Any other Daddy's take their daughters on dates?



  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I have my son (he's almost 6) take me out on "dates".

    I teach him to open the car door for me, my chair and everything. He has to learn some time.

    OH and I'm pretty sure his future wife will be pleased that he knows how to do these things.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member

    When we get to where we are going we sit down and I ask her why we are here, she answers because you love me:) I say that's right! Until you find a man that treats you better than will always be you and me.

    :love: That's the sweetest thing.

    And yes, my dad has three daughters and we're all in our 20's and he still takes us out one-on-one.
  • Growtinymusclesgrow
    Growtinymusclesgrow Posts: 152 Member
    I do that with all my kids. I take my daughter out, and don't really accomplish much in depth, but shes 2... I take out 1 kid a month with just me. Let them choose the place to have fun (be it movie, lazer tag, chuck-e-cheese) and I choose the place to eat. When we eat, I usually have a few things to talk to them about. My last one with my 8 year old I let him know Santa, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy weren't real. These times have been some of the best in my life. With 3 kids, its good to have them have a time away from everyone. :)

    I could never do that...tell my kids that Santa and the rest Don't exist. Kids are forced to grow up to fast as it is...I live the fact that my 9 year old pretends to believe in Santa...whether it is for my 6 year olds benefit or maybe because she thinks she would get less, either way, I think it is awesome!

    Yeah, every situation is different :) My 8 year old is a kid everyone loves, but he has this huge emotional heart and it was time for him to know. We parent with a lot of logic, its our style, doesn't mean we are wrong or everyone who doesn't is right. Seemed counter-intuitive to keep going with that stuff.

    I totally feel you! what works for me doesn't necessarily work for everyone...t was just my own opinion based on my family! wasn't trying to be a jerk...sorry if it came across as such@
  • Alphawolf02
    That is sweet and I am so happy to hear that Dad's still do that. My dad and I didn't have time to do that when I was young, but, even though I am in my mid-twenties, I LOVE hanging out with both of my parents. I have friends, but when I get free tickets to the ballgame, I always think of which parent I will take with me. I love calling my dad and seeing if he is free for lunch, and eating at our favorite diner. I hope your daughter grows up like my sister and I did, where we have no problem saying "I Love You", giving hugs, or hanging out with our parents, in public, even though we are adults ourselves. Keep up this tradition with her, and she will always cherish those times.
  • jeddy3mcc
    jeddy3mcc Posts: 177 Member
    I don't have any kids of my own, but I take my nieces 8 and 7 on dates all the time. Their father isn't in the picture so Uncle Jonathan to the rescue. I send flowers to their school and just try to give them a strong male role. I would rather them not out in the world and get flowers from a guy for the first time and then think they owe him anything. That is not the way it should be. I try to spend as much time with them as I can.

    My father wasn't around for me so I can only imagine what that could do to a young lady

    You fathers are a true inspiration. One day MAYBE, I would like to be a good a father as some of!!!!
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    I don't have any kids of my own, but I take my nieces 8 and 7 on dates all the time. Their father isn't in the picture so Uncle Jonathan to the rescue. I send flowers to their school and just try to give them a strong male role. I would rather them not out in the world and get flowers from a guy for the first time and then think they owe him anything. That is not the way it should be. I try to spend as much time with them as I can.

    My father wasn't around for me so I can only imagine what that could do to a young lady

    You fathers are a true inspiration. One day MAYBE, I would like to be a good a father as some of!!!!

    That is fantastic! You are a better man in her life than a lot of fathers are in their own daughters lives!
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    My dad use to when i was younger. We did things like go-carts, movies, lunch, ect. He always made sure we just relaxed hung out and chatted to catch up. i love my dad very much! I am like that with my son now. He opens my doors, we go to dinner together and he holds my hand (he is 3 so this part might not last for long) but he actually gets jealous if I talk to another guy, he tells me I am HIS date lol
  • jeddy3mcc
    jeddy3mcc Posts: 177 Member
    I don't have any kids of my own, but I take my nieces 8 and 7 on dates all the time. Their father isn't in the picture so Uncle Jonathan to the rescue. I send flowers to their school and just try to give them a strong male role. I would rather them not out in the world and get flowers from a guy for the first time and then think they owe him anything. That is not the way it should be. I try to spend as much time with them as I can.

    My father wasn't around for me so I can only imagine what that could do to a young lady

    You fathers are a true inspiration. One day MAYBE, I would like to be a good a father as some of!!!!

    That is fantastic! You are a better man in her life than a lot of fathers are in their own daughters lives!

    I see the effects of not having a father around. I have 6 sisters and they all grew up not having a stable male role. Now that is not an excuse for them, but I see the effects of it in their behavior and feeling that they need to "cling" to a man, and that is not all women, but you can see the lacking of a positive male role. That's all i'm saying!
  • Alphawolf02
    Okay, that is sweet, and I like the idea of teaching your daughter that her partner should treat her well (although I'm not going to assume she's heterosexual, she is, after all, only 7).

    But...I find it really disturbing when adults refer to themselves as "daddy" or "mommy."

    I don't normally call myself that. But since I was thinking of her when I wrote it...........and she calls me Daddy........that's how it came out. Sorry if that's disturbing to you..........

    I am 24 y/o, and I still call my parents mommy/daddy, mama/papa, etc, especially when we are doing something really special, or something has happened that really reminds me of how much I really love them. And my parents still refer to themselves as our (I have 2 older siblings) mommy and daddy. That is what they are, and always will be. I love my mommy and daddy!
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    I wish that my dad had of done that, Aaaaaaand that is why I insist that my hubby does.

    Edit to say: Reading that made me tear up - seriously... it's AMAzing!
  • cupcakes_
    cupcakes_ Posts: 274 Member
    Awwww, so cool.
  • plafleur76
    plafleur76 Posts: 107 Member
    You are a good father and raising her to expect respect and love from her mate later in life, that is great.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    So great! I don't get to take mine out separately very often. I know they really love it when we can swing it.
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    being single with no kids i went to the local orphanage ..................... um not all soft and fuzzy as this thread appeared it to be
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    No. My dad left before I turned two. Father's day is kind of a sad day for me. He visits but not very often, I haven't seen him since May 2011 when I graduated college. *sigh*
  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    I say that's right! Until you find a man that treats you better than will always be you and me.

    My God, if a daddy had ever spoken those words to me I wonder how drastically different the course of my life might have been. Being a good dad is important, ESPECIALLY if you have little girls. True story.
  • kayyydee_cancel
    My husband and I both make sure to have one on one time with our kid. She's almost 7. Usually, my daughter and I will go out and have a girl's day. Breakfast, shopping, reading books at Barnes and Noble, and so forth. Daddy jumps in and does similar things. They have gotten all dressed up for school dances before. It's so cute.

    Great job on doing that for her. I think it's important to kids to know that their parents go all out and spend the extra time with them. They'll be able to keep that with them. :)
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    My son is two and I love our Saturday's out together. Sometimes it's running around doing errands and grabbing lunch. Sometimes shoe shopping for him or whatever. This past weekend we went looking for new books for him at the bookstore. He is a wonderful little boy. On the flip side, my dad and I used to spend hours on the phone sometimes talking about nothing and everything. He was legally blind, so sometimes he would ask me to take him places he wanted to go and I always loved our time together and never felt put out even though he felt like he was taking me away from something better. I would not trade those times with him for anything. One of my fondest memories is of him and I going to check out bees (he wanted to start harvesting his own honey). It was at someone's house and there were about 10 old men there and me. I couldn't have imagined spending a better Saturday with anyone. My dad has been gone now almost three years and I miss him more every day. So, I think it is fantastic all the moms and dads having dates with their children. Even though mine is only two, I know he will be grown in the blink of an eye and I need to enjoy these times as much as possible.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I am taking my boys out tonight roller skating. I end up taking them both at this point. When they are older, I hope I can get one-on-one time with them.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    (I am a Mom of two daughters whose father was never in their life) I think what you are doing is wonderful. The greatest problem kids have, especially girls, is low self esteem....and I think that treated our children the very best we can lends to the high self esteem they need to succeed in this world. Regardless if its Mom or Dad...daughters or sons, do for them what they need parents to do. Show them they are valued.