200+ (week 6)



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I overslept again today but Joey woke me up in time to get here at 8:10. I have a person sitting with me again today though so I can't go workout during my normal workout time so I didn't go. I guess I'll have to go to the gym again tonight. I don't think I can do another hour on the elliptical but I need to at least get 30 minutes in.

    The crappy part is I'm incredibly tempted to go across the hall and buy junk food (those french fries smell sooooooo good).

    oh well

    guess I'll stick to my chocolate protein shake for lunch.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I was given some clothes the otherday off of a site called freecycle (a free goodwill type thing) I finally finished going through it all!There were some really cute shirts in there. They are all a little too small but I have decided to keep them! There were also a few really cute workout pants in their that I am gonna have to save for the skinnier days as well!

    More motivation is GREAT!

    The crappy part is I'm incredibly tempted to go across the hall and buy junk food (those french fries smell sooooooo good).

    I can only imagine!!! STAY STRONG!! :flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Heather - Nice Job. Do I need to change and update the chart with a new number? Keep up the good work.

    Blombie - Good luck working out. Only a few days left until you leave - give all you've got this week so you can enjoy next week. I bet you will get lots of exercise on the ship just walking around and site seeing.

    Jitteryspork - clothes are a great motivation. It's great idea to keep the smaller sizes so you have "goal clothes". I am going join you with the jumping jack challenge and will try to keep up but I'm old enough to be your mom and my left knee's not a fan of bouncing. I had to quit Jillian's "The Shred" due to the pain. If I break it up in to 20 or 30 reps at a time and space them through the day, I think I can do it. It sucks to get old and it is much harder to lose it now.

    My break is over and I have to hit the road again - 1 more patient to see then off to my mom's for a 3-mile walk.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member

    pinbotchick -

    I am going join you with the jumping jack challenge and will try to keep up but I'm old enough to be your mom and my left knee's not a fan of bouncing. I had to quit Jillian's "The Shred" due to the pain. If I break it up in to 20 or 30 reps at a time and space them through the day, I think I can do it. It sucks to get old and it is much harder to lose it now.

    If you can't do it then of course do it how ever you want.. Jumping Jacks is just the uniform activity. Maybe you should make it 100 quazi JJ's. My brother had to do those when he hurt himself in the Navy.

    Its no jumping but make your feet shoulder length apart and lift one leg as though you are doing a jumping jack while keeping the other on the ground. Keep your hands pumping like you would for Jumping Jacks, but just switch legs back and forth, bringing one out to the side at a time. :)
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I know exactly what you mean bout clothes motivation i have these brand new jeans that i though would loosen up after i wore them a bit....they didnt so now i need to lose a few to fit them :)
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Heather - Nice Job. Do I need to change and update the chart with a new number? Keep up the good work.

    naw i still gave you the right end weight so I'll just start from there :)
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    i ate a salad today so that was good.....i have a friend who is alot smaller than me and he thinks he's fat because he has a little pudge and it drives me nuts sometimes....he's going on that special k diet which makes me want to try but then i have to have the money to get it blah!:grumble:

    i found that i feel a burn more when i do crunches than when i do sit ups :huh:
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    i ate a salad today so that was good.....i have a friend who is alot smaller than me and he thinks he's fat because he has a little pudge and it drives me nuts sometimes....he's going on that special k diet which makes me want to try but then i have to have the money to get it blah!:grumble:

    i found that i feel a burn more when i do crunches than when i do sit ups :huh:

    Man, I'd start a thread about this, but people might accuse me of being negative or judgemental. But seriously, friends, isn't it annoying when people who are NOT overweight complain about being overweight? Don't you just want to plunge their head into a tub of water or something?

    Your friend deserves to munch on boring old Special K if he's going to be that way. :laugh:
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Dang - right. Sometimes I wish I could just say "Yea, your fat, don't you wish you could be skinny like me" Just to see what they say. I know thats rude and probably would really hurt but sometimes it gets to that point.

    "I'm fat"
    "Oh gosh!! Then I must be SHAMU"

    *runs away crying*
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    That is super frustrating. Then again, it seems like no one is ever happy with their bodies.

    And Special K diet? That just seems so boring! He might lose some weight, but it's certainly not a long term thing like we're doing, and I bet the weight will be hard to keep off.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    That is super frustrating. Then again, it seems like no one is ever happy with their bodies.

    And Special K diet? That just seems so boring! He might lose some weight, but it's certainly not a long term thing like we're doing, and I bet the weight will be hard to keep off.
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I agree with you all....who wants to eat ceral and granola bar everyday blah.....no thanks i'd rather go to the gym! which i should do tomorrow or something hmm

    lol and nice on the shamu (sorry suckie speller here) comment love it!!:happy: :laugh:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yeah - 100 jumping jacks DONE :bigsmile: Day one of the challenge met and no knee pain. I had to do them in batches of 20 with 2 min rests to catch my breath. Lesson learned - start incorporating more aggressive jumping into daily exercise/life. I had fun and my husband enjoyed the view :blushing: I have a BOSU ball for work and guess maybe I need to use it. My patients tell me its quite a workout. I generally only use it in the last 2 weeks of their rehab. Lately I have noticed them being used on Biggest Loser.

    My husband surprised me with dinner from a health food deli - Asian Tofu Wrap with Peanut sauce with a side of salt and vinegar chips - YUMMY :love: . Yes, I ate them and they were salty so I am predicting a little water weight the next few days. But they were worth every bite. (okay so now you all now my downfall - salty snacks) The wrap was really good too. Much better than Special K :laugh: I am still 20 calories under for the day since I did manage to take nice long walk outside with my scarf, mittens and ear muffs.

    I am glad the people in this group are supportive whether we complain or brag. We all need a place to vent and friends to support us - I thought that's what MFP was for - to find a group of friends to help you. I guess if others don't like it they should just not post to or respond to what they don't like. (I am speaking of the thread that Littlesister referred to).

    Thanks everyone for being my friend. :flowerforyou:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Pinbot, how sweet of your husband!!! Maybe it was to thank you for the jumping jack show earlier in the day?

    Yesterday went okay for me. It was actually my birthday. I managed to stay pretty clear of naughty foods. Didn't go to the rec center. Went to a concert instead (amazing). I've eaten pretty well this week, but the weight really isn't going down at all on the scale this week after going up a couple of pounds after Thanksgiving. Very frustrating. I'm trying to remember I had a 4+ pound loss last week, so, I shouldn't complain, and could have a nice one next week. Argh. Plus, it's that special time of the month and I feel like I weigh about 500 pounds. I woke up this morning exhausted... I sort of feel like I'm on the cusp of getting sick. Brought my workout clothes today, but if I continue to feel this craptastic, I'm leaving work early, and going home to bed. Will have to rec center it tomorrow and probably both days of the weekend though.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I am glad the people in this group are supportive whether we complain or brag. We all need a place to vent and friends to support us - I thought that's what MFP was for - to find a group of friends to help you. I guess if others don't like it they should just not post to or respond to what they don't like. (I am speaking of the thread that Littlesister referred to).

    Thanks everyone for being my friend.

    ME TOO!! :happy: I didn't realize what it meant to have a supportive group of people until I joined this thread. Sure, my mom and husband and family want me to lose weight, but that is different than this. As mean as it may sound, I like when other people have a bad week or get discouraged because then I feel normal when I do the same. I know if other people can get back on the wagon, so can I.

    you know what I realized this morning? I have a mental block on losing weight this week! I got so caught up with Thanksgiving I was just focusing on dealing with the (mostly water) weight gain and then taking it back off. I haven't been striving to see 244 on the scale....I've just been trying to see 245. But I've been back at 245 consistently for a day or so. Thankfully zumba is tonight. And I plan to take some workout clothes and my mp3 player with me on the cruise so I can walk the track around the top of the boat. If I can get in the gym that would be even better.

    Does watching The Biggest Loser inspire any of yall to do a marathon?? I know I'm no where close to being in the right shape for it, but I hope to do at least a half marathon before I die. I want to have one of those "13.1" white oval stickers to put on my car. :smile: I'm hoping once I get my weight down it'll relieve some of the stress/pain from my knees and I'll be able to hop on a treadmill and train for it. I sometimes get the urge to RUN....flat out run. as hard and as fast as I can. I never act on those urges because they normally come at a time or place when it is just not possible.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    That is super frustrating. Then again, it seems like no one is ever happy with their bodies.

    And Special K diet? That just seems so boring! He might lose some weight, but it's certainly not a long term thing like we're doing, and I bet the weight will be hard to keep off.

    I guess there is no limit to the amount people will be unhappy with their bodies... that is why we have anorexic and buhlemic people right? I don't want to be super skinny, its more of a health thing, and I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror with out gagging, :sick: as I put on my cute bathing suit minus the huge jesus wrap.

    ** :love: I did my 100 jumping jack last night right before bed. I ALMOST forgot! Can you believe that? I got so wrapped up in dinner and a movie with my hubby that laying in bed I jump up and say "CRAP! I gotta do this" He thought it was hilarious. I did it though!

    Let me just tell you.. Thats rough stuff.. Kudos to you Pinbot for doing it! I didn't think I'd make it! Thoughts of reporting kept me going though!

    ** I made dinner last night! Let me just tell you all, I dont cook. I am an utter clutz in the kitchen, i.e. trying to bake brownies a few years back, and somehow frozen peas ended up all over the floor. Not only that, I stink at following cooking directions, no matter how clearly they are written out. I seem to have a burst of dyslexia or something cause 1/2 cup will be a whole cup and dinner is ruined.

    Last night though - I have to tell you about my cooking blunders
    I found a few recipes on here that I couldnt wait to try because after reading them I figured even these were simple enough for me to do. Main course - Grandma's Hotdish, everything was great until it came to simmering the food in the pan. I (not being a cook) didnt realize that you should cover the pan you are simmering in. So not having a cover for our special pan and the others being to small, I used a baking sheet. = blunder #1.

    Zuccini Fries were next. On my way home from work I was very excited and stopped at WalMart to get the Zuccini. Went straight there and straight home. Got home and told Paul (My hubby) how excited I was and started showing him everything, and he says "Those are eggplants." I am a very educated person and I know the difference between an eggplant and a zuccini, but in my head when I went to Walmart... zuccini's were purple and looked like, well I guess... eggplants. = blunder #2

    My hubby being the great cook that he is, made my zuccini fries into eggplant moon fries (they looked like half moons) using the same ingredients and they were fabulous. This is just 1 of the reasons I love him. He keeps us fed. I would have just given up and not eaten.
    I am glad the people in this group are supportive whether we complain or brag. We all need a place to vent and friends to support us - I thought that's what MFP was for - to find a group of friends to help you. I guess if others don't like it they should just not post to or respond to what they don't like. (I am speaking of the thread that Littlesister referred to).

    I actually found a thread yesterday that really irked me:mad: . It was all about how people need to stop being whiney. The amount of people that commented and agreed amazed me. I agree that people who whine all the time then get the help they asked for and still continue to whine or make TONS of excuses is a little unnecessary but I would never ever judge them. I am not them and I don't know how they work, or what is actually going on in thier lives. Who am I to say that someone is being "too whiney.:sad: " One day one of those people who post those threads is gonna need someone to sympathize and listen to thier excuses and comfort them, and there will be no one because all of their "friends" are going to just think they are whiney, and he/she will turn to the whiners for support:embarassed: . Ya know? Its ridiculous. I say... find another group to join if you want to insult people. I think there are forums out there with people who WANT to be abused. :laugh:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Sorry for such a long post!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Does watching The Biggest Loser inspire any of yall to do a marathon?? I know I'm no where close to being in the right shape for it, but I hope to do at least a half marathon before I die. I want to have one of those "13.1" white oval stickers to put on my car. smile I'm hoping once I get my weight down it'll relieve some of the stress/pain from my knees and I'll be able to hop on a treadmill and train for it. I sometimes get the urge to RUN....flat out run. as hard and as fast as I can. I never act on those urges because they normally come at a time or place when it is just not possible.

    Me too! I don't watch the Biggest Loser all that often, but when I do, I really enjoy it. I've never been a runner, but it's something I would really like to be able to do. I'd LOVE to be able to do a half-marathon (a full is seriously pushing it, but you never know!). Same with you though, at this point, I have so much excess weight on me, that running on a treadmill or outside freaks me out. I don't think my knees and joints are ready for it, so I'll still with the elliptical. I'm looking forward to a time where I feel comfortable enough with my weight loss to step on the treadmill. At this point, it's really just about being healthy... not a certain size. My ultimate weight goal is pretty flexible, in that I'm not focused on a particular number. I just would like my BMI to be in the normal range (and for a shorty like me, that's a significant weight drop).

    I really enjoy this group, cause it has a good mixture of both positive energy and encouragement, as well as the needed accountability. And know I can b*tchand whine occasionally about how my day sucked without peeps biting my head off, as I know you all have the same.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Same with you though, at this point, I have so much excess weight on me, that running on a treadmill or outside freaks me out. I don't think my knees and joints are ready for it, so I'll still with the elliptical. I'm looking forward to a time where I feel comfortable enough with my weight loss to step on the treadmill. At this point, it's really just about being healthy... not a certain size. My ultimate weight goal is pretty flexible, in that I'm not focused on a particular number. I just would like my BMI to be in the normal range (and for a shorty like me, that's a significant weight drop).

    I feel like I'm about to break the treadmill if I try to run....even walking on it makes me feel like I'm shaking the whole thing and everyone is looking at me. Plus my body jiggles way too much and its not acceptable to hold your boobs while you walk/run, even though that is the most comfortable thing for me. Then I get distracted and almost fall off because I'm leaning too far to the left or right and then I have to grab on to the handle to steady myself and then the pants or shorts I'm wearing start creeping up my inner thighs and I have to do that weird side step thing to pull it out cause its not comfortable ......

    so no, I will not be on a treadmill any time soon.....I might give it a try when my thighs are no longer touching though :tongue:
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member

    I actually found a thread yesterday that really irked me:mad: . It was all about how people need to stop being whiney. The amount of people that commented and agreed amazed me. I agree that people who whine all the time then get the help they asked for and still continue to whine or make TONS of excuses is a little unnecessary but I would never ever judge them. I am not them and I don't know how they work, or what is actually going on in thier lives. Who am I to say that someone is being "too whiney.:sad: " One day one of those people who post those threads is gonna need someone to sympathize and listen to thier excuses and comfort them, and there will be no one because all of their "friends" are going to just think they are whiney, and he/she will turn to the whiners for support:embarassed: . Ya know? Its ridiculous. I say... find another group to join if you want to insult people. I think there are forums out there with people who WANT to be abused. :laugh:

    Wow! You know, sometimes we just have to whine, and here is a safe place to do it. We can't really go around in real life whining because a lot of people in real life aren't dealing with the health & weight issues that we are. It's good to have a place where people understand.

    And you're right, we don't know what's going on in people's lives.

    Reminds me of a time . . . (OMG, Little Sister is about to launch into some story!) . . . when I was at university, my first semester, and all of us on our end of the hallway in our dorm were getting to know each other. There was a lovely girl on our floor named Crystal. She was bright, funny, caring, outgoing - she was immediately popular among us. But she really struggled with her weight. She must have been about 250 pounds went she arrived, and she wasn't very tall.

    She decided that now she was at University, it was time for a new beginning. So she went on a diet and went to the student rec centre every day. Everyone on our end of the hallway decided to do everything we could to support her. We didn't order pizzas in because we didn't want the lovely fragrance to find its way down to her room. We tried to avoid social outings that centred around food. Anyway, after about 4 months, she had lost 30 pounds, and we were so proud of her.

    So I made friends with this guy named Mike. We weren't dating or anything - he just liked to hang around me for some reason. Anyway, sometimes he'd come up to my room & we'd just talk or whatever. The other girls on the floor got to know him too.

    One day he mentioned something about that awful Crystal. I wanted to know what he meant, because I thought everyone loved Crystal. He said she's so danged fat, why doesn't she get off her fat *kitten* and lose some weight?

    I hardly knew where to begin with ripping him a new one. I think I even sputtered.

    Here she was, depriving herself and working with a commitment and dedication that I'm sure HE never experienced in his entire life. Yet because he was walking around skinny and she wasn't, he somehow had the right to judge her and discount all of her efforts.

    I wanted to tell him about the 30 pounds she lost. But I realized that it didn't matter. To people like him, Crystal would remain sub-human until she worked herself down to his ideal of acceptable size. She got NO CREDIT for the hard work she had been putting in. And she would GET no credit because as long as she was overweight, she would be considered lazy and someone who "ought to lose weight" even though she was working her butt off.

    Anyway, I'm blathering about all of this because it's just an example of how you never know what's going on behind the scenes or in someone's mind. To my so-called friend Mike, she was overweight, and therefore lazy and too stupid to do anything about it. The story he was missing was the story of someone going through heroic efforts. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that were their situations reversed, he would never have the tenacity and courage to make that journey.

    Whew! Did I really type all of that?????
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I think we all have stories of a-hole people like that. I have two that come straight to mind that happened to me.

    Story number 1:
    I was 18, a freshman at Appalachian State University. It was a weekend when a lot of people had left campus. It was winter and cold (that school is in the mountains of NC). I threw on some old jeans and some long sleeve shirt and had to go across campus to drop off some papers or something. There is one street that cuts through campus called River St. Since there were no students on campus, I was the only person at the crosswalk and it just so happened that the light stopped this one car of 3 guys as I was crossing. The guys started things at me like "ooohh baby!" and "yeah! I like that" (not exact words, but you know what I mean) and then they all started laughing and I distinctly remember one of them saying "dude thats just so wrong" as he kept laughing. I was humiliated. Thankfully there was no one else around to witness it.

    Story number 2:
    In April my 2 best friends and I went to Myrtle Beach, SC. They have a wonderful shopping/club area called Broadway at the Beach and the three of us decided to have a night out. We got all dressed up and were looking good! It was a GREAT night! We had dinner at Margarittaville, had drinks at an awesome kareoke bar and even got to watch the random fireworks show they put on at night! It was a perfect night! After all that fun, we were walking back to the car. We had parked on the other side of the shopping center and were on the sidewalk about to cross the street to the car (the one and only car in the whole parking lot). Sure enough, some car with young black guys drove by....he had the window down and yelled at us "hey fat *kitten*! how 'bout you take your fat a$$e$ home!!" (my 2 bffs are big girls like me) The driver decided to turn around in the parking lot so they could even make a second pass by us and yell at us again.

    Its hard to forget stuff like that. It hurts a lot. Its mean. Its unnecessary. Its sad that they have to get their joy in life out of insulting other people, especially people they don't know.