200+ group(week5)



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    With the stress of Olive Garden day last week and Thanksgiving tomorrow, I completely forgot that today is Snack Day at work where we celebrate the November birthdays. It doesn't help that I'm in charge of setting it up and making sure there are tables for all the food and stuff.Thankfully people SUCKED this month and didn't bring hardly anything! YAY FOR ME! Much less temptation and it'll be good for me to save up any extra calories I burn for tomorrow.

    Although I did just get a small plate of goodies, I counted the calories on everything I could. I wanted to just pile my plate full of chips and fill one of the sections with dip and munch on it all day. Instead I looked at the serving size and counted out 8 chips and got 2 tsp (approx) of the dip. What is interesting is there were options for chips and the dip. The spinach dip had 10 more calories than the cheese queso and the multigrain chips had 10 more cals than the regular tortilla chips. So the lesson of the day is always look at the label!!

    And guess what? I weighed in at 245.6 today!! I am a TENTH of a pound away from being able to say I've lost 15 pounds. Why Thanksgiving? Why oh why must you come at this time of the year?

    I'm tired but I'm going to force myself to go workout during lunch today. My day dragged on FOREVER yesterday because I didn't.

    anyways....I need to pretend to work now...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok, so cancel the double workout today. I won't be working out at all during lunch because my manager just approved us to work through lunch and leave early today.

    I will work out longer at the gym tonight then.

    totally got a second plate and piled on some chips and dip....I'll pay for it later at the gym.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Blombie - if your day is rainy and bleak like mine, I see why you got the second plate of chips. I mistakenly scheduled a client that lives a mile from me near lunch time - I just had mashed potatoes with gravy and a scoop of stuffing. EEKS - this was not on my pre-planned list of food for the day. I better be off to get away from these leftovers - I still have 4 more clients to see.... Work hard at the gym. I may have to exercise with my clients today.

    akasullengal - I'm jealous if you are starting on cards this early. My excitement will be getting the tree up this weekend. Make sure and do an extra good workout to make up for me at the rec center.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone....
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    It was rainy and dreary here as well! eww. Yeah, driving to work in the dark and the rain, and not getting home until it's dark is not fun.\

    Pinbot- the pizza was was totes calling my name today, but managed to bypass it (barely) for a veggie wrap with ff-dressing. Was originally just going to have soup, but as I have a bit more calories to burn after adding in the anticipated exercise, decided to go for it. It was yummy.

    Eating has been going okay so far. Still plan a decent-sized work out tonight. Liked the number on the scale this morning. After a good day today, I will not be a happy camper if it doesn't at least stay the same, if not go down.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Kinda excited and dreading weighing in tomorrow. since it is turkey day, I am vowing to get up and exercise before i get my day going. here's wishing me luck!!
    I like the idea of going for another 10 by Jan 1st, and keeping our weigh in day on fridays (after turkey day).
    sounds like everyone is doing great with exercise. keep trying!!
    Can you tell i am trying to lose weight.....my hubby asked what I wanted for christmas....
    1. food scale
    2. pedometer
    3. heart rate monitor...
    lol. i've turned into a freako!!
    Happy turkey day all!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kinda excited and dreading weighing in tomorrow. since it is turkey day, I am vowing to get up and exercise before i get my day going. here's wishing me luck!!
    I like the idea of going for another 10 by Jan 1st, and keeping our weigh in day on fridays (after turkey day).
    sounds like everyone is doing great with exercise. keep trying!!
    Can you tell i am trying to lose weight.....my hubby asked what I wanted for christmas....
    1. food scale
    2. pedometer
    3. heart rate monitor...
    lol. i've turned into a freako!!
    Happy turkey day all!!

    You haven't turned into a freako! haha. I just bought a HRM, and the research study I coordinate gives away free pedometers to participants, and i just might have "borrowed" one.

    Exercise went well today. Just did the hour on the elliptical, but I kicked up the amount of RPMs and resistance. Plus, every time in the past, I would do 30 min, stop, wipe off my sweat, drink some water (about 3ish min), and then get back on for another 30. I'm not coordinated to drink and elliptical at the same time. But today I did the hour nonstop and wasn't completely wiped out afterwards. I even contemplated doing another 30 min, but didn't want to push it so hard that I would be turned off exercise for the rest of the week.

    Sort of looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow. The goal won't be hit, but I won't be horrendously far off (I think). 10 pounds by new years sounds good. I'll take my measurements again at the beginning and end. Friday weigh-ins still work well for me :)

    Tomorrow, I know full well will be ugly. I'm not going to even attempt to log the food. it's going to be too difficult. I will work to eat smaller portions (no need to stuff myself), and try and fill up on the "lighter" dishes. Then it's back on the bandwagon on Friday!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My allergies and TOM is kicking my butt this week. Totally didn't want to but forced myself to go to the gym after work today. My mp3 player died after 7 minutes and I was incredibly tired so I only went for 30 minutes. Still...it was another 406 cals.


    Enjoy yourself. Have a good time with your family and remember to get back to it Friday.

    and right now I need to go make banana pudding to take tomorrow:devil:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Okay - this is so not going to be a good weigh-in tomorrow. At least I exercised for 60 min (45 min cardio and 15 with thera-band for strength training)... Somehow I got talked into watching the worst movie ever and my reward was Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale - one of my favorites beers but after 2 I looked and each one has 214 calories - EEK. Lesson learned - look it up before you drink or eat it. It didn't help that my husband was tired of left overs and talked me into going out to eat dinner - he is off until Monday :ohwell:

    akasullengal - thanks for the tip on the heart rate monitor sale - I got one too. I think I live north of you by a few hours - thats probably why you had the rainy day too. I live in northern MI - didn't you post last weekend that you wanted to get to the rec center before THE GAME (MI/OH) let out? Thurs I am bringing my mother and her friends south 3 hours to Christmas shop at Birchrun - I can't wait - my best friend from Toledo is meeting me so we can shop/gossip for the day :bigsmile:

    cds - I love your Christmas list - it shows a great commitment.

    blombie - the down side of this warm weather is the flowers in my yard are starting to bloom again - allergy season is extended. I hope you feel better soon.

    I am sure I am going to be up a few pounds this week. I hope everyone has a great weigh-in and then eats lots of great food.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    akasullengal - thanks for the tip on the heart rate monitor sale - I got one too. I think I live north of you by a few hours - thats probably why you had the rainy day too. I live in northern MI - didn't you post last weekend that you wanted to get to the rec center before THE GAME (MI/OH) let out? Thurs I am bringing my mother and her friends south 3 hours to Christmas shop at Birchrun - I can't wait - my best friend from Toledo is meeting me so we can shop/gossip for the day :bigsmile:

    eee! yay for another Michigander (though I'm not an original.. a transplant of 3 years). I sometimes forget how long it actually takes to get from the southern part of the state to the more northern end. Haven't traveled it enough. Good luck with shopping!!! Hey, and shopping and walking totes burns calories!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member

    And girls.... umm... don't ask me how this happened... perhaps it was catching up from last week where I lost basically nothing though worked hard, I MADE MY GOAL! *TWIRLS*

    CW: 220.2 (-4.6 from last week. um what??. i weighed myself like 4 times this morning to confirm).

    Total weight loss for Thanksgiving Challenge: 9.8 (hey that rounds up to 10 in my book!)

    I didn't lose a ton of inches anywhere, but it's coming off from somewhere. I lost 1 inch from the waist, and a half an inch on my hips, and thighs.

    SO, for the New Years Challenge:
    CW: 220
    SW: 230
    GW: 210 by New Years (yeah, with a week at home for xmas, this so isn't going to happen)

    And I took some measurements. You don't have to do all of these or anything. In fact, I'm taking some more that I won't post here, but here's the biggies. Thought if any of you are interested, we can remeasure on New Years.

    Waist: 39
    Hips 47.5
    Thigh (Upper) 27.5
    Calf: 18 (no wonder why I can't wear knee high boots)
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all! Hope those of you in the States are surviving Turkey Day! (It IS today, right???)

    So speaking of measurements, I've been totally reluctant to do that. However, I'm kind of excited - I've just engaged a seamstress. I have my first appointment with her next week. I do some sewing myself but never seem to have the time, and have too many unfinished projects around. And I have all these wonderful patterns I really wanted to make.

    I just got fed up with trying to buy off the rack clothes. I'm tall, so pants and sleeves are never long enough. Plus, they don't sell much career wear for heavy people. I've checked out many of the plus sized stores, and their career wear sections are a joke. They might have one or two suits, but they're always hideous, with short jackets that leave my big stomach exposed, and the pants are just awful - if they're large enough to fit around my midriff, the legs positively BILLOW around my legs. Clothing manufacturers must think we're all fat proportionally - if we have big bellies, it stands to reason that we must have ankles as thick as a redwood tree.

    Anyway, so I'm going to have to get measured.

    And as I lose weight, I'm going to have to get re-measured.

    And yes, it will be expensive. But when I think about the quantities of off the rack crap I've bought over the past few years that has ripped, fallen apart, never fit me all that well to begin with, etc. I think ultimately it will be cheaper to have a smaller wardrobe of some well-made, classic items that I feel good in, and that can be tailored down to adjust to my pending weight loss.

    Thanks for letting me share!

    (Oh - and I anticipate a disappointing weigh in tomorrow - I lost it last night and had a plate of nachos. I recorded it. It came to about 1,100 calories. A learning moment for me. No more cheese.)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904

    Congrats akasullengal :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Nice job meeting your goal.

    So - I too am doing the Happy Dance this morning. I may not have met the goal but I am very happy with my progress.

    SW (MFP) 237
    SW (challenge) 225
    CW 217 (no change from last week :bigsmile: )
    GW (Thanksgiving challenge) 215

    Total weight lost on challenge = 8 pounds :love: I have already celebrated Thanksgiving and I didn't gain or lose with the celebration food. I will take measurements later.

    New Year's Challenge for me

    SW 217
    GW 207
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Here is my advice for the day based on my weekend of celebration - enjoy yourself and don't worry too much about the calories. Shoot for a goal of staying even for the week so that if you eat 3500 calories (1 pound) over you will be even for the week - that is a lot of extra calories in one day. Don't panic like I did when the scale shows a huge gain the first few days after Thanksgiving - it is most likely water weight from the added salt in foods you ate. It has taken 4 days of returning to normal eating for this to come off. I really could have used my own advice Monday Morning :blushing:

    Have a wonderful day.

    Littlesister - I think your idea of having a seamstress measure you is great. I agree it is hard to get professional clothes that look good. I wish you the best of luck with the weigh-in tomorrow. Several people wanted to weigh-in early since they knew they would be overeating in celebration today...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    SW 260
    GW 243
    CW 245.6

    I'm actually happy that I maintained 245.6 since I didn't even record all the chips and crap I had yesterday at work. Maybe its water weight and I will hit 243 in a day or two....HAHA! Yeah right! Not after today!

    So New Years Goal is 235.

    Wow. I will be SO HAPPY to get down to 235! It seems so unreal but I know I can do it!

    I will post measurements tomorrow. I need to get a shower and start cooking the two family size boxes of Velvetta Shell and Cheese I'm taking to the family lunch :noway: man I LOVE mac and cheese lol...and yeah, taking banana pudding too.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Congrats to eveyrone who lost weight!!
    SW: 230
    GW for turkey day: 210
    CW: 215
    I think I've lost a total of five for this particular challenge.
    gonna keep on keeping on!
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member

    And girls.... umm... don't ask me how this happened... perhaps it was catching up from last week where I lost basically nothing though worked hard, I MADE MY GOAL! *TWIRLS*

    That's awesome!!!!!!!!!!

    (big applause!!!!!)
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member

    Littlesister - I think your idea of having a seamstress measure you is great. I agree it is hard to get professional clothes that look good. I wish you the best of luck with the weigh-in tomorrow. Several people wanted to weigh-in early since they knew they would be overeating in celebration today...

    Very clever! I just love the folks in this thread!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Great job everyone! I'm so proud of all of us!

    How did your Thanksgivings go for those of you that celebrated yesterday?

    Mine was a hot caloric mess, as I knew it would be, and I'm feeling it today. Do not feel very hot. I told myself that I wouldn't hold too much back yesterday, as it was just a day. I started to keep track of what I was eating, and gave up even prior to dinner. Way too difficult. But yeah, definitely overate, and my stomach is sort of unsettled today and have a headache. That's what I get! Seriously, the desserts alone yesterday were out of control. There was: apple pie, pear pie, raspberry chocolate pie, pumpkin pie, flourless chocolate cake, white velvet cake, and grasshopper pie, oh, and ice cream. Yeah... not good.

    I planned to go to the rec center after work today. Yes, I have to work today. Luckily it's pretty quiet around here, so it should not be a high stress day. I just don't feel terribly hot and would much rather be in bed. If I'm still continuing to feel crappy, I don't know if I'll make it to the rec center today, as bopping up and down and my stomach do not sound very good at the moment. I hope I have a second wind, cause I seriously need to start working off all those extra calories from yesterday.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I lost a pound! I'll take it!

    akasullengal, I like the expression "hot caloric mess." I hope you feel better - do you think you feel crappy because you're not used to eating like that anymore, and your system is a little stunned, or do you think you're coming down with something? I hope your work day is low-stress!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I lost a pound! I'll take it!

    akasullengal, I like the expression "hot caloric mess." I hope you feel better - do you think you feel crappy because you're not used to eating like that anymore, and your system is a little stunned, or do you think you're coming down with something? I hope your work day is low-stress!

    Congrats on the weight loss! I think I'm feeling crappy from the shock to my system. It's been, well at least 6 weeks since i've eaten anything remotely like I did last night. I don't think I'm getting sick (*crosses fingers*)
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