-)), but ONE brownie following a dinner of baked chicken breast and broccoli is just fine. So for me "pan of brownies" = junk, while A brownie occasionally is healthy.

    Thursday Truth: I really am loving my new healthier lifestyle. I love feeling free inside my body. I love this time of year in upstate NY. Love seeing the leaves turn and having the energy to be out walking in it. I'm meeting a friend for the weekend whom I haven't seen in about a year. Last year I could not comfortably join her in walks and hikes - I was far too out of shape. This year she will have a hard time keeping up with ME :-D