This website has changed!!

mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have to vent real quick.

There is so much whining on this website
I look at the boards and every post I see is someone depressed or upset-
Then if someone gives them Upfront advice other people call it harsh.
Is the boards just a hand holding session?

This website has changed so much. People try to justify binge eating or throwing all there calories away on a meal.
weightloss isn't rocket science its simple Math Burn more then you take in.

It sucks to not see the scale move when you are seriously busting your *kitten* in the gym and watching what you eat but keep pushing through- Challenge yourself set goals for yourself and when you get discouraged just think of those goals.

I have been trying to lose the same 25-28lbs For ever. I fall off track at times i get discouraged but I keep going because if I stop The weight will never come off and I will prob just gain more! So going backwards isn't an option.

As you lose weight and get into another size get rid of all your clothes that were big as I like to call them fat clothes- that way you need to atleast maintain your current size or keep losing because if you gain you will have to run around Naked cause nothing will fit. If you are tempted by crap foods keep them out of the house until you learn to control yourself.

Exercise is just that it's exercising. It isn't cleaning your house or cutting the grass- Don't get me wrong if you get your but out of the bed or off the couch and move more thats great but it isn't exercise.
Hit the gym, pop in a workout video, do Wii Fit if you have it, go for a long walk, Take a jog ect..

Put the food down and get active.
There is no secret how to lose weight!

Becareful not to over estimate your calories burned (especially if you are eating them back) The websites are wrong on there calculations. So are the gym machines if you want to know get a Heart Rate Monitor.

MFP under estimates the macronutrients (fat,protien, and carbs)

Drink water- ease up on alcohol beverages, nix the soda and sweet tea-
Use actual portion/serving sizes you will be amazed.

Good luck on your weight loss journey.


  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I needed that wake up call--thanks!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    LOL. Someone's going to cry harsh about this, most likely.

    The biggest fail factors are a lack of knowledge and a lack of motivation, I feel. (Exceptions are made for people with particularly difficult injuries and illnesses, of course.) I currently lack the motivation, and anyone who lacks knowledge really just needs to hit google.

    The thing about whining is - it feels good to let it out on the rare occasion. But at the same, time, accept the matter-of-fact comments you're going to get. That's what happens.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    You know-- I'm there with you, but many of the "old-timers" have given up on trying to give advice because a good majority of people simply want to be stroked.

    I stick to three threads where I know the people, and know that they don't want to be told "what they want to hear." They want to be told snapoutofit.gif and to get their butt in gear.

    You're right-- this is not rocket scientist-- eat less, move more, stop the excuses--

    Unfortunately-- it's going to continue to fall on deaf, whiny ears.

    Whaddyagonnado? sigh.gif
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I'm not an "old-timer" on MFP, but I really like this post... I have to admit I get really annoyed by the daily posts from people whining about their loss of motivation or lack of willpower to eat how they are supposed to. I feel like that's something you have to find within yourself, and if you have to rely on others to find it for you, then you're in trouble!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member

    First of all five.gif I totally agree with you.

    Second - I feel your pain. I'll go months at a time without looking at the message boards for the very same reason. I choose a few positive threads to follow and for the most part stay away from the whiny ones.

    This is nothing new. You're just noticing it more. No one wants to hear the truth anymore. Not just here, but in life in general. Regroup, know that you are living your life in a positive manner, doing healthy things, and remember this: doh.gif

    Happy Sunday!:flowerforyou:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I have to vent real quick.

    There is so much whining on this website
    I look at the boards and every post I see is someone depressed or upset-
    Then if someone gives them Upfront advice other people call it harsh.
    Is the boards just a hand holding session?

    This website has changed so much. People try to justify binge eating or throwing all there calories away on a meal.
    weightloss isn't rocket science its simple Math Burn more then you take in.

    It sucks to not see the scale move when you are seriously busting your *kitten* in the gym and watching what you eat but keep pushing through- Challenge yourself set goals for yourself and when you get discouraged just think of those goals.

    I have been trying to lose the same 25-28lbs For ever. I fall off track at times i get discouraged but I keep going because if I stop The weight will never come off and I will prob just gain more! So going backwards isn't an option.

    As you lose weight and get into another size get rid of all your clothes that were big as I like to call them fat clothes- that way you need to atleast maintain your current size or keep losing because if you gain you will have to run around Naked cause nothing will fit. If you are tempted by crap foods keep them out of the house until you learn to control yourself.

    Exercise is just that it's exercising. It isn't cleaning your house or cutting the grass- Don't get me wrong if you get your but out of the bed or off the couch and move more thats great but it isn't exercise.
    Hit the gym, pop in a workout video, do Wii Fit if you have it, go for a long walk, Take a jog ect..

    Put the food down and get active.
    There is no secret how to lose weight!

    Becareful not to over estimate your calories burned (especially if you are eating them back) The websites are wrong on there calculations. So are the gym machines if you want to know get a Heart Rate Monitor.

    MFP under estimates the macronutrients (fat,protien, and carbs)

    Drink water- ease up on alcohol beverages, nix the soda and sweet tea-
    Use actual portion/serving sizes you will be amazed.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey.

    Agreed, co-sign and triple like. I feel the same way in real life when I hear people whine about this; I've actually stopped givinig advice unless directly asked because of it.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I agree with what everyone else has said. I am not an "old timer" here, as I have only been here since May/June, but it is really the trend of society now a days. Everyone has to have an excuse for something and no one seems to hold themselves accountable for their actions.

    Also, I have noticed that since I keep an eye on what I am eating I get the "you are obsessing too much over what you eat" from my family. However, the ones who tell me that are also once who are failing to lose weight. I have lost 18lbs doing exactly what you stated about exercise.

    It's a frustrating thing, yes, but it seems to be what society is becoming. The majority of people don't hold themselves, or others, accountable. They just make excuses for their actions.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm not an "old-timer" on MFP, but I really like this post... I have to admit I get really annoyed by the daily posts from people whining about their loss of motivation or lack of willpower to eat how they are supposed to. I feel like that's something you have to find within yourself, and if you have to rely on others to find it for you, then you're in trouble!!

    Indeed-- bravo!
  • don't know if its just me but since the site has changed um everytime i log in my food calories and carbs and so on seem to be shown as incomplete it would just show my calories being added up but the rest shown as zero so god knows if i went over on carbs lol
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Very Well Said. You took the words right out of my mouth :glasses: ((((BRAVO))))
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    don't know if its just me but since the site has changed um everytime i log in my food calories and carbs and so on seem to be shown as incomplete it would just show my calories being added up but the rest shown as zero so god knows if i went over on carbs lol

    that's a glitch, it sounds like, go here and post it, or message Mike..they'll help you fix that
  • epappas09
    epappas09 Posts: 50 Member
    thank you
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    I agree! I get so tired of the "I need someone to motivate me" posts. I am responsible for myself. Don't try to make me responsible for you too. Besides, the simple truth is that you don't always need to be motivated. You just need to do it. The math works the same no matter your frame of mind.

    On that note, even though I don't really feel like it, I'm going to go work out now. :wink:

  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Guess I am not the only one annoyed with it lol. It's funny because shortly after I posted this I went back to the main page and there was 4 whoa me posts I just shook my head and got off the website.
  • Exercise is just that it's exercising. It isn't cleaning your house or cutting the grass- Don't get me wrong if you get your but out of the bed or off the couch and move more thats great but it isn't exercise.
    Hit the gym, pop in a workout video, do Wii Fit if you have it, go for a long walk, Take a jog ect..

    Put the food down and get active.
    There is no secret how to lose weight!

    I have to disagree with you here. I have friends who never "exercise" and look amazing. Obesity has become more prevalent in our culture do to general laziness. We have remote controls for the TV, the ceiling fan, the window shades, etc. Movement is exercise. Spending all day weeding or scrubbing or cutting wood is a great way to take your mind off food and burn off calories - and it DOES count!
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    I'm sorry, but I have to reply and this may or may not piss some off. I feel like this is turning into a high horse thread.

    Some people need support and they should be able to ask for it without being dogged. Why not give them motivation? Why not give them support? I get it... there's no magic formula for quick weight loss. Weight loss is frustrating, especially when you have medical issues and such. People need motivation and support.

    If you are not a motivator or supporter... fine. That's cool with me, but I think it's a little rude to call people whiny when they are looking for motivation and support.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    I agree! I get so tired of the "I need someone to motivate me" posts. I am responsible for myself. Don't try to make me responsible for you too. Besides, the simple truth is that you don't always need to be motivated. You just need to do it. The math works the same no matter your frame of mind.

    On that note, even though I don't really feel like it, I'm going to go work out now. :wink:


    :happy: Very well said!!
  • I'm sorry, but I have to reply and this may or may not piss some off. I feel like this is turning into a high horse thread.

    Some people need support and they should be able to ask for it without being dogged. Why not give them motivation? Why not give them support? I get it... there's no magic formula for quick weight loss. Weight loss is frustrating, especially when you have medical issues and such. People need motivation and support.

    If you are not a motivator or supporter... fine. That's cool with me, but I think it's a little rude to call people whiny when they are looking for motivation and support.

    Well said!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    I'm sorry, but I have to reply and this may or may not piss some off. I feel like this is turning into a high horse thread.

    Some people need support and they should be able to ask for it without being dogged. Why not give them motivation? Why not give them support? I get it... there's no magic formula for quick weight loss. Weight loss is frustrating, especially when you have medical issues and such. People need motivation and support.

    If you are not a motivator or supporter... fine. That's cool with me, but I think it's a little rude to call people whiny when they are looking for motivation and support.
    I didn't mean to sound like I'm on a high horse, and I apologize if that's the way it came across. I am happy to give support to someone who needs help figuring out how to go about what it is they want to do or suggestions when it comes to food and/or exercise. But I honestly don't know what to say to someone who asks someone else to motivate them, so that frustrates me. I figure someone either wants to do it or they don't, and that is completely their right. I'm not here to judge someone who doesn't want to do it. I just don't understand how some people expect someone else to say the magic words that are going to inspire them to make a change.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I didn't mean to sound like I'm on a high horse, and I apologize if that's the way it came across. I am happy to give support to someone who needs help figuring out how to go about what it is they want to do or suggestions when it comes to food and/or exercise. But I honestly don't know what to say to someone who asks someone else to motivate them, so that frustrates me. I figure someone either wants to do it or they don't, and that is completely their right. I'm not here to judge someone who doesn't want to do it. I just don't understand how some people expect someone else to say the magic words that are going to inspire them to make a change.

    I feel the same way - I didn't mean to sound condescending or anything. It's just that I really feel like people who look to others to provide motivation are setting themselves up for failure. It's one thing to ask for advice on how to get around the specific problems that someone knows are the things that kill their motivation (such as not enough food variety, bored with exercise, etc.), but to just flat out ask for motivation... I don't really think that's anything anyone else can truly provide. It has to be found within.
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