No More Excuses - Week 3



  • amaline
    Hey everyone! Boy am I looking forward to the weekend, this week has been so busy at work. I have still been good with my exercise though hurrah! I am not enjoying using the treadmill as much as I was running outdoors but at least it is warmer and also safer.

    I am also super excited as I found an online health store that delivers! So I can get all those things I have been missng like cereal and porridge and and almonds delivered - I have been looking everywhere but have't found them here. Yum yum!

    I haven't been doing so well with my extra 10 mins - I take the stairs about once a day but then it's like my brain switches off the other times and I don't remember till I am in the lift! doh! I found some good 5-10 minunte cardio videos on You Tube tho, so I will try and squeeze some of those in. Good work to everyone who has fit it in! (Amanda I needed a nap after reading your post, sounds exhuasting!)

    Hope you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving - I've never had one so would love to hear how you all celebrate it :happy:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Amaline, I love Thanksgiving, it is actually my favorite holiday. I love it because everybody is together and the whole family is happy and in a thankful mood. Christmas is exhausting to me, but love it too. We will be going to my in-laws for the big dinner and then going to my moms for pie. I am so hoping I can squeeze a nap in there somewhere. I will probably sleep in the car. I get in a car and unless I am driving I fall asleep. It is like my downtime. The kids usually play with the cousins and we sometimes watch tv. Just a nice thankful sort of day!! :flowerforyou:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. We will eat with my dad and step-mom tomorrow and then we will fry a turkey on Saturday at our house. Hopefully I can get some rest in somewhere. Good luck to everyone. Enjoy yourselves!
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Happy Thanksgiving! It's about 9:30 am here in NC. Just got home from hitting the Kmart Thanksgiving Day sale. Spent about 2 hours and 3 hundred dollars there! But I got 95% of my shopping done. Just don't think I am up for Black Friday tomorrow. The more I think about it, the more I think not. Also, I don't want to go alone for safety's sake and no one I know wants to go. Oh well.:ohwell:
    Hope everyone has a great day. Even if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I encourage you to take a minute to think of all the great things in your life. (Like our wonderful team):love:
    Heading to my sister's in a few hours. I made three pies and I am making lima beans, biscuits, and mashed cauliflower. Talk to you later!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Okay Christy, now I am jealous. It is only 7:05 and I haven't even seen the sales ad yet. :laugh: I am glad to hear that you shopping is about done, now you can forget about that aspect of Christmas stress and spend more time on a healhty you!!!! That is what I am going to concentrate on doing.

  • littlebigbird
    Happy Thanksgiving wishes from this side of the world to all of you celebrating it. :flowerforyou: I hope you're having a wonderful day and I love the idea of everyone in this lovely group being thankful for it, even if we don't celebrate Thanksgiving.

    I added 10 minutes to my treadmill workout this evening so was even more of a puce-faced heap by the time I finished. Wonderful .:laugh:
  • amaline
    Hey Everyone!

    I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I just had to share some super exciting news with you all. - I GET TO GO HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!

    Some things at work changed at the last minute and I managed to find some cheap(ish) flights and I arrive home Christmas Day just in time for lunch!!!! I AM SO HAPPY! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I had been trying to stay positive but wasn't looking forward to another festive season alone in a strange country. Now I get to see all my family and friends and escape a cold Chinese winter to go camping and swim at the beach in the sun! WOOOHOOOO!

    Although it does mean I need to get into a bikini within a month so I better get my A into G! what great motivation though!

    I hope your all feeling as happy and thankful as me right now

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Amaline, I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! To me that is what Christmas is all about, family and celebrating Christmas's birth!

    It is 2:30 am and I off to black Friday shopping, have a great day everybody!!!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Well I was having a good week until yesterday.

    I was really bad all day, including eating 5 sugar cookies.
  • littlebigbird
    Amaline - that's fantastic news. I bet your family are over the moon too.

    justjack51 - don't dwell on one bad day, especially if you've had such a good week otherwise. Look how well you're doing already towards your goal.

    Amanda - shopping at 2.30am. Is that some sort of seasonal tradition or just for people with mild insomnia???? :tongue:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Littlebigbird, no I do not have insomia! :laugh: It is now a tradition, the stores open really early like JcPenneys at 4 am and then Wal-Mart and Shop-ko at 5 am and then K-Mart at 6 am. We went to JcPenneys, Shop-Ko, K-Mart, Radio Shack, Erb's Hardware, Wal-Mart, JoAnn's Fabric's, Game Crazy and Sports Authority this morning. It takes an hour to drive each way to town and we had an hour sit down lunch. We were home by 1:30 pm. Had a great day, enjoyed yourself, it is now a something my sister, my friend and my best friend do almost every year. I am almost done shopping, most of it is wrapped and it I am ready to enjoy the Christmas holiday!

    Justjack, if you are like me when I eat one piece of anything sugar then I eat it and eat it and eat it. Shake it off, start a new day and move forward in your life.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hi all...Having a pretty good weekend so far. I did okay on Thanksgiving, had a big lunch and a small supper, hit the gym yesterday and today. We will have another big meal tomorrow and then we're done. I'm sure I won't lose this week but I'll be happy if I maintain. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

    Amanda...glad you had fun and got most of your shopping done. That is great. I'll send you a note on Sunday with my progress or lack thereof:ohwell:

    Justjack...Just do like me, shake it off and get back on the wagon. Sometimes I feel like the wagon just drags me along while I hold on for dear life:smile:
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hey guys! Had kind of a busy couple of days, but very productive. I enjoyed spending time with my family yesterday. I was pretty good and ate a lot of veggies, only had one biscuit, and a little potato salad. I ate a little ham, but mostly turkey (white meat only). The only dessert I ate was the one I made - and I didnt' feel guilty!:bigsmile:
    I didn't get up early this morning and go shopping, but I made it out around 10 and hit a couple of stores. My Christmas shopping is officially complete and the presents are all wrapped. Now to get to the tree...that's a project for Sunday when I can draft my fiance's help.
    I am super proud of myself for tonight's exercise. i was listening to Christmas music while on the elliptical. I planned to do only 30 mins, but kept going. I stopped at 60 mins and 5.14 miles.:noway: That is the most I have ever done!
    amaline - I am so happy to hear you get to go home.
    Amanda - doesn't it feel great to be on top of things (not usually that way for me)
    justjack - I am sure you are being too hard on yourself. You are doing a great job - keep up the hard work!
    tamelab - glad to hear you're having a good weekend
    littlebigbird - great job on the extra 10
    Talk to you guys soon! Have a great night...
  • littlebigbird
    Blimey - you've finished your Christmas shopping and wrapped it all?!!! I'm deeply, deeply impressed. What will you do for stress calories in December though? :laugh: My nearest and dearest & I are heading over to Watford (there's a nice shopping centre there) to get cracking on our shopping tomorrow, but I don't suppose we'll manage it all in one hit.

    Hope everyone's having a great weekend. I've got my mum-in-law coming over shortly so time to do some calming deep breathing in preparation. :tongue: (Bad, bad Birdy!)
  • tigermom79
    Good morning all! Sounds like everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our family had a fantastic one! So very thankful for all of our family and friends and all God's gifts. continue that thanksgiving all year long!

    Hope everyone survived black Friday. My mom, and youngest son and I were out in the madness. However, we have to drive an hour to get to any of the malls or big stores. We have a Wal-Mart and appliance Sears...:tongue: So we didn't get out as early as we usually do but shopped till we dropped. Over 12 hours of walking. I thought oh...this will help a little....NOT...stepped on the scale this morning as was sadly disappointed. :devil:

    We have to attend a funeral today but then I plan on looking up a couple of fitness clubs around town here. Is anyone ever tried Curves. We have one and I have always been timid about joining. I think I am going to check it out this afternoon.

    Everyone have a great and productive Saturday!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Tigermom...I was a member of Curve's for a while and I enjoyed it. I especially liked having only women in the gym with me. The only thing I didn't like was that the Curve's where I was a member had very limited hours and it was hard for me to get there. I go to the gym where my husband works now for $5 a month and it is always open, so it is hard to beat. Have a good day.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Tammy, how could you possibly beat $5 a month and always open. That is terrific. The gym I attend closed Wednesday at noon and won't open again until Monday. UGHHH!!!

    I have heard great things about Curves around here. The problem for me is the nearest one is an hour away. :grumble:

    Littlebird, I understand the MIL stress, breathe deep, and keep breathing!!!

    I think our group is dwindling in size, stay strong everybody, stay strong!!
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hopefully, our group is just enjoying the holiday weekend (and perhaps shopping, too).
    I am sitting here with a book in hand just being LAZY!!! Gotta get outside and clean out my car:embarassed: It looks just terrible! I hope that everyone continues to have a great weekend....Weigh in is tomorrow - aren't you soooo excited!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Actually I peeked today and I am excited!!!!
  • littlebigbird
    Survived the day and thankfully MIL was on her best behaviour - phew!

    Amanda - that sounds very promising!! I peeked yesterday and was very pleased, but after today's naughtiness I'm not sure it'll be such good news tomorrow . . . I'll let you know.

    Tigermom - don't fret - even if it didn't show on the scales today, it might do tomorrow. Fingers crossed for you.