Deleting Friends



  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    :grumble: Yes, if we have very different views of a healthy lifestyle or attitude to life in general.... or if I don't think they're making much of an effort. Everyone has to go through life's ups and downs, doesn't mean you can't log what you eat.

    If someone is merely annoying me, but I don't feel ready to delete them *yet* because I think they might bounce back, I simply hide them from my newsfeed... :yawn:
  • ElizaDnl
    ElizaDnl Posts: 46
    Options own post repeated from a similar thread....I'm sorry, there are things I will make time for like eating right, working out, whatever, and things I won't make time for.....scrolling through my friends list to delete those I feel haven't measured up...for WHATEVER reason. If you're on my list, you're on for life.
    I delete people who delete other people for any reason. Or people who talk about why they delete people. I also delete for migraines, too chatty, head-lice, constipation, yellow teeth, irritable bowel syndrome, excessive flatulence, urinary track infections, lack of toe nail cutting, women who shave their hoo-hee and those with casualness towards general hygiene. I've also deleted for being members of Al Qaeda, Hamas or other terrorist organizations or people who just like to blow *kitten* up for no reason. I've deleted and will delete anyone too political, too religious, too opinionated, too sensual, too sexual, too apathetic, someone who is easily over-excited, too encouraging, too discouraging, too whiny, too quiet, too general and too explicit. Also bad grammar, GONE! If you've ever deleted anyone for bad grammar, you're gone too. If you don't eat donuts, gone. If you've ever deleted someone else for eating a donut, GONE! I will delete anyone who uses the words: journey or process in regards to weight loss. Finally and most importantly, I will delete you for lacking a sense of humor......oh.....and DON'T show me your bewbs, I will delete you for that.

    Please, will you marry me?
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I've deleted friends n I regret it...they were supportive and healthy eaters but I was getting pressure from home about my MFP addiction lol and had a knee jerk stupid thought that if I downsized I would b on here less. I did send them a message b4 explaining y and wishing them well but it still really hurt them especially HD (forgive me HD). I have also deleted a young girl undereating who gave no support and made a smartarse comment on newsfeed about my suggestion to up at least her was too painful to watch. I also deleted someone who gave no support to me bit I did for her but I checked her friends list first and she had over 200 friends so I felt ok about that cos she wasn't going to miss little old me. BUT because of HD, I will never delete anyone again.
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I rarely ever delete, even when they haven't been on for weeks. What if they were going through a bad patch and come back to no support? . But I'm often deleted. Some people tell me its because I have a big friends list.
    I personally think thats silly. I support, I reply and chat. If I had just 20 friends I would be the same.

    I hate being deleted and not knowing who or why they have. Wish they would message and tell me what I did.

    Oh, I have deleted a few people because they were writing on other peoples diarys telling them they were bad for eating food and needed to eat no more than 300 calories 0.o
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I just deleted all my (very nice) friends because having people see my diary made me self conscious about what I was posting (but not what I was eating). And I need to be scrupulously honest or what's the point of keeping a diary. I sent them a note and they were so gracious.
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    I deleted someone becuase she kept compaining about deleting folks who didnt have pictures or open diary.

    If someone doesnt want help with their diets then why do they need an open diary. Like me.Its closed for now, but if i want advice i'll open it.:tongue:

    I thought she was a nosybody. She kept me even though i had a closed diary. I thought it was mean to delete people for closed diary so i deleted her first. :tongue:
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Wow... seeing this makes me feel like I'm doing the right thing not having any friends! You guys are harsh! I felt a little hurt when I was deleted by the one person who added me last time, so I have chosen not to open the diary so they can poke fun. "You went out to eat TWICE this week. Ugh!"

    "You eat junk food! Get off my list!"

    "You didn't log your food yesterday! Bam, gone!"

    That's the vibe I get from this post. And I'm military so we go away all the time: training for 3 weeks here, conference there, deployment with intermittent web access. I don't need friends that'll abandon me because I'm hard to reach or going to criticize when I'm stuck eating chow hall food in the desert. I don't know about others, but I need encouragement. I'm trying to eat well, but now I'm thinking "What if I don't live up to their standards?"

    Edit: The "doesn't interact" part also concerns me. I'm a quiet one, a lurker. You'll delete me for that, even if I log in!?

    I totally agree!!!!! I am military as well, and I know that we can get tasked to go somewhere at the drop of a hat. A few years ago, I got told two days before Christmas that I was deploying two days after Christmas. So for the next few weeks, the only people I was in contact with was my unit and notifying family of the situation. The last thing on my mind would've been posting on MFP that I was going to be MIA for a while for a legitimate reason!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    If they are not active for about a month then I delete. I will also delete people if it turns out we have WAY different goals or a different approach to the lifestyle (people eating super low calorie, fad dieting, over the top with supplements, logging ridiculous calorie burns through exercise but not losing weight). It's not a judgment or personal, it just turns out we don't have much in common. I have also deleted a person or two for continuously preaching about Jesus. I got no problem with the lord.....but I don't need to see that kind of stuff in my news feed.
  • iloso
    iloso Posts: 156
    9-14 days depending on how I am feeling.
  • rnb1127
    rnb1127 Posts: 23 Member
    I see that same guy on other peoples posts quite a bit. I say "*kitten*" out loud to myself everytime I see his avatar.

    this made me LOL :)
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    When I receive a friend request, I send a personal message thanking them for the request, and how I look forward to encouraging each other, so I think that if a person isn't committed to helping themselves, then why should I be committed to supporting them?

    If someone doesn't log in for 3-4 weeks, then I delete. I was also suprised that when I deleted someone, that their account had been "deactivated"! WTH? I think that if someone deactivates their account, that they should automatically be removed from friend lists.

    If someone were to ask me why I deleted them, I would tell them why, and that if they were ready to start logging consistently, then I would be happy to "re-friend" them.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I just deleted all my (very nice) friends because having people see my diary made me self conscious about what I was posting (but not what I was eating). And I need to be scrupulously honest or what's the point of keeping a diary. I sent them a note and they were so gracious.

    There is a privacy setting on your diary so even your friends don't have to see it if you don't want them to. Just an FYI.
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    I usually delete people who have not logged in in a while and who I have no connection with as well. I do keep some people who havent come in a while with hope that they will come back. It is a lot based on my personal connection with people. If we have nothing in common, then I don't really see there being much benefit from having the extra notifications clogging up my feed!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Yep - I give them a month

    2nd this
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    7 days and you're gone.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I delete people for not interacting with me or for being overly dramatic.
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    I do, especially if I don't ever hear from them.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I delete people who aren't logging in, who are negative nellies and do nothing but whine moan ***** and never see the positive in life...i get going through a bad patch...i've had my fair share of bad patches lately...but I think all of my friends would agree that I still see the positive and laugh and joke and cheer them on.

    and I don't do gonna turn around and make me feel bad for my success? Deleted you way no how am I keeping you...

    and lastly, I delete those that insist they need lots of feedback and then NEVER EVER provide any back....that being said I have a few on my FL who I know have a CRAZY list of friends (like a huge list) and my feed updates get lost in the mass, so if I reach out to them by message and they positively respond back...then I count that also. it's still a back and forth just needed some tweaking to make it work for me.

    that's all.
  • IamBlackMamba
    I could never! I mean we're all here for support and that's what I want to give each and every person on my FL.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I am a difficult MFP friend. If your diary always consists of McDonalds, if you don't share your diary and if you don't log in regularly ... I delete. I am self motivated and try to befriend others who are just as motivated and who have a positive attitude. Of course we all have our good and bad days/weeks ... but if there's a negative trend over a few days, I delete.

    If you are self-motivated, why do any of these things affect your ability to be a friend?