Any other Daddy's take their daughters on dates?



  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    Absolutely! I try and get one on one time with all of my kids but my "dates" with my daughter are extra special. I figure I only have a few years left before she would be too embarrased to be seen with me (she is 9) so I need to take advantage of it while I can.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    My daughter is 7 years old and I like to take her on dates whenever we can find the time. It's not nearly often enough but we both love it whenever we do:) Sometimes she picks the place and what we will do and sometimes I do. Sometimes we both get a little dressed up but I always open all the doors for her, hold her hand, and treat her like a queen:) When we get to where we are going we sit down and I ask her why we are here, she answers because you love me:) I say that's right! Until you find a man that treats you better than will always be you and me.

    Are there any other Daddy's that do similar things with their daughters? What about Mommy's taking their boys on dates? I would love to here any new ideas that I can use with my kids.

    That is the sweetest thing ever. :heart:
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    Spending time with your kids is themost important gift you can give them :) My 7 year old daughter and I are having our own girl's night out tonight....she is very excited, hehe
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    my husband takes your daughter on daddy daughter nights.... she is 15months old but its important to both of us that he gets to spend time with her just him and her so she knows she can go to him as much as me....

    she is our only child and im a stay at home mom so she sees me a lot lol
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I take mine out every week. Some times it's dinner of breakfast - other times it's to let her spend money at the toy store - but we read together, watch AFV, play hockey, ride bikes, play soccer, baseball and skip rocks at the lake.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    My husband does this with our girls. He only does it once a yr with each of them alone we have 5 girls but it is such a special father/daughter time
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I don't have sons but I try to do this with my daughters. Occasionally my husband will take one of them somewhere but I would like to see it be a more regular thing. I think its a great idea. I love it because I want my girls to feel special and have that one on one time with me but I like the daddy date idea to show a lady how she should be treated. i am all about teaching self-respect in kids!
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Not nearly enough, but yes.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hard to do with three kids and not single them out. I try to do something with my Magpie, the middle one, 7 years old, at least once a week. I may be as simple as going to Starbucks and getting a hot chocolate or as stupid as playing a few rounds of MW3 with just her, which I am really sad to say she kicks my *kitten* at. Nothing like having your 7-year old kill you with her blade and then stand over your body and say "Have a knife day, Daddy....."

    Brings a tear to my eye......
  • Kattamer81
    When I was a little girl my dad starting taking me on daddy-daughter dates. I was the only one of 3 daughters who wasn't "too cool" to be seen out with my dad. We did coffee shops, book stores, cultural day trips. My best memories were our international food dates. We'd pick a different ethnicity of food each time and eat out.
    I'm 31 now and still look back on those as some of my best memories...and I still have an amazing, close relationship with my father!
  • fitpilatesqueen
    That is so sweet. Keep in close touch with your daughter and spend as much time with her as you can. I´m a mother of two girls but we sometimes go out to eat together at an indian restaurant. Unfortunetly my daughters are not number 1 when it comes to their dad, his girlfriend is more important than his daughters are. He hasn´t spent so much as one week with them this summer but is spending 6 weeks with his girlfriend in Canada. My daughters feel like he doesn´t love them, they are 10 and 13. So cherish the time you have with your daughter because she will grow and become a teenager who doesn´t always want daddy around.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I'm glad I read the whole post, because I was thinking that you didn't get many 2nd dates if you bring your daughter, lol.

    That sounds nice, but I think "date" is the wrong word in our culture. I think of dates as something that involves romance. Quality time, father-daughter time, outings etc. would prevent any confusion.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My husband and I do this occasionally. Usually, it's just me taking one or two of our kids out while I run errands. Sometimes we'll get lunch or ice cream or something.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I think I love this post!

    My dad has been gone for over 20 years but I still remember how I used to feel when he'd take me with him to a Hartford Whalers game. The whole ride from MA to CT he'd tell me all about the players I was going to get to see that night. What I remember the most was how he introduced me to his hockey I was somebody special.

    I have two children born nearly 10 years apart from 2 marriages. I have made concious efforts to have a date night with my children (separately) from time to time. Their needs are different. And they deserve my attention without the distraction of their siblings sometimes. And the rewards, so far, are outstanding. My son is 23 years old this month. He holds doors open for women. He shows up at his grandmother's house and mows the grass just because it needs to be done. He doesn't get paid (except for the occasional tuna fish sandwish she makes for him). He treats the girls he dates well. And sometimes they don't treat him nice. They don't seem to know what to do with a guy that doesn't treat them like crap. My daughter is 13, her dad is not in the picture anymore, and I take her on dates. We go to the movies or get a mani-pedi. Sometimes I chose and sometimes she chooses. And when my kids are out with their aunts and uncles I'm told later that I have terrific and thoughful kids.
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    some good ideas here
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    My mom and i go on dates!
    my dad used to take me out, but he got remarried and i suddenly quit being the important one. oh well, ive got good memories of it!

    We always went roller skating :) or to the arcade
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    My husband takes our 6 year old daughter out on dates.

    Her and I have 'Girls Night Out'.
  • rickgomez2003
    I take my daughter to the movies and dinner every chance i get. She gets to pick the movies and food. My little princes is 6.
  • erinlea75
    erinlea75 Posts: 47 Member
    My dad used to take me on dates when I was little. It was really something special for us, especially since he was usually out at sea half the year. It was always fun, but also educational - for example, he taught me about tipping on 1 date.

    I'm 37 and we have a date this Saturday. First one we've had in years since I got married, had 3 kids, and never have the time.

    My daughters are 6 and 3 and I've been encouraging my husband to do this. His first "date" with the 6 year old will probably be to take her fishing and then to lunch.
  • Chapter3point6
    We simply just call it father/daughter quality time. No dressing up or anything fancy. We will rent a movie, go see a movie, dinner, and of course it is the BEST excuse to go out for ICE CREAM!!!! :tongue: