Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Well, the scale moved again. Miracles do exist. All kidding aside, I guess my trainer was right. My body needed a shock and wasn't getting enough calories. I was doing about 1,400 or less and now aim for 1,600-1,700. Plus, with the exercise this week, the scale moved twice. Woo Hoo!!!

    This morning I had a 9:00 massage at the Aveda Institute. My new find and love it! Student led instruction, but the cost is so much cheaper and they really do good job. So far I've had a facial, cut/color and now a massage. Very nice. After being relaxed, I hit the gym. It probably defeats the stress relief, but I did laps in the pool then the whirlpool for a few minutes. Lunch was some chicken & artichokes plus a nice big salad. I feel very content. I need to get my butt moving though and do some house work. Yuck!

    @ Tracy - The trainer told me normally the soreness comes 48 hours later and for me that's been the case. She's been really careful and gradually increased the weight so I'm not too sore and can't go on. It's been really good for me and you will start to see how much stronger you'll become. Good for you!

    @ Kelley - I really need to get a darkening shade. I've never see such bright sun than in Vegas. I don't know why it's different than Atlanta, but it just seems to much brighter. I'm thinking tomorrow will be a rest day for me. This week has been nuts with Wednesday being over 19,000 steps and yesterday was over 14,000. Plus, I have the trainer on Monday too so tomorrow may be a little rest or I'll take a nice leisurely walk outside. Weather is absolutely gorgeous.

    @ Karen - You're doing great and will get those papers done I'm sure of it.

    @ Robin - Edge of seat? Do share!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~Enjoy the party tonight, you deserve it after all of that grading!

    @Susan~Awesome job this week, so glad the scale is moving again! :happy:

    @Beth & Tom~I can't sync my Fitbit until Monday when I get to work (left the dongle there) :grumble: , so you'll probably inch ahead of me in steps.

    The much needed storms have arrived, the temp outside has dropped some but its still really muggy - nice excuse to spend the afternoon indoors! :wink:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--robin is on the edge of her seat waiting to hear about my grading--NOT! :laugh:

    Saturday Success:
    Done for today--I didn't quite make my goal, but I am right at the halfway point. I would really like to finish tomorrow, but 28-30 will do.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 36/73 AP essays
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Enjoy the party tonight. Great progress on the grading, hope you finish them tomorrow. Hopefully, your school year gets better soon as well. I totally understand feeling overwhelmed on top of a day of pointless meetings, wishing you valuable topics.

    kelley- A workout with your trainer and 5K run on top of it. The trainer will be proud no doubt.

    Susan- Glad the new program is working for you to get the scale to move. I hope that you and Cyrus will be able to meet us in New York next year. I have only been once and that was with a school trip. I want to spend more time exploring the city.

    Gorilla- The boys are so handsome. Good luck with your run tomorrow. Next year, be ready for some company on the run, I am planning on coming. So keep us posted on the date.

    Tracy- Glad the lifting session went well. A way to relieve the sore muscles is to soak in a tub of hot water with a cup of apple cider vinegar. It really does work and is very relaxing. I am usually sore 2 days after a lifting workout. It does get better.

    Friday- went climbing as usual, I really needed that for my sanity. I am stuck with the kid who is driving me insane but we need to try other options. This is just frustrating to me. I hope they move him sooner rather than later but I can't hold my breath. I did climb easy that way I did not add any new bruises to my knees (I think :laugh: ). The vinegar bath may have helped them last night as well and I was not as stiff this morning. I asked my principal when I can go back to teaching one grade and he said hopefully next year. My response was if not let me know so I can start looking for something else. He has no clue how bad it is and my level of frustration. I am still praying for a miracle that we will get an additional staffing position.

    Saturday- Today was a relaxing day. I did make myself get up and go to the pool. Did a deep water aerobics class today for about 45 minutes. I really enjoyed it and it will be a great core workout. I did not swim laps but next week I will. Then I got my hair done, will get a picture tomorrow of the new style. Tonight, it was a high carb dinner of pasta, bread and salad. Hopefully, I ate enough of the pasta so I will have energy for tomorrow. I could not bring myself to finish the whole dish as it was very rich and I did not want an unhappy stomach tonight or tomorrow. My success this week was climbing easy and going to water aerobics today.

    Sunday-I am going to use the anger and frustration of school and kids to get threw the race tomorrow. I told my friend tonight that if I am acting sluggish all she needs to do is bring up school and the kids and that will get me going during the race.

    Hope everyone has a great run/walk tomorrow.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    This could be my success for the past week.

    Exercise Goals for this week
    Sunday- Bike- 7.6 miles around the neighborhood. Out on my own today and on city streets. DONE
    Monday- Trainer workout and 5K prep DONE
    Tuesday- Gym row and bike DONE
    Wednesday- Rest maybe bike after work before a meeting or working late DONE
    Thursday- REst after work meeting REST
    Friday- Climbing DONE
    Saturday- Deep water aerobic, DONE
    Sunday- 5K then maybe a bike ride with a friend.

    My workout goals for Next week

    Sunday- 5K + bike ride (?)
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday- REST DAY
    Wednesday-Trainer ( I figured I will need a stress relieving workout due to school)
    Thursday- REST or gym or swim
    Saturday- water aerobics and ????

    My weight is heading down slightly so that is good news.

    Tonight, I received a great compliment about my weight loss. I knew this person back in the 80's-90's when I was helping with Sunday School. She noticed how much I have lost and how great I am looking. It was very nice to hear, especially since the scale has been so picky lately with wanting to drop.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I am so inspired by everyone's efforts to support Gorilla and Laurie on their run's tomorrow ! I HAVE to do something to so I am going to walk and think of you all while I am walking. Its something I can do to participate. I sure won't set any records, but at least I'll be with you all in spirit too.

    Had a great day today and got tons of walking in while accomplishing so much. As I mentioned yesterday I couldn't leave the house due to nerves, but today I conquered that and was out of the house quickly and ran errands and did mall-walking at the same time. Also hit Goodwill and got 4 new tops for my volunteer job - wanted jackets but none were out. Only spent $21.00 - Yippee! Then spent the evening playing board games with Meet-Up group friends at a pizza place, where I bypassed the pizza and just had an appetizer, felt it was a very successful day :bigsmile:
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Well, I'm partway through my 2nd night of 3 and not too bad. Slept really well today and had my meals all planned out so no chance of messing up there. I find it really helps to keep me on track if I plan out my w/e meals ahead of time. I try to cook a little extra on my days off so that I can have a prepared meal for the nights that I'm working.
    I read through all the posts and feel so bad. It seems like everyone is running/walking/biking or climbing. I feel like such a slug as I still have not gotten into any kind of an exercise routine yet. I wanted to concentrate on my meals for the first month back so I guess its time now to start adding in some exercise. Going to try getting back with my Wii Fit programs to start and then go from there. It worked for me the last time to keep the weight loss going and I enjoyed it. Just hope my back and knees can take it. I'm a couple of years older now and my joints are not being kind to me. Sometimes wish you could just stick a big needle in the joints and inject some lubricant or numbing agent into the joints. I'm going to use all of you as my inspiration to keep motivated.
    Hope everyone is having a great w/e and good luck with the runs on Sunday. Charlotte
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @charlotte--I hope you find an exercise routine that works for you, but I bet you get a lot of steps in during your 12-hour shifts. As far as the achy joints, have you ever tried taking glucosamine? My husband takes it for his arthritis in his wrist (when I remember to buy it :blushing: ) and he seems to think it helps some.

    @robin--that's awesome that you found some new tops at Good Will!! I am reaching the point of needing a few new items for work as well--may try to fit in a shopping trip next weekend.

    @laurie--I am also planning to run the Tunnel Tower next year. I mentioned it to my husband the other day, and he was very supportive of the idea (important as he'll have to stay home to take care of gunner). I also just checked to see how many miles I would need and have almost enough right now, so my flight should be covered. Once we know the exact dates we can get some hotel suggestions from gorilla and start pricing rooms. I'm pretty low-maintenance and have no qualms about sharing a room and even a bed if kelley, beth, or any others can swing the trip. I'm guessing susan and cyrus will get their own room, but maybe we can coordinate to stay in the same hotel--or at least hotels near each other. Good luck tomorrow!! I know you'll do great!!

    AFM--the Octoberfest party was a lot of fun. I ate a bit too much, but I logged as best I could. I'm sure I missed a few stray bites, but I believe I was still within maintenance, so no harm, no foul.

    Tomorrow is the Bears/Lions game but I have to grade and want to hit the gym. :noway: My tentative plan is to get up and head to starbucks for a few hours before the game. I will pack my gym clothes b/c the gym is across from starbucks. I can watch the game while I lift and run my 5k on the treadmill. Then I will head home to watch the end of the game, shower, and eat lunch. After that I can head back to starbucks for a couple more hours of grading. It's not my ideal Sunday, but at least I will get to work out and watch my Bears. It will also give me a nice break in the middle of my grading so I don't burn out before I reach my goal of 28-30 papers. That would leave me with only 7 papers which I can get done on Monday while my AP students take their unit test.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym or run outside) NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE PLUS GYM (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift + run 5k) NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + cardio (at gym or run outside)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 36/73 AP essays
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Karen made me realize I hadn't posted an update on Buddy (my pooch). Thursday, we thought we were losing him. He couldn't walk, at all, but when he suddenly could lift his head, we felt hope. They sent us home Friday with a fluid kit, which my sister (luckily) is comfortable using on him. I am a weenie when it comes to needles. Today, he pushed himself up and walked a couple of steps on his own! We are thrilled beyond belief! He is still in a lot of pain, and we have to carry him everywhere (even to piddle), but he is fighting to win.

    Okay- Let's see if I can follow directions on minimal sleep... The first one (if it works) is what I walked out to this morning. (I take the early in the night shift, my son, Anthony takes the 3am and on shift).


    This is my sweet Buddy boy eating on his own (It's the little things)

  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    OK so can I join here? Looks like some good motivation going on. My name is Linda and I have about 100 lbs to lose from where I am now which is 224 as of this morning. . Started for the 2nd time @ 250 lbs after losing 117 lbs and gaining all but 17 back. Need to figure out the keeping it off part and the lifestyle change permanently. Cannot do that till all the excess is gone again. Never did the friend thing before. Feel embarrassed by my failures. Looks like I am not alone in this but it is embarrassing. Glad to see dog lovers here as I have eight of them -I know - crazy dog lady - but less trouble than one child and great unconditional love.

    Right now the weight loss is slower that I would like to see it but it is going in the right direction and not in the wrong direction. Have no excuse not to exercise - have treadmill, stationary bicycle and weights in the basement - accumulated from years of fighting this fight. And lots of dogs that would like to walk more and more and more and more. I have lots of excuses. None of them very valid. Need to work on that.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--glad to hear buddy is improving. I would also be squeamish about the fluid kit--had friends who had to do that for their cat and I couldn't imagine doing it myself. However, given how much I love and spoil gunner, I'm sure I would manage (or like you, find someone to help me with it).

    @linda--welcome to the group--you've joined by simply posting. I have a few other friends on MFP who've gone through that same pattern of losing but struggling to maintain. I seem to have the opposite problem--I've been stuck at maintenance for a year. Unfortunately, I'm a good 30-50 lbs from what I imagine will be my goal weight. :grumble: Post often and the wonderful people in this thread will keep you motivated!

    Sunday Share:
    Hi everyone! As I responded to linda, it made me wonder how long I've been "maintaining" rather than losing weight. Well I just checked my weight entries, and I've been bouncing around within the same 10-lb range since last august. :noway: Now I know some of it is due to calorie adjustments, and some of it is due to adding in weight lifting. But really, most of it is due to my inability to CONSISTENTLY eat what I'm supposed to eat. Case in point, I've been tracking weight, bf%, and water ratio since Sept. 3, and over the last couple of days I finally started to see a movement down. Then, last night I went to an Octoberfest party and ate crap all night. Of course this morning the scale was back up a couple of pounds.

    Now anyone who knows me on this thread knows I don't sweat the little fluctuations on the scale. I'm the queen of maintaining my calm in the face of some water weight due to sodium or muscle soreness or whatnot. However, that's a lot easier to do when the general trend on the scale is downward.

    Of course, none of this means I'm giving up the good fight, just venting some frustrations with the process. I just committed to lifting heavy and doing HIIT, but I need to make a commitment to eating better. Even with my focus on more protein (which I've really been doing better at), I'm still eating too many unplanned cookies and candies at work. This week is my birthday (monday) and a colleagues is wednesday. We agreed to combine the "treat" day to tuesday, and I've already decided my treats will be healthy--hummus and pretzel crisps, maybe some fruit, and a traveler of coffee from starbucks. I know the other birthday girl is also concerned with health, so I'm sure I can nudge her in the healthy direction as well. I also need to commit to making my healthy lunches so I'm not caught unprepared when the donuts show up on the table (which seems to be happening more often than not this year).

    As usual thanks for listening.:flowerforyou: Heading out to walk gunner and then starbucks for some grading before the Bears/Lions game. I'm on track for my plan--will probably miss the beginning of the game, but not a big deal as I can see the highlights during halftime.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym or run outside) NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE PLUS GYM (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE TWICE + gym (lift + run 5k) NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift + run 5k)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 36/73 AP essays
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Naceto - I'm so happy to see pictures of Buddy looking perky and eating! you must be so happy he is on the road to recovery..... and your son is adorable too....what a cute snapshot.

    Skinny - you are being very introspective about your weight and not losing for over a year. It is interesting to note that you have been in maintenance and doing so well - I congratulate you for that - think of that as an absolute success and be very proud of yourself as that is how you are going to have to live the rest of your life.
    Now you do know how to drop the weight and you are about to do that - it involves avoiding ALL temptations 100% of the time 7 days a week. NO donuts, no treats, no snacky good stuff at work.
    That is the difference, fluctuation vs. strictness. You got it sister!
    I was dumbfounded last night at the pizza place with my MeetUp friends at the large amount of food everyone ordered and ate - and me with my meager appetizer that I stretched out and made last for an hour. It was an incredible difference in amount of food.- and I was happy when I got on the scale this morning to see that I had remained the same weight this week as I had been on a zig-zag course this week as well, eating more carbs than I normally do. Whew.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I did it, really did it. 5K completed in 37.46 minutes and I ran the whole thing. :bigsmile: :laugh: :wink: :smile: :happy: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The last .5 miles was the most difficult and I did not have the burst of speed at the end that I wanted but it was okay. My side was hurting at that point. I did decide that I don't like the number hitting my arm while I run as it is uncomfortable. I finished 34th in my age group but that span was 40-49 so I am happy about that.

    Robin- sounds like you had a great day yesterday and good job with the food during game night. Good for you going out to walk today.

    Karen- Hope you get your grading done today and enjoy the football game. I been maintaining for the past year or so and like you I need to focus on my eating. I am also easy to get along with when it comes to sharing hotel rooms and going out with people. It is great that your hubby is on board for this trip. Happy Birthday- may you have a great year.

    Nicole- Happy to hear that your dog is doing better. Nice picture.

    Charlotte- I also take glucosamine for my knees and joints. It does seem to help with the knees.

    Kookyk9s- Welcome to the group. Hope you come back often and get to know us.
  • Helenavee42
    Sunday share: I'm Helena and I'm 23. I live In Southeast Texas. I have over 100 lbs to lose. I have 2 fur babies, my wonderful pup Deputy, and a fuzzy little chinchilla. I live with my mom and she is battling stage IV breast cancer, some days are harder than others but we'll make it through.

    Laurie: Great job on the race!!!!

    Naceto: Glad buddy is making progress. Cute pictures too.

    Susan: Sadly I did not get my walk in on friday. I got home and had to go pick up dinner for my family.

    Well I met this guy last night in person that I met on a dating site a few days ago. Normally it takes me longer to get to know someone but I think I'm really into him. He's really big into nutrition, which is super awesome, we talked about that and have generally the same point of view on it. He's so different than what I'm used to in a guy but I really dig him. I think it looks promising as of right now. :happy:

    Well I hope everyone has a great day,
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~Yay, awesome job and great time! :bigsmile: I ran my 5k today also, I had to split it up though - did 1.1 miles before a session with my trainer and then did the other 2 miles afterwards. I did it in 40 minutes, but was pretty spent the last 1/2 mile or so.

    @Nicole~Buddy is so cute! I'm glad he is improving.

    @Karen~I can sympathize with your frustrations regarding the scale as well. I seem to play around with the same 5-10 pounds lately, I do see changes in body fat% and muscle% so try to be happy with that. My stamina while running is improving too, its hard sometimes to think of these little changes when we want so much for that blasted scale to cooperate! :grumble: Enjoy the game today.

    AFM~In support of Laurie and Gorilla I did a 5k today as promised. I completed 1.1 miles before a session with my trainer and then finished after our session - he still threw intervals into my session though, I'm spent! :laugh: I'm mad at myself for forgetting to wear my Fitbit to the gym though! :mad: I would have clocked over 15k steps today otherwise, at least I remembered my HRM.

    Exercise Goals this week:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday`Training Session DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Elliptical at home before work DONE!
    Saturday~Ended up being a rest day
    Sunday~Training session + 5k DONE!

    Time has really gotten away from me today, I guess because I was at the gym longer than usual on a Sunday - lots to finish up around here, but will try to stop back later.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    In support of Laurie and Gorilla I walked a mile today.....I know its not much compared to their efforts and also Kah's 3 miles on their behalf too.

    I also have to give Kudo's to Kaye because I've walked in her shoes now, and it ain't easy! I'm sweaty and my legs are shaky - I thought my squats had prepared me better - and the weather was just right too. I must do this more often!

    Helena - how lucky to have met a nice guy! Hope it proceeds well.

    KarenLeona - Just FYI - I finally bought new bra's - yippee!

    Kooky9 - welcome - yep -you just joined by posting - just keep on doing it!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    Just a quick check-in to give my brain a break from grading.

    @laurie--congrats on finishing your first 5k--that's an awesome time, too!

    @robin--I know you are right about the food--thanks for the pep-talk and the great example you set at the pizza joint. I'm going to focus more on meeting my calorie goal and my protein goal every day this week!!

    AFM--I slept later than I had planned but got about 10 papers graded before half-time. Then I went to the gym and watched the 2nd half while I worked out. Bears lost, but at least I watched what had to be the better half as far as Chicago's performance goes. :ohwell:

    Like kelley, I ran a 5k in support of laurie and gorilla. My time was 35:18--not bad considering that was after about 45 minutes of lifting and core work.

    Making progress on the essays, but I would like to finish 15 more tonight. Will check back later with more personals.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + cardio (at gym or run outside) NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE PLUS GYM (lifting and HIIT) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lifting and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE TWICE + gym (lift + run 5k) NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift + run 5k) DONE

    Grading Goals:
    1. 51/73 AP essays
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, Friends, yesterday and today haven't been pretty. DH and I had a rare day out yesterday, but it meant eating out for lunch and little time for walking, except Costco and Winco. (FYI: beware of the hot turkey provolone sandwich at Costco.)
    Today it has been raining all day and its cold, too. I just can't get up any enthusiasm for walking outside. I guess I will pull out the pedaler this evening for awhile. Today was a comfort food day. It was cold and dreary and I had some of the grandkids here. I made a pot of home cocoa, one of my favorite things! Also made herbed oatmeal pan bread and Texas sheet cake. I think that I am barely under maintenance for the day. I sent the left over sheet cake home with the grandkids. There wasn't much bread left after dinner.
    I guess I won't be walking in support of anyone today. Just too wimpy to walk in this cold rain, but I love the way we are able motivate each other to reach a little higher and do a little more.
    I love the way I get complimented on my appearance by someone nearly every time I dress up. Today at church a friend commented on how I just continue to get better and better. I know I'm in this for me and for my own health, but those compliments go a long to keeping me going.
    Hope the weekend finishes great for everyone. Onward and Downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley- Great job with your 5K and to throw intervals into the mix as well. Just gotta love our trainers. Thanks for the support.
    Karen-Awesome time with your 5K especially with the core workout prior. if and when I do another one I want to aim for 35 minutes.
    Kaye- Outdoor activities in the rain not my favorite thing either. I am so glad I had the perfect weather for a outdoor run today.
    Robin- Congrats on completing the 1 mile walk. That is a great step forward for you and I hope you keep doing it.

    Thank you all for the support and encouraging me to run this race. It was great knowing that so many people where pulling for me today and I was not going to let anyone down today.

    I think I am completely crazy since this afternoon, I went on a 14 mile bike ride with a friend. I am feeling it somewhat in my knees but it still felt good to ride my bike. I guess it could be considered a training session for a future triathlon by doing 2 events in one day. Granted I had a few hours to recover between events but I did it.

    I hope everyone has a very productive week.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--wow--a bike ride after a race is ambitious--great job!! :drinker: I also would like to run an actual 5k in under 35 minutes. I can usually do so on the treadmill, but outside on a real course is another story. My goal for the Turkey Trot is to beat last year's time of 35:59 which is my PB, but I would really like to come in under 35 minutes.

    @kaye--I also have a hard time walking or running in the rain--especially if it's also cold. I agree that's it's great to hear compliments. Even though I haven't lost any weight over the past year, Saturday night I wore a top I hadn't worn since I went to Vegas in 2004 and got some nice remarks about how "skinny" I looked. :smile:

    AFM--I've gotten through 20 of the 30 papers I wanted to complete this weekend. I am going to try to finish 5 or 6 more before bed.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner + gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Tues--walk gunner + cardio (at gym or run outside)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (lifting and HIIT)
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift + HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift + run 5k)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 56/73 AP essays