Why do girls have to be such bleep bleeps??



  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    When I was looking for a wedding dress, I went to this store and the sales person said "Oh honey, there's nothing in this store that will fit you!" WTF?
  • leafstucker16
    leafstucker16 Posts: 136 Member
    Whooooaaa blown out of proportion.

    Why didn't you just say something to her? I bet she would have apologized and got you the size you wanted and felt really bad about it....its a bit better than stewing on it and then trying to get her fired for something she probably did unintentionally.

    Its not like she called you a bleep bleep in the store. THAT i'd get her fired for.

    Exactly. If you said something there, this could of ended there. Things like this can be handled simply by just saying something on the spot.
  • leafstucker16
    leafstucker16 Posts: 136 Member
    Maybe I’m missing something but it sounded like she was just trying to suggest that their store’s clothing doesn’t run true to size and you might want to consider another size. Nothing to do with you but everything to do with how their sizes run. I don’t think she was trying to be rude.

    This as well, and another reason why saying something on the spot would of solved this whole problem.
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    Call the manager and let them know what happend.

    This and she clearly was being a bleep! Don't give her another thought!

    Just saw your post about her being manager go up the food chain to corporate ! And Facebook and twitter like others suggested!

    Why would you all want to try so hard to make someone lose their job?

    She was not doing her job...THAT'S why. No manager should EVER treat a customer like that. If the customer wanted S-M, then get them for her and let HER decide if they fit or not.
  • DaNae9402
    DaNae9402 Posts: 61 Member
    I guarantee it was jealousy. Maybe she needs to get her eyes checked! I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Don't let it get you down. Some people are just dumb. She should have brought you the size you told her. I've never had that happen and I would be horrified, but really just mad. Maybe she thought she was shopping for herself. :)
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I was trying on scrubs (they fit like large pjs). I held a pair up and they looked extra tiny. The owner comes over and asks if she can help out and asks my size. I say I better go with a medium. She looks at me and hands me the medium that I asked for and the small, just in case. It turns out she was right. They just didnt look big on the hanger but they were. Point is she could have said something like you arent that big and then I get in the dressing room and the small scrubs are like shrink wrap (then I would know I was THAT big :sad: ). There are ways to handle things that make people comfortable and then there are the people with no tact.:noway:

    There are so many better ways to handle the situation. Couldnt she have just grabbed a medium up and commented on the super small size of there garments or just let you squeeze into it and make the call yourself?
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Maybe I’m missing something but it sounded like she was just trying to suggest that their store’s clothing doesn’t run true to size and you might want to consider another size. Nothing to do with you but everything to do with how their sizes run. I don’t think she was trying to be rude.

    She could have said the sizes here run VERY small and then asked the size to avoid the response. I wear an x-small to x-large depending on the clothing brand.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    OP, I have a $100 gift card from my birthday to Kohl's. Tomorrow, I'm taking my fat *kitten* STRAIGHT to the juniors department and asking for help finding dresses. If anyone even LOOKS like they think I can't fit in one (even though I know I can't), I'm going APE**** in your honor.

    **** rainbows and unicorns. No, the world is not made of them, but- I am an EXPERT at being a ***** if it is required and heads will roll just because I'm pissy. People typically go in the back and bring out some rainbows and unicorns for me.

    Yes!!! If you ask me how you can help me and I want a size ZERO (which I'm not) you had better bring me a size ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if I put it on and can't breath please call 911. :indifferent: <---- me not breathing BUt getting good customer service!!!!!!

    HAHAHA Love this!:laugh:
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Maybe I’m missing something but it sounded like she was just trying to suggest that their store’s clothing doesn’t run true to size and you might want to consider another size. Nothing to do with you but everything to do with how their sizes run. I don’t think she was trying to be rude.

    This is exactly how I would have interpreted it. Sizes really vary from store to store - and what is 'medium' in one store is 'large' in another. I would have just asked 'Oh, are your clothing sizes smaller than average here then? You don't think I'll fit into your medium?' and then I'd have tried on a large, and if it was too big, I'd have shown her, and she'd have had to get me a smaller one. It's more important to get clothes that fit than clothes that have a certain size label. And a sales assistant is unlikely to purposely get you an item of clothing that won't fit you, whether out of jealousy or *****iness or whatever - there would simply be no point. It would make her look incompetent at her job.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    every time someone deliberately tries to put me down, i smile.
    their life must be horrible, if they have to bring other people down just to feel okay.
    so smile, because youre better- you've made it further- you're more genuine of a person.
    be the change you want to see in the world
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Definately do what someone suggested and complain to corporate, at the same time go to a place like Yelp and write about your experience. I do that with GREAT experiences and awful and yes..I have actually got quicker feedback when I post it on yelp from the higherups. I actually had REALLY bad service two places, the next thing I know I am getting personal emails from the CEO's. your letter to corporate or a call might only be between you and the company.

    A place like Yelp is public. No hiding what happened.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    You should feel great about yourself, you aren't a miserable fun-sucking troll like she is.

    That is the best phrase ever to describe the behavior as described in the post.

    In addition to complaining to the company, I would also leave a scathing review for that express store online. I would not use yelp because they are being sued about review honesty right now: http://techcrunch.com/2011/10/26/class-action-lawsuits-over-yelps-review-system-dismissed/

    Stick with google or the like. You want something that comes up when people search for that store's address.

    Add something to the effect of "feeling bad about your own problems is no excuse to take it out on customers."

    Regardless of intent, I would argue that she went about the sizing problem in a manner that could improve.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    every time someone deliberately tries to put me down, i smile.
    their life must be horrible, if they have to bring other people down just to feel okay.
    so smile, because youre better- you've made it further- you're more genuine of a person.
    be the change you want to see in the world

    WOW! Really insightful . I needed to cut a friend out of my life, because everytime I got a complement she said something negative. Most comments were directed at my belly fat. I'm in the best shape I have ever been in my adult life. After reading what you just said, that is exactly what I do, no whitty come backs, which is hard for me, bescause I'm whitty and sarcastic. She is misserable in her marriage and has thhe teenager from hell! She see's that I have a better than terrific husban and a great relation ship with my adult daughter. Still glad I let her go, she was becoming a cancer in my life!
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Some girls are just that way., hence why the movie "Mean Girls" was made. Definitely call the manager though :)
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Leave your problems at the time clock, hell leave it at the front door.
    I worked retail for many years and I always had a smile on my face even though I hated it.
  • newmommyo2
    newmommyo2 Posts: 8 Member
    That was ALL her. She was bigger than you and jealous. She is probably miserable in her own life and thinks she will find satisfaction in making others miserable... I feel bad for her that she has to be that way. Don't let people like that impact any part of you or your day.
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    Maybe I’m missing something but it sounded like she was just trying to suggest that their store’s clothing doesn’t run true to size and you might want to consider another size. Nothing to do with you but everything to do with how their sizes run. I don’t think she was trying to be rude.

    I have to agree that this was a possibility, but since you tried them on an they were way too big, it sounds like she didn't know what the hell she was doing. It seems really odd that she would give you a "nasty" look up and down and then insult you with clothes that were "falling off" of you. Managers are vested in selling things, and in today's economy, most stores just want to move product regardless of whether it fits you or not.

    Is there anything about you that might impact sizing, such as bust size (sometimes requires larger sized and then needs to be fitted) that might have caused her to suggest the larger sizes? For instance according to Express's sizing guide, if you have a 38.5 inch or higher bust size, you would need to go "large".

    If not, then by all means, write corporate and let them know you had a bad shopping experience.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I would say corporate would be VERY interested in this. All they want to do is make money. I wonder how many sales this woman has lost? In fact, when I'm shopping my bottom line is money too - if they want it, they should treat me with respect.

    Sizes can vary wildly admittedly but the OP states that the sizes this woman picked out were markedly too large, that being the case - not only was she rude, she is useless at her job. Most fashion sales staff can guess what size you are pretty accurately if they are good at what they do.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I wonder if you've blown the account out of proportion because you've been letting it eat at you. I find it really hard to believe that she *kept* bringing you large sizes after seeing how they fit you. I wonder if she did it with a couple items and then you went to another worker and in your head the situation has become much worse than it actually was with her continuously bringing you large-sized clothing.

    These kinds of things should be dealt with directly. You could have said something to her initially and if she continued to be that way I would have tried on something that actually fits, shown her it fit, and told her she just lost a sale for being so rude, then walked out of there. THAT would have made an impression - on her, the other workers, and other shoppers there.

    And, while complaining to corporate might get you a gift certificate and people prostrating at your feet, and while it *might* even get her fired (perhaps unfairly if your emotions have blown this out of proportion), it could also be that corporate placates you only because you've been a loudmouth and really it's just another story they talk about together and roll their eyes over because they know that some stories just aren't true.

    And why in the world would you let something like that bring your confidence down and bother you sooo much? I can understand being annoyed or upset initially - but really, let it go. Being upset about the service is one thing, letting it get to you emotionally about *yourself* is another.
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their thoughts etc. However when i originally wrote this post i was venting and aggravated over crappy customer service and didnt realize it would still be going on and on and on.. Bottom line is its done and over with and the next time i shop in express i will be sure to avoid the girl i had in there the other day.. Customer service isnt what it used to be. Thats it end of story..