No late night snacking - last one for 2009 :)



  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
    Of course, I've been sick since Saturday morning, so not eating late has not been a problem. Still not feeling the greatest. Haven't been logging calories though. Just eating what I can stomach at the moment, which isn't too much. Everything sounds good until I get it near my mouth, then my enlarged tonsils make it hard to get it down. Yuck. But hey, at least I'm not eating late. Silver lining anyone?
  • healthworks
    Day 2 - done - cut off 7 pm. :smile:

    Feel better FAST lulabellewoowoo :flowerforyou:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Leaving the house at 6p.m. and not getting back till after 9:30 is not helping with this challenge. So I didn't stay by my cut-off over the WE and slightly went above my calories as well. I believe I can do better than this!

    lulabellewoowoo, get well soon and thanks for being so motivating :flowerforyou:
    healthworks, falhaone and lizagna, well done ladies! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:

    I'm looking forward to hearing from the other memebers, too. Am I the only one who's failing :embarassed: , but stubborn enough to keep going? :smile:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :drinker:
    Well, ladies one week down. Thinking of you ladies and all your efforts actually kept me motivated.

    So here's a question. My cutoff time right now is 9:00. I set it late as I usually go to bed at like 9:30 most nights if I'm fortunate (remember, I get up at 3 a.m. for work). So my question is, should I challenge myself and cut the time back further, maybe to like 8:30 and stop the eating earlier before going to bed? What do you do if you at the last minute you find out that you are doing a family dinner that starts at 7 and your cutoff time is 7:30? Do you mentally adjust it for that night. On the weekends, my brother-in-laws will call at 5 p.m. to say, hey let's do dinner at 7?

    Whatcha think?

    Hope everyone is doing well. Back to work for me....Really ladies, you have to stop distracting me:wink:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I made it! :drinker:. I stopped before 9, even. Went to bed at 11:30. So not bad :smile:

    lulabellewoowoo, a couple of things:
    - it's in general a good practice not to eat right before going to bed. Just as is, not to go to bed with a growling stomach :wink:. I think 1h is a decent amount of time (but as you see in my line above, I'm aiming for at least 2hrs).
    - the point of this challenge is "no snacking". The cut-off is just there for people not to cheat and start dinner too late. Of course if you're within your calories, you can have an apple. My problem is (like other's), that I wouldn't stop after an apple. Also, if you're out for dinner, you wouldn't set the alarm clock. But if people move on the couch and munch on crackers and nuts, you can just stay with water. Or if out with friends, you can stop ordering beer after a certain time. Do you get my point?

    Keep up the good work. You can challenge yourself on a private level. Don't officially lower the cut-off, but try to do it on your own and see if it works. Everytime your report in here, you can tell us what time you stopped eating, while keeping the maximum at 9. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Thanks Dewdrop. Makes perfect sense. I'm an all or nothing person. I can't just have one snack. I have to mentally stick to the cut off or I start making exceptions and excuses for myself. Usually our dinner is at 6 and if I have anything before 9 o'clock, it's usually a bite of my children's bedtime snack. I haven't gone to bed feeling full or bloated in the past week, which is a new thing for me. Usually I'd go to bed feeling gross, disgusting, uncomfortable, bloated. This past week, I've been content, not hungry, and needless to say, my husband benefits from this :blushing:

    So I think I'll take your suggestion and keep it at 9, but do my own little mental challenges on certain days. I find that I tend to cut myself off earlier. I don't shove something in my face just because I have a cut off time, but rather last night I looked at the clock at 8:30, asked myself if I was truly hungry, figured I wasn't, and didn't eat anything since 7:30 and went to bed at 10:30.

    Thanks for your words of wisdom. I'm a rule follower, so having you lay out the suggestions help me a great deal!

    Great job on your success too. Keep it up.

    Have a great day!
  • healthworks
    Good Morning Girls :smile:

    dewdrop Hang in there!!

    lulabellewoowoo Great job one week down!! :flowerforyou: Remember we pretty much make our own rules, we know if were on the up & up!

    Last night was a no go- for me, I made sure we had dinner by 7 pm. &&&& I went back for seconds at 7 :16. I contemplated changing my cut off.. but that is cheating only myself. So I have 2 out of 3 days under my belt!!

    Tonight we have a 7 pm meeting at school .. so my cut off will be 9 at the latest!

    Thanks for starting this thread dewdrop!!! Its making me more mindful of my choices!!:flowerforyou:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    4 days in a row... I think I'm getting the hang of this. Although last night as a glanced at the clock, seeing it was 15 mins past my cutoff my tummy started grumbling, but I'm pretty sure it was a mind game since I saw the time and knew I wasn't really hungry. So I chugged a little water and watched a show.:laugh:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    :heart: + :smile:

    Well, after doing well for a week, I had my moment of weakness last night. Actually, I'm thinking self-sabotaging. So I'm very thankful for this thread. Usually, when I lose a couple of pounds, I then start giving myself excuses for overeating. Well, last night I weighed in at the lowest I have been in 3 years, had my dinner, and then felt munchy. I was about to get off the couch to rummage the refrigerator (knowing full well I had no calories left for the day), and the alarm on my clock went off letting me know my cutoff time was upon me. I spent half an hour fighting the urge, but this morning I am glad that I was able to stick to it (and weighed myself again with the same weight as last night, feeling good about it). So thanks guys. You've helped me to finally get over a huge mountain! YOU ROCK!
  • Veronica320
    Wow! 7 successful days in a row! It feels fantastic to have control. Our wedding is in 9 days and I've been trying so hard not to stress eat. I'm also worried about going overboard on the honeymoon.....but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
    Keep up the hard work ladies!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    i have been doing good not eating late or stop eating at 7:30...except for yesterday...i came home around 9pm from my evening class and was so hungry...i ate passed my cut off time...but tuoday is a new day..and i am back on track!
  • healthworks
    AWESOME JOB GIRLS!! :smile:

    Veronica320 CONGRATS on your up coming wedding!! :flowerforyou:

    Last eve.. I did well!! 3 out of 4 days done.:smile
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    :heart: +:smile::smile:

    I have a question I'd like y'all opinion on. Which is more important? Keeping your cutoff time or eating all your calories. My dilemna last night was that I finished eating a little before 7:30, but didn't calculate all my calories until 9:30 and found that I had an almost 400 calories deficit with my exercise calories. I was going to bed, didn't feel hungry (head cold). But in a situation like that where you find you are under after the cut-off time, what would you do. Granted, 3:30 this morning, I'm feeling the rumblings and probably going to get breakfast about 2 hours earlier than I normally do. Just wondering what you might think. Thanks
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    This is my opinion. I would have calculated my calories throughout the see how much i can consume for dinner. If i ate and am full and had some calories left i would not force myself to eat them just because they are left behind. Each person know their body, so that said, if you know you are going to get up with stomach music..then eat something very, very light (a small fruit or veggie)..not because you have calories left but because the music that would wake you up.

    like i said this is what i would do. but i hope it give you some kind of help. Good luck!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    no snacks last night...
  • healthworks
    lulabellewoowoo I would done what was best for my body & ate my cals to my bmr cals to keep from going into a stavation mode!

    Wed eve ++++ 4/5 days done
  • Veronica320
    lulabellewoowoo: I don't think being under your cals for one day is going to hurt you. It's only one day. Try logging your food/exercise for the entire day ahead of time. I find that it helps me stay on track better if I know what I can and can't have throughout the day.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Veronica, wow, how exciting! Enjoy every moment of it - the preparations and the werdding itself! It's YOUR moment! :)

    I seem to be one day up, one day down. Actually, the other way around, I get up everytime after being down :smile: I still am happy with deciding to stop eating even if I still felt hungry the other night. Wish I were under my calories, but I'm slightly above usually :ohwell:.

    I like to see this thread so alive. Keep up the good work, ladies, in this (when it comes to eating) hard time of the year :wink:. We'll enjoy the results pretty soon :happy: and it's all worth the sacrifice :wink:.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member


  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    :heart: +:smile::smile::smile: