Sixers Heading Into The Holidays - Week 4



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Oh My God ... What A Stressful Day At Work!!!! Thank Goodness I have a Zumba Class tonight to help me de-stress!!

  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Maggie I have had a rough one today too. But did manage to make myself do my shred workout today and I must admit I feel much better.:flowerforyou: Hang in there and go get em!!!!:wink:

  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Congrats to all the (and soon to be) Losers!!!! :laugh:

    I got my MRI today! And they stuck a needle in my hip joint :noway: (painful... lol) to make sure they could see the joint on the MRI machine... Needless to say, i understand why ppl are afraid of MRIs :-D They are kinda creepy and make a LOT of noise... so if they give you a choice... CHOOSE the music! I chose the ear plugs not knowing JUST HOW LOUD it would be!

    Hip hurts now because of injection and they told me not to workout for 24 hours but then... I'm going back at it!

    Oh and I had a BANGING workout yesterday!! LOL!! I burned 400 cals doing some boxing in my apartment.. I bought a punching bag and really enjoyed using it. not to mention I almost broke the thing punching it so hard!!! TALK about stress relief! Then I burned another 400 cleaning!! GO ME!! I use a HRM to see how much I burn.... it makes me work harder!

    Oh and I'm going to aim for a big loss in the last 2 weeks. Making a bigger effort to cut out the fastfood again! My sis called me on it!!!! :noway: and I thank her for that!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Seems like once I start seeing steady progress I back off a bit and slow things down (unconsciously)... so I'm back at it again. but I do want to point out how proud I am that it's that TOM and I weigh 143.... and I gain about 5 lbs during each cycle from water weight so I'm feeling EXTRA special LOL :love: :love: :smooched:

    Have a great Thursday.... shhhhhhh................ (the weekend's coming!!!!!) :laugh: :love: :smooched: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I promise to do personals one day
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well ... I lifted something wrong at work today, on top of everything else that was going on ... So no Zumba for me tonight ... ouch! I really did work up a sweat today in the Print Shop so I don't feel any guilt ... but Zumba would have been way fun. Oh well, I'll take it as my higher power's way of telling me to take a rest.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Lauren- I'm sure you will figure out a way to get your fitness in. Whenever I don't have much time I use a jump rope at home for 10-15 mins. Do jumb and jacks and some squats. You can do those things early in the morning... however do what works best for you. And YOU know yourself better than anyone else does. Best of luck and keep up the positive thinking!

    Susan- Thanks for the stats again. Loving it. It keeps me focused. Unless some cake starts to stare at me too hard I should make the list for next week. LOL. Hope your having a great week!

    Alison- I love Edy's Slow Churn as well. Sometimes I do one cup and I know that's all that I can have instead of cookies and icecream which is my number one weakness in the winter. How did the walk away the pounds dvd go?

    Amy- water is the easiest thing to do and the first thing we forget works the best. I love when I drink enough I feel like I did ONE thing right. Good luck

    Kristin- Well at least you were eating for two when you gave into the cravings!!!

    RmChan- Good question. I hear eating clean works wonders. Tiff does it sometimes and she gets good results. How has your fitness been this week?

    B- Great job lady. I love the questions you ask yourself daily. I need to add that to my list of ways to stay motivated. Thanks for sharing

    T- Clean eating is wonderful. Good job and keep up the great work. Glad your family is helping!

    Maggie- Work stress is the worse and it always tries to destroy the day however at least you decided on fitness and not food. How is your daughters wedding planning going?

    Emmie- How was your day? Anything good.. did you find a good recipe yet?

    Amy lou- I hope you are taking time for yourself w/ all that studying.

    Tiff- Im glad you got the MRI don't forget to let your body rest. Yoga will help you ease back into things.

    Kel- How is the weather and what's going on this week on your end?

    F.Y.I- Cathy is doing well. She has alot on her plate. Send her a message of encouragement. She says she will be back next challenge. We all miss her lots :flowerforyou:

    As for me.. I joined another gym today. This one has fitness classes and I LOVE those. I mean just LOVE them. Luckily I found a gym I can do month to month without a long term contract too. So I just pay 25 a month. I'm soooooooo excited. So hopefully this with my personal training will keep me removing some pounds. However I was reminded today weight loss is more about nutrition. I need to be a better monitor of my eating. Well ladies.... off to do soooooooo many things I should have done on my two days off. I have to work Fri and Sat. TTYL

    I wish us all the best. Lets take some time and find out what our goals truly are and make them visible to ourselves daily.

    take care,

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Susan- I just read your last post on the week 3 and it made me really laugh. Yes my mail is sorted out and looking at the scale with success is just a wonderful feeling. Keep up the great progress!!!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Good Mornig Sixers!! I had to get up early to study so no time for workout this a.m. I plan on doing some light exercise later tonight and eating clean today! (I'm BACK)

    My meal plan today:
    2 slices Turkey. bacon
    1 serv egg white
    LEan cuisine and Salad for lunch
    peanuts for snack...

    Not planning dinner yet!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! I've been doing really well with my increased water intake. It's been 4 days in a row now. I am feeling better. But what is amazing to me is how I am now craving the water more than I was before. My body knows what it wants and needs, but my mind doesn't always follow my body's advice! I'm hoping to do more personals later. Gotta get back to work! Happy Friday!!!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Good Morning Sixers!

    I did 2.5 miles on the treadmill last night jogging, and then I walked half mile at an incline, but then the fam was whining about dinner and we didn't have anything in the we went to McDonalds.:grumble: It was within my allotted calories for the day, but still not healthy at all. :noway: Plus, when I got on the scale for my pre-weigh said I was up a lb. I know that it is all sodium, but I still hate seeing the number go up.:grumble:

    Better eating today for me!!

    Hope everyone else has a great day and a great weekend! :flowerforyou:

    Happy Friday!

  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Good morning Sixers!!!!!

    before I go into update mode I wanted to share this link that was on Yahoo this morning!

    I have already seen mention of Zumba so yay to those of you who have started doing excited things!

    magglett, Redneckwoman -> hope your days are less stressful!

    gonabfit -> YAY eating healthy!!!!! (work u butt off later!)

    amypyr - > YUMMY! I <3 water, I rarely drink anything but so congrats!!!! :drinker:

    gogoleaner -> I personally hate mcDonalds, but good choice on staying within ur cals, and good luck with ur eating today! and grats on the mileage!

    drtamm -> your welcome :) What gym did you join!?!?! sure hope they are a chain, I need a new gym! I need one with classes, My contract ended in October :( (although not so sad cuz all it had was equipment and nothing else!)

    Okay me, I am not feeling well :(, I have had a tummy ache since i got home from swimming last night. And I was bad, I had two cookies yesterday (BIG), and two this morning. However, I didnt really eat any solid meals yesterday and none yet today. (Which is prolly hurting my body a lot :( its not getting the energy it needs, Im just sOOOOO busy!) I woke up pretty late, still didnt get much sleep though, and am about to go put on my clothes to do my DVD this morning cuz I was too miserable last night to do it. I did however swim laps for an hour, and tredded water for 30 minutes! Oddly my body feels better today then it did yesterday ( I am betting its because I actually got sleep)

    So here is my question for the day, I havent had a good nights sleep since last thursday, even though I am EXHAUSTED when I go to bed, I cant fall asleep, and if i do its a very light sleep FILLED with dreams, so when I wake up i don't feel reenergized or relaxed at all! I cant figure out what is up with me.. any suggestions???

    Hope everyone has a good day/weekend!
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Tiff, I had an MRI on my brain. No music option. I was petrified, with tears streaming down my face, and panicked breathing. When she brought me out for a break (it was over an hour long total), I asked if I could just get up to take a breather. I couldn't come out of the head position I was in or the first half was useless. The tech sat beside me, holding my hand and stroking my hair to get me to calm down. I was sobbing so hard I was beginning to hyperventilate. And I was in the "open MRI"!!!! If I EVER have to have another MRI, I will demand sedation. But, I knew the MRI had to be done -- they were checking for brain tumors! -- so I composed myself and continued praying as I went back in for the second half. In my opinion, MRIs sound like someone is firing a machine gun at you inside a barrel. I think I would have dealt better if the noise pattern was constant. PHEW.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hey B! Sounds like you are at it with a vengence!! Good for you!

    I'm going to work out today for the first time in...... two, three months? :embarassed: I know how bad that is, and considered that my gym membership is paid for through December, it's doubly bad. I just find myself having a hard time making time to do it. When I have my daughter, I do not go to the gym. She needs me terribly right now, and doesn't want to be away from me for a minute. I am not putting her at the gym daycare during this highly transitional period (i.e. during the separation and divorce). When I don't have her, there is laundry (at someone else's house, I have no washer or dryer), grocery shopping, running errands, helping out my family with little things, always SOMETHING that needs to be done. Excuses? Yes. I know they are. I'm hoping to change that soon enough. So tonight I'm going to Zumba with my sister, and I'm actually dreading it. I hate looking like a fool in a dance class! ha!

    Is there any type of activity that you and your daughter could do together? I doubt she'd want to do Zumba (or would she?), but maybe some fun obstacle course type activities or fun active challenges that you could do together. I used to go with my parents to a park with a walking trail - they would walk and I would ride my bike in circles around them, and it was always fun. Even just putting on some music and dancing around the house with her. The exercise would help with her stress during this hard time, too.

    Hang in there!


    We could walk or go to a park together, but on week nights, there isn't enough time (or warmth) with fall here.
  • pdxmomof2
    Hello ladies!

    Big time stress in my life right now. I have been a SAHM for the last 3 years and 2 months but that may be coming to an end and I am torn about it. My husband is self employed so we have to get medical insurance on our own. He is not insurable due to diverticulitis. I cover me, and my 2 sons. Right now it is up to 360.00 per mth. Hubby found a way to get insurance but when all said and done it will cost about 500 per month. We just cant pay out almost 900.00 per mth in insurance. So I found a great job with Kaizer Permanente. I can work part time (20 to 32 hours) and get low cost or no cost insurance depending on my hours. My SIL works there and she has never worked less than 32 hours and has no cost insurance with $5 co-pays and $3 prescription. Also we would all be covered(dh too!) and have dental and vision. Here is where it gets complicated. We want to have another baby. I am turning 36 in less than 1 month. This puts that on hold. I just want to cry. Amyways, life is just stressful. I have applied to the job and we will see what happens.

    B- Do you like to take baths. Something that helps me out is to take a long , hot bath in the evening. I read a book for a bit and then I can hardly keep my eyes open. It results in a good nights sleep!

    Hello to everyone else!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Hello ladies!

    Big time stress in my life right now. I have been a SAHM for the last 3 years and 2 months but that may be coming to an end and I am torn about it. My husband is self employed so we have to get medical insurance on our own. He is not insurable due to diverticulitis. I cover me, and my 2 sons. Right now it is up to 360.00 per mth. Hubby found a way to get insurance but when all said and done it will cost about 500 per month. We just cant pay out almost 900.00 per mth in insurance. So I found a great job with Kaizer Permanente. I can work part time (20 to 32 hours) and get low cost or no cost insurance depending on my hours. My SIL works there and she has never worked less than 32 hours and has no cost insurance with $5 co-pays and $3 prescription. Also we would all be covered(dh too!) and have dental and vision. Here is where it gets complicated. We want to have another baby. I am turning 36 in less than 1 month. This puts that on hold. I just want to cry. Amyways, life is just stressful. I have applied to the job and we will see what happens.

    B- Do you like to take baths. Something that helps me out is to take a long , hot bath in the evening. I read a book for a bit and then I can hardly keep my eyes open. It results in a good nights sleep!

    Hello to everyone else!

    OOOO baby! (sorry I am a nanny that is my automatic response, I LOVE BABIES! (toddlers too! its about the age of 6 my interest fades, is that terrible or what?!) hmmm Health care would be AMAZINGLY important if you are going to have another child, so maybe work for a year, then try for another child! that way you have health care! And a relatively steady income! (i dk if the job u are applying for offers maternaty leave but if so you can be with your baby, plus your husband if he is self imployed could work from home at first?)

    And I love baths! I take one every night, and normally that does help... but lately no luck at all. I swear the only thing that has changed is i switched my top comforter from my normal one to a winter one... could that be effecting my sleeping!?

    Good luck with the job!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    So I got EA Active for my Wii and tried out the 30 day program on high intensity, OMG did i sweat more then i was inticipating! I got quite a work out! :) Didnt do my DVD today after all, my knees hurt too much for all the Squating that Bob likes to do, so TOMORROW for sure doing the DVD.

    I was going to go out tonight but my tummy ache got worse and now i have a headache. So I think I am going to try and call it an early night, I dont know if I will be able to sleep or not. I swear if I dont fall asleep after an hour Im going to find some booze and drink until I am sleepy! (prolly not, Im just getting desperate for sleep! my body can't handle my work out schedual much longer if i dont sleep!)

    Well I certainly hope all of you Sixers had a great day! And I wish all of you a great weekend!!!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Tamm - I found a Lentil soup recipe that was ok. I think I'll try a different one next time.

    Lauryn and Tiff - OK, MRI's sound pretty traumatizing. I hope I never have to experience one. Lauryn - Was your brain OK?

    pdxmom - I understand how you feel - my dh was forced to leave his job (commission only sales) and is now self-employed. We are waiting for our cobra packet to come in the mail, but I'm afraid it's going to be about 1,000/month. I hope things work out for you - Good luck on the job.

    B - I had a bad night's sleep last night too. I'm sure mine is stress related. I love sleeping so I get really put out when I can't. :grumble: Maybe with the winter comforter you are too hot and so you aren't sleeping well. I can't sleep when I'm hot which is why I sleep with a fan on (which also drowns out the sounds and lulls me to sleep). Also - try taking a day off from working out. Could you be working out too much or too late in the day? I have the EA Active too - actually we have several fitness games for our wii. THey are getting a little dusty and need some attention.

    Busy weekend ahead for me....I hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    So, I weighed myself this morning, and I'm down 2 lbs from where I was at my last weigh-in, which means I've got 4 lbs to lose by 12/8. I put a note on my fridge as a reminder. I really really want to meet my goal for this six weeks - in other words, I'm so happy to be a part of this group and to have a goal. Knowing how much I want to lose in the next 2.5 weeks even affected how I did my free day today.

    I had a normal breakfast, and then some chips, cheese and salsa for lunch (which were not satisfying and didn't taste all that wonderful, so I stopped eating way before I was full). I wanted something more satisfying on my free day, so I ordered from a Chinese restaurant and got the steamed chicken and vegetables. I did eat half of the fried rice and the egg roll, but I was so proud of myself for getting the steamed meal instead of the fried meal. I know it wasn't a perfect day, and I'd really give back the chips if I could since I didn't even enjoy them, but I'm proud of myself for making a better choice.

    I still haven't worked up the motivation to do those walking DVDs that I rented, but fortunately they're free rentals, and I just renewed them for another week. I don't know what is holding me back, other than being too lazy to move my coffee table. I am going to do the DVDs before I have to return them. Even if it's just one routine on each of them. I know if I start moving more, I will make my goal for this six weeks.

    How is everyone else feeling about this six weeks? Ready to make better choices or feeling right on track to meet or exceed your goal?

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    My profile says "No more excuses" so as soon as I was done typing my last post, I moved my coffee table to the side, put on my tennis shoes, and did the 2-mile walk routine. I feel great, it was a good workout without any complicated moves, and I'm definitely going to do it again tomorrow.

    Yay for a good day!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    My profile says "No more excuses" so as soon as I was done typing my last post, I moved my coffee table to the side, put on my tennis shoes, and did the 2-mile walk routine. I feel great, it was a good workout without any complicated moves, and I'm definitely going to do it again tomorrow.

    Yay for a good day!
    I am Sooooooo proud of you Alison! See you can do this and the scale should show it too!! Please tell us how it goes tomorrow!!! As for me, today was my workout day off and I have ate nothing but CRAP!
    I am so disappointed in myself. If I fail to plan then I usually fail but I have tomorrow right?? My chin is picked up and my hands are on the computer so that means NO eating! I will be watching for your post tomorrow, sleep well!!
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Alison - Great way to motivate yourself!! I love those walking DVD's because I feel like I've had a good workout but didn't kill myself. Now, I would go and move my coffee table too....except the rest of my family is sitting in there watching a movie.