Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Guys! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the newlings!! :flowerforyou: You'll find great support on this thread.

    @kelley (kah)--you shopping with mom sounds just like my shopping with my mom or sister. My sister is my favortie to shop with b/c she's very knowledgeable of trends, plus she's not even a little bit shy about telling me if something isn't flattering. No hemming and hawing, just "that makes your butt look big" or "that style is too young for you." It's not always fun to hear, but she keeps me from looking the fool.

    @tom--a great week to you too! I realized yesterday that it's almost hockey season, and I thought of you.

    @hansea--I know what you mean about adjusting calories for lighter workouts. I have a similar problem. Now that I'm eating to TDEE -10-15% every day, ther's no way to make up for a "cheat" by just working out more since my exercise calories are already figured into that allowance. It stinks b/c I can't just make up for a daily overage by burning more calories that day. I have to try to eat below calories every day PLUS still work out and burn my typical amount of calories. Of course, I could work out more to raise my overall TDEE, but I'm talking about making up for an occassional slip up. Instead I track the overage and try to balance it out on other days. It's definitely taking some getting used to...:ohwell:


    @lori--congrats on 4lbs down!!! :drinker:

    Sorry if I missed you on theis round--will catch you next time. :flowerforyou:

    Monday Check-in:
    Nothing new and no change in my weight.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Doing okay, but still not eating like I should. I think this week is just that typical week of the month when I'm hungier than usual which means next week will be better. I can't see eating less that the 1780/day, so I will try to increase my calorie burns over the next few weeks to see if that helps.

    Wednesday Wish:
    That I stay focused on grading so I can really enjoy my trip to NY in 10 days--I don't want to be fretting about work while I'm away. I'm getting started on my set of AP essays today. My goal is to simply grade 6 minimum today, tomorrow, and Friday. Then I want to finish 30 over the weekend leaving me with only 9 to complete next week. I need to hand them back by Friday b/c they are writing the next essay while I'm away in NY. Obviously, they need the feedback in order to improve so I don't really have a choice but to get them graded.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 60/60 F451 Motif analyses DONE
    2. x/67 AP essays
    3. x/60 F451 short answer tests

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -698
    100g of protein = 9/30 days
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Sticking to my food goals and staying under 1400 calories a day. Thaat being said, the lbs will slowly disappear.
    Did gym yesterday although was very tired, but felt so much better the rest of the day fatigue wise. My blood pressure was about 100 this morning so the half dose of meds might be doing the trick. I feel less fatigued today too.

    Did my day two squats challenge, and doable. Feels good to challenge myself. Glad this site posts challenges and that each can pick and choose....such a custom option! haha

    Ate graham crackers and milk today, did not hide eating them......big step for me.

    Everyone has lost so much weight; very inspiring.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goals: I’m heading into the second week of my 6-week challenge. So far so good. My goal is to continue as I’ve been doing. Next week is super crazy, which will be a huge challenge. We have our franchise convention in town, which I’m heavily involved and there will be 12 hour plus days. I still need to work out 4 days. I may have to do the 5 a.m. work outs, but if that’s what I have to do I have to get them in. No excuses!!!!

    Wednesday Wish: My body will stop being so sore. It’s a good sore, but yowza!! Boot camp is kicking my butt, BUT it’s been really, really good for me.

    @ cblue315/Lori – With everything you’re trying to juggle, I think it was smart to hire the payroll company and part-time person. The taxes for a big company can be brutal and they’ve got a whole department. For small business owners, you’ve got enough your trying to juggle. Good for you! Also, just read your post about the bra – very cool! I cannot wait for that to happen. Unfortunately, in my past experiences, that’s the last place I lose where most women it’s the first. Go figure. I already said if I lose 100 lbs I would have a reduction in a heartbeat. LOL!! Also, nice purchase. I haven’t gotten on a bike in years, but thinking about it so my son and I can ride. I know Laurie is an avid rider and bought a pretty nice bike as well. 4 lbs – NICE!!!

    @ Bohemian Allison – Nice successes over the weekend. It’s those successes that keep us going. I’m also so jealous when I hear someone has a beautiful garden food or flowers. I love a nice backyard I just need someone else to maintain it. I have no patience for gardening. LOL!!

    @ Soosun – I’m so proud of you. By admitting you’re a closet eater and taking the step to eat in front of others is a big accomplishment. Good for you!

    @ Hansea – I know when I’m truthful with myself and log everything it’s the eye opener I need. Good for you! Of course, we then get upset when we can’t figure out why we’re not losing. It’s such a vicious cycle. Keep pushing hard and end the month strong!! Also, so glad to read your friend’s son is OK. So scary!!

    @ Teresa – I’m so sorry to hear about your constant back and foot pain. Sorry you’re appointment didn’t show promise, but hope you can find some with someone. Back pain is so not fun especially when you’re in a job on your feet ALL day. Hang in there girl!!
    @ Grandma Kaye – Your having an awesome September Challenge! Keep it up!!

    @ Skinny/Karen – Thanks for the tips. The trip next week is here in town at one of the resorts/casinos. I’ll be even staying home at night just spending ALL day at the convention center so packing food is doable. With my 6 week challenge, food is very limited on selections (lean proteins, veggies, 1 carb a day). I’ve got a nice little soft cooler I could easily fit into a nice stylish tote. They will not know the difference. With a few ice packs, I can still pack my lunch and some fresh veggies. I’ll have my protein shakes like I normally do as my morning/afternoon snacks. I’ll just make adjustments at the Friday night event – mystery dinner, awards, etc. . very nice dressy banquet. The only thing I’ll be thinking about is leaving to pack so I’m ready for my 7:00 a.m. flight to NYC. Can’t wait!!!!! I read your post about Gunnar. Shame on these irresponsible dog owners. We’ll let Izzy off because she just loves to run, but it’s normally late at night and she just runs across the street and back. Plus, her little 12 lb bark is so intimidating. LOL!!

    @ Morgori/Tom – I missed the Hug Your Hound Day, but I do it every day so I must celebrate year round.

    @ Laurie – I’m the same with the scuba mask. While I love the water, love to swim and not afraid to be underwater, there’s something about breathing in and out of that mask – very bizarre feeling. Why does dating have to be so hard? I guess the older I get I’m just too set in my ways. Good for you for trying!! Counting down the days!!!

    @ Jenin, Rachelwin, Chelle55, DebbieDRa, CandyGirl, Jelkins 2000, NikonPal, Saggyandbaggy, Joker, 0424hb, Limily39 – Lots of new faces. Welcome!!!

    @ trhjrh06/Tina – Great seeing you back! You know many of us totally understand. I gained back half of what I lost and have been in a funk ever since. I’m pulling out slowly and I know you can too. You were doing great! Life just threw you some curveballs and you didn’t quite know how to catch them. You’ll find that balance again. I know you can!!!

    @ Lives2Travel – Thanks!! I’m shocked to be honest. The withdrawals were not as bad as the last times I’ve tried to quit the Diet Coke. Perhaps because of the clean eating, high protein, boot camp, etc. . . has all kept my mind of any cravings. So far so good. As we all know, we have to find something to fit our hectic life. Luckily, they offer early AM and afternoon/early evening sessions so they’ve been working out with my schedule, but still have to plan ahead.

    @ Kjefferies – Thank you for the kudos!! I means a lot to me.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Wednesday Wish- That my whole family is not getting sick this close to half marathon day! Husband and I both have headaches, and the kids are mucusy and coughing...go away germs! I want to be able to breathe easy and have healthy cheerleaders on race day!

    Today was good. Went for a quick run and stayed within my calorie goal.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--I didn't realize the convention was there in LV--that should make taking food a bit easier. Another food that keeps well without "serious" refrigeration, is hummus. I sometimes take it to meetings and it keeps well even without an ice pack. It's a nice veggie dip for a bit of protein. Be careful with zzy off leash even if she's not threatening. Gunner had a little yorkie friend who lived down the block. He would come running to say hello, and gunner loved him. One day he ran down the driveway to greet a Husky walking by and it killed him with one bite.He was so cute and never aggressive or threatening, but the Husky was not dog friendly. So, so sad. :cry: The owners got another yorkie they always keep on leash now. You just never know if a dog is friendly. I also can't wait for our trip. Still packing in my head--now I'm trying to decide if I'm going to need to check a bag or carry-on only. I'm sure I could fit all of my things in my carry-on bags, but not sure I can fit all of my products in that tine quart-sized ziploc. :grumble:

    @soosun--great job with you challenge and with eating out in the open. I used to be a secret eater--would wait fir my hubs to go to bed and then snack. :blushing:

    AFM--got a couple of papers graded. Not 6, but 2 is better than none, and I may still do a couple more this evening. By the time I got home it was already getting dark, so no walk. :ohwell: I have to remember to go first next time as the days are getting shorter now.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 2/67 AP essays
    2. x/60 F451 short answer tests

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -698
    100g of protein = 9/30 days
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Wednesday Wish - That I was getting up and not getting ready for bed. Not enough time in the day.
    Love to all,
    Just so tired :yawn:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just stopping in to say hi.
    I hope that everyone gets there wish.

    I did manage to swim today before my meeting so that is good. Not so good, brought some Reese's Peanut Butter cups to take to school tomorrow. I have been wanting chocolate at school so this is the best option. The good thing is I can hide them so I don't eat them all at one time. Limiting myself to 1 or 2 a day depending on how bad it is.

    Grading goals
    120 lab assignments to get done.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I buy a bag of dark chocolate and then I put it in my colleagues box of candy whe keeps under her desk. It's only across the room from my dek, but it's still much better than keeping them in my own desk drawer. :laugh: Good luck with the grading.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My Wednesday wish is predictable. I wish that all these under calorie days would translate into a loss on scales. Another good day. Walked 7+ miles, under calories.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Is the week over yet? I know I shouldn't ever wish my life away, but this week has been a mess. Work is crazy, weather is rainy and my peaceful home has been overrun by workmen. The countertops went in yesterday and look great. Today I have the plumber, the tile guy (for an estimate) and a full paint crew. I had the painter give me an estimate for the laundry room and the 2 story entry hall that runs up the stairs and down a hall both up and downstairs. His estimate was so good we decided to go ahead and get that done as well so the entire house would finally be painted. He called yesterday and said he wanted to start today! So we spent last evening taking down pictures, moving furniture and rolling up rugs. I'll be so glad when all this is done and my dog and I can once again enjoy a peaceful day at home!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 13/30

    Good Days: 13
    Bad Days: 4
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Hubby made it home safe and sound. As usual he kept me going all day yesterday:laugh: I swear I should burn a million times more calories when he is home. Well I know we were planning on getting out of town for awhile this weekend just the two of us but apparently I wasnt thinking big enough. We had always planned on a nice vacation for our twentieth anniversary but when it got here it just didnt work out. I guess this has been nagging on him so he planned a three day getaway to.......wait for ti......Vegas. I know not as big a deal for those of you who live there but somewhere we have always wanted to check out. The truly amazing thing is he did all the planning and work. He never does that:laugh: I didnt think he even knew how to do things like book flights and hotels. We are staying at the Venetian for three nights. We fly out Saturday morning from Seattle and then come home on Tuesday morning. I am really excited to get away just us. The few vacations we have had over the years that didnt involve the kids always involved other people. In 22 yrs it has never been just us. Well I got to get off to babysit the kiddos. Have a great day everyone.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    vegas is so much fun and the Venetian is top drawer. The restaurants are wonderful and hopefully you will get to take in a show. I saw Bette Middler there a few years ago, but any show is great. Have fun. You will get in a lot of walking.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    The day is starting very nicely. I go to the gym today but have a rest day for my 28 day challenge. Working hard on making good food choices. Have a fun day everyone.
    Truth Still putting off doing exercised for tummy. Groan they are never fun. haha
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Good morning! :flowerforyou:

    @jtconst, have a wonderful vacation!! Your hubby sounds amazing and you are one very lucky girl. :smile:

    @ Lives2Travel , your post brought back recent memories of my own renovation. Just keep telling yourself that it will be all worth it in the end and you will have a beautiful space to enjoy for years and years. :smile:

    @Lori and Skinny, I have a major LOVE for chocolate. Hubby buys a bag of Dove dark and they live in his desk drawer and are off limits unless he gives them to me. This has worked beautifully in keeping me from devouring the entire bag in one sitting. :bigsmile:

    AFM: Thursday truth is that I have found myself slipping in my motivation this week. It's so hard to stay 100% focused and dedicated to losing weight, even though it is the one thing I want the most in my life!! I'm going to spend some time today trying to figure out how to get the passion back and get the scale to start moving downward again. Any advice???? :ohwell:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    For lunch or dinner, America’s favorite sandwich is topped off with a piece of cheese and then enjoyed by millions and celebrated each year on September 18 as it is National Cheeseburger Day.
    There are many theories to the beginning of the cheeseburger dating back to the 1920′s. One story suggests that Lionel Sternberger is reputed to have invented the cheeseburger in 1926 while working at his father’s Pasadena, California sandwich shop, “The Rite Spot”. During an experiment, he dropped a slice of American cheese on a sizzling hamburger.
    There are other claims the invention of the cheeseburger:
    • A cheeseburger appeared on a 1928 menu at O’Dell’s, a Los Angeles restaurant, which listed a cheeseburger, smothered with chili. for 25 cents.
    • Kaelin’s Restaurant – Louisville, Kentucky says it invented the cheeseburger in 1934.
    • 1935 – A trademark for the name “cheeseburger” was awarded to Louis Ballast of the Humpty Dumpty Drive-In in Denver, Colorado.
    • According to it’s archives, Gus Belt, founder of Steak n’ Shake, applied for a trademark on the word “cheeseburger” in the 1930′s.
    To celebrate National Cheeseburger Day, gather some friends together, start up your barbecue grills, grill some hamburger patties, add your favorite cheese, then enjoy!
    Enjoy one of these “tried and true” recipes:

    “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~Larry Elder

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tammy~How fun! I hope you and hubby have a great time in Vegas—I :heart: Vegas, but haven’t been in years. I’m a huge Cirque du Soleil fan and thought “O” at the Bellagio was fantastic (may not be hubby’s cup of tea, but it’s really good).

    @Karen~when I tried on one dress my mom said, “you don’t actually like that do you?” Um, I guess not? :laugh: She’s always my go-to person for clothing opinions; she has such a good eye for stuff.

    @Marsha(GW)~6 days until Autumn for most of the country, for Texas I think it’s more like 36! :wink: This humidity is terrible.

    @Hansea~Oh, no—I hope everyone stays well for your race on Sunday!

    @L2T~Oy, I’m at the very beginning of a renovation—right now in the planning stages. I figure it’s going to take a few years to get everything done since I want to redo my kitchen (except cabinets, just want to add some), master bath and laundry room. I’m doing a lot of painting myself (bathrooms, bedrooms) but am hiring someone for the main living areas (thanks to 30 foot ceilings).

    @Tom~I do like a good cheeseburger, not sure I’ll be having that tonight though! :wink:

    @Teresa~I wish I had some sound advice for finding your mojo again! Try thinking back to what worked and kept you motivated before—sometimes we get complacent and that eventually causes motivation to dissipate. Think of one thing you could be lacking right now (maybe take a look back through your food diary), then change that one bad habit that has re-emerged—once you have that back under control everything else may fall into place.

    Thursday Truth~I think I have emerged from the funk I’ve been in for the last few months (pretty much since I got back from my cruise in March). My trainer thinks I analyze things too much (hey, I’m an accountant so am constantly in analytical mode :blushing:)—oh and I’m impatient! I’m trying to maintain a mostly “clean” diet but have tried not to fixate on other things so much this week and it seems to be working to my advantage—I think it was stressing me out to some extent (I have enough of that at work to go around). My next cruise is 30-days from today, I hope I can keep this up and that I’m down 12-15#--I won’t be disappointed if I don’t make the higher end of that goal though, as long as I’m making progress.

    Tonight I’m meeting friends for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, but have already looked at the menu and have a plan (steak IS on my radar :wink:). Here is some food for thought, when I was looking at the menu/NI last night—the Kobe burger had less fat/calories than their veggie burger. Something to keep in mind, what seems like the healthier option may not be—so always check menu’s/NI online (if available)…
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: I’m so sore and walk like an old woman. Last night was core work, but I was aching from shoulders the night before. Today is my rest day – thank God!!! I plan Friday and Saturday, which will give me 5 days of boot camp this week. I haven’t cheated once from my meal plan (miracle!!) AND no Diet Coke since 9/6 even BIGGER miracle. I am feeling stronger just sore, which is OK.

    @ Skinny/Karen – Yes, our convention is here. It’s at one of the hotels called Green Valley Resort & Spa. I live just a few miles so I’m staying home in my own bed (another good thing). I’ll just have 12 hour+ days during the convention. My meal plan is pretty strict right now. No hummus, which I love. I’m primarily all lean proteins, veggies and very limited carbs. I went ahead and ordered some meals I’m going to bring with me. I don’t mind eating them cold and they’ll keep me in the food plan. I can handle 3 days. Now NYC will be interesting, but I’m still going to make the best choices I can.

    @ L2T – Hang in there!! The weekend is in sight. You’re on the back end of the construction though and the end result will be worth it.

    @ Jtconst - When are you heading to Vegas? I would love to meet you somewhere even just to say hello. I only live about 15 minutes from the strip so can get there pretty easily. Let me know!! It’s a fun little weekend getaway. Be prepared to do some serious walking though. People have no clue how big the properties are and you can walk for miles.

    @ Kah68 – You over analyze? Yeah, right. LOL!!! The accountant in you will always prevail I’m sure. Glad the funk is getting past you. Lord knows I’ve been battling those the past year myself, but I’m two weeks into my new focus and all is good. 30 days until your cruise? How fun!! I’ll be heading to two conferences in Orlando about the same time. I’m looking forward to seeing some old friends though so excited to see folks. Great job preparing for tonight. We can still go out, but just need to plan ahead. I already know the conference food next week will not be the best so I’m planning myself. Good for us!!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Thursday Truth: Ever since I read that today is Cheeseburger Day, I've had the craves. Thanks, Tom! :tongue: Well, to be fair, I've been thinking about having a good CB for weeks, but then the sacrifice (1,000 calories plus) hits me. Not only that, but what goes better with a burger than FRIES. I can almost smell the grill now. Think I'll go sniff a peppermint patty now.:sad:

    Laurie: RPB cups, the mini ones, were one of my guilty pleasures. My employer always had big dish of chocolates including RPB cups within arm's length of my desk. They are now across the room where they taunt me. I swear I can smell them. Boss is a sadist. In the "old" days I could eat a small bag in a sitting.

    Kaye: You amaze me! 7+ miles a day, everyday? Bionic woman? I want to be like you someday. Keep it up!

    Susan: Congrats on giving up diet coke. My son had a DC addiction and has to whiten his teeth regularly due to the coloring in cola. Not only that, he gets terrible withdrawal headaches when he runs out of pop. I know it's a great sacrifice to quit. Good for you.

    September Challenge: 17/17 under cal goal, 16/18 days exercise, not so great yesterday on more fruits and veggies (too tired to cook).

    Fall is coming, fall is coming! (Kelley, a gal can dream...even in TX :wink: )

    Have a lovely Thursday, everyone.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Home now! Soooo happy to be back! :bigsmile: Seeing my doc tomorrow...sister driving me there yay. Really cant read to well glasses got bent badly in fall...and can't type well also and still need to read from page nine forward but looking forward to reading about everyones activities soon.

    Welcome Newbies! :drinker:

    Miss all you oldies! HUGS !!!

    So proud of all of you going to the T2T race coming up soon :flowerforyou: bet your getting excited, aren't you?

    puter took a beating on the trip and a few but unimportant keys not working :noway:

    There is No such thing as Failure, it is merely a learning experience! Keep that in mind always! :flowerforyou:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome home, Robin. Hope you are feeling better.
    Thursday truth: I am registered for a 5k on Saturday. I am starting to wonder why I'm doing it. It's not like I need the incentive to walk. We have to go to Boise for it and there will be thousands of people. It will take most of the day. Nicole is running the half marathon. DH, 2 other daughters, and daughter-in-law are walking it with me. At least I can cross a 5k off of my bucket list.
    On track for a good day. Hope all of you are having a good day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye