200+ (week 6)



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I guess I'll post measurements here to so I'll hopefully be able to find them easier in 5 weeks...

    bust 50
    waist 44
    hips 55
    biggest part of thigh is 28.5

    of course, I couldn't find my soft measuring tape and only had the plastic kind that my husband uses to measure stuff so I had to bend it around myself.

    not pleasant
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    you know what helps me want to workout? cute workout clothes! I have seriously stocked up on some cute workout clothes. My style seems to be layering bright colored tank tops. Old Navy has a GREAT selection of soft, comfortable sports tanks that are currently on clearance! I just need some more sports bras to go under the sports tanks. (I do sports bra, sports tank and a regular tank top.)

    anyways, its time to workout!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    you know what helps me want to workout? cute workout clothes! I have seriously stocked up on some cute workout clothes. My style seems to be layering bright colored tank tops. Old Navy has a GREAT selection of soft, comfortable sports tanks that are currently on clearance! I just need some more sports bras to go under the sports tanks. (I do sports bra, sports tank and a regular tank top.)

    Sounds super cute! I got some new workout pants, but nothing exciting for the tops. I'll need to investigate! One of my pants I had started working out with are starting to slip down a bit. I might need to retire them. I'm all about clothes shopping cause your others are too big. I think I'll still need to invest in some more, but wanted to start slowly. I have to do laundry twice a week in order to have enough clean workout clothes.

    Good luck with the workout this afternoon!
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I was gone for a long time, my husband was hurt and on workers comp. We live paycheck to paycheck and receiving only 66% just barely pays the bills. We were on a budget that didnt allow dieting. The cheap stuff is the bad for you stuff. Not that any of that is a good excuse!

    I am back now, with a $3.00 raise and a restored faith "I can do this" I would like to re-join you guys and girls for support! My husband is great support but sometimes you just need a little more. I am happy to say that I only regained 9 of the 13 I lost!

    SW 244
    CW 239
    NYGW 229
    GW 170
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Jitteryspork.

    I am definitely buying some cute workout clothes when I go shopping Thursday - I have a gift card to use at the Nike outlet. I hope Birch Run has an Old Navy outlet but I cant remember - I know Traverse City has one. I really need pants more than tops but I am sure I will buy it all.

    Lunch is over (sigh) I have to get back to work.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member

    what a weekend - I gave up logging my food. Being in Canada, not having Thanksgiving this past Thursday, I really have no excuse! But we were so busy, and yesterday we had a Grey Cup party - I just ate and ate and ate and ate, and drank wine, too. We ALL ate too much. We were in pain! But dang that food was good!

    Sounds like a lot of people are glad it's Monday. It's like we can hit the "reset" button and go back to something close to normal!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Logging food I find has really been key for me, as portion sizes have really made a different. I really haven't been eating super unhealthily, but the portion sizes are way too big.

    Did 65 min on the elliptical. Felt not too hot doing it, but proud of myself for still doing it. Had to go grocery shopping, so ate dinner kind of late, but am making a lentil soup tonight that I can bring to work tomorrow for lunch or have for dinner.

    So, my case of the Mondays were totes justified. I thought that it was a funk that comes along with that Time of the Month as well as the Mondays, and guess what arrived this afternoon? My fav monthly companion. Ugh. Helps explain the weight gain though partially. PLUS, there's a team meeting at work tomorrow, where I believe baked goods will be involved and I doubt I will be able to turn down as they are for my birthday (which is Wednesday). Fun fun? Will definitely have to hit the rec center again tomorrow.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Okay - Monday is over and so are the blahs. It's Tuesday and it's going to be a terrific day. We had the first sticking snow last night and the world looks beautiful (remind me of this in 2 months when I complain about the snow). I only have 3 patients scheduled so I should be home early - maybe I'll plan an extra workout. My shopping list keeps getting longer - I am going to have to take the big SUV on Thursday. I only get out to do big shopping a couple of times a year. It's rough when Walmart is an hour away and the closest mall is 2.5 hours away. Thank goodness for the internet but sometimes I like to see things before I buy them - esp clothes. I dreamed of work-out clothes last night - it's all Blombie's fault for talking about the cute tank tops.

    I agree logging food has been key to me. I have found weighing it is even more accurate than measuring. Sometimes I think I should be dating my food scale - we spend to much time together. At least my husband isn't jealous and keeps asking - so how many calories are in this dinner?

    Have a great day...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I have a food scale packed away in all my kitchen stuff from my last apt. Once I move back into a place of my own (probably this spring/summer), I'll have to start using it again. I'm sure it's helpful! Pinbot, I can't imagine living that far from civilization! A reminder of why I live downstate from you. haha. Cute tank tops will have to wait until I lose a bit more weight. They'll be a treat to myself!

    Today's going okay so far. My lentil soup I cooked last night was yummy, and lo-cal, though could use a bit more seasoning to perk it up. Will need to work on that. I still plan to go to the rec center today, especially after the team meeting with birthday treats this afternoon. Though, I'll get out of work late, and will have to lug my gym clothes around with me, so we'll see how I'm doing. But as I know I'm not going tomorrow (have a concert to go to), I really should go today to hit my 4/5 work day rec center goal.

    Hope all of your Tuesdays are going well.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Wow. Pinbot, you did a lot of work with the charts!!!!!!!!! You're amazing!!!
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Do we have a particular challenge or is it just a "keep it up" kinda thing. :)

    For some reason I have in the back of my head there was a "100 jumping jacks this week", type challenge before as well as other things, and it changed every week. Not sure if I dreamed that or what. If we don't have those does anyone think it is a good idea?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    totally overslept today and then they had some newly hired people sit with me today...I know you guys missed me! What are you going to do without me next week??

    I didn't have time to weigh myself this morning and got to work so late that there wasn't time for me to take an hour for lunch. I will have to go to the gym tonight and workout. It'll be good for me. Hopefully the scale will drop back down to 245 tomorrow or Thursday. I can't wait for this week to be OVER!!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    oh wow thanks pinbot I am completly thankful of you printing our weight loss!!! bbs to finish blogging company showed up!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Do we have a particular challenge or is it just a "keep it up" kinda thing. :)

    For some reason I have in the back of my head there was a "100 jumping jacks this week", type challenge before as well as other things, and it changed every week. Not sure if I dreamed that or what. If we don't have those does anyone think it is a good idea?

    It started out that way, but it's hard, because one challenge for one person, might not be really one for another, so we've just been setting goals for ourselves each week to work on.
    totally overslept today and then they had some newly hired people sit with me today...I know you guys missed me! What are you going to do without me next week??

    I did miss your daily work postings, and am seriously not sure what I'll do without them next week. *clings* but hey, you're going on a cruise, so I can't hate on you for leaving us for a week (as long as you come back ready to go!)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Just got in from a soak in the hot tub :bigsmile: I did manage to work out for 45 min to Denise Austin tonight. My mom complained the whole time and I just said paybacks are He**... I didn't want to do it last night but she was in a chipper mood and kept giving me encouragement. That's why I like having an accountability buddy - it makes me more likely to workout. I made mashed potatoes with 1/2 cauliflower for dinner tonight and the verdict is still out if I liked them. BUT, 161 cal vs 237 a cup is bonus as well as getting a few veges in. It might taste better if I follow a recipe next time.

    Blombie - I will definitely miss your posts. Have a great cruise and good luck being back under 245 this week. If I can find a suitcase large enough to hide in, can I come too? I don't think I'll be able to get hubby on cruise but we are talking about trips to DC, Chicago and/or Phoenix this year. It's nice to have friends to go visit.

    jitteryspork - I am up for any kind of challenge that you want to try. I find challenges do make me more likely to to something. I'll let you pick what you want to try.

    Heather and little sister - your welcome for the table. I am planning to one for the next challenge. Now that I know how to get the chart into a post it should be pretty easy. I will add our measurements to the next chart.
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    i was wrong on my calculations in my head....i lost 4 pounds not 2 last week
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    i was wrong on my calculations in my head....i lost 4 pounds not 2 last week

    Eee! FAB!
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    *high fiving Heather*
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    thats great news Heather!!
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Congrats HeaterM! Those kind of mistakes are the best kind!

    Hot tubs and cruises??? You are all just making me want a vacation that much more!!

    What a long night last night! I am so tired this morning. Keeping my eyes open is prooving to be a workout in itself. Tonight we are going to the gym. Having 1 car makes it so difficult sometimes. When he is at his Mason meetings, I am stuck at home. I am looking into getting some DVD's to do at home workouts, but I need input. Which are the best?

    Pinbot I think I am going to do my goals like this for the rest of this week:

    Jumping Jacks:

    100 Today :happy:
    125 Tomorrow :ohwell:
    175 Friday :frown:
    225 Saturday :noway:

    If you would like to join me that would be great! Anyone else?? We can take turns picking the challenge, but we should set our own goals for each activity!! So if 1 person can do jumping jacks easily then maybe they would make thier goal 500 vs someone who can only do 50 at a time would make thier goal 50 everyday. :happy: That good?