Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Naomi, I thought you meant 40 degrees Celsius and thought I can't imagine that heat, then realized you live in the States in Virginia which I don't think is that warm this time of year. Anyway, I wouldn't mind a little more warmth here in Ontario...again, the winds are biting today, but the sun is shining and it's still beautiful outside, just too windy for me to go out for a walk.

    Thursday truth, I went to the gym and did elliptical and felt good afterwards. I seem to be getting more energy as I got up much earlier than usual.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I believe that Naomi is referring to centigrade temperatures.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @L2T~ I hope your aren’t experiencing a plateau, they are frustrating for sure – I’ve read that it isn’t a true plateau unless it lasts for 6 weeks. All I can recommend is to take a look at your diary and your macros. Are you getting enough of protein? Are you drinking enough water? Are you taking in more sugar or sodium than is recommended? Are you under a great deal of stress? Cortisol levels have a big impact on weight loss. These are all factors that can lead to a stubborn scale. If you discover that you are lacking in an area or are having too much of something, change one thing and see how you do for the next week. That is what I have done in the past. Hang in there!

    Big THANKS to Kah for the above advice. I went back and looked at my macros for the last couple weeks and discovered my carbs were up and protein was down. I reversed that the last 3 days, drank plenty of water and 2.2 lbs miraculously fell off between last night and this morning. Kah, you're my hero!

    Speaking of macros, do most of you use the percents suggested by MFP or have you changed them? A couple months into this, I changed the percent of carbs from 55% to 45% and increased protein by the same 10%. I left fat at the recommended 30%. While I don't hit these percents perfectly every day, I'm darn close when I look at the weekly numbers. Clearly, for me, less carbs makes a big difference. Anyone else find this is true? And if so, what percent do you assign to carbs?

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Hooray for the loss - awesome!!! The macros that MFP has preset are high, carbs specifically. I saw the registered dietition at my gym a while ago and for weight loss she recommends 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat - so that is what I have adjusted my macros to. It seems to work well for me. I've done a fair amount of research and have found that most people do well with this formula for macros.

    @Nettie~Hooray for a cooperative scale this morning - I hope it sticks on your official weigh in day!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    First, welcome to all the newlings! You've stumbled onto a group of the most amazing, supportive, and caring people on MFP!

    JNettie - Thanks for rolling us over! Congrats on the 8lbers. Mr. Brian will be amazed once you're lifting 30lbers and you can whoop him in a wrestling match. :laugh: Grats on the scale victory this morning! I am actually a very reluctant semi vegetarian... I have kidney issues that cause me to hold onto uric acid and I keep getting gout so I eat a VERY minimal amount of meat. My gout attacks aren't just a quick deal and easy to treat as there is only ONE gout medicine that doesn't filter through my already taxed kidneys and my insurance doesn't cover it. Also, I never get it in just ONE joint. I wind up having it multiple joints and I was wheelchair bound because of it the entire week of Christmas (and then on crutches for another week). It's easier just to NOT eat meat (even though I love it so very much).

    BJCamp - Best of luck with the upcoming ultrasound.

    Laurie - I always do sleep with a pillow between my legs. I have a fractured vertebrae that never healed and back pain is no stranger, but this was different. It was BAD. I did actually think about what you said and I SWITCHED the pillow I use. The one I normally use is pretty soft and it stops at my knees which makes my lower leg hang down and put tons of pressure on the outside of my I switched it out for my king size pillow (that I only use for decoration). That supported the ENTIRE length of my leg and I'll tell you...when I settled into bed with it .... the relief was UNBELIEVABLE. Also, my mother is CONSTANTLY complaining (and shocked) that my 14 year old nephew never learned cursive. When she writes him a note he absolutely cannot read it. I have to agree that it's kind of shocking to me that they don't still teach it.....ASY... I have to hand it to you teachers... I have zero patience for kids and I could never handle dealing with them as you all do.

    Robin - I'm so glad you're home. I sure hope they find what's ailing you so you can get on the mend and feel better. The thread might be ABLE to go on without you... but we miss you an awful lot when you're not around!!

    SeeLShrink - Good idea about the positive thoughts about ourselves. In my daily prayer journal I also do a gratitude journal. Each day I list 5 things I feel blessed about... I think I may add a line for at least TWO things I like about myself.

    AFM - GREAT day at work yesterday. I was really feeling the love. It appears that Co-workers, customers, AND vendors really didn't care for my replacement and my head was so swollen when I left yesterday I could barely get it into my car. I got in enough steps to cover my overage. My replacement wreaked so much havoc that I did a LOT of running around fixing stuff yesterday and I was so exhausted after work/errands that I wound up eating combos and a 3 piece valentine sampler (both welcome back gifts from customers). Thanks to Laurie's suggest I got a great nights sleep last night (see above) and have my healthy breakfast/snack/lunch for today!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member

    “It’s never too late – in fiction or in life – to revise.” ~Nancy Thayer

  • fullcrowmoon
    fullcrowmoon Posts: 17 Member
    Thursday Truth: This Saturday is the 2-year anniversary of my Dad's death and I'm having a hard time with it. I'm keeping up with things and staying on my strict diet, but part of me wants to lie in bed and cry while eating pizza.
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Fullcrow – I’m sure it’s a very difficult time for you. You will be in my thoughts – if you want pizza, eat pizza  It will all be ok and tomorrow is a new day.

    MyMowMow – I hate to read about your gout issues. I just don’t think I could be a vegetarian, but I guess with health issues, we don’t have much of a choice in some issues. Thanks for the well wishes.

    JNettie – Congrats on your loss – that’s awesome. Thanks for the well wishes as well. I just wanna know what’s going on. The waiting is definitely the worst.

    Tlh0407 – Thank you for the pm offer. I will probably be taking you and Kah68 up on that. You guys are definitely the best! I hope you have a GREAT trip!

    Thanks for everything yall! I lean on this group more than yall could ever imagine, even if I don’t post a whole lot. I ready the posts and laugh and cry and shake my head like crazy. It’s amazing to be going through this journey with you all.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Thursday truth - I am anxious and nervous for my EMG next Thursday. :/

    I recalculated my BMR and it says I'm at about 1875/day. MFP says I should eat 1330cal/day to lose 2 pounds a week. Mathematically this doesn't make sense. I think this is what's throwing me off with why I'm not losing weight.

    So if I eat 1330 with 1875 BMR that's a daily deficit of 545.

    545x7 = 3815

    So essentially I need to burn an additional 3185 calories in my workouts to lose 2 pounds a week.

    Now is this will put me under 1200 calories/day. Am I right or wrong in this math?
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thursday truth - I am anxious and nervous for my EMG next Thursday. :/

    I recalculated my BMR and it says I'm at about 1875/day. MFP says I should eat 1330cal/day to lose 2 pounds a week. Mathematically this doesn't make sense. I think this is what's throwing me off with why I'm not losing weight.

    So if I eat 1330 with 1875 BMR that's a daily deficit of 545.

    545x7 = 3815

    So essentially I need to burn an additional 3185 calories in my workouts to lose 2 pounds a week.

    Now is this will put me under 1200 calories/day. Am I right or wrong in this math?

    I could be very very wrong, but from what I always understood you should never eat below your BMR.... I've always used my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and subtracted around 25% from that (I'll do 20% as I get closer to goal).
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    Hi all, I feel a need to clear up- I do mean 40 celcius. Im actually in Victoria, Australia, but for some reaon MFP has put me in virginia-i didn't even know thats what VI stood for until kah told me LOL. Today is forecast for 44 with late change (dropping to 31). Doesn't really sound like much of a change!

    Friday fitness, I'm not really trying to get fit at the moment, with fibro, keeping me from anything other than an easy walk. I'm hoping that I will be able to do more as I loose weight, gotta help carrying less around, surely!

    Off to work now, and we are going out tonight, so I'll catch up with you all in the morning. Nxx
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member

    I could be very very wrong, but from what I always understood you should never eat below your BMR.... I've always used my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and subtracted around 25% from that (I'll do 20% as I get closer to goal).

    Der. I'm having a dumb person day. My TDEE is 2243. So maybe my issue IS that I'm not eating enough when I don't eat back my exercise calories. :/

    Why does this all have to be so confusing. I ate too much and gained weight, now I eat too little, but don't lose weight? Stupid body.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    alpunski- When MFP calculates the calories to lose the weight it already incorporates a calorie decrease with the recommended daily alliances, IF you don't eat enough your body will store the food and consequently gains weight. Don't be afraid to eat the amount of calories see what happens. It is the combination of foods that will help you to lose weight. The amount we eat is tricky but you don't want to starve your body.

    Truth- Today, I am exhausted so I attempted to workout but was not feeling it. Just walked at a slow pace and lifted some weights. I am sore from yesterday's workout so today will be a rest day. Tonight I am trying to take it easy.
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    What is TDEE and how do you figure it out?

    My Grandma died on Tuesday, and I've been working out like crazy to keep from eating my feelings. Her funeral is next Tuesday, but I'm so sore I don't think I'm going to be able to work out tomorrow. I'd like to go for a walk, but it's really frickin cold here in Iowa!

    I guess I don't have too much to say right now. Just trying to get through it till Tuesday is over... the lady and her husband (My Grandpa) practically raised my brother and me. My dad drove a semi and my mom was a teacher, so from the time I was three months old, till I started kindergarten I was with Grandma and Grandpa. I'm glad they're together again, but I miss them so much.

    I'm happy to read these posts, and would like to thank everyone who responded to my questions. It helped a lot and when I get paid tomorrow, I'm going to run to Walmart and see which are cost-effective and look like they'll taste good! Thanks, friends!
  • nebrred57
    nebrred57 Posts: 3 Member
    Just a newbie! Hi. I have 100 lbs to lose, have lost 10.4 lbs since January 1. This is my first attempt at posting. I only weigh in once or twice a week. I have drank ALOT of diet soda in the past but am now trying to cut back on that as well. Wednesday is my official weigh in day. I considered weight loss surgery but have decided to try one more time to diet before I resort to that.
  • peacelovehhs
    peacelovehhs Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all, Robyn here, just beginning my journey. You are all so inspiring. I look forward to getting to know you.

    TRUTH: I am scared that, despite my declarations, I won't be able to do it this time. Again. I am going to give it my all.
  • TraceyMarieHarnett
    TraceyMarieHarnett Posts: 126 Member
    Thursday - Truth

    Hmmm....I'm a newbie to this thread....and my truth is that I need to stop making excuses for why I'm so overweight....I've come up with quite a few doosies....from not having time to exercise to not having the money for exercise equipment to healthy eating is expensive to my husband keeps bringing home junk...etc etc....I've said them all....and believed it. I need to step up and be accountable. Just because DH brings home chips doesn't mean I have to eat them. It doesn't make him very nice to tempt ultimately it's MY fault if I eat poorly.....or don't exercise or whatever....

    But acknowledging that I make excuses is the first step and I'm trying to change. Hope everyone is having a good Thursday!
  • TraceyMarieHarnett
    TraceyMarieHarnett Posts: 126 Member
    I'm scared too! You're not alone!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hayley, I'm sorry for your loss. I had a very close relationship with my grandmother. I know how much you will miss her. Using exercise to lessen the stress is a good strategy. As long as you keep your long term goals in mind, this will not derail you.
    Since I have lost so much weight I find that I have to do a longer walk to get decent calorie burn. I have recalculated my routes so that I have a couple of 3 mile walks that I can choose. I just have to remind myself that my health is worth the hour it takes.
    I'm still a bit conflicted about eating back exercise calories. I never did when I first started, but now I find that I nearly always do, even though I have upped my calorie goal. I guess it's working because I am almost down to where I was before the holidays. DD has suggested that I am in more of a lifestyle mode than a weight loss mode now. She could be right. I definitely don't feel the urgency that I did to begin with.
    Have a great evening. You all inspire me every day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • SeeLShrink
    Hey there!

    Well my night didn't go as planned, there was a surprise blizzard here, and the roads were so terrible!! It was so slick that even the slightest tap on the brake had the car sliding immediately, and the snow was blowing so hard that you could hardly see in front of you. By the time I got home I had decided I was NOT going to be going back out. I still got my fitbit steps in, and I did a long yoga session. Tomorrow I will hit the gym for some cardio and arm work.

    Truth - I'm super tired, so I'm going to get off of here and get to bed! Night!

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Can't say I'm sorry to see the end of this work week and am glad Monday is a holiday. I have my annual physical on Monday morning and will be curious to see where my cholesterol levels are. Unfortunately, I think I'll have to be on medication to keep them down despite healthier eating and weight loss. Unlike DH who can eat crap and have perfect levels, I can eat celery and have high ones. Sometimes you can't overcome lousy genetics with just diet and exercise.

    Not too much exciting going on for the weekend, but we are eating out with friends on both Friday and Saturday night. I've already selected my meals and logged the calories. That way I know what I have to work with the rest of the day.

    DH is still driving me crazy as he figures out how to count calories and what he should eat. He still seems to think that "healthier" means less calories. I had to sit him down and point out that a 1/3 cup of trail mix (which he considers a health food) has as many calories as a can of Coke and almost as much sugar. He was stunned....LOL. Last night he came home, ate dinner and then loudly pronounced he had to have a BIG dessert since he still had 800 calories left for the day. I mean really, does he think I'll be appreciative of his bragging about the 1000 more calories he gets to eat every day than I do? If so, he needs to think through that again.

    Here's a conversation we had last night for your amusement:

    Me: How come you didn't take the low fat peanut butter crackers to the office? I got them so you'd have an alternate snack instead of trail mix.

    DH: They have too many calories.

    Me: Really? I think they're under 200.

    DH: No, they're over 300. Maybe even 350.

    Me: (getting the package off the kitchen counter) According to the package they're 190.

    DH: Well, they don't have much protein.

    Me: Hmmm..... package says 6 grams. How much in 1/3 cup of trail mix?

    DH: (gets the package from the pantry) 4 grams, but only 9 grams of sugar and you know I need to watch that.

    Me: Cracker package says 3 grams.


    This morning the packages of crackers have mysteriously disappeared from the kitchen counter. I suspect the dog.