Have any of you tried the Paleo Diet? Success???



  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    My only problem with a primal diet is the fact it seems to encourage the eating of saturated fats. Why?? They clog your arteries and give you heart attacks, that is a fact.
    Also they says eat what our ancestors and cavemen ate... The average lifespan of a caveman was about 25. Why? Because they either got eaten by dinosaurs and if they didn't fall foul to that fate - because their diet was crap and they couldn't fight diseases...
    I totally agree with adding nuts and cutting out processed foods but primal or paleo are so not for me.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My only problem with a primal diet is the fact it seems to encourage the eating of saturated fats. Why?? They clog your arteries and give you heart attacks, that is a fact.
    Also they says eat what our ancestors and cavemen ate... The average lifespan of a caveman was about 25. Why? Because they either got eaten by dinosaurs and if they didn't fall foul to that fate - because their diet was crap and they couldn't fight diseases...
    I totally agree with adding nuts and cutting out processed foods but primal or paleo are so not for me.


    (Normally, this space would be used for a refutation of your "facts"...but honestly, I'm just not feeling it today. Instead, I'm going to spend the ten or so minutes I would have spent doing something more productive, like eating a can of sardines and a banana. So, good luck on your journey...and don't forget to fact-check your "facts".)
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I don't like the low fat focus of paleo and primal includes legumes (if I remember correctly) and more fruit than I am able to eat.

    Umm, no. Legumes are not "recommended" on Primal (and I assume on Paleo). And I forgot to mention that amounts of fruit are not given. Just to eat and if you go to Mark's site he recommends only one serving per day of fruit if you are trying to lose weight. You are thinking of way different plan. This is most certainly not either of these two points.

    BTW - For anyone thinking that this will raise their cholesterol/lipids try it and see. Mine are now half what they were in Nov. 2011. Not only that but my blood sugar is normal and blood pressure is normal (and off 3 of the 4 meds I was on for that). So, do some research and try for yourself before you immediately start screaming about the saturated fats. I went from a heart attack in the making to someone with better then "normal" lipids in 9 months on this lifestyle (actually less since my blood work was 3 months ago now).
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    My only problem with a primal diet is the fact it seems to encourage the eating of saturated fats. Why?? They clog your arteries and give you heart attacks, that is a fact.
    Also they says eat what our ancestors and cavemen ate... The average lifespan of a caveman was about 25. Why? Because they either got eaten by dinosaurs and if they didn't fall foul to that fate - because their diet was crap and they couldn't fight diseases...
    I totally agree with adding nuts and cutting out processed foods but primal or paleo are so not for me.


    (Normally, this space would be used for a refutation of your "facts"...but honestly, I'm just not feeling it today. Instead, I'm going to spend the ten or so minutes I would have spent doing something more productive, like eating a can of sardines and a banana. So, good luck on your journey...and don't forget to fact-check your "facts".)

    I beg your pardon!!!! I read that link that was provided CAREFULLY!
    Don't be rude to me thank you! I am doing very well on my journey. You eat your can of sardines. I will eat my way. I said it wasn't for me. Not that it should be banned ffs.
    Too many holier than thou people on here sometimes.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    And here is a non biased view on the different types of fat we need...

  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    They clog your arteries and give you heart attacks, that is a fact.
    because their diet was crap and they couldn't fight diseases...

    Please quote the citations for these two "facts" as they are most clearly not facts.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    And here is a non biased view on the different types of fat we need...

    How is that site unbiased? It is run by a foundation of a doper. Find a legitimate source. kthxsbai.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My only problem with a primal diet is the fact it seems to encourage the eating of saturated fats. Why?? They clog your arteries and give you heart attacks, that is a fact.
    Also they says eat what our ancestors and cavemen ate... The average lifespan of a caveman was about 25. Why? Because they either got eaten by dinosaurs and if they didn't fall foul to that fate - because their diet was crap and they couldn't fight diseases...
    I totally agree with adding nuts and cutting out processed foods but primal or paleo are so not for me.


    (Normally, this space would be used for a refutation of your "facts"...but honestly, I'm just not feeling it today. Instead, I'm going to spend the ten or so minutes I would have spent doing something more productive, like eating a can of sardines and a banana. So, good luck on your journey...and don't forget to fact-check your "facts".)

    I beg your pardon!!!! I read that link that was provided CAREFULLY!
    Don't be rude to me thank you! I am doing very well on my journey. You eat your can of sardines. I will eat my way. I said it wasn't for me. Not that it should be banned ffs.
    Too many holier than thou people on here sometimes.

    So you post your "facts" (which to the best of my knowledge are *not* supported by any studies) and then accuse me of being rude, that I thought you wanted to ban my way of eating, and that I'm holier-than-thou?

    Has anyone ever accused you of being overly dramatic?

    ETA: And to be clear, I sincerely do not care if you eat this way or not. What I do care about is that you not throw around egregiously incorrect and unsupportable "facts". It's that kind of behavior, admittedly on a much larger scale, that has led many people to the health crises they face today.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I don't want to start another thread just to ask this very important question:

    How is Paleo/Primal eating different from clean eating?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I don't want to start another thread just to ask this very important question:

    How is Paleo/Primal eating different from clean eating?

    http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ is probably the best source for this, but I'll take a stab at it off the top of my head...

    Both would exclude overly processed, added preservatives, etc. However, "clean eating" would allow grains (including wheat), legumes, probably some forms of added sugars, certain dairy (although primal allows certain dairy too), and...well, I guess that's pretty much it. Not a lot of difference, but those differences can make all the difference (to some people).

    The best way to see if you're one of those people is to give it a try for 30 days. Best case, you learn that certain foods actually do make you miserable and you didn't even realize it...worst case is, for 30 days, you ate healthily.*

    *ETA: That is, unless you're stuck in the 80s and earlier and still believe that "fat makes you fat" and "saturated fat clogs your arteries".
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    My only problem with a primal diet is the fact it seems to encourage the eating of saturated fats. Why?? They clog your arteries and give you heart attacks, that is a fact.
    Also they says eat what our ancestors and cavemen ate... The average lifespan of a caveman was about 25. Why? Because they either got eaten by dinosaurs and if they didn't fall foul to that fate - because their diet was crap and they couldn't fight diseases...
    I totally agree with adding nuts and cutting out processed foods but primal or paleo are so not for me.


    (Normally, this space would be used for a refutation of your "facts"...but honestly, I'm just not feeling it today. Instead, I'm going to spend the ten or so minutes I would have spent doing something more productive, like eating a can of sardines and a banana. So, good luck on your journey...and don't forget to fact-check your "facts".)

    I beg your pardon!!!! I read that link that was provided CAREFULLY!
    Don't be rude to me thank you! I am doing very well on my journey. You eat your can of sardines. I will eat my way. I said it wasn't for me. Not that it should be banned ffs.
    Too many holier than thou people on here sometimes.

    I don't think that anyone wants to spend the time or energy on countering what you've said so here are some highlights:

    1. Saturated fat is NOT proved to cause heart attacks. High fat diets with high consumption of grains and sugar can contribute however. The 3 together are a cocktail of fail for the human body. Eliminate grains and reduce sugar and saturated fat consumed through diet shows again and again to REDUCE cholesterol in humans. You'll find tons of studies disputing this, but the growing thousands of people with their own blood results showing the opposite can't all be flukes.

    2. The average lifespan of a caveman was not 25 years. Read a book or study on anthropology and you'll see that there are many remains of our ancestors that suggest that these people lived into their 80s routinely. Yes there were MUCH higher death rates for children and infants, but unless you were killed by war or accidents chances are you lived pretty long. The average human lifespan actually went DOWN in the middle ages when more grain based agricultrure was introduced.

    3. There is no way the human species would be around AT ALL if our ancestors had "crap" diets that left them prone to disease and death.

    4. Cavemen and dinosaurs didn't exist at the same time.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I don't want to start another thread just to ask this very important question:

    How is Paleo/Primal eating different from clean eating?

    http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ is probably the best source for this, but I'll take a stab at it off the top of my head...

    Both would exclude overly processed, added preservatives, etc. However, "clean eating" would allow grains (including wheat), legumes, probably some forms of added sugars, certain dairy (although primal allows certain dairy too), and...well, I guess that's pretty much it. Not a lot of difference, but those differences can make all the difference (to some people).

    The best way to see if you're one of those people is to give it a try for 30 days. Best case, you learn that certain foods actually do make you miserable and you didn't even realize it...worst case is, for 30 days, you ate healthily.

    I think he's hit the nail on the head. What people refer to clean eating generally has a ton of grains in it, which Paleo/Primal folks know are many of their causes for weight gain, poor health, unexplained pain and aches, poor digestion....the list goes on and on.

    I haven't eaten any grains (besides some rice the other day in a risoto) in over a year and have never felt better. Cutting them out has more or less cured a case of silent acid reflux that was causing me all kinds of problems for years after reintroducing grains after doing Atkins...like an idiot.
  • Mels707
    Mels707 Posts: 101
    Dinosaurs eating cavemen! Lol

    Dinosaurs have been extinct for around 65 million years, unless you consider birds to be dinosaurs.

    Cavemen...well I'm not an expert in anthropology but I think maybe 50-100k years. Slight difference.

    Oh, and saturated fat has never been proven to lead to heart disease.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I don't want to start another thread just to ask this very important question:

    How is Paleo/Primal eating different from clean eating?

    http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ is probably the best source for this, but I'll take a stab at it off the top of my head...

    Both would exclude overly processed, added preservatives, etc. However, "clean eating" would allow grains (including wheat), legumes, probably some forms of added sugars, certain dairy (although primal allows certain dairy too), and...well, I guess that's pretty much it. Not a lot of difference, but those differences can make all the difference (to some people).

    The best way to see if you're one of those people is to give it a try for 30 days. Best case, you learn that certain foods actually do make you miserable and you didn't even realize it...worst case is, for 30 days, you ate healthily.

    I think he's hit the nail on the head. What people refer to clean eating generally has a ton of grains in it, which Paleo/Primal folks know are many of their causes for weight gain, poor health, unexplained pain and aches, poor digestion....the list goes on and on.

    I haven't eaten any grains (besides some rice the other day in a risoto) in over a year and have never felt better. Cutting them out has more or less cured a case of silent acid reflux that was causing me all kinds of problems for years after reintroducing grains after doing Atkins...like an idiot.

    Ah, see, now here's a topic that us paleo people can argue: rice. Personally, I think plain old white rice is remarkably benign and have begun adding it back occasionally. If, like me, you're actually looking for ways to add calories to your diet, it's a great addition. It fails insofar as it is not very nutrient dense at all, so if you are trying to restrict calories, it's not such a great addition as it would be taking the place of a more nutrient dense food.

    But yes, cutting the wheat is one of the...well, I'll go ahead and say it...*the* most important aspect of the paleo approach. It isn't necessarily good for you, and is very possibly bad for you.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Paleo is a way of life not a diet. There is a Paleo/Primal group here on MFP.

    Paleo appears to be the latest incarnation of the Atkins diet. It's only a matter of time before paleo cupcakes and bread can be found along side the Wonder bread. And when paleo junk-food goes mainstream, paleo will cease to be an effective weight loss method for the majority of people. Then a new diet will gain popularity.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    My only problem with a primal diet is the fact it seems to encourage the eating of saturated fats. Why?? They clog your arteries and give you heart attacks, that is a fact.
    Also they says eat what our ancestors and cavemen ate... The average lifespan of a caveman was about 25. Why? Because they either got eaten by dinosaurs and if they didn't fall foul to that fate - because their diet was crap and they couldn't fight diseases...
    I totally agree with adding nuts and cutting out processed foods but primal or paleo are so not for me.


    (Normally, this space would be used for a refutation of your "facts"...but honestly, I'm just not feeling it today. Instead, I'm going to spend the ten or so minutes I would have spent doing something more productive, like eating a can of sardines and a banana. So, good luck on your journey...and don't forget to fact-check your "facts".)

    I beg your pardon!!!! I read that link that was provided CAREFULLY!
    Don't be rude to me thank you! I am doing very well on my journey. You eat your can of sardines. I will eat my way. I said it wasn't for me. Not that it should be banned ffs.
    Too many holier than thou people on here sometimes.

    I don't think that anyone wants to spend the time or energy on countering what you've said so here are some highlights:

    1. Saturated fat is NOT proved to cause heart attacks. High fat diets with high consumption of grains and sugar can contribute however. The 3 together are a cocktail of fail for the human body. Eliminate grains and reduce sugar and saturated fat consumed through diet shows again and again to REDUCE cholesterol in humans. You'll find tons of studies disputing this, but the growing thousands of people with their own blood results showing the opposite can't all be flukes.

    2. The average lifespan of a caveman was not 25 years. Read a book or study on anthropology and you'll see that there are many remains of our ancestors that suggest that these people lived into their 80s routinely. Yes there were MUCH higher death rates for children and infants, but unless you were killed by war or accidents chances are you lived pretty long. The average human lifespan actually went DOWN in the middle ages when more grain based agricultrure was introduced.

    3. There is no way the human species would be around AT ALL if our ancestors had "crap" diets that left them prone to disease and death.

    4. Cavemen and dinosaurs didn't exist at the same time.

    Thanks for that last post, I liked it :happy:

    I would like to mention as well that grains are found to cause inflammation in the arteries. The reason people have high cholesterol in their blood stream is because the cholesterol is present as the body's defense mechanism to aid in the repair of the arteries. However if you don't do anything to reduce the artery inflammation then your body just sends more and more cholesterol until the artery all the sudden becomes clogged.

    I just get tired of people thinking cholesterol is the enemy and then trying to tell me I can't eat eggs... lol
  • SeineSchatz
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I don't want to start another thread just to ask this very important question:

    How is Paleo/Primal eating different from clean eating?

    http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ is probably the best source for this, but I'll take a stab at it off the top of my head...

    Both would exclude overly processed, added preservatives, etc. However, "clean eating" would allow grains (including wheat), legumes, probably some forms of added sugars, certain dairy (although primal allows certain dairy too), and...well, I guess that's pretty much it. Not a lot of difference, but those differences can make all the difference (to some people).

    The best way to see if you're one of those people is to give it a try for 30 days. Best case, you learn that certain foods actually do make you miserable and you didn't even realize it...worst case is, for 30 days, you ate healthily.*

    *ETA: That is, unless you're stuck in the 80s and earlier and still believe that "fat makes you fat" and "saturated fat clogs your arteries".

    Why thank you for answering. I eat neither wheat nor legumes nor dairy... so I am essentially eating Paleo (not including that slushie I had today). Go me!!! I was on the Paleo diet and didn't even know it. :D
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Of all the grains I think that rice is the least offensive and while I never ate much of it even when eating SAD, I am willing to eat it occasionally in something.

    The other that I would likely indulge in VERY occasionally is corn. I have to be careful though, in certain forms (read: tortilla chips) I have a very strong addiction response and have a hard time stopping eating them, but I don't think an ear of corn on the 4th of July is going to kill me...but that's for the future when I've met my goals and I'm maintaining, and can fully exercise the 80/20 rule.

    Wheat is the devil as far as I'm concerned. My wife has horrible reactions to it, my son gets rashes and really crabby when he eats it, and I have eczema (that is under control right now) that flares up something awful when I eat even a little bit.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Paleo is a way of life not a diet. There is a Paleo/Primal group here on MFP.

    Paleo appears to be the latest incarnation of the Atkins diet. It's only a matter of time before paleo cupcakes and bread can be found along side the Wonder bread. And when junk-food paleo goes mainstream, paleo will cease to be an effective weight loss method for the majority of people. Then a new diet will gain popularity.

    Thank you oh wise one... I'm gonna go beat my head on the wall with JofJ now...