Urban Dictionary Name Defination



  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Jackies are are rare and mysterious breed who love French things and music and make the world a better place. SO true.
  • morganmay92
    Morgan :
    She's the most beautiful girl you will ever see. Every feature that she posseses is engraved in your mind from the second you lay eyes on her. Morgan is not limited to just physical features, her personality is equally as beautiful.

    You wonder how it is that a person this extraordinary can exist, but find yourself just appreciating the fact that she exists, and even better yet, that you know her.

    A very beautiful one of a kind girl that can make you smile no matter what. If you're down, she can bring you back up. Has the most beautiful eyes you'll ever see. Loves to watch comedy central and is kinda crazy. Very cute and adorable. A girl you'll fall in love with at first glance. A very good kisser and has a nice badonka donk. A girl no guy is deserving of. She probably doesn't even know how great she really is, and how much she means to that special person

    a Morgan is the most beautiful girl in the world and when your holding one looking into her beautiful brown eyes you feel invincible because you know as long as you have your Morgan nothing could ever hurt you as long as she loves you. Morgans think they are ugly and stupid but they are the exact opposites. they are the kind of girls you'd do anything for just to see her smile even if only for a few seconds. everything you see in Morgan amazes you. when a Morgan laughs its the cutest little giggle anyone has ever heard its intoxicating. Morgan will write you a billion notes and even though they all say the same kind of thing, you still cant wait to get the next one because you know that she still hasn't stopped thinking your amazing too. Morgans are worth everything and more but they don't see it while everyone else does. Morgans are always pretty no matter with or without make up. when you have a Morgan you don't want to go to sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. I'm just lucky i have a Morgan and i suggest any single guy out there get one as well, you wont be disappointed!

    Morgan is BEST PERSON YOU WILL EVER MEET IN YOUR LIFE. She is an amazing girl who is beautiful in every way possible. Morgan is a person with stunning green eyes and a smile that will light up the world. She loves laughing and smiling, and its also another word for being AMAZING and GORGEOUS and LOVED. Morgan as a verb is to laugh a lot. morgan can also be an interjection, like saying THATS GREAT! Words cannot describe a morgan, even these

    Morgan is (simply put) the most amazing girl you will ever meet. She has a stunning body, beautiful face, and her eyes will make you stop dead in your tracks. She is also the funniest and most charming woman on the face of the earth. Is likely seen roaming around with the luckiest man on earth, who will always love her, no matter how humble she pretends to be.

    Their is many more lol
  • SouthernSweetie74
    wow... lmbo

    This is what urban dictionary said about my name: Darla


    a bamf, a woman who needs no one else, she is the god of all humans, she is perfect in every way and likes to get her freak one every once in a while.

    that girls not a hoe! shes a Darla.

    buy darla mugs & shirts

    bamf god dracula hott sex
    by stevenL Feb 18, 2008 share this add a video



    Darla is delectable. She works hard and ain't got no time for bulsh*t. She is a scrumptious shorty with brown hair and dazzling eyes. She don't know it, but she DAMN fine! ALL the boys in the room would love a moment of her time!

    If I was eating the most tender steak in NY, I would call it Darla!
  • PattieCakes23
    Mine made me sad....very sad...

    1. Pattie
    A mix of mashed potato and sage blended togeter and made into a burger shape, then covered in batter and fried, much like a fish cake. Only really heard and eaten in Hull and the East Riding.
    "Can I have Pattie and Chips twice please?".
    2. pattie
    a jerk that likes to suck peoples feet and look at short shorts

    Um, BTW, I don't like feet. Eww..

    Oh, and I wanted to try my real name
    1. a beautiful, tall, smart, brunnete that likes to party.
    Usually friends with a blonde.

    2.Adjective. Synonym for attractive, sexy. Extremely pleasing to the eye. Common expression in the southern Oregon/northern California region of the United States. Sometimes heard as far south as San Diego.

    3.a femme fatale. with intelligence and beauty. she's an "all around girl" like LL's cut. Usually nicknamed Sophia or Phia. Very friendly, a down-*kitten* chick, book smart and full of wisdom.

    Uses "both eyes to see" the world

    a wifey type that can make a man satisfied. cook good, look good and feels good.

    A one of kind girl, rare to find and once you find it hold on to it till eternity.

    4. an Incredibly smart , strong, confident and beautiful woman, who likes to be unique. enjoys music, movies, and being with her friends. Defiantly one of a kind, and any one who spends more than 3 seconds with her knows how special a person she is, and those who do know her consider themselves to be the luckiest people in the world.

    I shall go by Patricia...Thanks..
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    Mine made me sad....very sad...

    1. Pattie
    A mix of mashed potato and sage blended togeter and made into a burger shape, then covered in batter and fried, much like a fish cake. Only really heard and eaten in Hull and the East Riding.
    "Can I have Pattie and Chips twice please?".
    2. pattie
    a jerk that likes to suck peoples feet and look at short shorts

    Um, BTW, I don't like feet. Eww..

    hahahaha wtf where did someone come up with someone who likes to suck peoples feet and look at short shorts.
  • AShawneeF
    AShawneeF Posts: 123 Member
    complete nutcase most of the time and sweet when she wants something

    The most beautiful, intelligent, sexiest woman that you will ever meet that happens to be totally unattainable.

    A girl who is sweet down to Earth and funny. She never lets you down and when you feel bad she will help you feel better. no one compares to an Aundrea. she is irreplacable and you feel a lot better when you are around her. she never gives up and when a difficult task comes her way she will conquer it with grace and ease. she is always there to help and is loving and caring!!! :D
  • TabbathaAnne
    TabbathaAnne Posts: 162 Member
    There was only one definition for my name. And its RIDICULOUS!!! LOL...

    1. Tabbatha

    A truly amazing person. easy to love
    A person who is often referred to as a beatutiful girl who has an amazing body and physique. She is naturally a flirty person. She is very smart, but sometimes acts on impulse and doesn't think before she does anything. She is often regarded to as a slut because of her beauty, but that's far from the truth. Amazing to be around. Fun, faithful, loving, caring, can be a bit much to handle. Takes a strong man to tame her

    I wish I was as Tabbatha as her
  • mmeddleton
    mmeddleton Posts: 100 Member
    Damn! - How do these people know me? :bigsmile:

    The most sexy, erotic, flirtatious, hot stuff, bootylicious 4 letter word you'll ever see. If you spell it backwards, you get kram which according to urban dictionary means smoking weed/ganja/herb; how cool is that! I know you're impressed. If you take the mark out of supermarket, all you're left with is superet and that's pretty stupid cause why would you go out to the superet, it makes no sense. Mark means warlike, especially in bed if ya know what i mean. Its definitely the coolest word/name ever cause if you spell it frontwards and backwards, its different!!!
    On your Mark, Get Set, Go!

    No words to decribe him, other than "a walking god!" he is the reason you live. the sooner you accept that, the better. he may not be interested in you, yet, but wait... i did, and now he's mine... so if theres a Mark in your life that you want and find irresistable... chances are he's interested in you, so just wait... your time will come.. i guarantee! good luck, i wish the best to you....
    FRIEND 1: "omg! who is that hottie with a body over there? he is irresistably hot. i wish he knew i was alive.... "
    FRIEND 2: "oh him? that's Mark, of course. who doesn't know him?"
    *mark starts walking toward them*
    FRIEND 1: "omg! omg! he's coming over here, do you think he likes me? theres now way he could, im too ugly..."
    FRIEND 2: "don't be too sure.... he always goes for the girl that least expects it, in this case.... your the girl, good luck! HI MARK!"
    MARK: "hello ladies. i was just talking to my friends, when i spotted the most beautiful person i have ever seen, so i decided to come over here and ask her out to the movies this friday. what do you say?"
    FRIEND 2: "who is the beautiful person? me, or her?"
    MARK: "sorry, but it's her, not you... so, will you?"
    FRIEND 1: "omg. of course. i can't believe you think i'm beautiful... no ones ever said that too me, besides my parents, but they have to say it..."
    MARK: "great, i'll pick you up around 7:30? k?"
    FRIEND 1: "yea, it's great. i can't wait!"
    *mark walks away*
    FRIEND 2: "what did i tell you?"
    FRIEND 1: "wow, i am so excited, and nervous, i never would have thought Mark would ask me out!!! this is the best day of my life!
    *thus concludes, the best day of her life, this could be you, if you know a Mark... just wait.... your time will come*

    Extreme; too intense for words; incredibly intelligent; works hard and plays even harder; loves deeply; very tender and caring; protective of those he loves; athletic and outdoorsy; SEXY; gifted in bed; will always make you laugh
    The only thing missing in my life was Mark.

    The sexiest, smartest thing alive. derived from the bible "Mark" is a walking god. It would be an honor to know someone by this name. Should you ask something of him, he will know the perfect answer. It is for this reason that he is a lady pleaser. Also because he has a slong like a black man down to his knees.
    Joe: WOW! look a living Mark
    Tom: HOLY MOLY! i wish i was like him
    Joe: Yeah i know. Hes great

    So easy to fall in love with Mark.. He makes you laugh when your trying to be mad at him, and gives you the cutest kisses on the forhead. hes very loyal and a genuine guy. He will tell you the truth, and is very truthful with anything you ask. Hes amazing so don't ever give a Mark up. they are the best thing you"ll ever have..
    Mark is the best boyfriend anyone can ever have, dont let em' go.
  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ok... Gabriela

    1. a really beautiful girl with amazing boobs that is really hard to get. if you get her you are a lucky man. often gets mistaken for a ***** but shes the nicest person you will ever meet. chillest girl on earth and if you get to know her you will love her

    2. God is my strength

    "The name Gabriela means 'God is my strength'"

    3. She is a perfection you see once in a lifetime. A woman that makes you want to stay alive as long as possible just to gaze at her. She is a goddess walking amongst us in a way that we can't describe in words but only in a trance. Someone yo ucan fall in love with and feel all the comfort in the world just by sitting across, or even better, next to her. Whether as a lover or as a friend, you are truly a lucky individual to know Gabriela.

    4. A very special girl. She loves the beauty of life, flavors, colors, music, etc... A very independent woman but sometimes she behaves like a child. She knows what she wants. She's very nice but sometimes she's a b**h. She's very inocent but inside she's wild and very kinky and ready to give sooo much love, but not misunderstand, she is very hard to get. (Damn its trueeeeeee hahaha)

    AMAZING!!!! LOL :laugh:
  • chocobo93
    chocobo93 Posts: 120 Member
    1. Insecure girl- Oh no, that girl is smarter, prettier, hotter, more talented, more interesting and kinder than I am.

    Honest guy- yeah she is kind of amazing, that's Grace.

    Insecure girl- *crying in jealousy* I'll make up vicious rumors and hate on her in hopes it will make me feel better about myself

    2. Guy- Man, when I had no one and nothing Grace was there for me.

    Guy 2- Wow, dude she sounds awesome.

    3. I've never met anyone like her, that girl's such a Grace!

    4. There's a place where one blue rose grows among the dandelions. No one knows how it got there, but we're so glad it came. It's such a Grace.
  • BikinimomE
    BikinimomE Posts: 116 Member
    1. bikinimom 27 up, 1 down
    A health and fitness guru after having 4 children in 5 years became a fitness model, competitive body builder and bikini model. She now consults with abused and battered women and children.


    bikinimom emilia rak emilia flowers fitness model bikini model children of abuse women of abuse
    by bikinidad Jul 29, 2009 share this add a video

    1. Emilia 209 up, 51 down
    The kind of girl who everyone loves. She's stunning and is always lovely. She has a cute face and a great body. Normally she originates from Italy or Spain.

    Girl 1 'Wow look at that girl , doesn't she seem amazing?'
    Girl 2 'Yep, she's definitely an Emilia'

    spain italy sexy amelia cute

    by Blablabla. Sep 9, 2010 share this add a video

    2. Emilia 37 up, 14 down

    Emilia is an italian girls name. Usually Emilia's have sexy *kitten* and a cute face. Always makes people laugh, and everyone loves her. She has a love attention and attracks boys. Words don't effect her because she knows who she is. She has a few close friends but lots of friends all together.

    Person 1: Wow she has a nice *kitten*!

    Person 2: Yep, Thats Emilia ;]

    emilia amelia *kitten* sexy cute

    by WhyHiThere Oct 13, 2011 share this add a video

    3. Emilia 111 up, 66 down

    Of Italian descent, bit of a tree-hugger, excellent at sports
    Check her ! What an Emilia !

    amelia milia milli-pudd muzza emila

    by Summerbreeze111 Oct 14, 2009 share this add a video

    LOLOLOL I had NO IDEA this was the definition of my given name. The name is also found in Greek, Hungarian and Portuguese. I am 100% parents from the same village HUNGARIAN! :)
  • heliumheels
    heliumheels Posts: 241 Member
    My top 4:

    2. Kate 4082 up, 1524 down
    A girl's name for the coolest person you will ever meet.
    1. I wish i was Kate.

    2. Kate is great.

    5. kate 2641 up, 1066 down
    A girl's name. Most girls named Kate are gorgeous, clever, friendly, lovely, generous, kind, have a good sense of humour, are quite spontaneous and make the perfect girlfriend.
    I love Kate, she's so Great!
    That Kate seems very friendly.

    1. Kate 834 up, 248 down
    An easygoing, relaxed person who is the best friend anyone could ask for. Kates are often very random but are the most loyal people in the world. If ever something bothers you, Kate is the one to go to, as she will always have good advice and can make any situation less awkward by saying something totally random and usually sex-related. Her mind can be slightly sick but you love her for it. Kates are genuinely lovely people who will always remain friends for life.
    Lucy: Harry was ignoring me.He's a total ****.
    Kate: I hate that guy so much and I havent even met him!

    3. Kate 453 up, 159 down
    Kate is a wonderful person who cant ever be replaced. She's understanding, a great listener and always fun to be around. No matter what she's got your back unless you didn't have hers then YOU SUCK!!!! I LOVE HER!!
    Person 1: who's kate?
    Person 2: KATE!! You dont know who kate is, she's only the most awesome girl in the world where i spend my tuesday nights with dancing around and just goofying off. DUH!!
    Person 1: oh her..yeah i love her too!

  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    1. Jessica 2693 up, 1753 down
    A girl you are lucky to know. Jessica's tend to have the brightest smiles. They usually give you full attention & have an intense stare that can be intimidating, but they are so sweet there is no need to be intimidated. If you are a guy & you let a Jessica get away then you are a dumb **** because Once a Jessica loves, she loves forever. Jessica's deserve guys that will go to the ends of the earth, & walk on fire to be with them. That's how amazing they are. Jessica's are also good friends that are always there for a friend in need. They are Loyal, kind & forgiving. Anyone who would take advantage of or lie to a Jessica is a worthless piece of **** who doesn't deserve to live. If you have ever wronged a Jessica you should be eternally ashamed of yourself.

    Jessica's stand up for what is right, & tend to do the right thing. They are never to proud to say sorry if they do the wrong thing. Basically Jessica's are amazing.

    (Eerily true, almost to the T!)
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    1. an amazing girl, who has great qualities and features

    2. A beautiful Pretty girl, a girl you will never forget, a girl that you will fall in love with 1st sight, smart, funny at times, can get mad easily, alot of people likes "tricia" , Good friend, all boys want her as a friend, can be confuzing, can be skinny, and short, Best of all, Tricia= Sweet, pretty/beautiful, smart.

    3. To slash or rip in a gruesome manner.

    4. the most amazing girl ever. yes shes tiny and skinny but shes funny as hell and always tell the truth. loves everything vampires but wishes people didn't know. and of course super spicy.

    5. Smart as hell, a pretty white girl surrounded by mexicans lol.

    6. A dirty, nasty, kinky women who likes dirty sex.

    LMAO!!! I am SO glad that I am "tiny and skinny" (<~~~~Bahahahaha!) and funny and smart and like dirty sex, but....surrounded by Mexicans? *dead laughing*
  • 4x4play
    4x4play Posts: 200 Member
    So I was bored so I looked my name up on urbandictionary.com. These were my top 4 results:

    1. Ashley
    A girl who needs no definition. TOO amazing for words.

    2. Ashley
    Amazing, caring, smart, goal setter, high achiever, cares of others before herself, always willing to help out a friend. Great kisser and comfortable with who she is. Not very many enemies, everyone loves her. Alway see's the best in people at the beginning. Don't however get on her bad side, when you are there, you stay for a while. Family is important and looks to God for strength. Loyal to the one's she loves. Overall wonderful person

    3. Ashley
    An "Ashley" is usually one who will take your breath away at first sight. She's original, amazing, different in all the perfect ways and her beauty is undeniable. She will have the most mesmerizing eyes that anyone could ever have and just looking into them will make one lose their mind and fall deep in love with her, without necessarily trying. She's crazy but in the best ways possible and will surely change your life in the most positive way. She has a smile that will force you to smile no matter what, it's adorable. She's ridiculously sweet and anyone who is lucky enough to know a true Ashley should never let her go because they won't find another girl like her. She should be treated like a goddess and deserves the best in the world.

    4. Ashley
    a bad *kitten* mother****er who who won't take no **** off of nobody

    My favorite is number 4... lol. What does Urban Dictionary say your name means?

    Haha... I love this! My name is Ashley so I think this fits perfectly!
  • FluffyToFab
    FluffyToFab Posts: 99 Member
    Lacreshia is not yet defined
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member

    1. She's the girl that everyone is jealous of...sexy, fun, smart, outgoing, and easy to talk to. She has a heart of gold and although she might seem bulletproof, she's caring and sensitive on the inside.

    2. A girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind or be herself. Watch out boys, she's a heart-breaker. A girl who won't settle for anything but the best, but rightfully so. She doesn't need a man to have a good time.

    3. She's the friend you call at 2am when you need someone to tell you that everything's going to be ok. Sweet, comforting, and a great listener.

    ...so true.