how do you divide your calories?



  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    Between 300 and 400 six times a day. I'm never stuffed and never really hungry.
  • jstandfield
    jstandfield Posts: 150 Member
    I eat the most calories for breakfast, then another big meal after I work out. My smallest meal is my last and I am usually not hungry.
  • Blueberry024
    Blueberry024 Posts: 8 Member
    I have 250 for breakfast, 200-400 for lunch, 600-700 for dinner, and whatever is left for snacks and milk (which I drink in tea)
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I'll eat when I'm hungry,
    I'll drink when l'm dry.
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    For me, it depends. And, like others have mentioned, personal preference dictates this.

    For the most part my days are like this (and, it's largely based on culture) :

    BREAKFAST on M-F is small (100-150 calories) and 500-600 calories on the Sat and Sun.

    LUNCH on M-F is mostly 400-500 calories. Sometimes 600 calories (not a lot). Also sometimes 200-300 calories, if i'm going out at night or if I'm going to a party, or just want a bigger dinner.

    DINNER from M-Sun is not too big, b/w 400-600 calories. I like ending my dinners at about 7pm. I don't like to eat too late. If I eat too much (over 700 calories) for dinner, it messes up with my stomach and I also can't sleep at night.

    SNACKS probably make up most of my daily calories. I try to not let that happen, but it usually does. :ohwell:
  • NCJB
    NCJB Posts: 10
    I eat all day, I'm on 2600 calories per day intake roughly so I just eat a ton of 300 calorie meals. If I go over on a few no big deal I just cut some snacking. It really depends on what I'm doing and how bad I screw up early in the day too(Ate a 1100 calorie dish the other day so I had to limit the rest of the day, also ate movie popcorn another day without knowing that it was so loaded with calories until I got home). Basically I know me, and I'm gonna eat all the time, especially when I'm bored, so if I have smaller portions I can feel like I'm always eating. If I try to eat 3 "normal" meals I'm just gonna have a bunch of snacks between them profile meals have just one field "all day".

    Also if I'm going to do something extremely active(fight sports, etc) I try to eat any big meal that I may be planning to have before it, rather than after. It could be in my head but I feel like I have more energy for what I'm doing that way.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I eat breakfast and depending on that calorie amount (usually 350 range but I've had 500 ) and then from that point on I determine what my other meals will be with what is left it doesn't always work out for me.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    It's already been said but it depends on the person. I know some people swear by eating breakfast, others than say it doesn't matter and they save their calories. Me, I have about 1240 calories a day and when I run, I'll have some type of energy bar right afterwards and usually will have breakfast (so almost 450 or so calories there) then lunch will be about 300-400 then I have left overs for dinner. I try to keep them about the same but honestly it depends on what I have. I try to have a morning snack and afternoon snack as well if I had a small lunch or am planning a small-ish dinner.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I try to keep it at 300-400 for breakfast, lunch, and dinner then 150-200 for snacks throughout the day. But more often than not I tend to eat very little in the morning and my meals get bigger as the day gets older.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    During the work week when I have everything planned out, I do around 200 for breakfast, 400 for lunch, and 250-400 for snacks during the day depending on if it is a workout day or not, and then I usually have any where from 600-800 for dinner, and if I have room I have a snack after that is usually between 100-140 calories. If it's the weekend, I don't have a set plan, and really just eat when I'm hungry, and I usually burn a lot more calories during the weekend so I have a lot more to eat.
  • I try to limit my meals to the following:

    Breakfast - 200kCals

    Morning Snack - 150kCals

    Lunch - 300kCals

    Afternoon Snack - 150kCals

    Dinner - 400kCals

    Total - 1200kCals

    My Diary should be public, so feel free to flip through it if you want to take a look ;)

    Oh, and I like to plan ahead xD
  • HazenAllen
    HazenAllen Posts: 46 Member
    I try to stay around or a bit under 1500 calories daily.

    For breakfast, I try to make this the largest meal of the day, mostly to get my metabolism a kick in the *kitten* and to lower my hunger throughout the day. They do say it is the most important meal :P I would say around 450-500 calories on a good day.

    Lunch I eat a decent lunch, usually with a decent amount of carbs and protein a little bit after working out to help rebuild my body. I don't go overboard on calories though. Usually around 300-350 on a good day also.

    Dinner I try to eat about the same amount I did for Lunch, probably around the 350-400 mark if possible, I try to omit as much fat and simple carbs as I can, and get a good amount of protein and complex carbs.

    Snacks usually consist of a protein shake which is around 140 calories which I consume immediately after working out, and another snack which is light, maybe a light yogurt, which I would say is around 80.

    I don't really plan my meals, and I am learning more and more as I go along, so I am by no means perfect at this, some days I will have like 350 breakfast cals, have 550 lunch calories and 220 dinner calories. I usually try to aim for what I listed above, I drink the suggested 8+ cups a water a day, sometimes way more.

    1320-1470 calories with my estimations above, not too shabby. This is what works for me personally from what I have seen thus far. I have lost around 24 pounds in less than a month, though, I always tend to lose weight fast, especially initially. We should all do what benefits us personally :) I love to read different approaches and ideas on things and maybe implement some ideas into my own way. Good luck to everyone :]

    *Edit* Sorry to bump an old thread, I didn't even notice T_T