Smoking Neighbours



  • angelalf1979
    angelalf1979 Posts: 244 Member
    Wow. People were right about MFP users being real jerks on the forums.

    Yes. Yes they are. That's why I don't post forums. If I wanna know something, I google it. ;)

    Sorry you're having problems. Hope someone can offer the right advice! Take care :)
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    As a smoke hater, turned smoker, turned into a non-smoker...I can say you are definitely over reacting. Unless you have some super weird law of physics defying apartment complex set up...the smoke is not going to remain around for long at all. I can smell when my neighbors go outside & smoke, then for maybe up to 5 minutes afterward at the most...was the same way in my last apartment. If it bothers you so bad then go talk to your landlord...Or simply get some Febreeze to block out the odor; although, I think you're just psyching yourself out with the smell. Good luck.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Oh gosh I hate that feeling! Your throat gets so irritated and the smell is just stuck in your nose.

    Have you just considered getting an ionic breeze, they work great on filtering out smoke (grill smoke I tried)

    I would love to get something like that, but being a college student I cannot afford a $400 air filter. I've got $10000 I need to save up for my last few months before I graduate.

    He was living there first. There are steps she can take to prevent the smoke from entering. She should have done her due diligence.

    I realize that in the land of the "free," everyone is allowed to walk all over everyone else, and "first come-first serve" is how things work, but up here, where everyone has equal rights, it doesn't matter if the guy smoking were the pope, I still have the right to live in a comfortable environment, windows open or closed.
  • paleirishmother
    I had the same problem with the neighbor guys below me, they'd go out onto their porch n smoke cigarettes/cigars/pot. That itself didn't bother me. I never thought twice about it. Their lives, their buisness you know, whatever. ..

    Until one night when it was hot out, I went in to peek in on my son (who was 1) and it was sooooo smokey in his bedroom! The room was covered in a THICK fog, it was horrifying. I turned the light on and you could actually SEE the pillars of smoke heading towards his ceiling. My sons bedroom was right above their porch, about 12 ft above where they were hanging out. I turned the fan backwards, blew the smoke out and he slept with me in my bedroom that night.

    I realized that I need to shut the windows at night. In my perfect world I would have asked them to kindly stop doing that, but who am I to tell someone what to do, they live there too, ya know. I ended up moving the fans and the air conditioner to the other side of the apartment. It still smelled like smoke coming into the heating vents, but at least I didn't actually see it flowing into my windows anymore! Shut the windows, and stick some fabric softener sheets behind your fan when the smell bothers you. Sometimes you just have to live around it, that's apartment living for you. You may be able to talk to the landlord about switching apartments in the complex. I did it once a few years ago.

  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I think you should just talk with him and explain. I smoke. I would have no problem moving to an area away from my neighbor in general, assuming the conditions are fine. I've also been a non-smoker (most smokers have) and so we do understand how bad it can smell. I wouldn't approach him with the same kind of tone you have here, but, you know, you could say, "hey... i'm wondering if we can work something out."

    i recently had a naggy neighbor (not just about smoking, but a number of things, most of which we had no control over). most of the time, out of respect for her as a human (not as a person) i would smoke in the backyard, away from the entrances. occasionally the weather would be too foul or mosquitoes would be out and i'd opt to smoke on the porch. she would leave one window open to try to discourage us from using the porch. she had 15 windows, but she chose to open the one closest to our side of the porch and then she'd hack and hack and turn her fox news up so loud that we couldn't carry a conversation.

    i tell you this story because i want you to understand that i honestly did not care what she thought or felt in general. had she approached us in an adult manner, we could have worked something out. so i'm trying to relay that you should approach your neighbor kindly and sensitively, because if you approach him like a jerk, it will only affect your own environment.
  • Moretakitty
    Moretakitty Posts: 168 Member
    We closed our windows when we heard them go outside to smoke so it wouldn't waft into the windows, but apart from that, there isn't much you can do.

    They are legally allowed to smoke in their own home. We loved the lady downstairs, but she smoked. we didn't hold it against her, but we did move when we could into a house. Only one who affects my air for the most part is myself and my family.

    Sucks, yeah, but what can you do? Have you talked to them? Perhaps made friendly conversation? Maybe there is something they can do to minimize the effect in your apartment.

    Good luck
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i would also suggest keeping fresh-cut flowers and turning your window fans outward. many plants also filter the air, so they raise the air quality in your home (i live near a freeway, so i keep a lot of plants around... smoking is bad, yes, but lots of non-smokers drive which is just as bad).
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Just taking a stab in the dark here, but have you tried putting a fan in the window blowing out, so that the smoke isn't being sucked in? I have no idea how things are laid out, just throwing an idea out there.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I realize that in the land of the "free," everyone is allowed to walk all over everyone else, and "first come-first serve" is how things work, but up here, where everyone has equal rights, it doesn't matter if the guy smoking were the pope, I still have the right to live in a comfortable environment, windows open or closed.

    So you're thinking that you have the right to move to an area where another person is established and attempt to change their environment by force?

    That's not equal rights.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I realize that in the land of the "free," everyone is allowed to walk all over everyone else, and "first come-first serve" is how things work, but up here, where everyone has equal rights, it doesn't matter if the guy smoking were the pope, I still have the right to live in a comfortable environment, windows open or closed.

    So you're thinking that you have the right to move to an area where another person is established and attempt to change their environment by force?

    That's not equal rights.

    Who said anything about using force?

    Secondly, I never once said that the smoker had to do anything at all. Yes, it would be great if we could make smoking illegal, and kick him out of his apartment so I can live here in the comfort of my own home, but that's not about to happen. the best shot I've got is convincing the guy to go smoke on the public patio, instead of his apartment, but I wouldn't count on that happening. I just wish I could move out without and financial consequences, and manage to find a place that is equally as nice, without the damn smoking.

    Man, you're quick to make assumptions.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I realize that in the land of the "free," everyone is allowed to walk all over everyone else, and "first come-first serve" is how things work, but up here, where everyone has equal rights, it doesn't matter if the guy smoking were the pope, I still have the right to live in a comfortable environment, windows open or closed.

    So you're thinking that you have the right to move to an area where another person is established and attempt to change their environment by force?

    That's not equal rights.

    Who said anything about using force?

    well, you are calling the landlord instead of just talking with him... that's kinda forceful. just sayin'
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I realize that in the land of the "free," everyone is allowed to walk all over everyone else, and "first come-first serve" is how things work, but up here, where everyone has equal rights, it doesn't matter if the guy smoking were the pope, I still have the right to live in a comfortable environment, windows open or closed.

    So you're thinking that you have the right to move to an area where another person is established and attempt to change their environment by force?

    That's not equal rights.
    No NO No NO No you just don't understand, the only person with rights that matter is her/him.
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    I'm sorry you have to put up with that. I too get really sick around smoke. It makes me nauseated, gives me headaches, and makes it hard to breathe. While yes the guy smoking downstairs has the right to smoke, you also have the right to breathe clean air. That fact seems to get lost on a lot of people. They get defensive and complain if you say or do anything about their "right" to smoke but heaven forbid you should try to excercise your right to clean air. Some of the previous posters fall into that catagory. LIke the rude people who stand right in front of the doors to places of business. They want to get that last little puff before going in, and end up blowing it right in someone else's face who is walking by. Gross!! They couldn't care less about other people, it's all about their rights.

    I don't think talking directly to this guy will help anything. He'll probably just blow it up to your apartment more. I would keep on your landlord and see what they can do about it. Second hand smoke has been proven to be hazardous and even deadly, surely they can see why you'd want it to stop. If they can't do anything about him, insist they let you trade apartments. Get your doctor to write a letter if you have to. You could try puting the fan pointing out of the window, or maybe an air purifier could help. If all else fails move, or learn to keep your windows shut. I hope it gets better for you soon!!
  • channel11
    channel11 Posts: 38 Member
    Unfortunately I also learned early that some people on here are not supportive or objective which is a shame but just ignore them. You are not overeacting. I would probably move because I too get the physical reactions you are experiencing. I hope there is something in your lease that will be helpful, even if it's the move to another apartment....but consider, if you do have to pack up and move anyway, maybe consider a new building altogether. For me I would talk with the neighbour and see if you can come up with something but only if you absolutely LOVE your place otherwise start looking and move asap. Good luck :ohwell:
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I realize that in the land of the "free," everyone is allowed to walk all over everyone else, and "first come-first serve" is how things work, but up here, where everyone has equal rights, it doesn't matter if the guy smoking were the pope, I still have the right to live in a comfortable environment, windows open or closed.

    So you're thinking that you have the right to move to an area where another person is established and attempt to change their environment by force?

    That's not equal rights.

    Who said anything about using force?

    well, you are calling the landlord instead of just talking with him... that's kinda forceful. just sayin'

    The landlord can't/won't do anything. In fact, the law cannot do anything to the tenant living in that apartment. It CAN do something with the landlord and my living arrangement.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i'm so glad most of you aren't my neighbors. haha! i'd so much prefer someone just talk with me directly than calling the landlord on me. there's no need for it, if you approach it like an adult.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    Wow some people on here are just rude.
    I'm really sorry that's happening to you, I wouldn't have even thought of that problem if I was moving into an appt with a balcony. I feel your pain, I have horrible sensitivity when it comes to cigarettes... I hope it gets resolved soon.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Wow some people on here are just rude.
    I'm really sorry that's happening to you, I wouldn't have even thought of that problem if I was moving into an appt with a balcony. I feel your pain, I have horrible sensitivity when it comes to cigarettes... I hope it gets resolved soon.

    So true, a tenant expecting to be relocated to another unit because they can't manage to close a window is very rude.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Wow some people on here are just rude.
    I'm really sorry that's happening to you, I wouldn't have even thought of that problem if I was moving into an appt with a balcony. I feel your pain, I have horrible sensitivity when it comes to cigarettes... I hope it gets resolved soon.

    So true, a tenant expecting to be relocated to another unit because they can't manage to close a window is very rude.

    Expecting someone to live an a building without ever opening a window is like telling someone to walk to work in the rain without an umbrella or rain coat. Would you like to live an entire year of your life without ever opening a window, especially when the weather is absolutely gorgeous outside?
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Oh gosh I hate that feeling! Your throat gets so irritated and the smell is just stuck in your nose.

    Have you just considered getting an ionic breeze, they work great on filtering out smoke (grill smoke I tried)

    I would love to get something like that, but being a college student I cannot afford a $400 air filter. I've got $10000 I need to save up for my last few months before I graduate.

    He was living there first. There are steps she can take to prevent the smoke from entering. She should have done her due diligence.

    I realize that in the land of the "free," everyone is allowed to walk all over everyone else, and "first come-first serve" is how things work, but up here, where everyone has equal rights, it doesn't matter if the guy smoking were the pope, I still have the right to live in a comfortable environment, windows open or closed.

    So your right to comfort overrides his right to comfort? Sounds legit. Not sure you know what equal rights mean.