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Irrational fears



  • Balloons! I hate hate HATE them, I am terrified of them popping near me and will run away when I see a kid with one lol

    Oh my gosh I totally feel you on this one too! My husband likes to *squeak* them (like run his hands accross and make that horrible sound). So that, along with the toast popping...and falling in the shower. Don't forget clowns...:noway:

    Maybe I should just go back to bed :huh:
  • Jennifer23
    Jennifer23 Posts: 15 Member
    I can't do the biscuit cans either. If I don't have one of my 3 kids there to open 'em for me, I get my husband. If he's not around, I will wrap them up in a towel and slowly open them -- or just say "To hell with it! I didn't need 'em anyway!!", LOL.

    I don't like being around people who blow up balloons for fear of them popping.

    Going under overpasses. I'm afraid the car driving over is gonna collapse the bridge and I'm gonna get crushed in my vehicle underneath it all. I hold my breath and say a small prayer every single time. :-D
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    Lawn/garden gnomes. I hate them. Freakish things that have eyes that follow you everywhere you go. Sends shivers up my spine.

    Totally irrational, but it never gets any better!

    This is one of mine LOL I despise those little things *Shiver* yet my mom loves them and in her old house had them all over the yard hated going to visit. I also hate clowns!
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    You know those big trucks on the road carrying logs...somehow I can't drive behind them because I think that if something happens and logs get loose or something, they will somehow go straight off the back of the truck into my windshield.. they wouldn't roll side to side or anything involving gravity.. no, they would somehow hurl themselves directly back into my window, thus killing me.

    Yup, I'm a weirdo. :)

    Actually that one isn't irrational. It's unlikely, but it does happen. A friend of ours lost her son a week after his 18th birthday this way.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I am terrified of frogs! I was once trapped outside my house at 11:30 at night because there were 4 frogs sitting on my front doorstep. Luckily my neighbor came home and noticed me outside and shooed them away for me. My husband got a huge laugh about that since he was wondering why I was outside so long. :bigsmile:

    This would be me!

    But pretty much anything reptilian does it for me...snakes (especially), lizards of ALL kinds (should have seen me clinging to my husband while walking around Cancun last feb), frogs, etc. I can't even go into the Reptile house of a zoo!!
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Ok so last night my daughters and I were making Pillsbury biscuits (you know the ones from the can). I absolutely HATE opening those cans!!! Yes, I know how stupid this sounds but there is something about not know when it is going to *pop* that scares the crap out of me!

    The funniest part is that my daughters, who I have been able to con into opening them the last few times, are freaked out by it too. It was quite a sight.

    What irrational fears do you have? I need a good laugh this morning :)

    This is hilarious. Married to my wife for 15 years, the woman has never opened one of these EVER. I am the crescent roll king of the house becuase she hates the POP. On the other hand, I will run screaming if we see a bee or any flying insect. Not sure why.

    Open water. Looking out at the ocean, knowing it goes for 600 billion miles. Scares the *kitten* out of me. That scene in the remake of Poseidon Adventure where Richard Dreyfuss is looking over the horizon from the boat and starts to see the tidal wave coming....scariest scene in a movie EVER. I will let Jason and Freddie hook my nuts to a car battery and light me up in flames before watching that scene........
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    Bugs. I'm not sure when it started but I'm terrified of them. And it has gotten worse over the years. I used to catch fireflies and butterflies and rolly pollies. Now even the thought of a bug, any kind, touching me freaks me out. I used to date this guy and he thought it would be funny to hand me a cricket one day. Needless to say we didn't date long after that.

    Clowns also. Bridges, stairs...anything high up really.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    - the fear that when I'm driving and someone in front of me throws a cigarette out of their window that as I'm driving over it, my car will suddenly have a MASSIVE gas leak, which gets ignited by the cigarette, turning my car into a FIREBALL.


    I have thought about this exact same thing while driving!!
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    I cant cope with belly buttons!!! I dont wana see them or be near them, my partner n family think its great n show me theirs and poke them it turns me. My partner use to try touching mine till i hit him maybe a wee bit to hard with the tv remote one day lol i cant help it though i scream and cry like a baby just turns me lol

    Also can climb up as high as you like but getting down is a no no lol
  • I'd love to share with you... but last time I 'shared' over a blog. Someone posted a picture of it. ='( So I'll keep it to myself. I do have to tell you.. you aren't alone with those cans! I'm the one that gets stuck opening them most of the time =p

    When I read this I decided to google it. . . crazy how many sites are dedicated to this!!!
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I hate the biscuit cans too! I also hate the idea and the act of balloons popping. I also have a fear of barnyard animals (chickens, horses, and pigs are the worst). Teeth freak me out too so I could never be a dental professional lol :smile:
  • 76wendyful
    76wendyful Posts: 202
    That someone will sneak into my house while my husband is out of town and kill me. I prop stuff up against my bedroom door so that I would hear them.
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    I too can not stand the *POP* from the cans! It's almost like a "it's going to blow my hand off" fear! I don't buy them, I buy the frozen bag kind. lol!
    I'm mortified of power tools and anything combustible, aside from a lighter. No propane grills, fire extinguishers or contained anythings!
  • Lawn/garden gnomes. I hate them. Freakish things that have eyes that follow you everywhere you go. Sends shivers up my spine.

    Totally irrational, but it never gets any better!

    This is one of mine LOL I despise those little things *Shiver* yet my mom loves them and in her old house had them all over the yard hated going to visit. I also hate clowns!

    Same with my mother! If I visit she has to put them away. I just can't do it!
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    Small boats.. Don't mind getting on ferries or big cruise ships, cause I think we have less chance of the sea overwhelming us and us sinking. Small boats - eh, no blinking way.. Terrified..

    Also lift doors.. Think they are going to close on me and trap me so I am cut in half when the lift goes up.. - I know they can't close, but I always do a jump into the lift just in case.. I figure it didn't look so mad when I was a kid, jumping into the lift - but in my 40's it looks a tad silly.. But I still do it!! Lol...
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Tornadoes. There's been some within 50 miles of where I live... But I get freaked out when it's just a little rain storm. I start planning where and how I'm going to hide.. What I need to do first (get dogs, check; get cat, check; grab some water, check). It's terrible.
    This is me. They have been increasing in a 50 mile radius of me but they're generally uncommon here. But still, the idea freaks me out.
  • S1NN3R
    S1NN3R Posts: 452 Member
    This is not a fear so much as it grosses me out... beehives/wasp nests I hate looking at the holes.. YUCK.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Birds - actually anything that flies (flying insects, bats, etc). I feel like those things are unpredictable and might divebomb me at any given moment. (and before you ask, no I am not afraid of flightless birds).
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    The shower curtain CANNOT touch me. At all. My husband thought it would be funny to hug me through the curtain and I about lost it. Now he knows my fear and will not do that again.

    ME TOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate touching it its disgusting it freaks me out so badly.
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    I really hate being stuck in traffic on a bridge so that you feel the bridge shaking and swaying. I always worry it's just going to collapse.

    (Yes, I know it needs to flex so it won't collapse, but it really puts me into a panic when i have to sit there bouncing around.)

    This! I hate high bridges for that reason!