Are you an introvert or extrovert?



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am a weird mixture. I don't like crowds, I am much better one on one than in group situations, and I find small talk quite hard, but I am a performer. I love singing, I love showing off and I love the attention I get from it. But I also find it terrifying. I guess I get a bit of a buzz from the fear itself.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    i am on the fence, but a little more intraverted than extraverted. Some more info you guys might want to check out is the different facets of these types on the myers briggs scale.

    We did alot of work on these at a leadership training session for our managers. These are really good for understanding how people are different, especially if you manage people.

    Below are the different facets of these types, I am an INTP type personality. :)


    I come out a total mix on there.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    This is interesting. I have a theory about introverts/extroverts and the Internet. Most true extroverts that I know are not fans of the Internet and social websites like this one and Facebook. In fact, they despise them because they are the antithesis of what the extrovert is all about. While introverts love these kinds of sites because it is passive communication. Introverts feel like they are communicating on their own terms. It's a perfect situation for an introvert.

    Most extrovert friends I have hate Facebook and have cancelled their accounts. Lol. However, I am seeing a lot of extroverts here. So, maybe I'm wrong about that.
  • pinkgumdrop123
    pinkgumdrop123 Posts: 262 Member
    I'm an introvert.
    I like time to myself.
    I like peace and quiet.
    I don't like crowds.
    I prefer small get togethers to parties.
    I shy away from the spotlight.
    I prefer talking to someone one on one than many people in a group because I get a.d.d. and easily distracted.
    I like being aroun people but only in small doses.
    I'm a homebody, but sometimes I get cabin fever.
    I can't stand people who are clingy and are co-dependent because I'm not.
    I'm a deep, internal thinker. I observe rather than talk in group settings.
    If I don't get time to myself, I get cranky.
    I don't mind going to movies by myself.

    Yup that is me
  • SamEriksson
    Extreme introvert. As child and teenager I couldn't wait to get out of school because I felt so exhausted from being around people all day. I couldn't understand why my friends wanted to still hang out after school. That made me think that there was something wrong with me. It wasn't until late last year (I'm now 28) that I found out what introversion and extroversion means.
    It feels good to know that there is a name for it and that I'm not the only one that feels this way.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    i am on the fence, but a little more intraverted than extraverted. Some more info you guys might want to check out is the different facets of these types on the myers briggs scale.

    We did alot of work on these at a leadership training session for our managers. These are really good for understanding how people are different, especially if you manage people.

    Below are the different facets of these types, I am an INTP type personality. :)


    According to the Myers Briggs test I am an INTJ. I don't remember what that means. ;-) I am in the middle of being an introvert and extrovert. I like time alone, but I talk to people easily
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member

    I love meeting new people, crowds and crave social contact. I agree with "neverstray" I hate that my friends would rather update their facebook page 5 times a day rather than picking up the phone and making a call. I have also deleted most LOCAL friends because I think its ridiculous.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I am a out-going, gregarious introvert.

    I make friends and form relationships easily. People seem to like me and I'm often asked to go places and do Things, and there is a running joke amongst my friends about how I'm the "cruise director" - I always know what's going on where, and co-ordinate efforts in going out.

    But, in general, people exhaust me. I need lots of recharge/ alone time, and often send my partner out to do things on his own because I just can't deal with more people. My favourite thing to do is sit alone, in a quiet room, with no one around and no noise - no television, no radio, no phone. *bliss*
  • BabyLeila23
    Extrovert for sure :)
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    Introvert, with a side of social anxiety.
    Being around people is exhausting. Spending time by myself is extremely important to me. If I don't have enough alone time, I get way too stressed out.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm an introvert.
    I like time to myself.
    I like peace and quiet.
    I don't like crowds.
    I prefer small get togethers to parties.
    I shy away from the spotlight.
    I prefer talking to someone one on one than many people in a group because I get a.d.d. and easily distracted.
    I like being aroun people but only in small doses.
    I'm a homebody, but sometimes I get cabin fever.
    I can't stand people who are clingy and are co-dependent because I'm not.
    I'm a deep, internal thinker. I observe rather than talk in group settings.
    If I don't get time to myself, I get cranky.
    I don't mind going to movies by myself.

    This is pretty much me too. Except I am really loud, so people confuse me for an extrovert.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm borderline... I used to be a strong introvert as a child and into early adulthood, to the point where I remember at a couple parties in college I had to find a quiet space to be by myself for a half hour or so because the noise and interaction was wearing me down. But once I started working and met hubby, I started becoming more extroverted. There are still times where I need my quiet alone time but it's not rare to find me talking to strangers in the line at the grocery store either. I'm much more comfortable in my own circles (close friends/family) but won't shy away from a gathering of new folks either.
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    I'm probably going to lean toward introvert, I'm great with people and love being social. But I am REALLY good at spending time with myself :) LOVE ALONE TIME!!!
  • alphabetsalad
    alphabetsalad Posts: 24 Member
    Shy extrovert. Is that even possible?!
  • genuinelyfrans
    Definitely an introvert. I am really shy and tend to stay quiet around new people. But if someone comes up to me and starts talking, I can hold a conversation.
  • heliumheels
    heliumheels Posts: 241 Member
    Total introvert. I was told at 15 that I have social anxiety. At work I am "the quiet one". Meetings at work are hell for me. They told me a public speaking class might be a good idea, but I don't see it helping at all. I have been shy my whole life. Not too crazy about crowds, but I deal with it because I love going to concerts. I enjoy spending time with friends sometimes, but solitude is bliss. Around my close family and best friend I am talkative though.

    Who else here gets "it's always the quiet ones!" all the time? I swear if someone says that to me one more time, they will understand how true their words are!
  • oneworkoutatatime
    Both, I can be the life of the party or man of few words. It's kind of a curse,every sonce I was a lil kid people always think something is wrong when I'm quiet.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    This is interesting. I have a theory about introverts/extroverts and the Internet. Most true extroverts that I know are not fans of the Internet and social websites like this one and Facebook. In fact, they despise them because they are the antithesis of what the extrovert is all about. While introverts love these kinds of sites because it is passive communication. Introverts feel like they are communicating on their own terms. It's a perfect situation for an introvert.

    Most extrovert friends I have hate Facebook and have cancelled their accounts. Lol. However, I am seeing a lot of extroverts here. So, maybe I'm wrong about that.

    I think there are actually studies done that more extorverts and introverts and how they use facebook and social media. The Extroverts are the one always posting comments while introverts usually only comment on posts.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Definitely an introvert in social settings. I don't consider myself to be socially awkward. I do know how to talk to people, and I will have a conversation with anyone who actually knows how to hold a conversation. But I usually will not be the first one to speak if I'm surrounded by people I don't know. I have no problem doing things by myself. Sometimes I prefer it. Shopping, for example, is something I'd much rather do alone than with other people.

    In a professional setting, I'm much less introverted. I'm a great speaker (thanks to my parents, I have been speaking in public since I was very young), I'm pretty quick on my feet, and I enjoy teamwork with competent people.

    But in general, I can only handle "socializing" in small doses. I'm pretty low-key and cerebral, so hanging out in someone's house or apartment with 50 people I barely know, everyone getting wasted and talking about stupid things ... not really my idea of a good time.