This website has changed!!



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    your knowledge on health is sound.

    however, i disagree with this.

    but, i think it is important that people reckon with the climate on here, and notice the changes, because it means that they are not completely oblivious to social issues. however, people do need support. if you are just coming on here to brag about how well you do, that isn't the most encouraging thing either. i personally want to see others that have struggled. to point to another comment on this, have we all not had candy calling to us? seriously! have we not all caved? kudos to the people who come on here to talk about it.

    i think its ridiculous that anyone would expect anything from anyone on this board, whether that be support or whatever. but it is just as ridiculous to expect people to be strong and to not want support.

    it may not be 'ideal' for all of you, and you might want a sugar coated image of people having an easy route, the motivation all the time to exercise and to never make mistakes, and god forbid they feel bad about it! there is nothing wrong with people coming on here for support. in fact, thats when i liked the boards the most.

    You said you disagreed, but then you reinforced many of the things I said in my post.

    I.E. I said it's a battle, IOW, it's not easy to become healthy; you agreed

    I said you shouldn't expect support on MFP, but people do expect support. You agreed (at least that people shouldn't expect support)

    I don't know where the bragging thing comes up, I didn't mention anything like that. Although I do think that people should be allowed to voice their accomplishments on here. Maybe you're talking about another reply, if you are, please specify, because this statement is a little confusing otherwise.

    I never mentioned that I expect people to be strong on here. All I mentioned is the causes why people fail (IMHO), I expect people on here to be courteous and respectful, other than that, I have no expectations of this board.

    Seeing someones struggles, and watching them triumph is a far different (and great) thing than having someone come on and look for others to justify their failures, which I see on here all the time.
    The term misery loves company comes to mind. This is what I don't approve of, One person saying something negative and even defeatist, and others justifying that behavior, saying something like "I understand, its ok." is a far different thing than saying "That's too bad, now get up, dust yourself off, and work harder this time".
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i was disagreeing that you mentioned what someone who succeeds at being healthy looks like. i just think that the only thing this board is good for is support.

    your knowledge on health is sound.

    however, i disagree with this.

    but, i think it is important that people reckon with the climate on here, and notice the changes, because it means that they are not completely oblivious to social issues. however, people do need support. if you are just coming on here to brag about how well you do, that isn't the most encouraging thing either. i personally want to see others that have struggled. to point to another comment on this, have we all not had candy calling to us? seriously! have we not all caved? kudos to the people who come on here to talk about it.

    i think its ridiculous that anyone would expect anything from anyone on this board, whether that be support or whatever. but it is just as ridiculous to expect people to be strong and to not want support.

    it may not be 'ideal' for all of you, and you might want a sugar coated image of people having an easy route, the motivation all the time to exercise and to never make mistakes, and god forbid they feel bad about it! there is nothing wrong with people coming on here for support. in fact, thats when i liked the boards the most.

    You said you disagreed, but then you reinforced many of the things I said in my post.

    I.E. I said it's a battle, IOW, it's not easy to become healthy; you agreed

    I said you shouldn't expect support on MFP, but people do expect support. You agreed (at least that people shouldn't expect support)

    I don't know where the bragging thing comes up, I didn't mention anything like that. Although I do think that people should be allowed to voice their accomplishments on here. Maybe you're talking about another reply, if you are, please specify, because this statement is a little confusing otherwise.

    I never mentioned that I expect people to be strong on here. All I mentioned is the causes why people fail (IMHO), I expect people on here to be courteous and respectful, other than that, I have no expectations of this board.

    Seeing someones struggles, and watching them triumph is a far different (and great) thing than having someone come on and look for others to justify their failures, which I see on here all the time.
    The term misery loves company comes to mind. This is what I don't approve of, One person saying something negative and even defeatist, and others justifying that behavior, saying something like "I understand, its ok." is a far different thing than saying "That's too bad, now get up, dust yourself off, and work harder this time".
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    i was disagreeing that you mentioned what someone who succeeds at being healthy looks like. i just think that the only thing this board is good for is support.

    oh, but, I didn't mention anything about looks on this post. Now I'm confused.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    That isn't a statement meant to degrade or belittle these people, it's just a fact. There are 3 aspects to becoming healthy 1) Desire to become healthy. 2) Knowledge of how to proceed and understanding your body and mind. 3)The physical capabilities to do so.
    If any of these 3 aspects are lacking, you will fail.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    That isn't a statement meant to degrade or belittle these people, it's just a fact. There are 3 aspects to becoming healthy 1) Desire to become healthy. 2) Knowledge of how to proceed and understanding your body and mind. 3)The physical capabilities to do so.
    If any of these 3 aspects are lacking, you will fail.

    This isn't referring to physical appearances, but physical abilities-- can you walk, run, et cetera or do you have some physical malady that prevents you from exercising, et cetera.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    That isn't a statement meant to degrade or belittle these people, it's just a fact. There are 3 aspects to becoming healthy 1) Desire to become healthy. 2) Knowledge of how to proceed and understanding your body and mind. 3)The physical capabilities to do so.
    If any of these 3 aspects are lacking, you will fail.

    This isn't referring to physical appearances, but physical abilities-- can you walk, run, et cetera or do you have some physical malady that prevents you from exercising, et cetera.

    right, thanks Marla. physical capabilities means, whether they can physically make the changes needed through exercise, also it would refer to not needing to be on a special diet that makes it difficult to eat better (I have no idea what this diet would entail, but I suppose it's possible).
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i wasn't talking about aesthetics! i was talking about his perception of what it means to be successful at being healthy.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    ohhhh-- okay, whoosh (over my head)-- still confused-- :noway:

    But that happens a lot-- blonde hair and all-- :wink:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I'm confused too, and I'm not even a blonde! :tongue: :laugh:
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    I'm sorry, but I have to reply and this may or may not piss some off. I feel like this is turning into a high horse thread.

    Some people need support and they should be able to ask for it without being dogged. Why not give them motivation? Why not give them support? I get it... there's no magic formula for quick weight loss. Weight loss is frustrating, especially when you have medical issues and such. People need motivation and support.

    If you are not a motivator or supporter... fine. That's cool with me, but I think it's a little rude to call people whiny when they are looking for motivation and support.

    I agree %100, that is why I joined here to get support. Not everyone has the finances to go to the gym or get a membership pass to a pool etc. I for one am one of those people. Some people haven't had to excercise their whole lives and at a later age in life, are just starting out.
  • BamaRose0107
    i wasn't talking about aesthetics! i was talking about his perception of what it means to be successful at being healthy.

    I think I understand. Noone can give a distinct model of what it means to be successful at being healthy. Everyone is different therefore it would just be a general description or guide for the average person. This is what most information about health and weightloss are based on because there is no way to take into account the different factors in someones life. Am I anywhere close
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    i wasn't talking about aesthetics! i was talking about his perception of what it means to be successful at being healthy.

    what? I was talking about having the physical ability needed to lose weight through exercise. I think you're reading something into a place where there is only statements, I make no judgment there on whether people are healthy or not, physical capability means nothing more than having the physical tools needed to lose weight through diet and exercise, there's no perception involved.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm confused too, and I'm not even a blonde! :tongue: :laugh:

    I feel better-- :laugh: :wink:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    wow - sounds like a heated discussion. I just want to put in my 2 cents and say that at times it does feel like a lot of whining going on. some ppl starting threads up for every single little thing.

    Personally, if I want to vent I go to the "confessions thread" and if I have an accomplishment I just go to my regular group or thread to tell my friends about it, that way I don't start a new thread every time I wwanna say something. Perhaps if more people did this, it would be less congested of threads that sound like they are whiny?

    I will say that getting things off ur chest helps a lot tho, so I am in no way telling ppl to keep their failures to themselves.

    Remember we are all here to help each other. I love how supportive people can be!

    Thanks to everyone who ever helped/ supported me in any way.:flowerforyou:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I'm sorry, but I have to reply and this may or may not piss some off. I feel like this is turning into a high horse thread.

    Some people need support and they should be able to ask for it without being dogged. Why not give them motivation? Why not give them support? I get it... there's no magic formula for quick weight loss. Weight loss is frustrating, especially when you have medical issues and such. People need motivation and support.

    If you are not a motivator or supporter... fine. That's cool with me, but I think it's a little rude to call people whiny when they are looking for motivation and support.

    I agree %100, that is why I joined here to get support. Not everyone has the finances to go to the gym or get a membership pass to a pool etc. I for one am one of those people. Some people haven't had to excercise their whole lives and at a later age in life, are just starting out.

    You don't need money to workout! Not everyone goes to gyms or swims at a pool-
    Thats great that you use the site for support

    My post was about what I saw. People post on here all the time venting about eating an entire box of oreos in one sitting on top of regular meals and wonder why they aren't losing weight.
    How they weighed this much yesterday got on the scale today and it increased 3lbs and they want to quit because they can't lose weight (no matter how many times you tell people not to weigh everyday or that your body flucuates daily)
    So I posted my own Post!

    Good Luck to everyone with there journey
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i wasn't talking about aesthetics! i was talking about his perception of what it means to be successful at being healthy.

    I think I understand. Noone can give a distinct model of what it means to be successful at being healthy. Everyone is different therefore it would just be a general description or guide for the average person. This is what most information about health and weightloss are based on because there is no way to take into account the different factors in someones life. Am I anywhere close

    right on the dot!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hmmmm how did I miss this one??

    Accidently deleted the book I had written, I guess the Good Lord thought it was a bad idea.

    I will encourage and hopefully inspire.............even give answers to simple questions..........but I just have enough motivation for ME!:happy:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    i wasn't talking about aesthetics! i was talking about his perception of what it means to be successful at being healthy.

    I think I understand. Noone can give a distinct model of what it means to be successful at being healthy. Everyone is different therefore it would just be a general description or guide for the average person. This is what most information about health and weightloss are based on because there is no way to take into account the different factors in someones life. Am I anywhere close

    right on the dot!

    you're not getting it, I wasn't talking about what it takes to be successful, I was talking about physically being able to perform the activities needed to lose weight.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Some days are great and I am ready to help others...I look at the threads and try to find some that only have one or two replies and respond to those. No matter how repetative it seems I try to post.

    Some days are bad...then I read posts to stay motivated.

    I am not sure I always have the motivation inside of me. Sometimes I do need others and I am not sure that is a bad thing. Seems to be that is what this site is for...not just the strong but for the weak also. I am sometimes both.

    I don't disagree that some things are stupid but I have personally learned so much from others that I don't mind passing that along when I can.

    I have been here since January and still feel like a newbie. I am still in student mode.

    I am just really grateful for this site...the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    BTW...Jeannie, your new pic is gorgeous!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    i wasn't talking about aesthetics! i was talking about his perception of what it means to be successful at being healthy.

    I think I understand. Noone can give a distinct model of what it means to be successful at being healthy. Everyone is different therefore it would just be a general description or guide for the average person. This is what most information about health and weightloss are based on because there is no way to take into account the different factors in someones life. Am I anywhere close

    right on the dot!

    you're not getting it, I wasn't talking about what it takes to be successful, I was talking about physically being able to perform the activities needed to lose weight.

    perhaps try pig Latin?
