anyone weigh 200lbs or more?



  • LadyMartini2010
    Hello! You can add me to your motivational group. I could use the support because I weigh 235 and I am trying to get down to 150 so I have a ways to go as well. I have never been able to commit to any fitness program because I have always tried to do it alone, so I would love to be a part of your group because everything is easier to do with the right support team. I am currently doing zumba and swimming four days of the week and I take a yoga class once a week. I am not sure if this is what my body needs, but I do know that it is better than sitting around doing nothing (which is what I have done in the past).
  • prettypleaseskinnyme

    I'm 5'4 and my highest weight was 245lbs. I'm currently at 203 and shrinking! :) I know exactly where you are coming from! My goal weight is about 150ish. :D
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I started at 228 and I'm 209 now. Still over, hopefully not for long =P
  • kbirdwell08
    kbirdwell08 Posts: 22 Member
    I am 5'4" and weigh 232 at the moment. I have been trying for a while to get under 200 since i havent been under 200 since high school. Would really like to help you and vice versa :)
  • Sammijo24
    Sammijo24 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5' 7'' and started out at 300lbs or a little above and am currently at 232. I still have aways to go, not sure how far though. Feel free to add me :)
  • supperwaffle
    Hi i'm 6'1 i started at 238 Now i'm down to 206 but Having trouble cutting those extra pounds goal is to get to 190
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    I'm close but not quite 200. I'd be happy to be added as a friend though. I have about 50 to loose and so far, it's been a yo-yo journey for me :-(
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    YESS i ammm. over 200 pounds i know this needs to change we can all Do this together with support motivation dedication and will power:)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I started at 344 and have a low wt. of 243.8 with a goal wt. of 225; Wt. this am was 246 but there are fluctuations along the way; don't feel ashamed; just get to work. Many of us have been where you are at but w/hard work and effort, you can be a success story; congrats on getting a start on your journey; the first step is always the hardest.
  • Dreamline70
    I'm 5'3" and at one point in my life I reached a hefty 316 lbs. After all different kinds of diets (Medifast, Nutri-System, etc) I managed to lose about 70 lbs, and then gained 30 of it back. Last year I was training for my 1st degree black belt in Taekwon-Do and managed to take off close to 40 lbs - best I've done since. I am kind of on WW at the moment, but have fallen off the wagon horribly, and because I was getting really fed up with their app, I thought I would try MFP. For about 2 weeks I had myself set at around 1300/cal a day, but have since bumped that number up because I seriously felt like I was starving. Since obtaining my bb one year ago, I've gained back 26 of the 40 lbs - mostly because the place where we practiced gave us the boot, as they needed the space for something better (their words, not mine). So, even though I practice at home, it's just not the same intensity workout that I got while in the dojang (close to 75 hard, intense minutes of working out, three times a week - it was great!! :happy: ).

    I'm currently hanging around 260-263 - my body can't decide where it wants to be on any given week... and my inches are starting to creep back. I'm yelling at myself in the mirror most days - NO NO NO NO!!! YOU CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN!!! At least, not after all I accomplished and still want to accomplish (2nd degree is in only 6 months - EEK!!). You feel every freaking pound you gain after you've lost so much too - my lower back pain is back with a vengeance, foot pain is so much fun (not!), knees are hurting like the devil again - it's just one long day of aches and pains, and I'm tired of it. I want to lose the weight I gained back and keep losing - I'm tired of being in pain all the time. Anyone else tired of being in pain? It sucks.

    So after that long-winded diatribe, you bet I'll join your motivational group... I need all the help I can get, folks. I'm really bad at logging in to chat though - so please don't think I'm not paying attention or ignoring the group - I'm just busy, busy, busy. Anyone that's losing though, you can expect me to be cheering you on loudly from the other side of my monitor. :happy:


    Oh... feel free to add me, anyone... I will be more than happy to support you if you support me back. :smile:
  • shiba_lover
    I'm 5'5" and 219lbs. I am not a naturally active person and tracking calories is tough especially with say a sandwich or a salad when you don't have exact amounts (at least i don't use exact amounts). i'm hoping to get to about 120-160 but seem to yo-yo a lot. Feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • cutiepieinchi
    I am 5'4 and over 200. I would love new friends,feel free t add me. I also just started the c25k program and am planning on running my first 5k on October 21st.
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm motivated, determined and very committed to a permanent life style change. My focus is on health and well being with a side of weight loss. I'm not into fancy or weird "diets". I know that hard work and better eating choices will help me arrive at all my goals. I started at 245 lbs and I'm down to 209 lbs as of last Tuesday. First goal is under 200, next goal is 165 when I will reassess if I will try for 145. Oh and I'm 5'3" short. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • evechapman
    Yup, I'm 5'5" and go 244 at the moment. I've lost just 6lb since joining myfitnesspal. My goal is to lose ANYTHING!!
    Seriously I would love to get to under 200 - preferably around the 160/170 mark.
    I've always had a healthy diet - just too much of it plus I like a glass of wine or G&T. I've never eaten ready meals not that keen on sweet stuff but would die for a plate of fish and chips, a good curry or Chinese food.
    I don't go to the gym but I walk 3 miles 4 days a week and swim for an hour once a week - all that time allows.
    So I am please with my 6lbs and my first goal is under 200 and then I may consider a fitness class. But for now I'm just too embarrassed to go.
    So, yes lets join up and see how we go!
  • psarah
    psarah Posts: 84
    I would like to lose 160 lbs..
  • aprilflower1r
    I am 5'3 and 229. gained 29lbs in last 5 months. Just went to a new job in same orginazation but different city after 31 years. Very stressed. I of course eat my stress.. would like to lose 30lbs so I can say to myself yes I am under 200 again
  • mrshoneydew
    In January, I was 214 when I decided to join a gym and keep a closer eye on my diet. I am now around 180 and would be happy to get down to 160 (150 would be awesome!). I was once in the 160 range a few years ago and it was a perfect weight for my frame. That might not sound like much to some people, but to me, that's skinny! :o)

    All through my high school years, I weighed around 240, so I understand how hard it is.
  • ScorpionReaver
    Just wanted to check back in and say please remember to focus on inches as well as weight loss.
    With a lot of the exercises/workouts we are doing, we're going to be adding some muscle in addition to losing the fat.
    My weight stalled for a bit, yet I could see the difference in the mirror, and measuring helped as well.

    Thanks to those that added me, too, we'll get through this together :)
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    Hey there :happy:

    When I started MFP back in March, I weighed in at 265.

    I didn't want to think far enough ahead to put 199 as my first goal weight, so I put 215.

    I currently weigh 235 and I owe it all to counting calories. Before I joined MFP, I worked out regularly and participated in 5K races. I didn't keep track of what I was eating, though, and surprise surprise, I was eating WAY too much for my workouts to make any kind of a difference.

    I log into MFP every day (just hit my 175 days straight of logging) and I log everything I eat...even though most days this puts me over my "goal" for the day. I have maintained an average of losing just over a pound a week.

    I am so excited that I'm more than halfway towards my first goal of 215! :bigsmile:

    Even after my first goal is reached (50 lbs) I will STILL be in the 200's. My ultimate goal is to get down to 165.

    Oh yea, and I'm 5'6" :tongue:

    Please feel free to add me. I am good about giving encouragement and love any extra motivation I can get. I think part of what makes this site so successful is the friendships and support you can gain from coming here.

    Good luck everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • joliver75681
    I am 5'1" @ 233.8 pounds. I would like to join in and help. I would love to reach 200 lbs, and since at times I get discouraged and give up easily I believe it would help to have someone I could relate to. Thanks for your post:smile: