No late night snacking - last one for 2009 :)

Since some of us still have trouble with late night snacking/binging and since I miss having a group I can lead :blush:, here's the final "No late night snacking" for 2009. I figured, why wait until December when it's already one month before Christmas anyway?

So, for newcomers: there's basically just one rule and some "simple" steps:

1. Pick a time (see the note below).
2. Make it your cut-off - don't put anything caloric in your mouth past this time.
3. Count the consecutive days you're sticking with it.

Feel free to drink water (be aware that the closer you drink to your bedtime, the more likelyit is that you'll get up in the middle of the night), tea or chew a gum (makes me hungrier, though, so I'm not in favour of this). Some recommend brushing your teeth already at cut-off time, cos the taste in your mouth reminds you to stick with it :).

Note: the time does not have to be the same each night - exceptions such as weekends, days you exercise late or work late, are of course reasonable to consider. Try to fix a schedule you can turn into a habbit. Good luck :flowerforyou:


  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    This is ONE of my biggest problems! So i am down! Will u guys be here for my late night cravings to stop me?? :wink:
    My cutoff time is going to be 8:30!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Wow this is just what I need! I have a horrible time at night usually. I tell myself one last bowl of cereal... that usually turns into 3 or 4. I make myself feel a little better by eating it out of baby bowls. :tongue:

    My cut off time is 7PM. Except on Tues&Thurs it's 8:30. (I have school those evenings)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I'm definitely in. Even not hungry, the kids have their bedtime snack and I'm snacking right with them. I'm going to say 9 p.m. to start off with and see how that goes, but will probably move to 8:30. Our family can sometimes be late eaters. Let me see if I can change that ;)

    Thank you Dewdrop :)
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    You people are making this so worthwhile! Thank you for joining me :flowerforyou:.

    wks7777, you'll notice we're there, everytime you feel like saying "oh, just this one bite". Cos your next thought will be "Oh, no, I'll have to report in the "no late night snacking" thread that I'm resetting my counter again". You'll see that cheating gets harder each time. :laugh:

    My cut-off will be 9p.m.. Two hours before bed time should suffice for a start :smile:
  • Naokoheart
    I would love to join this, I don't tend to have too much of a problem,
    since I am strict with my calories/I know if I snack at night
    even with exercise it usually goes over in one food group..oops.

    My cutoff time would be 8 o clock!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sign me up! I can't decide on 8 or 9 though. Leaning toward 8. Meh... make it 8:30! We usually go to bed around 10 or 11.
  • christine918
    I need this group! I always do soo well til nite time! I take Ambian to sleep and when it hits me, I eat. Sometimes I remember it the next day, sometimes I don't. I will go 3 days w/o eating if I don't take it though! So, I'm gonna set my cut off time for 8 and have my husband help me!
  • OliveBranch
    I am totally in!
    9pm is my cut off time!
    10pm on weekends.
    I don't go to bed until 1, so this should be ok.
    Thanks for this!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm gonna join in... seen this group in the past and always wanted to hop in but didn't want to start in the middle of the month. So here we go! I have a hard time with the snacking after dinner, usually because I have dinner right after work and the hunger starts kicking in around 9-10.

    I'm going to make my cutoff time 9pm on weekdays and 10pm on weekends.
  • Grate
    Grate Posts: 71
    Count me in. I'm the worst night time grazer in the world. I'm fine all day, but night time..........
    Cut off time is 9PM as I am a late night person. Thanks for asking.....
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    I am in, I am going to make my cut off time at 9:30 because I don't go to bed before midnight.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter


    This is going to be a big challenge for me seeing I am always wanting to snack on something since I quit smoking.:cry:
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    So im STARVING....way past my eat time...i might should change it since i go to bed so late...but still dont need to eat right now regardless of whether i change it or not. What sux is i really dont have anything that i can even snack on that is that healthy...and i dont want to mess up my trying to tough it out over here!!!:grumble:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Wks777, I hope you made it through the night. I hate these late night snacking times.

    Well, I made it through my first night. My husband was laughing at me, but supportive. I didn't get done at the gym until 9 and hadn't eaten really since lunch, so I was hungry. But we had to go get a car battery and the whole time I kept looking at my watch, not wanting to miss out on my eating. At 8:30, I told him, that's it we have to go. We went to a nearby Subway and I told him we had to eat here because I didn't want to waste the 5 minutes to get home so I had time to eat. This is when the laughter started. Needless to say, I got halfway through my salad and actually wasn't hungry anymore. Then my watch alarm went off at 9 p.m. (my cutoff time) and the rest went in the trash.

    Now I get up at 3 a.m., so I'm not starving, but I can definitely tell I didn't do any late night snacking. One day down...

    I hope you all had a successful night!
  • Veronica320
    I'm all in! I'll stick with my cutoff time of 8pm.

    dewdrop: Thanks for starting the thread again:smile: I'd been slipping a bit the last few weeks.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Welcome, everyone :flowerforyou:. Veronica, nice to see you back! I :love: seing my old pals back at work. Wonder if Zaza, Wanda, Kirstina and some of the old members will see this thread some time soon and join us. That'd be fun!

    lulabellewoowoo, impressive! The kick-off is like that: weird and tough. We'll have easier nights and harder nights - Wks777, if you made it, come brag here :happy:, but if you didn't, don't by any means let this stay in your way. After all, going to bed with a growling stomach isn't healthy either, so no matter what you did, keep going, and learn how to adjust the time to suit you best.

    I'm happy to see so many and I wanna encourage you to report on both failures as well as success. We can all learn from each other. The winners will be not just those making it through the most consecutive nights, but also everyone who keeps trying till the end (of the year, let's say, but for now let's have 24th of Dec as a target).

    Stay strong, everyone, and be prepared for some tough and for some fun nights. We can do this!
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Oh boy, do I need this! I get this HUGE carb craving every night. My carb of choice is cereal - any kind and in massive quantities. :embarassed: So, I think I'll make my cut-off time 7:30PM. are you guys beating your cravings? What's your trick of choice?
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I didn't beat the craving last night. My fiance was hungry and sent me to Jack-in-the-box for a late night snack. I didn't order anything for myself but I got home and he was eating and gave me a few bites of his food. :blushing:

    I'll do better tonight... one day at a time.
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    I ended up making myself some hot dark cocoa...didnt make me go over on my calories so i guess thats not too bad! I will try it again tonite!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    wks777, you did really well! Keep up the good work - paying attention to it is what we need. If it was just the dark cocoa, than that's really good, considering how hungry you were. So I vote you count last night as your No 1 (just don't make the cocoa an everyday exception :laugh:).

    lizagna, as long as you didn't have your own order... Were you hungry, or was it just "I'll join in"? :wink: Keep on trying, I know you can do this! :smile:.

    Did I mention I did not start last night? :blush: Today's my number 1. :smile: Let's see how well I'll behave :smile:.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Options are you guys beating your cravings? What's your trick of choice?
    My husband. He may not necessarily always follow my healthy lifestyle. But if I tell him I am making changes in my diet, and I try to deter even a little bit without written permission in duplicate from him, he will nag me if he sees me going against it. :laugh: Who needs self-control when you have a walking conscience?