low cal BUT DELICIOUS snack ideas?

Hey everyone
Ive found that Ive been depriving myself too much so that I go on a 3000-4000 calorie binge on the weekends.

So as hard and counter intuitive it is for me
Im making an effort to stop dieting too extreme and eat little treats throughout the week so I dont lose control on the weekends.

So far Ive found brown rice cakes and maria gullon biscuits. (4 cookies = 100 cal WOW)

So what are some of YOUR fav snacks that are pref lower than 200 cal?
(Please dont say fruit, carrots and hummus or nuts etc...)
eating carrot sticks all week is the reason why I eat 3 packs of chips on the weekend :(
obviously I want relatively healthy snacks not loaded with trans fats and sugar.
maria cookies are really good.
choc chip and short bread :) 'check them out guys !!

anyways... ideas anyone?


  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    Maybe give greek yogurt a try?

    You can sweeten plain greek yogurt with something like truvia and add dark chocolate chips to it :) That should be pretty low cal but also give you a sweet kick!
  • lbarns86
    I usually cut up some strawberries and banana or strawberries and kiwi fruit, and if I'm craving a sweet kick particularly badly ill add some honey and cinnamon. If I want to feel a little less healthy and a bit more 'treat-like' I'll have some greek yoghurt too. It sounds boring and healthy, but it really satisfies sugar cravings and is delicious! Obviously any fruit will work, those are just my favourites at the moment! (Melon works wonderfully too!)

    If your part of the world doesn't have fresh berries, the frozen kind are fine, just put them into a container and defrost them for a few hours so they're ready to go! Sprinkle a little cocoa powder, milo or similar on top for a chocolate hit, too!

    I think the trick about this snack is that it actually takes preparation, so it makes it more worthwhile when you eat it. Keeping your hands busy keeps your mind off other unhealthy treats, and you don't have the anger and regret you have after a binge (I should know!).
  • hopsywopsy

    I would love to see what other people say too.

    I can only do this long term if I feel I am not depriving myself, so I try to have a small treat daily like you are.

    For sweet treats I usually have either 1-2 squares of dark chocolate (most days at the end, as a reward for sticking to my cals), or an ice-lollie (I found some kids ones made with fruit juice, and they are only 31 cals), yoghurt or for a bigger treat an affogato (1 small scoop vanilla ice cream with a shot of espresso on top).

    For savoury - which seems to be what you are craving - I have breadsticks (I have a rosemary and onion, sesame or plain), or some seed mix, a few nuts or melon & slice of parma ham.

    I found this online: http://www.mensfitness.co.uk/nutrition/nutrition_advice/1870/50_snacks_for_under_100_calories.html

    Also, I watched a programme which suggested the following to help you reduce your intake / make you eat more consciously:
    - try to eat with the opposite hand to usual. I.e. if you are right handed, use your left handed. I
    - make sure all snacks are out of view
    - use smaller plates/bowls - for snacks maybe measure out your "allowed amount" into a small bowl.
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    If I want a 'naughty' snack.. I get two (or 3 if I'm feeling reeeeally piggy) .. Gluten Free (or not).. plain rice crackers.. I spread no added sugar Peanut butter on them.. and chop some banana on top. .

    they taste sooooooooooo naughty! ..

    Hmmm.. I'm going to have some later! :laugh:
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    Oh... and for savoury munchies..

    I have WW Oat and Herb Crackers (4 in a pack) .. and spread an extra light Laughing cow cheese triangle (or 2 sometimes) .. on them.

    74 cals in the 4 crackers.. and 20 in a LC triangle. .. maaaybe (or not) chomp with 5 green olives.. (25cals)
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    as an evening 'treat' sometimes I have a handful of frozen (thawed!) Summer Berries.. 150g of Total (Fage) % yoghurt (high protein!) .. and a sprinkling of cinnamon.. (and sometimes a dash of chilli flakes LOL)

  • chestnutbrown
    nakd bars - they're totally yummy and really handy for just keeping in your bag or desk for a quick and easy snack that's fairly healthy but hits the spot more than carrot sticks! www.eatnakd.com - lots of lovely flavours - cocoa orange and berry delight are my favourites!
  • shyeban
    shyeban Posts: 121 Member
    Savoury/Spicy: Oil pop, then add chili powder (the kind that has all sorts of different spices)
    Sweet: Oil pop, then add sugar & cinnamon
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    Oh another I use!!

    a few rice cakes.. get some protein powder (chocolate is best for this) .. and make it with a TINY amount of water.. so it's almost a chocolate paste/spread.

    Spread it on the cracker.. and add something on top of you want to.. mine is usually ole faithful.. Banana & Cinnamon.
  • misssarahd
    misssarahd Posts: 9 Member
    Fruit! Munching on as much fruit as I like has really helped me tackle binge eating. Especially blueberries because it feels like you're eating lots when really if you end up eating millions it's only 25 calories per 100g :)

    I realise you said not fruit. But honestly it's the only thing that works for me. Try it if you have a sweet tooth
  • twinmom1993
    peanut butter apple bites:
    2 thin slices of apple
    2 teaspoon peanut butter
    1/4 banana thin sliced
    1/8 tsp sugar
    1/8 tsp cinnamon
    14 blueberries (optional)

    place apples on flat surface spread with pb, top with banana, sprinkle sugar,cinnamon, and blue berries if your desire... ENJOY 95 calories
  • twinmom1993
    smoked ham pita:
    1/2 reduced carb pita bread
    1 tsp dijon mustard
    1 ounce of smoked ham
    1/2 leaf of romaine lettuce
    2 thin slices tomato
    1 thin slice red onion

    100 calorie!!!!
  • twinmom1993
    root beer float:

    1 can (12oz) diet root beer
    1/3 cup skim milk

    28 calories!!!
  • caba7
    caba7 Posts: 11
    i like to eat soda crackers with peanut butter. it seems to hold me over most of the time in between meals when i'm at work.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Try Rivita fruit crunch with thin layer of Philidelphia = 60 cals for one slice - and its filling as well as yummy :-D
  • GmeB
    GmeB Posts: 70 Member
    can't beat popcorn,94 percent fat free,1 whole bag to munch on throughout the day!also baby carrots and fat free ranch dressing
  • twinmom1993
    100 calories (each)

    7 whole almonds
    3 1/2 brazil nuts
    11 cashews
    11 hazelnuts
    5 macadamia nuts
    16 peanuts
    5 whole pecans
    25 pistachios
    4 whole walnuts
  • esteeetee
    100g strawberries and weight watchers yoghurt about .69cals!

    Ryvita fruit one and half tablespoon choc spread about 100 calls!
  • theultimatecontrol
    Cauliflower crusts/cakes! I recently found the recipe on tumblr. I haven't tried them yet, but they look super yummy! Shredded cauliflower and carrots, parsley, and a couple eggs mixed together then cooked in a pan with a bit of olive oil. You can top them with whatever veggies you like and a bit of cheese, too, and still keep it healthy. You can also make fruit smoothies with a splash of soy milk rather than regular dairy milk.
  • MySunshine76
    To get my chocolate fix I have 2 things I use. 1. Yoplait whips the chocolate one yum! 2. TCBY frozen yogurt chocolate chocolate, even yummier! This is my fave because it is chocolate frozen yogurt with pieces of chocolate mixed in. OMG I'm drooling These 2 are not exactly healthy, but they do help me to stay on my diet.