No late night snacking - last one for 2009 :)



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    As I was preparing for a "down" last night, I turned that into one more good night :happy:. I gotta update my counters. I'll keep track of total good nights since staring the challenge and of the consecutive nights separately. Everyone feel free to do the same. :smile:
  • healthworks
    Hey girls :smile:

    Thurs nite ++ ....5/6 nights done!!! :tongue:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I'll keep track of total good nights since staring the challenge and of the consecutive nights separately.

    Got the time to count: 5 days in total, out of which 2 are consecutive.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    :heart: +:smile::smile: :smile: :smile:
  • healthworks
    Fri nite.. the bowl of popcorn got me!! So i'm at 5 out of 7 nights, done!! This thread is helping!!:smile:

    Keep going girls... IT ALL COUNTS!!!:heart:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    :heart: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    My update: 7 days in total, out of which the last 2 are consecutive.
    I have a good excuse for Friday (I was going to be strong), but nvm.

    lulabellewoowoo, good work! Nice picture, too :smile:.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I think I'm going to challenge myself just a little more and drop the time to 8:45 this week and then try 8:30 the following week (except on Tuesdays as i get home at 8:30 and one weekend night a week that I got out with family), as I tend to go to bed around 10 and would like to stop eating 2 hours before going to bed.

    You guys are such an inspiration, even in the nights where you may not reach your goal, because you keep it going, don't give up. I hadn't been changing my goal because I'm not a big fan of feeling like I "failed". But you guys have shown me that it's not a failure, but rather a small bump in the road to overcome. So thank you all so much for all your postings of successes and "bumps".
  • Veronica320
    I broke this weekend (we had pizza delivered). While I managed to stay within my calories, carbs, fat, etc....I still felt guilty. Plus I didn't feel all too hot the next day from all the grease. So I didn't do anything but watch tv all day (probably not the best idea). Pizza is my one true weakness when it comes to eating healthy. Oh well, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. It's a new week with new goals!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    [..]I'm not a big fan of feeling like I "failed".

    I don't like feeling like I failed either! I just feel that failing for me would mean giving up and dissappearing from this thread.

    I report here also my failures for two reasons:
    1. to show that this is meant for people who struggle, that it's perfectly ok to fail, as long as you get up and that 1 day of success is a lot more worth than a full month of "I don't care, I'm not good at this, I won't bother anymore".
    2. if I wouldn't report, I would give up. I prefer to keep myself accountable.

    I still hesitate on where to place last night. Will see how the next days go and place it accordingly :smile:.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I was good last night. Depending on how I regard the previous I might have

    9 days in total, 4 consecutive or
    8 days in total, 1 consecutive

    Help! :tongue: :smile: Thing about the other night is that I was strong at cut-off, went to bed right, but could not fall asleep. So I woke up (in the middle of the night) and read a book, but I did not want to add extra reasons to make my sleep uncomfortable and had a snack. That's not something I do each night (stop at cut-off, cos I know I'll get up to sneak in the kitchen a bit later :laugh: ), nor did I mindlessly eat, so to me it counts really like an exception. What to do you guys think?

    lulabellewoowoo, how did the 8:45 challenge go? I got used to your daily posts, where are you today? :flowerforyou:
    And where's everyone else? If you prefer reporting once a week only, please say so - just to know you're still around :wink:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    :heart: :heart: :smile:

    Well, the cutoff time was okay on Monday, stopped actually at 7:30, but went to bed at 8:30. Getting up at 3 a.m., if I don't get a nap, means early bedtime if hubby can handle kids. Last night was kind of funny. I had reset my watch alarm to 8:45, but had not really used it in the two weeks past. After the gym (home at 8:20), I wasn't hungry, but had a sweet craving, so decided to have some chocolate low-fat meringues (yummy) and was sitting in bed, reading, chomping, putting the last bite in my mouth, when my alarm went off. I nearly choked it scared me so bad. I quickly swallowed and was thankful for the alarm as I wasn't even thinking about it last night and probably would have gone down for seconds :) The cutoff was good, because last night I thought I had extra calories left over, but this morning realized I forgot to log something yesterday which put me right where I needed to be. Tonight is a little harder as we have a bible meeting until 9:30 and then the kids always have a little snack afterwards which of course I serve. Time for that sugarless gum.

    On another note, my daughter went for her physical. She is 9, but was told she has the height of an 11 year old, but the weight of a 12 year old, which really disturbed her (2 lbs over for an 11 year old). She has the typical 9 year old belly. I told her no worries. I helped her to realize that although 2 lb is not a big deal, if she was consistently over 2 lb for the next 10 years, by the time she was 19 she'd be 20 lb overweight, which would be harder to control. I hate using the word "diet" for my 9 year old, so we talked about lifestyle goals. Eating more fruits and vegetables in place of junk (she lives in two households). We also realized she intakes a lot of calories on liquids, so we are instituting more water so she can feel comfortable in what she is still eating. She is also starting to get little pimples, so it will help her skin as well. As a child who grew up with a diet pill mother and as a teenager became anorexic and bulimic, it's nice to see a child who is interested in health and not in being "skinny".

    Dewdrop, I sometimes only sleep 5 hours and although I try to wait until at least 6 a.m. to eat, sometimes at 3 a.m. I am starving. So I would consider it a success if you stuck to your cutoff time before bedtime. Since it's not a habit that you wake up in the middle of the night to eat, then consider it as part of your next day calories. Heck, sometimes I take a nap during the day just to avoid eating.

    I was wondering, since we are doing consecutive days, should we go by week, or maybe start a new thread every week, to allow others to be able to see and join? This has been a huge inspiration to me :) Want to share the wealth...
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Oops that was long-winded. Sorry :blushing:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I was wondering, since we are doing consecutive days, should we go by week, or maybe start a new thread every week, to allow others to be able to see and join? This has been a huge inspiration to me :) Want to share the wealth...

    Breaking it into small goals. Yeah, I like the idea! It does mmake it sound more achievable and and gives a second chance for those that fail, soon enough.

    I would still keep in going in this thread, but I totally sustain your idea of starting weekly ones. Can you do it? :smile:

    I admire you for the way you're handling your daughter's situations. 2lbs is right where she needs to start. What's 2 lbs? Could be water weight. :wink: But the calculations with 2lbs/year until 20 - very logical and sensitive explanation. Also, water instead of fuzzy drinks is the best change to make. Bravo!

    Thanks also for believing in me :flowerforyou:. I did not want to be too permisive and set a bad example, but I feel good now that I can count that night. Gives me more confidence in myself and I know I can do better! :smile:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I would still keep in going in this thread, but I totally sustain your idea of starting weekly ones. Can you do it? :smile:

    Thanks also for believing in me :flowerforyou:. I did not want to be too permisive and set a bad example, but I feel good now that I can count that night. Gives me more confidence in myself and I know I can do better! :smile:

    I'll start next Monday a new thread, but yes, I like still posting here. Should I reference this site (not sure how to do that?), or just start it and let us all just keep posting either here or at the new one? I'm not computer savvy.

    BTW, you are already doing better by keeping with it. That is no small accomplishment for any of us, especially when we are constantly surrounded by people who either don't care about their lifestyle or haven't figured out how to fix it yet. keep up the great job!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    CRASHED AND BURNED BIG TIME!!!! I let the stress of a "discussion" with hubby cause me to overeat all day and clear into the night. I am feeling every bit of it in my gut this morning.

    Oh well, time to start over. Good thing is I'm not even a little bit hungry this morning. Also, didn't eat junk. Lots of fruit, vegetables, and chili (maybe that's what is wrong with my gut), but feeling super sluggish and cranky. I knew better and did it anyway. Oh well, at least I made it two weeks and one day. Now to try for two weeks and two days consecutive!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Thanks to the confidence lulabellewoowoo put in me :flowerforyou:, I turned
    9 days in total, 4 consecutive or
    8 days in total, 1 consecutive
    into 10 days in total, 5 consecutive last night.

    lulabellewoowoo, you lead here by far. Keep two counters, like me. You've been and continue to be an inspiration! :flowerforyou: Also, a challenge to all of us! Keep up the good work!

    P.S. Hope things will cool down with hubs. :flowerforyou:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I did it again!

    11 days in total, 6 consecutive days.

    And it was hard! (Is this what makes it more worth? :wink:)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member

    Okay, so I'm in need of a serious FRESH START after two solid days of out-of-control eating/no exercising.

    Last night, even though I seriously went over my calories, I did not go over my cutoff time.

    So, :smile: for me.

    Major congrats Dewdrop. You're doing awesome
  • healthworks

    Okay, so I'm in need of a serious FRESH START after two solid days of out-of-control eating/no exercising.

    Last night, even though I seriously went over my calories, I did not go over my cutoff time.

    So, :smile: for me.

    Major congrats Dewdrop. You're doing awesome

    Hi Girls:smile: Same here lulabellewoowoo.. but mine has been all week!! 7 pm cut off, for me TONITE!!