200+ group(week5)

HeaterM Posts: 275
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Good job ladies!!! you are doing good! :bigsmile:

Anything new you guys would like to try for this week?


  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Yay for week 5! Can you believe we've been at this for a month? *virtual high fives all of us*

    As this is our last week, I say just ramp it up as much as you can. Do at least one thing extra that you haven't been doing perhaps... or make an effort to. I'll have to ponder it myself.

    Just got back from the rec center. 60 min on the elliptical. Felt harder today than it has been this week, but I powered through!

    Heather, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma! What's going on? Serious? Don't feel bad about not weighing in... you've got to make an effort every week to find a scale (you seriously need one as a x-mas present). Just keep working at it!

    Yay team!
  • Howdy all!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful week and has a wonderful successful weekend!!! :flowerforyou:

    SW- 248 (10-22-09)
    CW-235 (11-20-09)
    GW-232 (By Thanksgiving)
    Final Goal 170 (no time frame hopefully by May of 10)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Heather - family comes first. :flowerforyou: Don't worry about us - we will ramble on anywhere. Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope she is okay.

    Blombie - Great job on the olive garden. You did better than I would have. I was 1000 calories over yesterday (the wine did me in:embarassed: ). I should have measured the glass and looked the calories up before I had a few glasses.

    akasullengal - High five right back at you. Has it really been a month. Time just seems to fly by. Are you taking measurements too? It may help on weeks the scale doesn't move. Last week it didn't move for me and this week 4 pounds - who can really tell what are bodies are doing. Next week will be your week. I loved your "last chance workout" - I may try it next week.

    Welcome dawnannw - we are a pretty great group of gals. :flowerforyou:

    cd - stress can keep you from losing weight. You just need to get back on track and keep trying. Hopefully next week will be twice as good. I figure everyday I do well is one more than I would have before I joined MFP.

    Have a great weekend. I am off to make my stuffing - the turkey goes on the grill at 2 and we eat at 5 - YUMMY. Today will not be a day of being under calories but I'll be back on track tomorrow. :bigsmile:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Talk about scale fluctuation. After a disappointing weigh-in yesterday at 224.8, I weigh myself this morning just for sh*ts and giggles, and what is it? 222.8. Not complaining on that one!

    Planning on going to the rec center today, but don't know how i'll do with time. Woke up late today... love sleeping in pretty much more than anything. Was woken up by military jets flying over my apt. on their way to doing a flyover on the michigan/ohio state game. the joys of living by the stadium. I need to coordinate my gym trip with the game, so I don't get stuck in horrid traffic on the way home, so I guess I probably need to leave really soon. Otherwise, I'll need to do something at home.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    its a rough weekend....

    The sodium from Olive Garden made me go up to 248.4 yesterday. Today I'm back down to 248.0. Turns out the reason for my sore throat Thursday and headache all day Friday is my allergies. I have been sick all weekend. Eyes all itchy and my nose might as well be a faucet that I can't turn off at this point. I've felt run down all weekend so I haven't worked out at all. Had friends over and ate Pizza Hut last night.

    Yeah...rough weekend. I plan to go by the store and get some allergy medicine and I'll get back on board tomorrow.

    oh yeah....TOM is about to show up too....

    My husband surprised me yesterday by putting up most of our Christmas lights while I was gone to see New Moon. :bigsmile: We bought one of those boxes that plays music and makes the lights flash in time to the beat last year after Christmas so I was really excited about that. He's going hunting again next weekend so he won't be to do it then.

    Anyways, he's about to pick me up to go get mexican food with my family.

    I am too tired to care at this point how many calories I will be consuming. I will make up for it this week.

    I earned an extra 1000 calories on Thursday at Zumba and still worked out Friday night enough to count for all the Olive Garden I had that day. So yeah, other than the sodium, I'm ok-ish.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. I sure did. I decided not to even try and count calories yesterday. You need a day or two each year that you dont count. I decided it would be really hard to eato 3500 cal in day even if I gain a pound it's okay. Well gotta run to watch the Star Trek Blu-ray. (it's great)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Ooh Star Trek BluRay! Jealous!

    As for today, holy overeating batman! Okay, I probably would have just been a bit over my calories if I'd gone to the rec center today, but I didn't. Was a major lazy *kitten* today, which I feel guilty about, but I'll get on the bandwagon tomorrow!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Well thanks for your guys concern about my grandma, ( she had a torn artery(sorry cant spell) near her heart, they got it fixed up and now she is recovering) I will be in columbia visiting her for a couple days :smile:

    Its good to log your stuff before you eat it so i learned lol so once in a while i'll do it in advance if i can.

    I did learn that we kinda canceled our thanksgiving here due to my grandma but In a way i guess it's a good thing cause i wont have holiday temptation, but see as thanksgiving is my dads birthday im sure there will be some cake lol! are we weighing in on thanksgiving right? or friday after?

    Good luck everyone keep up the good work!!!! It's almost time!!!:bigsmile:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    are we weighing in on thanksgiving right? or friday after?

    Oh, definitely in the morning on Thanksgiving. I certainly plan to eat quite a bit that day.... not going to deprive myself too much. Will try and cut back a little on things. Let's not overstuff ourselves. That Friday would just be mean to weigh-in! We can then either keep our weigh-ins on Fridays, or change to Thursdays for the next goal challenge.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member

    okay, newbie question . . .

    what does it mean when someone posts "bump"?
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Well thanks for your guys concern about my grandma, ( she had a torn artery(sorry cant spell) near her heart, they got it fixed up and now she is recovering) I will be in columbia visiting her for a couple days :smile:

    Have a safe trip and hope all will be OK with your grandma.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    I hope this will be the week that the scales budge if even an inch. I know, it's not all about the scales, but I did have a slightly rough week last week, so didn't expect to lose.

    This week should be better.

    Down, down, down, down, down!!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    okay, newbie question . . .

    what does it mean when someone posts "bump"?

    I do it so it bumps the thread up on the list of 25 topics I have recently posted to. it makes it easier for me to find...like if there is a recipe thread that I want to come back and look at...

    I also bump when I find the new week's thread but don't have time or already posted my weekly weigh in
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    ha ha! I couldn't figure it out. I thought people were "bumping" the person who posted right before them. I thought maybe it was like a Facebook poke or something! :happy:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hope everyone's Monday is going well. I'm forgoing pub trivia (and the bad eating it includes), as this is the final push week. I'll head to the rec center today, and plan to on Tues and Wed in anticipation of T-Day weigh-in. Today's eating has been okay so far... will definitely be when I add my workout calories to the mix.

    I slept like crap last night. Am looking forward to an early evening.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hope everyone's Monday is going well. I'm forgoing pub trivia (and the bad eating it includes), as this is the final push week. I'll head to the rec center today, and plan to on Tues and Wed in anticipation of T-Day weigh-in. Today's eating has been okay so far... will definitely be when I add my workout calories to the mix.

    I slept like crap last night. Am looking forward to an early evening.

    I already worked out today but reading this motivates me to go to the gym after work and burn another 5-600 cals. I'm still trying to get the weight off from all the bad food this weekend (Olive Garden, Japanese, Pizza Hut, and Mexican food)...
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Week 5! Eek!! Last week was bad for me, and followed by eating crappy this weekend. guess we all fall off the wagon sometimes.
    I kicked up my cardio this morning, and did 60 minutes--burned 600 calories. Going to try to do that all week, and then hopefully I'll see the scale budge downward this week.
    Here's to Thursday!!! good luck all!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I kicked up my cardio this morning, and did 60 minutes--burned 600 calories. Going to try to do that all week, and then hopefully I'll see the scale budge downward this week.

    good for you!! I think we all will end up taking it up a notch this week.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    has anyone started thinking about what our New Years goal should be?

    it'll be 5 weeks away from the end of this goal....wanna go for another 10 pounds? The 1st is on a Friday so it works out kinda good to keep a Friday weigh in (other than this week :wink: )
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