Contemplatin a boob job...



  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Anyone just had yours lifted or tucked up? I don't want an increase in size per se, but mine are those saggy, flat looking, deflated balloon things. Hate the way they look when not highly supported. I don't know the procedure name, cost, or longevity but I'd like to consider a lift. One concern is will it be like painting the living room...once you get that done, you notice the carpet is shabby and the furniture stained so then you want to fix that. It can go on and on, I fixed this now that looks worse!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Just my opinion. The only advice you should heed are those who've had it done. They are the only ones with real life experience to tell you the pros and cons.
    All fine.
    But the counsel of those who have decided to not do it is just as relevant!
    My husband, as an orthopedic nurse, sees lots of post surgery patients daily. He says surgery and general ansthesia is not without risks and side effects. Anesthesia can be very hard on the brain, and also not all doctor/anesthesiologists are equal in skill and methods. It is very wise to consider all the consequences and effects before proceeding, as well as thoroughly knowing the doctors involved.
    There are herbal formulas which you could buy online and try while you are considering surgery.
    I have used them and found them effective. I do recommend those, based on my own experience:)