On birth control? Gaining weight?



  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I haven't read everyone's comments, I did read a few though.

    For me, I have PCOS and I am on it for medical reasons. I went on birth control and it HELPED me lose weight. There are only 2 days a month when my hormone fluctuate to the point I have obsessive sugar cravings and cant seem to get full. Thats it. It is 2 days before the start of my period. People really should track their binge cycles and figure out the exact times when they are having the food issues instead of saying its "all the time". Nothing is ALL the time. Thats not the way birth control works.

    There are different levels of hormones for different times in your cycle. I prepare for those days. I let myself have a little extra food or sugar. This is about making finding a balance you can live with. Its not going to be perfect all the time. Stop blaming the birth control, its easy to make excuses for your bad choices. Trust me, I have done the same thing. I still do it sometimes but I catch myself and I try to correct them now.

    For the people who want to go "Pill free". This is going to shake some some things up but... I take a handful of meds and vitamins everyday. You know what though? Before I used these meds, I was a clinically depressed/suicidal woman, 285 lbs, psoriasis out of control=90% of my body out of control(now I am completely free), woman issues that made me spot 2 weeks out of the month, hormone fluctuations that made my moods way too intense, was in pain 95% of the day and couldn't walk more then an hour in the store without having to stop and have insane amounts of pain meds, and the list goes on and on. All that has been reversed. I'm sorry but people are living longer because of new medical technology and medications. There are risks with everything but the proof is in the pudding. People are living 20+ more years because of them. So, thats fine for the perfect person who has no medical issues, for me and most of the people I know, they take advantage of the new medical discoveries and solutions. The benefits outweigh the risks.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I haven't read everyone's comments, I did read a few though.

    For me, I have PCOS and I am on it for medical reasons. I went on birth control and it HELPED me lose weight. There are only 2 days a month when my hormone fluctuate to the point I have obsessive sugar cravings and cant seem to get full. Thats it. It is 2 days before the start of my period. People really should track their binge cycles and figure out the exact times when they are having the food issues instead of saying its "all the time". Nothing is ALL the time. Thats not the way birth control works.

    I don't binge. Not even two days a month. I eat 1,200-1,500 calories a day and exercise. I still gained 20 pounds and can't lose it.

    YOU have a 2-day sugar craving on the pill. When I was on the pill, I didn't have any cravings. I guess that means you're making an excuse, since it didn't happen to me. :-)

    I don't understand why it is so difficult for people to grasp that not everyone has the same experience on BC, even if it's the same BC.
  • ehbika
    ehbika Posts: 10 Member
    Who the hell Is so ignorant they they would promote not using birth control? People like THAT are helping mess up society. We are already over populated and people are starving. Foster homes are full and so are the orphanages. I'm sick of these IDIOTS breeding. Ignorance.

    I am totally anti the bc pill, that does NOT mean I would ever promote irresponsible "breeding". I use a natural system (no NOT the rhythm method). Mine is actually a computer called LadyComp. It is 99.3% effective. It keeps track of my cycle and lets me know the few days when I would be able to conceive. No side effects, no charts, completely natural. I think it is sad that for most women "sexual liberation" has put them under the chains of pumping their bodies full of unnatural hormones. Never seemed very liberating to me.. but to each her own! :happy:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Who the hell Is so ignorant they they would promote not using birth control? People like THAT are helping mess up society. We are already over populated and people are starving. Foster homes are full and so are the orphanages. I'm sick of these IDIOTS breeding. Ignorance.

    I am totally anti the bc pill, that does NOT mean I would ever promote irresponsible "breeding". I use a natural system (no NOT the rhythm method). Mine is actually a computer called LadyComp. It is 99.3% effective. It keeps track of my cycle and lets me know the few days when I would be able to conceive. No side effects, no charts, completely natural. I think it is sad that for most women "sexual liberation" has put them under the chains of pumping their bodies full of unnatural hormones. Never seemed very liberating to me.. but to each her own! :happy:

    OK, sweetie. If I go off BC, will you endure my ridiculously heavy and uncomfortable periods for me?

  • ehbika
    ehbika Posts: 10 Member
    Who the hell Is so ignorant they they would promote not using birth control? People like THAT are helping mess up society. We are already over populated and people are starving. Foster homes are full and so are the orphanages. I'm sick of these IDIOTS breeding. Ignorance.

    I am totally anti the bc pill, that does NOT mean I would ever promote irresponsible "breeding". I use a natural system (no NOT the rhythm method). Mine is actually a computer called LadyComp. It is 99.3% effective. It keeps track of my cycle and lets me know the few days when I would be able to conceive. No side effects, no charts, completely natural. I think it is sad that for most women "sexual liberation" has put them under the chains of pumping their bodies full of unnatural hormones. Never seemed very liberating to me.. but to each her own! :happy:

    OK, sweetie. If I go off BC, will you endure my ridiculously heavy and uncomfortable periods for me?


    I said "most women" and "to each her own". Never tried to imply I thought one thing was going to work for everyone.. but sorry if I offended. Have a wonderful day!
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I haven't read everyone's comments, I did read a few though.

