Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @whitney--welcome! You are one of several teachers (or retired teachers) on this thread. Planning is key for me--especially during the school year. This is something I struggle with every day--balancing work and me-time.

    @holly--it's also pretty cold here with the temps continuing to drop this week. My car doors froze shut twice today, so I'm not optimistic that I will be able to even drive my car to work tomorrow. I will probably end up taking my DH's jeep to school. I looked online and apparently this is a common problem with my car (Dodge Challenger). There are no window frames, so when you open the door handle the windows automatically go down about a half inch to clear the weatherstripping. However, with the cold, they won't go down and even if I can still pry the door open, the windows don't seat properly when I shut the door again. A google search revealed a solution using de-icer along the bottom of the window frame, but I want to call my dealer to get their recommendation before doing anything. Since it's brand new, I don't want to do anything that might void my warranty.

    @niki--so sorry to hear about your younger brother's passing. That is quite a motivator and I bet he would be happy with your decision to live a healthier lifestyle.

    @laurie & scrubb--I don't even remember what I weighed in HS, but my driver's license says 160 lbs and I've never changed it. I'm sure that was a lie at the time, but I would like to make it true for once in my life.

    @MKknits‌ --that sounds like a great test to see if you're really hungry. I've never been an emotional eater, but boredom was always my enemy too. I'm pretty much past that now--I've replaced that boredom snacking with playing dumb FB games like bubble witch and CCS.

    @lori--congrats on the jeans!! That's awesome! I will also be rooting for the Packers next week. I'm one of those rare Bears fans who also likes the Packers, and well, the Bears haven't given me much reason to cheer this year. :(

    @erin--I'm back to work tomorrow as well and have the same mixed feelings. Sad for the busy schedule, but looking forward to the structure. I also miss my colleagues and students.

    @kelley--Like I told lori above, I will be rooting for the Pack next weekend--sorry! LOL Hope you find some time to get to the gym with your busy week again.

    @tanya--glad you are back and the fridge is stocked! I also just re-calculated to go back to 1 lb / week loss and am at 1610 prior to adding in exercise calories. Since I don't work out daily, I think this will help motivate me on the days when I do have time for the gym--Will run for food! :smile:

    @mara--I'm also glad all of the holiday snacks are gone!

    @michelle (melifornia)--Yes, I graded for 15 minutes and got one more essay graded. :smile:

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 4/4 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/50 AP essays
    2. 3/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner NOT DONE (too snowy, wet, and cold outside)
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--rest day (meeting)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    edited January 2015
    *waves at the new folks*

    I know, you never see personals in my posts. (Well, not never. . . ) I promise to try harder, but I'm usually posting either late when I'm wiped out, or around the demands of two small humans who NEED MOMMY RIGHT NOW!!!! ;)

    @wmander1 - reading teacher, that is so awesome... my first grade teacher was the one who realized I was waaaaaaay ahead on reading levels & started (finally) handing me books with no pictures. And laughed when I floored a presenter by knowing the actual definition of the word "extortion".

    @mnwalkingqueen‌ - it got cold here too. We FINALLY have snow today. And of course I in my infinite wisdom decide that it's not too cold to walk to church. Sorta forgot my hair was still wet, and it was half frozen by the time we got there. That was fun.

    Sunday Share: Basics? I'm 31, 5'3", currently 221lb. I have a 3yo son and a 6mo daughter, and a husband who kicks *kitten* at his various responsibilities. My MIL drives me crazy, the which y'all already know. 31 pounds gone by my anniversary in July, so I can pull my wedding dress out of storage, stuff my husband into his good suit, and go spend an obscene amount of money on a romantic evening for two.

    I love to cook, bake, crochet, sew, decorate, and generally creatify the universe. I sing & dance & choreograph, write poetry & music (or I did, when I had ... what's it called... oh yeah, free time), and I am a shameless cat person. I am a MASSIVE nerd who writes Doctor Who and The Sentinel fanfic. Also? OCD as hell. If you need a new recipe for dinner or a spreadsheet budget system, I am your girl.

    *soft-shoe tap flourish* Ta-da!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome Newbie, I hope you will stay with us. Karen mentioned the other day that she isn't a very good friend on the other formats. I don't usually even look at my home page, but I am here several times a day to keep up with everyone and stay accountable.
    Sunday share: I'm Kaye, 70 years old, married to DH for almost 50 years, mother and grandmother of a large family. I live in a small town in Western Idaho. I started MFP in September 2012, and found this thread shortly after. I had one knee replaced in October 2012, and the other one the following June. I have chronic inflammation in my knees, but am still able to walk. That is
    my exercise of choice. I lost most of my 95# during the first year. I only lost 6# in 2014. I only need to lose about 15#. I plan to really get back to business and make 2015 the year that I make my goal. It's a balance game, calories in, calories out.
    @skinnyjeans, I am also trying to make the 160 on my drivers license correct. It has said that for years. Figure I should make an honest woman of myself.
    Make it a good week. My ribs are feeling better today. I think a few more days will make a big difference.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • mrshunt3
    mrshunt3 Posts: 13 Member
    Raining like crazy here today so I didn't get out for a walk and didn't do much for exercise inside either for that matter…just a little bit of housework. I guess it all adds up, but will do better tomorrow! I did spend most of the day spinning (yarn) which kept me fairly well on track for calories today! I didn't go over and that's what I aim for. Three days on the probiotic , so I think they're at least helping with making my tum happier and will continue to take them. Thanks for your input @kah68!
    @Kaihunter45 I believe coffee makes me the sweetheart I am! I also log mine, of course. I log everything that goes past my lips. DH thinks I am funny for doing that, but I just have to. If I don't, it's so easy to give up. I can't give up this time.
    Yesterday I found a photo of myself from 6 years ago after I had lost 50 pounds. I remember how good I felt and I cannot believe I stopped my weight loss 20 pounds from goal and gained it all back and then some-I have it on my desktop screen as motivation. I want to be there again (or less) and I know I will do it!
    Hope everyone's Monday is going to be a great one! One day at a time!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi everyone - I did sort of a hit and miss method on the personals tonite -and fell asleep in the middle of them -so sorry!
    @Kaye – What bad luck having bruised ribs – glad they’re healing fast! I admire your attitude, I love how positive you are!

    @Barb(Mountmary) Oh what a story – so many stressors, one on top of the others, glad your mom is OK, and hope your car is working.
    Funny but I saw a TV show about Christmas gifts: for pedometers to be accurate you really should tape out as many feet as you can on a floor with a tape measure – “12 feet would be ideal” – and walk back and forth several times and take an average of the number of steps you get each time, as it varies a bit, so you get your steps accurate. The show said some of us change our pace quite a lot, so guessing just doesn’t work.

    @MrsHunt – I was on a probiotic for a year due to a med I was on – the med irritated my stomach and the probiotic stopped the irritation. However, I didn’t notice the side effect you are looking for! In fact, during that year, I did consume a lot of sugar – and breads. And gained weight………………. Can you hear the shark music?

    @EReilly(Erin) - Happy New Year. What a hassle changing over to a new, helpful med and the insurance denial. A personal hatred of mine, too. Sometimes it seems like a struggle of who can out-argue the other party. Maybe we should all be paying our insurance premiums with our VISA cards, and let VISA handle those disputes for us! Oh, in my dreams….sigh…
    Yet, here you are with a great attitude and looking forward to a great year – you rock!

    @melifornia – great mantra – I can see that one growing quite powerful …

    @Skinny – thanks for explaining more about taring – I knew there was a way to do that but hand’t tried to yet. Thanks that’s so simple! Most of my meals are 1 ingredient things – scoops of cottage cheese, slices of Havarti – lots of versions of cheese, come to think of it, and the inevitable “satan on my shoulder”, vanilla ice cream. (Gosh that portion shrunk, darn it!)
    Yeah, after all the dish weighing, I remembered the Tare function and slapped my forehead.

    @livesToTravel – so happy to see you back – was missing you and wondering if life had been fair to you – I gained some weight too – how correct you are, as long as we never quit, we never fail!

    @KaiHunter – spilling your frustrations here, rather than stress-eating is what this discussion is for, so don’t apologize. It also helps us understand each other and put our own problems in perspective.
    My prayers you can get insurance to cover the box of needles maybe by the Ins. CO. wrapping the charge around to the end time of the DME’s shipment – the time that charge runs out. Who knows… if not, consider them a blessing in disguise and keep them as a safety net in case the DME fails you again.

    @Tanya – hi again!!!! “One day at a time” great idea. Sound and sensible. See ya soon, ‘k?
    Oh, there you are again! Great planning and recording. If only I was that smart or had that much discipline. I’m going to have to start rationing these notes!

    @Niki – hope you feel better soon! Hope no one else is using that Neti pot when you aren’t looking!

    @WMander1 – Michelle – welcome and thanks for your Sunday Share – teaching is an enormously draining occupation – I didn’t realize that until I encountered all the teachers on this site and heard about their lack of time – you’ll get the support you need if you’re direct in asking for what you need. Come here there’s much more action and response than on your home page. More actual friends who care as well!.

    @WalkingQueen – good for you for adding stairs into your routine – I’m impressed! I’m going to miss your input when school starts up but that’s #1 for you and I understand!

    @Scrubb816 – welcome Newbie –I see your quite new at posting as well, so congrats on joining into this discussion and being so brave as well. We are here to support you and each other so come back often. And don’t worry about failure, ok, it happens…

    @MKknits – sounds like you have a great dinner routine and your DH works well with it!

    @CBlue – Lori – you are pumping the exercise –new jeans – impressive and causing slight jealousy here……..mind wanders… (waggles finger at kitty thru screen….no response…gives up)

    @Kah-Kelley – keep killin’ it with those weights – burns lots more fat, particurly stomach fat, than cardio.

    FYI:Just read that 20 min of weight lifting twice a week would burn more fat and help your health much better than cardio – but they did add, do NOT give up cardio – you should consult with your doc and expect some tests before he OK’s the lifting.

    BTW – I LOVED my MIL – she was wonderful, loving, admirable, kind, suffered greatly but without complaint from arthritis, forgiving of all, she’d make great meals created out of hardly anything but a can of soup it seemed – everyone wanted to drop by and sit at her old kitchen table with the oil-cloth table cloth. She was the mother I longed for…..she hand made Christmas ornaments for me and every member of her family – which was enormous –over 30 –each year. I enjoy hanging mine on my tree – and think how infused with love each one is. Some crocheted, some glass beaded, all so sentimental now, as she is at peace.

    will have to post my progress on the Challenges tomorrow. AM doing well - went swimming Sat night with my friend who slept over on my inflatable mattress - I'm going to try it out on what's left of tonight - just want to see what my guests experience.

    Thanks for all the good wishes on my new position - it does take a lot of time, though. We'll see how it works out!

  • mrshunt3
    mrshunt3 Posts: 13 Member
    @RobinsEgg …no miracles expected, but I am hoping for a health benefit from the probiotics even if it does nothing else! I guess the jury is still out on the other benefits-if any!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    I just found this and had to share. I have my share of bad days and this will certainly help me handle the next one, because it will come.

    The best cure for a disastrous day is to go to bed early and wake up fresh in the morning and start over. In fact, I am going to do exactly that right now. Good night. God Bless you, Close the door on your way out. - Garrison Keillor
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Good morning! I got off to a rollicking start today by waking up 2 1/2 hours BEFORE my alarm! Today is my first Miracle Morning Routine, and I guess I was just too excited about getting started to sleep. :lol: So I've been up since 5AM and accomplished a LOT, including 20 minutes of yoga and eating a real breakfast. Getting really sleepy now, though, so I'm going to take a nap before getting back to work on an article I'm writing today.

    @RobinsEggBlue - what a lovely tribute to your MIL. We should all be so lucky. (I'm guilty of hoping I marry an orphan after dealing with my brothers' in-laws. :blush: )

    MFP Weekly Goals: January 4-10

    Diet Goals

    * Make a meal plan and stick with it! - working on it!
    * At/Under calorie limit 5/7 days - 0/7
    * No fast food 4/7 days - 0/7
    * Create meal plan for Sissy Nights (my night with nieces & nephews) with healthy options for me - working on it!

    Excercise Goals

    * Gym for at least 30 minutes of cardio at least 3/7 days - 0/7
    * Find short yoga routine to do at home as part of Miracle Morning - DONE 1/7

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 1/7
    * Refill pill box when empty

    Personal Goals

    * Finish reading The Miracle Morning - I have about a third of the book left to read
    * Create Miracle Morning routine and implement 5/7 days - DONE 1/7

    Cleaning Goals

    * Declutter kitchen - decluttered one set of cupboards and the pantry on Sunday night

    Work Goals

    * Edit PR pitch and sent to partner for review - DONE
    * Write mag profile #1 and send out for review
    * Write mag profile #2 and send out for review
    * Write mag profile #3 and send out for review
    * Invoice magazines
    * Set up interviews for profile #4 and feature article
    * Figure out shopping cart issue for e-commerce site
    * Sub at high school on Thursday

    January All-In Goals

    * Login to MFP daily - 5/31
    * At/Under calorie limit 20/31 - /31
    * Workout (besides yoga) 12/31 - 2/31

    2015 Mantra: Live Intentionally
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @robin - It's good to be back! The holidays are always crazy around here and time for myself is at a premium. I did a great job of continuing my walking, but dropped the ball on posting here every day and on my logging/eating. Oh well, the crazy is done and now it's time to refocus. Congrats on your new position! No one could deserve it more.

    AFM - It's kinda nice to be on the other side of the holidays and reclaim some me time. I LOVE having my girls home, but I find it hard to take quiet time for myself when I want to spend all available time with them.

    Goals for 2015:

    Take a knitting class so I can make more than simple scarfs.

    Get all the old family photos scanned and make Shutterfly books.

    Clean out/declutter the attic and garage (this was on my 2014 list also....sigh)

    Save more money. Bet we all have that one on the list. With a wedding in the next couple years, plans to help oldest DD with the down payment on her first home this fall and a new car this spring, really need to get as much cash stashed away as possible.

    Eat out less. This will help with the last goal, but makes me sad. I hate to cook.

    Keep up the walking (20+ miles per week), but add in a long walk most weekends (5-6 miles). I used to do this when I was younger and loved the solitude and time to think/plan.

    Figure out cheapest/most economical way to add in strength training or Pilates. YMCA is so expensive and not that convenient. Must find a better solution.

    Watch even less TV. I gave up 50% or more of what I used to watch in 2014. Get rid of the rest of the stuff that I watch but, don't really love.

    Take one fabulous trip. (Week in Napa already scheduled)

    And last, but not at all least, lose the rest of the weight. Easier said than done, but I continue to believe that I can do it.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! My kids are back to school and I love it! Especially since I work from home, it’s a bit distracting to have them home all day. Since I never made it to my computer yesterday I will do a quick Sunday Share.

    My name is Tracy and I live in Bismarck, ND. I work from home as a life insurance quality improvement specialist. Fancy name for saying that I look at complaints (not legal ones) and get the right people to fix them so we don’t continue to have the same issues. I make sure we aren’t just doing a band aid fix and actually correcting the root of the problem. I then have to report that all to the officers of the company every other week. I am 41 years old and have been married for 19 years and we have two children – Jacob (13) and Emma (8).

    I have been doing MFP on and off since January 2013 and don’t have much to show for it. I am 17 pounds less than I was then so I guess that is something but I apparently haven’t hit my stride. I hope this is the time for me. My mantra is going to be START AGAIN because I have this terrible habit of falling off the wagon and then waiting for a “beginning” to start again. No more…I want to remember that after every bite, I have the ability to start again and that I don’t need a Monday, or 1st of the month to begin again.

    Monday check-in: Still struggling getting my food back under control. Yesterday was tough as my two nephews had a birthday party, we then went to the bar/burger joint to watch the game and then we had roast, potatoes etc for supper that night. (to be fair I didn’t know we were going out until my husband said let’s do it – we never get dates so I wasn’t going to pass that up and if you’re there you just have to have one of the famous burgers). We did talk about having to have plans for me to be successful. He agreed that he would let me know in advance next time so I could prepare a lower calorie meal to make up for the big calorie date.

    @Kelley…Good luck with WW. Hopefully the change in your routine will help shake things up.
    @Lori…congrats on another size!!!
    @MKknits…hmmm pickles…wouldn’t be something I go to (yuck in my opinion) but I’m glad it’s working for you.
    @Holly…I’ve always said that I’m a parent and not a friend. I remember not really liking my parents when I was growing up (they were definitely not the cool parents) but now I count my Mom as one of my best friends. I’ve taken pride in being the “mean mom” in the past (you know – bedtimes, chores, limits). Ultimately I know she said it just because she didn’t get her way but man it stung.
    @Whitney…While I admire most teachers (like every other profession there are some that shouldn’t be teaching), I too have a great love for reading teachers due to personal experience. My daughter was identified as “at risk” in the first quarter of 1st grade by her teacher and qualified for reading club. By the end of the 3rd quarter, she had passed and “kicked out” of reading club. She is now a 3rd grader and not only is an above average reader, she loves to do it.
    @GrandmaKaye…15# in ’15 is going to happen for you, I just know it is!
    @mrshunt3…I agree with the logging. My goal this time around is even if it’s a horrible day to still log it because it’s real easy to stop doing it.
    @cblue…love Garrison Keillor!

    My goals for today:
    *drink 4 bottles of water (that’ll be 96 oz)
    *gym tonight with my sister (still figuring out if it’s going to be a lifting night or cardio)
    *get my two kids to basketball practice
    *buy new shoes for my son (holes in shoes and winter just don’t mix)
    *buy a new water bottle for my daughter (puddle of water on the floor this morning from her broken one)
    *meet my calorie goal
    *declutter my bedside table (including the drawer!!) and go through my shoes to decide on some donation items.

    Here’s to a great start to our week!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Runners, I saw this and thought of all of you:
    13 Things You Don’t Say To A Runner
    If you are a runner and are reading this article, you might want to stop, print it out, put it into a pretty envelope and hand it to a loved one who is not a runner. Or, you can simply read this article and nod your head with a smug smile on your face. Your choice.
    1. You’re a runner? I thought runners were supposed to be skinny.
    I thought people asking questions were supposed to be polite. Runners come in all shapes and sizes. Go spectate a race if you need proof.
    2. How long have you been a jogger?
    How long have you not known that runners run, not jog?
    3. Sorry, there will no porta-potties along the marathon course.
    Sorry! It appears there will be many messes on the marathon course.
    4. People die doing marathons. You should stop running and take up golf.
    Since only 0.8 people out of 100,000 die during a marathon, it’s a risk worth taking. Odds are greater that I will be struck by lightning in my lifetime (1 out of 12,000 – most likely on a golf course).
    5. I heard you are running your first half marathon. Do you think you will win?
    The answer to this question is always “no,” unless you count getting a dry bagel and some water at the end of the race “winning.” But, that doesn’t mean that I am not a winner at life!
    6. Why are you so bent out of shape about being injured? Just find something else to do. Running’s not that great anyway.
    You are right. I will find something else to do, like punching people in the face. Running is my sanity.
    7. I can’t believe you actually PAY someone so that you can run a race.
    Better than paying $200 per month for insulin.
    8. You’re almost there! (at mile 18 of a marathon)
    A spectator should never lie and tell a runner that he or she is almost there, unless he or she is truly almost there. A good example of “almost there” is mile 26 of a marathon.
    9. How far is that marathon you are doing?
    “What is 26.2 miles?” This is the answer you will never get right on Jeopardy.
    10. You don’t look fast; are you?
    Thanks for the compliment. Fast is relative. I am fast running next to the couch where most people are lying down eating chips.
    11. My uncle’s friend ran the Chicago Marathon too. Did you see him?
    Given that there were 40,000 finishers, including your uncle, the answer is “no” (unless he was the one in the Speedo).
    12. I would run too, but I just don’t have the time.
    These days, no one has the time; they have to make the time. If it is a priority, you will do it.
    13. Running is bad for your knees.
    No, arthritis is bad for your knees, and this is usually linked to genetics, not running (then send them to the experts at Live Science to get educated).
    Anything else you should not say to a runner?
    For more from Beth Risdon, visit Shut Up and Run!

    Happy National Bird Day
    Monday, Jan. 5, 2015
    Why National Bird Day?
    • The beauty, songs, and flight of birds have long been sources of human inspiration.
    • Today, nearly 12 percent of the world's 9,800 bird species may face extinction within the next century, including nearly one-third of the world's 330 parrot species.
    • Birds are sentinel species whose plight serves as barometer of ecosystem health and alert system for detecting global environmental ills.
    • Many of the world's parrots and songbirds are threatened with extinction due to pressures from the illegal pet trade, disease, and habitat loss.
    • Public awareness and education about the physical and behavioral needs of birds can go far in improving the welfare of the millions of birds kept in captivity.
    • The survival and well-being of the world's birds depends upon public education and support for conservation.

    “The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” ~Victor E. Frankl

  • Rozie1019
    Sorry I have been gone so long. I have just been extremely stressed out about a lot of things. I will catch up later. I hope everyone is doing well!

  • wmander1
    wmander1 Posts: 53 Member
    I don't have much time to post but I wanted to acknowledge all of those that shared about their experiences with reading teachers. I know that the struggling students that I work with don't often think about the progress they've made until later on in life in their own reflection. I tell people that I'm so much more than a teacher because I get to work with these students who are little miracles every single day! It's so very difficult at times but it makes it all worth it when you hear stories like the ones that were shared! :smile:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    edited January 2015
    Well, happy to say that my day 1 is going very well. I was challenged early in the morning as I realized I did not have an english muffin for my egg and cheese. I skipped it, brought my smoothie along to work and just had that. I was quite busy all day at work and managed to eat my lunch in 2 shifts when I got really cold from being outside. I had to talk myself out of grabbing a bagel and cream cheese to replace the morning egg sandwich, but I did it. HUGE victory. And an even bigger victory is that I hit my protein limit easily without even planning to. That just shows me that I have remembered what I've learned from last year in getting adequate nutrients. This being my first day back to work since Dec. 24th, I can say that I will have no problems sleeping tonight. I'm exhausted.

    Days under calories: 1/26 (Jan 5-31)

    One day at a time :)
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    edited January 2015
    First day back after break and it went well. I'm tired for sure but my planning helped me stay on track I just have to keep up planning everyday so I don't fall behind with it. It makes such a huge difference to bring all of my food in my lunch bag and not rely on running out during my prep to "grab something" (or 5 things) and end up with a mini-pantry in one of my lower drawer full of things I shouldn't eat.

    My pickle trick worked great today too - I started to get that snacky urge while making supper (which was awesome highly recommend this recipe I cut back the sugar to 3 tbsp and doubled the snap peas and mushrooms which made it so the servings were mostly peas so it works into 8 one cup servings). Ate my 4 pickles and went to work on supper with no more snacking - I also brought a high protein snack for my afternoon snack at school and I think that helped as well.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Today was check-in day ... and I lost a couple of pounds since last Monday. I don't know how much of that is attributable to my being sick or to the maintenance calories I was eating before I got sick. ... At any rate ... time will tell. If it's a sick-thing then my weight will go up as I begin to eat more than oranges and egg-drop soup.

    I'm plum peter'd out so I know I'll be sleeping in a couple of hours so I'm going to take the chance and report my calories ..

    days at or under goal ... 5/5 (goal is 28/31)
    ALL-IN ... didn't even leave my bed until I was too hungry to ignore it any longer and cooked some supper. Hope to get to the gym at least once this week.

    @MKkni post about pickles reminded me that I love them also but usually stay away from them because of the sodium. Today I had 2 spears with my dinner ... oven baked salmon, and a bit of potato salad a'la mama ... boiled potato, diced onion, diced dill pickle spear, minced onion, canola oil, pepper. That was a real treat!

    Hope my dinner stays where it's supposed to as the evening and night go on. ;)

    I wanted to share something I recently read about weight loss efforts ... in keeping with the New Year and all the resolutions people make to get in shape again .... start slow and go easy. Chomping off too big of a change in your habits at one time is so often what causes us to give up soon after and then we feel like failures. The failure isn't us, it's our plan.

    Follow-Through Niki
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Mrs.Hunt - I was secretly hoping you'd still try them. I do think they help your digestion. I wish I was still getting the prescription for them so that they were paid for. I hate to pay the OTC price for them. I know my stomach felt better on them.

    @CBlue - what a great quote and a good thing to do on a really lousy day! I admit I have done the same occasionally now that I live alone!

    @Melfornia - under your other goals to do: I see one of mine as well - refillng pill box - I HATE that chore - I usually do 2 weeks at a time, but get so frustrated if I can't get a refill in time to do the last week's slots. This week I am behind dreadfully on that chore! Great goals you've got there and you've done so well - wow that 2 hours prior to the alarm - you sure used that time well!

    @LivesToTravel - Napa trip sounds so rewarding. Can't remember where you live..doh! As far as strength training - are you used to machines or barbells? I use dumbells at home and perfectly happy with that. Course, I am not a roll model in this department!

    @TIH- tracy - glad you had a date nite - to heck with the burger - you can make up any overage that caused later this week. Thanks for your Sunday Share - nice to know your still whacking away at those insurance problems. Seriously I'm glad there is a sensible person straightening out the occasional snags claimants encounter. Bless you!
    Great goals!

    @Morgori - Tom - everything you posted today was top notch!
    Glad you got all that roasting done on your cooker. It surprised me to hear you could even smoke cheese in that silver baby of yours! Someday I will come there and see you, Amy and the Silver Whiz. And the splendors of the city!

    @Rozie - welcome back - don't worry - sometimes life is very difficult and takes priority. Glad you've found some time for yourself. Here you have friends to support you. Let us know what you need, OK?

    @wmander1 - what a lovely post - glad you feel surrounded by kindred spirits!

    @Tanya - we should crown you QUEEN of SUBSTITUTIONS with the day you had today! All I can say is very well done!

    @MKknits - lunch bags, pickles, cooking, and high-pro snacks, excellent choices all around. You just need to do this 300 more days or so and you should be golden!

    @Skinnyjeans - do you unlock your door with a key? Not sure since its brand-new. If so, you can heat the key with a lighter, then insert the heated key into the frozen lock. We do it here in Nebraska a lot and it sure works. Looked today for my lighter and couldn't find it when I stopped at the drugstore, so had to buy one for my purse just for the winter. Next time I fly, it will get confiscated, because I'll forget its there. :)
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I hope Monday was kind to all of you.
    @Tanya 949 - Great job getting things started for yourself! Logging and preparing is everything for me. It makes me make the decisions ahead of time, and makes the actual eating of food more simple. Congrats on putting the time in for yourself. :blush:
    - @CBlue - Congrats on a new size of jeans! YAY! That is always lovely!
    - @MKknits - Great that you found a 'cure' for the dreaded snackies.....
    - @Niki - Thanks for sharing some of the things that you are dealing with. I commend your no non-sense way of looking at things. You are very honest with yourself and take responsibility for what is going on. That is such a huge thing, and can get in my way sometimes. Keep on rocking, girl. You are amazing.
    - @wmander - Welcome. Feel free to add me if it would help you. I'm a teacher, fourth grade. Squeezing time is a real skill, but know that you are worth it and need to be healthy to complete those busy days with a smile on your face. :smile:
    - @skinnyjeans and @grandmakaye - I'm below what is on my license (the number is not as low as 160). It was a very proud moment for me. Maybe I can get to 160 also....
    - @Robin/Ellen - Your MIL sounds like she was a wonderful lady. You must feel lucky to have known her. Looking at those ornaments must bring her back to you a bit during the holidays. Enjoy every moment.
    - @Lives2travel - Great goals...I'm a bit winded, just from reading it. You are a lady to watch for 2015!!
    - @tlh0407 - Thanks for sharing your information. You have great goals as well. I'm thinking I need to get more specific with my own goals after reading the goals from the two of you!!

    AFM - Today was a good day. Got a lot done, work wise. Eating the left overs out of the LOVING not having to cook much. Exercise and eating on track. Weigh in tomorrow. We'll see where things stand after that. :)
    Take care, amazing people.
    Perfect effort and balance.
  • Dandeliiondreams
    Dandeliiondreams Posts: 116 Member
    Hi everyone =].
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Boy, once again I am gone a little while and this thread just flies! It sounds like everyone is sort of settling in to the “regular” week with no holidays. I for one am glad to see it come.

    @new and returning people. Welcome!

    @Cblue Lori, new smaller jeans! WOW! It is the things like that I like to read. It keeps me coming back. Hope someday I am the one with new jeans.

    @NIki I hope you feel better. Being sick is no fun. Hopefully, the nice loss will “stick” and you can move on from there.

    @Marypoppins. Don’t fret about few personals. You are a very busy lady with those little ones. I am sure you really do wonder sometimes what “free time” is. Enjoy the little ones while you can; they grow up sooooo fast.

    @Kaye I am glad to hear that your ribs are feeling better. I hope you make an honest woman out of yourself this year with your drivers license number. That is a neat goal. Go for it.

    @Tlh Tracey I can’t remember what I was going to say. Good grief!

    @Kelley Shopping sounds like fun. I am glad WW is giving you a fresh look at things. Also, I too will be watching as the Packers do their thing this weekend and cheering them on...nothing personal, just live a little south of Green Bay.

    Sorry if I missed some of you. I am getting lost running up and down this thread. I have read it all, it is just hard to remember who said what.

    AFM I got my hair cut today. I am hoping that makes a difference on Wednesday when I weigh myself. HA! I don’t have that much hair.
    I am happy to say life is settling down. Mom is now home in her assisted living place. Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers.
    It has been a bit of a roller coaster the last few days, but hopefully now I am going to get back in the groove. I really don’t know where the calories were on some of those days; I don’t think they were horrible, but probably weren’t all that good either. Tonight I was over by one silly persimmon….99caloies!

    January Challenge:

    Calories under goal: 2 /31
    Cardio Exercise: 0 /31
    Core fitness DVD 0 /31
    Word for 2015 “TENACITY”

    Thanks every one of you for being here.