Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2016
    @pneschich ... when I've seen questions like the one you asked on the message boards, there are always a lot of responses along the lines of .... are you certain you are logging your food accurately and completely, have you considered that your exercise routine may not be as strenuous (calorie wise) as you think, have you had the same exercise routine for a more than 4 months without changing/mixing it up? ... Then I usually read the old standard that it's all about calories in vs calories out and that if you aren't losing weight, then the balance between in and out is even so you need to change one, the other, or both. And, some people have been known to do great doing the week where they have a set routine but slack off enough over the weekend to undo everything they did during the week ... This one I know from a friend who always weighed in on Friday and Monday ... and every Monday he would be back up to where he had been on the previous Monday but every Friday he would be a up to 5 pounds lighter ... because on the weekend he didn't eat the same, usually had restaurant meals Friday night and Saturday night, drank a lot of wine with his date, and usually had snacks to go with that wine ... :)
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @Nikion901 yes I went through all of those questions. I don't count exercise against my intake. 1600 cal max of food! I don't care what I do. My walking 3 miles is a bit quicker but not as much of a workout heart rate wise. I don't weigh food but my portions are the same as before. I am pretty faithfull in recording good or bad. I think I must be eating more than I think and it's creeping kind of growth. I have always gained weight/struggled to lose in the fall like I'm going to hibernate. Anyone want to put a theory on that? I'm getting ready for a long winter, Houston winters 3-5 days max for a reformed yankee.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @pneschich - here's a thought ... are you not eating enough? I know it goes against everything I've read and quoted about calories in vs calories out, but for myself I have often been so surprised when I stay at low calories religously and my weight just sits there, then I eat a day or two at maintenance calories and Shizam! the weight drops!

    I like that hibernation idea ... body wants to put on the fat to live off while the cold winds blow. :)
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    According to my dietician 1500 calories is what I should eat to lose healthy. I haven't a clue what my maintenance calories are! I've been losing the same 5 pounds since 9/9!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2016
    pneschich wrote: »
    According to my dietician 1500 calories is what I should eat to lose healthy. I haven't a clue what my maintenance calories are! I've been losing the same 5 pounds since 9/9!

    It took a lot of record keeping on my part, and some ballpark numbers to compare off of, but I finally understand my own numbers better. Actually, when you set up your goals in MFP ia a pretty good place to start figuring it out. It's all averages, anyway, but the premise is that a body has a minimal requirement gor caloric input for evergy to run the body ... that's valled BMR. Then daily living comes into play and mathematical formulas have been developed to give a ballpark figure based on sex, age, height and current body weight. Sometimes that's called TDEE, but I don't think it's an accurate description of TDEE, because TDEE goes up the more active you are.

    When you set up your weightloss goal in MFP, you enter the basics of what is needed to do that calculation, and then you tell MFP how fast, or how much, you want to lose in pounds in a week. IF you tell MFP you want to stay the same, in other words maintain, your current weight, it won't reduce your calorie allowance and will spit out your base TDEE based on normal daily activity levels (sedentary, lightly active, etc).

    Dropping you down to 1500 calories a day is the most aggressive weight loss goal recommended for men, because below that level you are at risk of not getting enough nutrients for health. But actually, when you go ahead and have that gastric surgery, you will be consuming probably only between 500 and 1000 caloriess. That said, depending on how many extra calories a day you are burning through from your exercise, you may well be closer to that 1000 calories a day overall.

    So ... For myself, at age 72, only 5'3" tall and weighing 240 pounds, I have found that I can lose about 1 pound a week with an average daily intake of 1800 calories, if I do enough exercise to burn through about 400 calories a day .. equallying net calories of about 1400. If I eat at closer to 2000 calories, my weight loss pretty much stalls if I don't burn those extra calories through exercise on a consistent basis. My maintenance calories are about 1980.

    I think your maintenance calories have got to be at least closer to 2200 as you are a man. So ... why not try just adding 100 calories to your diet and see what happens after a week. IF you are still stalled, try adding another 50 calories a day and see how you are doing after another week. Just be consistent in both your intake and our output.

    Did I make sense, of did I confuse you?

    PS -- sorry for all the typos, kitty was laying in my arms as I typed ....
    ... and remember, an extra slice of bread is probably more than 100 extra calories; an extra egg, or small apple, or a thumb sized piece of hard swiss cheese would be about there. And a small mound of nuts in the palm of you rhand would be 200 calories.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    I did not feel hungry this morning. In fact, i was all alone last night and tried Halo Top ice cream for the first time. Ate the whole damn pint! Reguardless, I am down 0.2 this morning. Lowest weight of the week so far. And I went back and tracked ... I was under my cal goal. If I continue this, then I expect Saturday to be a good review. I should plan a nice reward for that ... hair dye? beach visit? manicure? idk
    Having bad thoughts this morning. I think it is a sign I am bored and lonely. What can I think about instead that would be exciting in a good way!? Why am I so sad? And lazy!? ... Does that really make me a bad person?! whatever. Maybe a coffee stroll will boost my spirits this morning.
    <3 Rach
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    pneschich wrote: »
    According to my dietician 1500 calories is what I should eat to lose healthy. I haven't a clue what my maintenance calories are! I've been losing the same 5 pounds since 9/9!

    You can try calculating out your maintenance calories using a TDEE calculator. Here's one I really like, since it uses a few different equations and you can take an average of all those calculations -

    Also just try to make sure you're being very precise with weighing and measuring your food. Little inaccuracies really add up, 50 cal here, 100 cal there, etc... try to be especially precise with calorie dense food like peanut butter, oil, dried fruit, etc.
  • stevecorradino5291
    stevecorradino5291 Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning all. I recently just joined myfitnesspal to keep me on the right track. Since April 7th, I've been losing weight, and on September 28th, I hit the 99.5lb lost mark! This was all food related, as I never starved myself, and I actually befriended the elliptical and treadmill over the past 3 months.

    Unfortunately, I needed to remove a hernia Friday night, and I gained 7 pounds when I weighed myself yesterday. My goal is to figure out how I gained so much?! I did "treat" myself while in the hospital, in the form of cookies from my Nonna and Zia's, but not to the tune of a 7 pound weight gain.

    A little distraught, but nonetheless, I'm looking forward to returning to my normal routine. I've always heard patience is a virtue, now I get to practice it.

    Hope everyone is well.


  • readyandwilling2
    readyandwilling2 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Everyone
    Hope your mornings are all starting out well. I did not have a good weekend. Started with a few cookies on Friday (which I know I shouldn't have had) then down the slippery slope I went. Tried getting back on track yesterday but a bake sale at work completely derailed me. My own fault of course but at least I went to the gym. Today is a new day and I am planning on making it a good one. Here's to never giving up.
  • readyandwilling2
    readyandwilling2 Posts: 14 Member
    @veggie16mfp welcome! I just started on this board as well and the people here seem great.

    I really enjoy veggie protein (although I am a meat eater). Different beans, lentils,avocados, cheeses, quinoa...I'm sure I've missed some maybe post a message and ask for others suggestions. Wish you well!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2016
    Tuesday - Goals ... Like most everyone else on this thread, my goal is to lose weight and become more active. One of the challenges I've mentioned before had something posted today that I'd like to share with you on this thread ...

    "Making small, modest changes that stick is also the recommendation of Dr. Mike Evans in this "Change Chart". And it's equally appropriate for weight loss as it is for becoming more active."


    My goal today will be to get up and walk about during the Vice Presidential debate commercials on TV tonight.
  • ashleysayque09
    ashleysayque09 Posts: 16 Member
    edited October 2016
    rats. im messing this up lol
  • ashleysayque09
    ashleysayque09 Posts: 16 Member
    edited October 2016
    my goal is to really make fitness a priority and finally lose this weight.

    i was 250lbs at 5'4
    now im 233 and wont stop till im satisfied. In order to make my weightloss a priority Ive started a youtube channel to document my journey & build a community of ppl so we can all hold each other accountable.

    [Links removed by MFP Staff]
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    idk how to delete my post lol totally didnt mean to spam :(

    Once you hit the 'post reply' button there is no going back and deleting it. Best you can do then is hover over the top right corner of your post until a cogwheel symbol appears ... then click on it and select 'edit post' ... you get 1 hour to edit your post from the time you originally posted it. After that, it's there forever in the cosmic zone as is.

    Good luck on your channel, hope you get the viewer response you're looking for there. And that this endeavor helps you reach your goal.

  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    No change in goals. I still want to do a 5K race and I've been trying to work on jogging a few steps but my knees and hips are just so painful. I decided today to go to the gym and work on strengthening the muscles in my legs and core with some of the push and pull weight exercises. Maybe if my leg muscles support my weight better it won't hurt my knees so much and maybe a stronger core will help the hips. I'm feeling a little discouraged but I'm eating an apple instead of a bag of chips to console myself. I'll take all the progress I can! haha
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Wed Wish- I wish everyone who is missing in action would come home and tell us what is going on! It's not that I don't care about those that are here, I do very much, but I'm concerned about those who aren't!

    I have been lazy about logging my food lately and I know that can lead to disaster for me. Yesterday I vowed to get back to it and I did, but I failed to weigh my food last night so I just estimated and I came up with only a 5 calorie deficit, so I'm hoping I did a good enough job estimating dinner. I haven't weighed yet because I just took my diuretic, but I think I'm at a standstill due to my extras last week, not logging, and not walking my goal for two days this week due to pain. That my friends is how NOT to get the job done! I'm repentant regardless of what the scale says because I haven't been doing my best, and my life literally depends on getting this weight off, so no excuses. I'm not beating myself up. I know that I'm not perfect and I know that a lifetime of poor choices isn't going to be overcome in a few short months, so I'm taking responsibility and getting on down the road to more success! I wish us all to have a great and successful day!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm thinking a lot about the many old friends here who haven't posted for quite awhile. I really miss them. Is anyone in touch with Robin? We surely do miss her. She had so many challenges in her life. I hope she is doing well.
    Wishing everyone a good day. Also wishing that the number which I saw on the scale this morning would hold for tomorrow when I will record my official weight.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    Wednesday Wish ... Really is more of a hope/expectation ... If I continue like I have been this week, then my daily weight indicates that in about a week I will be out of the 300s! So Excited! :smiley:
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning everyone!

    I read a pretty amazing recipe idea and had to share it here. Add 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin puree (type that is 100% pumpkin with no added salt or sugar), cinnamon, and some pumpkin pie spice to 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder then blend everything together into a pumpkin spice protein smoothie!

    The recipe I saw also added a small amount of frozen banana and peaches for sweetness, plus some almond milk, but the protein powder I use already has some splenda in it and I dont have any almond milk so I won't be adding that to mine. Sounds yummy! Can't wait to try it for breakfast tomorrow :)