    For me, I have PCOS and I am on it for medical reasons. I went on birth control and it HELPED me lose weight. There are only 2 days a month when my hormone fluctuate to the point I have obsessive sugar cravings and cant seem to get full. Thats it. It is 2 days before the start of my period. People really should track their binge cycles and figure out the exact times when they are having the food issues instead of saying its "all the time". Nothing is ALL the time. Thats not the way birth control works.

    I don't binge. Not even two days a month. I eat 1,200-1,500 calories a day and exercise. I still gained 20 pounds and can't lose it.

    YOU have a 2-day sugar craving on the pill. When I was on the pill, I didn't have any cravings. I guess that means you're making an excuse, since it didn't happen to me. :-)

    I don't understand why it is so difficult for people to grasp that not everyone has the same experience on BC, even if it's the same BC.

    See the thing is, for ME it is a FACT that those same 2 days every single month for years, and after actually tracking it on a calender, those have been the high craving days for me. Its not an excuse to binge, I didn't say I BINGED, I just allowed for a little extra calories so I could keep things under control so I wouldn't ens up denying myself so much that I would go eat a bunch of bad food.. Maybe you should read my comment more closely. There is a big difference is finding balance and letting yourself having an excuse to go crazy with food. I personally believe that people have days when their hormones are raging and they do crave food more then others. What I am saying is try tracking them so you know when they happen so your "2 days", for example, doesn't turn into a week long run. This is about isolating and preparing for the times you know your going to have them. Most times I dont even look at my calender and I start getting hungry, I then figure out...oh its one of these 2 days, no wonder. its like clockwork for me. Facts are facts. It is consistent and well tracked. Not an excuse by any means.

    I see you left my quote out to suit your own benefit

    "There are different levels of hormones for different times in your cycle. I prepare for those days. I let myself have a little extra food or sugar. This is about making finding a balance you can live with. Its not going to be perfect all the time. Stop blaming the birth control, its easy to make excuses for your bad choices. Trust me, I have done the same thing. I still do it sometimes but I catch myself and I try to correct them now. . "

    Thats great that you didn't have cravings, there are always exceptions. Basic biology of a women cycle has hormone fluctuations. Sometimes that triggers cravings, mood swings-and this is a big one for emo eaters, and so on. I truly believe the mindset of "all or nothing" is detrimental though. If I was misunderstood as saying ALL women have cravings, I am sorry. I just know that is likely they will be affected some way by their cycle. If not, great. They are golden. This is a topic about birth control, hormone fluctuation and cravings. Thats why I responded the way I did...I am offering my own experience. All you said is "I dont have them". How in the heck is that helping anyone? Your just writing...to write.

    I am a true believer in "eat to lose". That's what I do. Depending on how much you exercise you might not be getting enough. Just my thoughts.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I haven't read everyone's comments, I did read a few though.

    For me, I have PCOS and I am on it for medical reasons. I went on birth control and it HELPED me lose weight. There are only 2 days a month when my hormone fluctuate to the point I have obsessive sugar cravings and cant seem to get full. Thats it. It is 2 days before the start of my period. People really should track their binge cycles and figure out the exact times when they are having the food issues instead of saying its "all the time". Nothing is ALL the time. Thats not the way birth control works.

    I don't binge. Not even two days a month. I eat 1,200-1,500 calories a day and exercise. I still gained 20 pounds and can't lose it.

    YOU have a 2-day sugar craving on the pill. When I was on the pill, I didn't have any cravings. I guess that means you're making an excuse, since it didn't happen to me. :-)

    I don't understand why it is so difficult for people to grasp that not everyone has the same experience on BC, even if it's the same BC.

    See the thing is, for ME it is a FACT that those same 2 days every single month for years, and after actually tracking it on a calender, those have been the high craving days for me. Its not an excuse to binge, I didn't say I BINGED, I just allowed for a little extra calories so I could keep things under control so I wouldn't ens up denying myself so much that I would go eat a bunch of bad food.. Maybe you should read my comment more closely. There is a big difference is finding balance and letting yourself having an excuse to go crazy with food. I personally believe that people have days when their hormones are raging and they do crave food more then others. What I am saying is try tracking them so you know when they happen so your "2 days", for example, doesn't turn into a week long run. This is about isolating and preparing for the times you know your going to have them. Most times I dont even look at my calender and I start getting hungry, I then figure out...oh its one of these 2 days, no wonder. its like clockwork for me. Facts are facts. It is consistent and well tracked. Not an excuse by any means.

    I see you left my quote out to suit your own benefit

    "There are different levels of hormones for different times in your cycle. I prepare for those days. I let myself have a little extra food or sugar. This is about making finding a balance you can live with. Its not going to be perfect all the time. Stop blaming the birth control, its easy to make excuses for your bad choices. Trust me, I have done the same thing. I still do it sometimes but I catch myself and I try to correct them now. . "

    Thats great that you didn't have cravings, there are always exceptions. Basic biology of a women cycle has hormone fluctuations. Sometimes that triggers cravings, mood swings-and this is a big one for emo eaters, and so on. I truly believe the mindset of "all or nothing" is detrimental though. If I was misunderstood as saying ALL women have cravings, I am sorry. I just know that is likely they will be affected some way by their cycle. If not, great. They are golden. This is a topic about birth control, hormone fluctuation and cravings. Thats why I responded the way I did...I am offering my own experience. All you said is "I dont have them". How in the heck is that helping anyone? Your just writing...to write.

    I am a true believer in "eat to lose". That's what I do. Depending on how much you exercise you might not be getting enough. Just my thoughts.

    I left your quote out because it assumes that everyone gaining weight on BC is gaining because they are overeating. That isn't true. For some, of course. Not for all. That's my point.

    There are a LOT of us who have gained despite eating healthy and a reasonable number of calories.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    STOP USING BIRTH CONTROL, PERIOD. Pill popping to stop the course of nature is just wrong.

    I've had back to back pregnancies and hubby and I live in a 1 br....We are planning on having more kids but we can't right now so we have to be on birth control (P.S. I'm allergic to latex so that's why no condoms)

    You can get condoms that aren't latex, if you ever need to go that route.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Who the hell Is so ignorant they they would promote not using birth control? People like THAT are helping mess up society. We are already over populated and people are starving. Foster homes are full and so are the orphanages. I'm sick of these IDIOTS breeding. Ignorance.

    I am totally anti the bc pill, that does NOT mean I would ever promote irresponsible "breeding". I use a natural system (no NOT the rhythm method). Mine is actually a computer called LadyComp. It is 99.3% effective. It keeps track of my cycle and lets me know the few days when I would be able to conceive. No side effects, no charts, completely natural. I think it is sad that for most women "sexual liberation" has put them under the chains of pumping their bodies full of unnatural hormones. Never seemed very liberating to me.. but to each her own! :happy:

    OK, sweetie. If I go off BC, will you endure my ridiculously heavy and uncomfortable periods for me?


    I said "most women" and "to each her own". Never tried to imply I thought one thing was going to work for everyone.. but sorry if I offended. Have a wonderful day!

    I still think there needs to be more done on BC. I have to admit that I cringe at times with how its heavily BC pills are promoted but then again I'm bias because of my own experience but I do know others as well that had a bad experience and these types of effects aren't always clear or talked about as a possibility when going on BC.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    STOP USING BIRTH CONTROL, PERIOD. Pill popping to stop the course of nature is just wrong.

    Stop drinking coffee, stop driving your car, stop taking painkillers, stop all the cancer patients from having chemo if that's how you feel; none of those things are natural & alter the course of nature, you can't say "Pill popping to stop the course of nature is just wrong." when you would definitely feel differently if it was pills to stop an illness on it's natural course.
  • litak85472
    litak85472 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey my name is Hanna. I also have PCOS but I am scared to get on birth control again because I had such terrible panick attacks when I was on them. Now, my doctor is telling me that they may help me lose weight because it seems that no matter what I do, it's incredibly difficult to lose weight. I was constantly gaining weight even though I was eating right, because my testosterone levels are way higher. I wanted to ask you, Is that true for you too? When you started birth control, did you immediately start shedding the pounds faster?
  • litak85472
    litak85472 Posts: 17 Member
    I haven't read everyone's comments, I did read a few though.

    For me, I have PCOS and I am on it for medical reasons. I went on birth control and it HELPED me lose weight. There are only 2 days a month when my hormone fluctuate to the point I have obsessive sugar cravings and cant seem to get full. Thats it. It is 2 days before the start of my period. People really should track their binge cycles and figure out the exact times when they are having the food issues instead of saying its "all the time". Nothing is ALL the time. Thats not the way birth control works.

    There are different levels of hormones for different times in your cycle. I prepare for those days. I let myself have a little extra food or sugar. This is about making finding a balance you can live with. Its not going to be perfect all the time. Stop blaming the birth control, its easy to make excuses for your bad choices. Trust me, I have done the same thing. I still do it sometimes but I catch myself and I try to correct them now.

    For the people who want to go "Pill free". This is going to shake some some things up but... I take a handful of meds and vitamins everyday. You know what though? Before I used these meds, I was a clinically depressed/suicidal woman, 285 lbs, psoriasis out of control=90% of my body out of control(now I am completely free), woman issues that made me spot 2 weeks out of the month, hormone fluctuations that made my moods way too intense, was in pain 95% of the day and couldn't walk more then an hour in the store without having to stop and have insane amounts of pain meds, and the list goes on and on. All that has been reversed. I'm sorry but people are living longer because of new medical technology and medications. There are risks with everything but the proof is in the pudding. People are living 20+ more years because of them. So, thats fine for the perfect person who has no medical issues, for me and most of the people I know, they take advantage of the new medical discoveries and solutions. The benefits outweigh the risks.

    Hey my name is Hanna. I also have PCOS but I am scared to get on birth control again because I had such terrible panick attacks when I was on them. Now, my doctor is telling me that they may help me lose weight because it seems that no matter what I do, it's incredibly difficult to lose weight. I was constantly gaining weight even though I was eating right, because my testosterone levels are way higher. I wanted to ask you, Is that true for you too? When you started birth control, did you immediately start shedding the pounds faster?