200+ group(week5)



  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Man, my goal is going to be just to stick with it! I don't stick to things very well. I'm all ideas, no execution.

    I would like to torque up my exercise a bit. I'm soooo out of shape that all I can manage is a 15 - 20 minute walk, but hey, it's a start. I'd like to get to where I can take a 30 minute walk by January - that would be big for me. Most of the prob is that my feet hurt so much. I'm seeing a podiatrist and I have orthotics, but until I get some weight off, there's only so much that can be done.

    So that's my goal. Thanks for letting me think out loud!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    has anyone started thinking about what our New Years goal should be?

    it'll be 5 weeks away from the end of this goal....wanna go for another 10 pounds? The 1st is on a Friday so it works out kinda good to keep a Friday weigh in (other than this week :wink: )

    I think that would be a fab idea! Not likely I'll hit this one, but no point in not aiming high!!
    I kicked up my cardio this morning, and did 60 minutes--burned 600 calories. Going to try to do that all week, and then hopefully I'll see the scale budge downward this week.

    Excellent! Keep up the great work! Just got back from the gym. 65 min on the elliptical... was working extra hard, burned 685 cals. Was depressed to see tummy jiggle in the glass window as I was bopping up and down. We all have to start somewhere, eh? I keep on telling myself I didn't gain all this weight overnight, so it certainly isn't going to melt off that way either!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    so tired....in addition to my usual 30 min workout during my lunch break, I went to the gym after work and did another 60 min on the elliptical. I'm trying to earn enough calories throughout the week so Thursday won't be horrible.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    so tired....in addition to my usual 30 min workout during my lunch break, I went to the gym after work and did another 60 min on the elliptical. I'm trying to earn enough calories throughout the week so Thursday won't be horrible.

    You should be tired!! That's amazing though! I wish I could knock out exercise at lunch, but probably would never find a parking spot again at the hospital, and I doubt I would ever have enough time. Plus, the whole sweating midday and then continuing to have to work kind of sucks. I'd want to shower. haha.

    A little worried about today. I'm going to a field trip with 2 coworkers to a different clinic that runs right into lunch time. Will we go out? Don't know. Will bring some items to snack on if lunch isn't included on this outing as I plan to kick it up at the rec center again after work. But yeah, eating, which is not completely planned out by me makes me nervous. Haha.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    so tired....in addition to my usual 30 min workout during my lunch break, I went to the gym after work and did another 60 min on the elliptical. I'm trying to earn enough calories throughout the week so Thursday won't be horrible.

    You should be tired!! That's amazing though! I wish I could knock out exercise at lunch, but probably would never find a parking spot again at the hospital, and I doubt I would ever have enough time. Plus, the whole sweating midday and then continuing to have to work kind of sucks. I'd want to shower. haha.

    There is a gym room here at work so I don't actually have to leave the building....just walk across the lobby area. And I do shower off the sweat. I wish there was time for me to wash my hair but that just won't happen with my hair as long as it is. So, I just have to leave it in a ponytail for the rest of the day.

    Good luck with your field trip today.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Well at least Thanksgiving is out of the way for me. I tried but did overeat. I am up 2 pounds but feel it is probably water weight. I plan to join your extra exercise bandwagon for the rest of this week. Thursday morning is fine for the weigh in this week.

    akasullengal - keep up the great work getting to the rec center. Have you thought about a leisurely pace walk during lunch - a 20 min mile is exercise but shouldn't make you sweat - I bet there are enough hospital corridors to do this.

    Blombie - you're doing great - just think you are still under 250 even with the Olive Garden lunch. You are going to have so much energy for your cruise.

    LittleSister - you have to start somewhere - I think your goal is great. Have you considered a stationary bike for extra cardio? If the arms on the bike move, you can stand (or sit) in front of it and and just move the handles to give your feet a break.

    Heather - glad to hear your grandmother is doing better. Good luck with the birthday cake.

    cds - keep burning those calories.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    Excellent! Keep up the great work! Just got back from the gym. 65 min on the elliptical... was working extra hard, burned 685 cals. Was depressed to see tummy jiggle in the glass window as I was bopping up and down. We all have to start somewhere, eh? I keep on telling myself I didn't gain all this weight overnight, so it certainly isn't going to melt off that way either!

    Are you using a heart rate monitor? I ask because I did an hour on the elliptical last night and burned 1000 cals. The machine said I burned about half that (although I only hit QuickStart and didn't put in my age/height/weight in the machine).
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member

    Are you using a heart rate monitor? I ask because I did an hour on the elliptical last night and burned 1000 cals. The machine said I burned about half that (although I only hit QuickStart and didn't put in my age/height/weight in the machine).

    No, that's just what the machine told me. I could have definitely been burning more calories than that... though I did put in my weight and age into the machine. I should consider investing in a HRM.

    Pinbot, good suggestion about taking a walk at lunch time. As long as the day isn't too hectic, I might try and do that. The hospital also has 9 floors, so I could also do some stairclimbing.

    Just wondering... did anyone else take their measurements when the challenge started? I did... haven't measured myself since, so I'll be curious to see where I stand. Will definitely do that again for the next challenge.

    Put on a pair of pants today that I haven't worn in a while because they were too tight on me. While they are still a bit snug in the waist area, the legs feel looser. So yay for looser, boo for still tight in areas. Just shows that I have a long way to go, but am making progress.

    Good luck today!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    Just wondering... did anyone else take their measurements when the challenge started? I did... haven't measured myself since, so I'll be curious to see where I stand. Will definitely do that again for the next challenge.

    Put on a pair of pants today that I haven't worn in a while because they were too tight on me. While they are still a bit snug in the waist area, the legs feel looser. So yay for looser, boo for still tight in areas. Just shows that I have a long way to go, but am making progress.

    Good luck today!

    Maybe we should include that in our goal weigh in (measure ourselves Thursday morning and again on Jan 1st). I think measuring weekly would be a pain...at least it would for me....I have no spare time in the morning (I sleep as late as possible) so having to measure myself, write it down, bring it to work and log it would be a pain in the butt if I had to do it more than twice lol

    And good job with trying on the snug pants! I am still too scared to see if I can fit in any of the jeans that got too tight for me.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Maybe we should include that in our goal weigh in (measure ourselves Thursday morning and again on Jan 1st). I think measuring weekly would be a pain...at least it would for me....I have no spare time in the morning (I sleep as late as possible) so having to measure myself, write it down, bring it to work and log it would be a pain in the butt if I had to do it more than twice lol

    Oh, I agree. I imagine measuring every week would be annoying and wouldn't see all that much of a difference. I figured just at the beginning and end of the challenge. That gives time for your body to constrict in (hopefully).
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I over did it last night at the gym. I'm exhausted. Of course it doesn't help that I stayed up so late playing stupid Country Life on facebook. :laugh: :blushing: I am going to skip my 30 min workout during lunch today but still try to make it to the gym tonight- even if I can do 30-45 minutes. Hopefully that'll give me an extra 5-6 hours of recovery time and I will have the energy to do it.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Blombie, hope the gym works out for you tonight.

    I don't know if I overdid it last night as well (though i don't have your excuse of the lunch workout as well!), or the fact that i'm out of sorts tonight having not been in the office or what, because up until I got to my car I was going to go to the rec center.... and proceeded to drive home. Yes... complete lazy *kitten*. What am I thinking??? Should be able to stay within 100 calories or so of my calorie goal anyways. And if the motivation hits later, I can do a tape at home.

    Mad at myself. But not mad enough to get my lazy *kitten* out of my desk chair and go to the rec center.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    akasullengal - Here is a spot challenge --- Hearing you say you are lazy - I am challenging you to get up and do a 45 min aerobic tape. I will join and do one too - remember this is the last week workout push - You need to burn more calories for those Thanksgiving foods....

    Blombie - if you didn't make it to work out then you are also being challenged to do something for 45 min tonight.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    akasullengal - Here is a spot challenge --- Hearing you say you are lazy - I am challenging you to get up and do a 45 min aerobic tape. I will join and do one too - remember this is the last week workout push - You need to burn more calories for those Thanksgiving foods....

    *whine* but I don't want too. *whines some more* I stayed under 1300 calories today. *bats eyelashes*

    Plus, and now I'm totes just making excuses... I just finished a big bowl of soup and it needs to sit a while before I can bounce up and down... then so you think you can dance is on, which is my one (okay, other than glee) can't miss show. then my *kitten* needs to go to bed.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    akasullengal - If your calories are low, you can skip the work out. I did it anyways. I needed to work off all of the calories from last weekend.

    I think the idea of measurements is great. I took some measurements on 10/21 which is pretty close to when we started this group. I will measure again on Thanksgiving.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Sorry, I didn't read that I had a challenge till pretty late and if I work out now, I'll be up till 1:30. So, I will do a double workout tomorrow again...30 min at lunch and an hour at the gym afterwards...

    I have to admit that I went over my calories today (but only by 50 cals!) but I earned an extra 1000 yesterday at the gym. I just really don't want to wear myself out. I was SO TIRED all day. Not mentally tired, I was physically tired. My muscles were still repairing themselves today.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member


    take 5 minutes and laugh your butt off! they say laughing burns calories!! :bigsmile: :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    tehehe. cute Blombie!

    All right gals, last day before weigh-in! Last chance workout! *sending good vibes all your way*

    Work should be pretty slack today as pretty much the whole dept is out, minus a few. As I only started a few months ago, don't have a lot of vacation time, so I'm working today (and friday) and saving up my hours for the xmas break to fly home for several days. If I eat what I've planned for the day, it shouldn't be a bad day calorie wise. Plan to do at least one hour of elliptical at the rec center and depending how hard I go at it, I might try and add another 30 on the bike, or do some rowing to burn a few more cals. That's what last chance workouts are for!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Blombie - the video was cute. Not only do you burn calories, but you decrease stress with laughing - stress causes you to hold on to your weight. Dont worry about the challenge - I put the challenge out there to motivate myself to do more and it worked.

    Okay - so today is the last chance workout. I'll see what I can do. Probably 45 min aerobics and 30 min light weight lifting. With work, that should be a full day.

    Good luck everyone.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey, I noticed this in the Fitness Thread, but wanted to pass it along here as well. As Blombie has been loving on her HRM... woot.com (sells 1 item a day until it sells out.. my roomie buys from them all the time) deal of the day is a HRM for 24.99. Looks pretty swanky. I decided to go for it and am looking forward to testing it out. I'll let you know after I get it how it goes. Just in case any else wanted to invest in one, wanted to pass along the deal.

    The office it totally dead today. No surprise. I brought holiday cards to start writing. Is that bad? haha.
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