Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I will do personals later, just wanted to catch up on posts while eating my lunch.

    Wed. Wish:
    That there wasn't a full spread of cookies, cakes, and donuts in my office (it's someone's birthday). :ohwell:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--core work (I have a late meeting so there's no way I will be home to walk gunner before dark)--DONE!!!
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner--DONE!!!
    Wed--walk gunner + core work
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym OR run outside
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym OR run outside
    Sun--walk gunner + gym OR run outside

    Adding grading goals:
    1. 49/49 AP tests
    2. 5/22 Create an ad assignments
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities
    4. x/49 AP journal reflections
    5. x/22 vocab quizzes
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I think I need some advice completely unrelated to weight loss. My sister-in-law recently asked my brudder for a divorce, they are currently still sharing a house but they(she) plan to separate after the holidays. So my question is this, do I still give her the Christmas gift I made for her or can I be the vindictive jerk my brother refuses to be? Maybe my goal in life should be larger than vindictive jerk?

    Aug - This is a tough one. I know you love the brudder and loyalty will be with him. With that said, I think your the bigger person for giving her the gift. At least you can go to bed knowing you did the right thing since it's already made. Now next Christmas could be a different story and the tie is no longer there. Again, without the whole story and none of my business either I might add, it's not really for me to decide, but for you to follow your heart.

    I had to bite the bullet a few years back. I went through a pretty rough divorce eight years ago and my son was only 2 (after 10 years of marriage). I reached out to his dad's side of the family so my son can still have contact with them. His Dad has chosen to be a dead beat dad and has seen him maybe 5 times in the past 5 years and the last time was Christmas 2010. Plus, he's well over $60K in child support. When kids are involved, it's a completely different story. I'm going back to Atlanta next weekend so my son can spend Christmas with his dad's family. It's going to be tough because I think he's going to show up (the family has warned me). This is one area where I'll say I am the better person and have built a solid life for my now 10-year old son. Life is great and I couldn't ask for more!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I have seen a few ways to make pizza for people that hate to give it up. There are cauliflower crust versions and others. I liked the meatzza versions the best. Here are some links you will have to cut and paste of meatzza recipes. I use low sodium, low fat ingredients and lean meat when I can to make it even better health wise.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    In so much pain today, but did go to gym and water walk plus partake of the sauna, whirlpool and steam room. Back on good eating and took some vitamins. I don't take narcotics for pain but suspect if I had some today I would, which is exactly why I don't take them. Will have to muddle thru with advil and hope this passes as it sometimes does. If it gets much worse, I will go for acuptunture.

    Got some work done today which is good because the past 3 days have been non productive. Good to get all the pizza recipes. This is all about planning and that is my weak area.

    Susan, you have the right attitude. I maintain a good relationship (well from her perspective) w/my ex granddaughter in law, even though she has stolen from me and caused all sorts of chaos in my family. I do this for the sake of my darling great granddaughter, who didnt ask to me involved in this drama. I called the granddaughter in law yesterday to see what type of clothing the baby needed and to discuss Xmas so we would not duplicate our efforts. She seemed appreciative.
    Aug - You never know, the couple might get back together and withholding the gift would cause problems in that event.

    trhhr06 - I lost someone dear to suicide. It is something you never get over. It is good she is getting help. Sometimes the brain chemicals are out of whack. She needs lots of patience. I has nothing to do with the amount of love being given, but rather whether the person can receive the love

    Kelley - That's exactly what happened to my friend. Her now hubby happened to be working on the power lines and knocked on her door to let her know the power was going to be off for a while and she happened to be home that day. The rest is history, so keep your eyes open, you never know who or what will come into your life. And you looking so svelte, you are ready for that adventure. Have a nice time at the party
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    In case you were wondering, when you sneeze into your c-pap machine it's really gross and it needs to be cleaned.

    Tuesday goals - get over this sinus issue. Start/Finish Christmas shopping. Water, water, water.

    Karen - I hope you're knee recovery is quick.


    ewww, gross....been there done that!!
    thanks for your good wishes
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    It feels like my family is under attack, a death, a heart attack and diagnosis of alzheimers. I think my only goal is to survive 2012.

    sometimes survival is all you can strive for......hang in there
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    aug- take the high road...give her the gift

    tina- my heart breaks for your neice. Just be there for her

    wed wish- that, just once, i did not wake up with depression....just once......would be nice
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kaye -- can't they give you a painkiller that will work for overnight? You need your sleep.
    @Katie -- I knew I'd always be hopeless about going to the gym; that's why I found stuff I could do at home. Funny, when I think 'oh, if I don't go out I'll have to still do cardio', it persuades me to go out.
    @Aug -- good to see you joking again! At least, I hope the sneezing in the c-pap was a joke... And on the sister-in-law, I'd still give her the gift. Firstly, you made it specially for her, and secondly, they may change their minds over the holidays and then you'd feel awful if you went the vindictive route. It's always better to try to stay on the higher path.
    @Robin -- ah, fresh cookies. That's only 3 days worth of deficit though, so you'll be back on track in no time.
    @spookytune -- Hope you're feeling better now.
    @Angelika -- thinking of you; hope things ease up for you and your loved ones soon.
    @Tammy -- well done on the massive SV!
    @Jana -- well done on resisting temptation! I don't run daily because I always feel a bit creaky the day after running. I did run two days in a row last week but it was a special case.
    @Lmackbethi -- glad to see you're enjoying the Wii Fit, and with a bit of luck going for the 'hanging around with a six year old' exercise plan.
    @Karen -- with my HRM it often skips beats when running. So when I stop my heart rate goes up a load... which just isn't right. So if you're working really hard and not burning very many cals, it might be that it's missing beats. You can tell by looking at the results, or taking your heart rate by hand and comparing it to what the HRM is saying.
    @Katrena -- what a good idea on the wearing lovely things!
    @Susan -- love the portobello pizzas.
    @Tina -- that must be so worrying! But I think when the kids are that little, it's mostly reflecting their starting to understand about death and trying to work through ideas. I know that my daughter went through a really mopey stage when she was about 8 or 9 and we were quite worried about her for a while. But now she's 15 and remarkably upbeat for a teenage girl.

    Wednesday wishes: Hope my son manages to keep his room tidy until the cleaners come on Friday! It's tidier than it's been for years; we filled the main bin, the recycling bin, and an entire shopper load of stuff to take down to the charity shop. And there are a pile of 100 books he doesn't want any more that my daughter needs to sort through -- and then they can go to the charity shop too. He now has *two* empty shelves. So we're well prepared for Christmas. Next up, my daughter's room: I've been threatening for a month that if she doesn't do it herself I will *help her*.

    Today's walk -- well, I took the wrong bus back from badminton (oops..., thought it would go quite near my house but it doesn't); ended up by the little antiques/craft market so strolled around there for a bit and then walked home.

    Hope your Wednesday's going really well.

    -- Alison
  • lmackbethl
    Just a quick check-in to say I got the job!!! WHOOT-WHOOT!!!! I will burn about a million calories a week chasing that little boy around!!!! :happy:
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    My wish for today is to be consistent.

    lmacbeth: Congratulations. That's a double dipper
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lmack--Congrats!! :drinker:

    @tina--sorry about your niece. It's so tough when they are that age to know how much they really understand the seriousness of suicidal talk. Of course, you have to respond by taking it seriously, but there is always the worry that the response will negatively reinforce the behavior by giving it attention. So sorry you and your family are going through this.

    @alison--I don't understand how I will know if my HRM is skipping by looking at the results after the fact--do you mean by looking at the average HR?. There were a few points where I know the HRM wasn't reading my heart rate b/c it read all zeros, but when I was done, it gave an average heart rate that seemed reasonable.

    I will do more personals later.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--core work (I have a late meeting so there's no way I will be home to walk gunner before dark)--DONE!!!
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner--DONE!!!
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core work
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym OR run outside
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym OR run outside
    Sun--walk gunner + gym OR run outside

    Adding grading goals:
    1. 49/49 AP tests DONE
    2. 5/22 Create an ad assignments
    3. x/11 AP analysis activities
    4. x/49 AP journal reflections
    5. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE
    6. 15/30 Scarlet Letter essay plans

    Working on goal #2--hope to finish them tonight.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    My Wednesday Wish: And how I need it now. See I just found out that my 8yr old niece has been contemplating suicide. Yes, I said my 8yr old niece. I am still numb from finding this information out. My niece is admitted to the hospital and they are I suppose taking the steps to get her better. I just don't understand. I'm so confused. Either way my wish is that my niece not feel the way she is and that she feels the love all around her from her sister and mother and family. I just can't imagine what could make this sweet little girl who is only 8 have these feelings. I know she has been through a lot in the past couple of years but I still don't understand. And I don't know what to do. So I will try to check in but my mind is just not here right now.


    I can't even imagine this happening. I lost my best friend to suicide in the 8th grade. This was 30 years ago. I still remember hearing about it, attending the funeral and the sad memories versus the good times we had together. She definitely needs an intervention immediately. This is nothing to take lightly especially at such a young age. My son is battling a bit with depression. Even last night he came into my room in tears. He wants to live with me forever and doesn't want me to ever die. It's the hardest discussions to have with children to discuss death. I never belittle his feelings of course, but I know in a year or so when he's in middle school many of these emotions will change. With that said, I'm putting in a call to a counselor. He's been to talk to someone before. It's so important for people to take action and as parents we have that responsibilty for our children. Thoughts and prayers go out to your family as you learn how to handle this delicate, precious little girl.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Just a quick check-in to say I got the job!!! WHOOT-WHOOT!!!! I will burn about a million calories a week chasing that little boy around!!!! :happy:

    AWESOME!!! I know you've been looking for awhile so I'm so happy the door opened. Accept those exercise calories any way you can get them. Good for you!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and words about my niece.

    Just so you know it's something very serious. She is not allowed to go back to school until she talks to someone professional. Come to find out an incident that occurred her and her older sister who is 11 were arguing and Hannah the 8yr took a knife to her stomach and was threatening to do something, my older niece harley said that hannah was scaring her so hannah stopped. Hannah said she was kidding which is why Harley never said anything. But after having the class about suiced and signs of it she went to the counselor. And Hannah admitted to having planned out and knowing what she was going to do and explained it. But she said she never did it because it would hurt her mom and sister. She understands, she has lost 2 important people in her life. Either way she is the one that wanted to stay at the hospital because she is tired of feeling this way. She wants the help.
    Again still feeling numb and hard to know how to feel but if she is home this weekend I am going to stay with my sister.

    Thank you everyone.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    My Wednesday Wish: And how I need it now. See I just found out that my 8yr old niece has been contemplating suicide. Yes, I said my 8yr old niece. I am still numb from finding this information out. My niece is admitted to the hospital and they are I suppose taking the steps to get her better. I just don't understand. I'm so confused. Either way my wish is that my niece not feel the way she is and that she feels the love all around her from her sister and mother and family. I just can't imagine what could make this sweet little girl who is only 8 have these feelings. I know she has been through a lot in the past couple of years but I still don't understand. And I don't know what to do. So I will try to check in but my mind is just not here right now.


    Tina - Your niece WILL get better.... I feel for you for having this terrible shock and pain for your niece. KJeffries in her answer did an excellent job in explaining about the brain chemicals. Its appalling that an 8 year old can be exposed to so much stress that her poor little brain can get that worn out, but in our remarkable lives, it can happen. Especially to sensitive souls who learn to worry at too young an age. The hospital is an appropriate place for her right now, so she can rest. She needs to learn her coping skills and various ways to manage life, and her family will need to do a little work too. But she'll emerge from this stronger and be a finer person for it.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just a quick check-in to say I got the job!!! WHOOT-WHOOT!!!! I will burn about a million calories a week chasing that little boy around!!!! :happy:

    Such good news and such a great sounding job - perfect for you! Doing the happy dance for you! :smooched: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I guess I have more than one.

    1) Get over this cold!!! I haven't exercised because of my coughing. I want to feel better and fast.
    2) I just hit my 125 days of logging. I wish to see another 125 days of logging.
    3) I'm with Kelly. A guy would be nice right about now. It's been 8-years since my divorce. Granted, I haven't opened the door either because of my son, but I "think" I may be ready.
    4) Next weeks trip back to Atlanta goes smoothly especially the visit with my son's "other" side of the family
    5) All Christmas shopping is done without any added debt.

    Life is good, but just a few little wishes.

    Happy Hump Day!!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Wednesday wish - surviving this week. It's been a living hell, and I'm in a huge amount of pain (both physical & emotional) today.

    I really feel my problems are so small compared to some of what I've read today - so you all have my heart & best wishes.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tina--so glad your niece is getting the help she needs and that she WANTS the help--that's huge! I also think it's a good sign that she recognizes how much it would hurt her family if she did follow through with her plans. People who do follow through have sunk so deep into their depression that they cease to consider the effect on others or they assume others will be better off without them. So it's good to hear she's getting help before she's reached that point. My heart goes out to you and your family. :flowerforyou:

    @susan--hope the visit with your ex's family goes smoothly.

    @aug--though I understand you "vindictive" feelings, I agree with others that you will probably feel better about yourself if you make the choice to be the bigger person.

    @alison--all of your talk of cleaning house is motivating me. I really need to do a thorough cleaning and get rid of some junk.

    @karenleona & kaye--glad you two are on the mend and hope the night time pain eases quickly.

    With all of the talk about maintaining good relationships with family and "ex" family, it's making me think a lot about how to get through the rest of the holidays with my in laws. My MIL has gotten really unstable and needy over the past few years, and it's only gotten worse now that my husband's older brother is having some issues. He's always been pretty high-strung and bounces from job to job to job. Spent much time living on my MIL's couch until DH and his sister told BIL (& MIL) it had to stop. She lives in government assisted housing and could lose her subsidy if caught with a "roommate." So for the past couple of years he's been on his own. He started acting really strangely a few months back--leaving weird messages on our answering machines and sending out strange text blasts. MIL finally had an intervention (which some of you may remember we weren't invited to and then got chastised for not coming). BIL didn't respond at 1st but eventually had his sister take him for an evaluation. MIL got mad that SIL took him instead of her (how messed up is that?! I mean, who cares who took him as long as he went!?!). Anyway, BIL was diagnosed bi-polar which we all suspected and is now on meds. MIL is letting him stay w/her which bothers my husband and SIL, but they realize their mom's need to help him.

    I'm glad BIL is getting help, but now that she's gotten her oldest son on track, she's looking for someone else to "fix" and has set her sights on my husband. He is a homebody who described himself as a "recluse" when we 1st started dating. That is an exaggeration, but he's not big on socializing with "new" people and doesn't have any close friends as they've all moved away. Now his mother has started bugging him about "sitting home alone all day." He doesn't sit home on the couch pining away--he likes to cook and clean. He does most of the grocery shopping and likes to fix things around the house. He also will go have a beer with his coworkers now and then, so he's not really a "recluse." Anyway, his mom started bugging him about it at Thanksgiving. Then she started asking about our medical insurance--What kind of coverage do you have? How much are your premiums? Is it an HMO?--stuff that's really not any of her business. He kind of made that clear and she got upset and asked why he was so angry. Really?!? It's obvious that she's prying b/c she wants to see if he has psych coverage--like she's planning to get him evaluated as well and wants to know if it will be covered. Did I mention she spent much of her life working admissions in a psychiatric hospital? Due to that, she's always searching for what's wrong with everyone and tries to "diagnose" them even though she has no credentials to do so.

    I guess the whole point of this long rant (sorry about that--guess I just needed to vent) is that I'm having a tough time being gracious to her. I'm really not looking forward to the upcoming holidays with my in laws. :ohwell:

    If you made it through all that--thanks for listening. I know there are people here (and elsewhere) with bigger problems, but all this talk of strained family relationships brought this to the surface.
  • lcunningham12
    You guys and gals have any ideas of what I should do to help me lose weight. I am on a calorie counting diet, walk daily, and do zumba.. But I'M worried its not enough. Anything will help. Thanks. Lauren