200+ (week 6)

Ok new years goal for me is ten but im really gonna have to watch myself....you all did great last challenge.
cw: 222.2


  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    do we have any official results of the challenge. like who lost the most, whatever. maybe that is too much competition??
    Are weigh ins still fridays from now on??
    my stats for the new challenge...
    CW: 215
    NYGW (new years goal weight): 205
    Overall goal weight: 150
  • thechurchlady
    can I join?

    SW: 229
    CW: 219.5
    NYGW: 210
    GW: 150
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    thechurchlady, perfect timing, as we're just starting a new challenge this week. We just finished up our Thanksgiving Challenge.

    HeaterM, A loss is still a loss, right? We all did great!!! And most importantly, we stuck with it! I assume we'll still stick with Friday weigh-ins. Plus, New Years Day is on a Friday, so perfect!

    I'll repost my stats, though did not reweigh myself this morning (hell no after yesterday).

    CW: 220.2
    NYGW: 210
    GW: 137

    And measurements:
    Waist: 39
    Hips: 47.5
    Thigh (Upper): 27.5
    Calf: 18
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    welcome to the group church lady!! akasullengal is right. we just started a new challenge. so go ahead, and post your current weight, your NYGW (new years day goal weight), and your overall. every friday is our weigh in day, and we report our starting weight, current weight and gw. it's a great group, with great supportive people!!
    good luck with your journey!!
  • thechurchlady
    Thanks all!!! I am looking forward to losing with you!!!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    I'd like to join...
    CW-236 (I was 231 til yesterday.. so 5lb gain in 1 day?)
  • thechurchlady
    I was recently diagnosed with a metabolic disorder that causes obesity, diabetes, and cirrhosis (I have been diagnosed with all three)....

    My doctor has recommended that I totally avoid the 5 major 'white' foods - bread, pasta, potatoes, rice and sugar...

    He also recommended that I eat nothing out of a bag, box or can...

    He recommends that I eat every 3 hours...

    I have been eating like this for a week, and have lost 6 pounds...without EVER feeling hungry...

    The great part of this is that I am not on a 'diet'...I cleaned out my cupboards and frig, stocked them with foods that were not on the list, and then just choose whatever I want when it is time to eat....eat until I am full, and stop... no meal planning...no calorie counting...no carb counting...

    I have never lost weight so easily and quickly...my blood sugar levels are staying level...

    I wish someone would have figured this out when I was a teenager....life would have been so much easier! BUT, at least I know now...

    Nikki...welcome...my first (and only) friend on this site!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Welcome Nikki and Churchlady. Don't forget to look for the new thread each Friday. (Thanks Heather)...

    CW 217
    NYGW 207
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    CW-236 (I was 231 til yesterday.. so 5lb gain in 1 day?)

    I don't think you "gained" 5 pounds of fat but 5 pounds of water. You probably ate saltier foods and retained water. If you keep drinking lots of water and return to your normal eating, then this will probably disappear over the next few days. I went up 2 pounds after my family celebrated Thanksgiving and it took 4 days to return to my normal weight. Good luck returning to the lower weight.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    ok i used my sisters scale and im at 222.2 oddly enough.. I feel sad to claim that but i lost 2lbs which makes me sad cause i was down to 219 but i got cocky and blew it.....

    Heather you did great too. Any weight loss is a win in my book. The fact that you are even trying is what is good. Hopefully you get a scale for Christmas so that you can get more consistent weights. It would be nice for you to know if you were at 219 for several days and the 222 was water weight. Did you weigh yourself before (Thursday) or after *Friday/Saturday) you ate Thanksgiving dinner? Most of the Thanksgiving foods are full of salt and cause you to retain water. I hope its water weight - in a week, it would be hard to gain 3 pounds of fat or muscle. Keep up the good work.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I have way too much time on my hands. I was bored this morning and went back to look at our old posts. I have compiled a chart from the first challenge - there may be errors - let me know and I will correct them. I took SW as what people said they were the week before the challenge started since we only had 3 days before our first weigh-in. I am not sure on my math for the percent lost. Overall, I think we did great. I will work on a new chart for this next challenge.

    Thanksgiving Original Challenge GW Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk4 Wk 5 Total %
    Challenge weight SW 10/30 11/06 11/13 11/20 11/26 lost

    HeatherM 265 226 216 223 220 223 222 1.8
    akasullengal 230 230 220 228 224 225 224 220 4.5
    pinbotchick 237 227 215 225 221 221 217 217 4.6
    blombie 260 253 243 251 251 248 246 245 3.3
    cds2327 230 222 210 220 219 215 216 215 3.3
    little sister 222 222 221 220 220
    dldodson75 248 239 232 239 241 237 235
    zombiebullet 283 279 277 277
    greendaychick 225 210 222 219

    I need to figure out how to get it posted in the table format. It looks good on the post and in word but printed up funny here.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904

    If you right click on the chart and then select view image then you can see the whole thing.

    It was work to get the chart in.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Pinbot, thanks so much for posting the numbers and charts!! Yeah, if I right-clicked and said view image, the whole graph came up. We all did great on the first challenge! I'm looking forward to seeing the results of the New Years Challenge! Let's keep it up gals!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    95 minutes on the elliptical today. *high fives self*

    Decent eating this weekend. I'm still undecided about pub trivia tomorrow as it entails some nastiness in terms of calories. If I hit the rec center pretty hard, I might go... I didn't go last week and there was a major dip in the scale, so I kind of don't want to go, but know I'll have a great time. As the week leading up to Christmas will be tough for me, as I'll be at home without exercise equipment (though will bring dvds), and the temptation of some serious food, I need to be REALLY good these next 3 weeks, and the week leading up to New Years if I have a remote chance of hitting the New Years goal.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Thank you all for the welcomes!

    I haven't lost the 5 i 'gained' on thanksgiving.. I am even up 1 lb to 237..
    This is SO frustrating that NOTHING I am doing is working.. I don't excercise as much as I should.. But I am always too tired... I have a doctors appt tomorrow to bring all this up to her...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning everyone - I am glad that life will be getting back to normal this week. My house is a mess as I am trying to decorate for Christmas - but the tree is beautiful. We watched several good movies this weekend and I was able to walk outside and do step aerobics. I finished off the turkey left overs by making quesidillas (sp?) - YUMMY and pretty low calorie.

    Well I better go workout. Have a great week.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Congrats on a nice weekend pinbot!

    In some ways, I'm glad for the week to start, so I can get back into a routine, but so far, I have a serious case of the Mondays! It's approaching that special time of the month, and I tend to get a bit more cranky and morose a few days beforehand, and it was in full force this morning. I was actually feeling relatively optimistic yesterday, but am feeling pretty blah this morning. To the point, that I almost took a mental health day. But I dragged my *kitten* into work anyways. Plus, when I stepped on the scale this morning, I was up 2 pounds from pre-Thanksgiving weigh-in. That was just the icing on the cake.

    So yeah, feeling meh today. After seeing that number this morning, I'm forgoing pub trivia tonight. I don't need the extra calories. Plan to go the rec center after work, and hope that the endorphins kick in. Grocery shopping afterwards. Fun Fun Fun.
  • thechurchlady
    OK...I gained 1-1/2 lbs over the holidays...but it was worth it! Now, back to some serious changes to my eating habits...I CAN do this....
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    man, I was still posting on week 5's thread....completely forgot about the new thread starting on Thursday/Friday.

    I did great over the weekend! I maintained at 245.4 all weekend but somehow I stepped on the scale today and it was up to 247.0. :sad: I guess all the weekend food caught up with me. I definitely didn't eat healthy or workout over the holiday break, but I didn't over eat. I'm hoping this is a lot of water weight cause I had mexican for lunch and japanese for dinner yesterday.

    I have a SERIOUS case of the Mundays......since my husband went hunting all weekend, I stayed up till 4am the past three nights and I'm a walking zombie today. I actually didn't stay up till 4am last night, I just stopped watching the clock around 2-2:30ish and tossed and turned the rest of the night. It was a feat to even make myself bring my workut clothes with me today. But now that I think about it, I would rather do a 30min workout at lunch than a 60min workout tonight at the gym. I will crash when I get home.

    My dad said he will go to Zumba with me on Thursday. Thats going to be HILARIOUS. He used to be a dance instructor (ie he competed in international ballroom competitions) and knows how to shag, all the country dances, line dances and ballroom. Thats how he and my mom met. He was the teacher and she was his dance student. (He's technically my step dad, but that doesn't matter to me.) So since he's going, my mom will come too and I might convince my bff to come too (she's not a member of our gym, but I think you can bring a guest a couple times before they start charging you).

    Next week I'm going on a cruise. All the food on the boat is all you can eat and its all free (even room service). I think there is a small gym onboard, but you have to have an appointment because its so small and there are so many people on the ship. Its going to be tough.

    I'm not sure what I should count as my goal weight. If I say its 10 pounds lighter than I was on Friday, then my NYGW is 235. If I go off today's weight, its 237. Either way, I'm going to struggle a lot with this mini-goal. I guess I'll go with 235 since I'm hoping this extra 2 pounds is water weight.

    Anyways, I need to get back to work.

    SW 260
    CW 247
    NYGW 235

    Are we posting measurements?
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Blombie, I posted measurements, but it's up to you if you want to. I totally feel you on the case of the Mondays though! How cool is it that your dad is coming to Zumba?? I bet that would be a riot! When I was leaving the rec center on Friday, I could see the Zumba class going on. It looked like fun, and it was surprisingly not crowded. I need to think about sampling some classes when a new batch start up and decide on one to join. The cruise will be difficult... I remember it being pretty deadly when I went several years ago. Maybe walking around the deck of the ship several times might help as well? Eating relatively what you want as long as you don't eat tons of each dish won't probably be horrible. I'm jealous of your trip!

    Glad to see i'm not the only one up this week and discouraged. It could very well be the salt doing us in from Thanksgiving still. I mean I ate a lot that day, but have been relatively good otherwise. There's no reason why I should be up 2 pounds otherwise. As motivation today, I made a chart counting down the numbers from my starting weight down to my ultimate goal weight, so I can cross of a number each time I lose a pound. I hope it'll help with motivation, already showing me I'm a row down! Only, like, 9 more to go! haha.