low cal BUT DELICIOUS snack ideas?



  • noahsmommie
    noahsmommie Posts: 71 Member
    Frozen Greek yogurt bars (usually 10 grams of sugar) and 110 calories. Low sugar fudgesicle at 40 carlories each. Fig Newton Thins at 140 calories and 7 grams of sugar for three. Not "clean" eating, but all low cal, real treats.
  • MySunshine76
    If I'm craving a soda, I get the sugar-free grape crush mix and any flavor sparkling water I want and mix the 2 together.And voila you have a 5 calorie soda. Yummy!
  • sabgoe
    sabgoe Posts: 65 Member
    These homemade granola bars are very easy to make, absolutely delicious and healthy. I have made them with dried cranberries, dried dates, mixed dried fruit, peanut butter, almonds, walnuts, cooked quinoa, flax seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate chips and much more. You can create so many different flavors.


    3 cups quick-cooking oats
    1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk
    3 cups "whatever" (nuts, seeds, chocolate chips, dried fruit, peanut butter, etc.)

    Mix everything really well. Spread it in a 13x9 pan that is lined with foil and greased. Bake at 350°F for 20-25 min, depending on how crispy you like your granola bars. Let cool for 5 min and cut in squares with a pizza cutter. Usually, I end up with 24 bars. Cool completely. They keep quite a while in the pantry. Calories depend on the size of the bar and the "whatever" you mix in. Mine are usually between 120-180 cal.
  • MySunshine76
    Oooh OOOh! I also get the 100 calorie snack packs, like Cheez-Its and Keebler Fudge Stripe cookies. What has been the most difficult for me isn't finding low calorie snacks, it's eating the small portions and not wanting more.
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    These brands all have low calorie snacks:

    Weight watchers
    Skinny cow
    Snack wells
    Special k

    The snacks range from 80 - 200 calories. There is everything from mini carrot cakes, brownies, fudge drizzled pop corn, cookies, candy bars, etc Just go under the food section of my fitness pal and type one of those in. You will see a ton of different things you can eat. Its not "clean" eating but its low calorie and should help with binge eating. Good luck
  • marmatt13
    marmatt13 Posts: 16 Member
    I've been on a frozen yogurt kick lately. 110 Cal for 1/2 cup serving.

    Sugar content is a little high, but I enjoy it in the evening as a sweet, low cal snack before bed.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    Cauliflower crusts/cakes! I recently found the recipe on tumblr. I haven't tried them yet, but they look super yummy! Shredded cauliflower and carrots, parsley, and a couple eggs mixed together then cooked in a pan with a bit of olive oil. You can top them with whatever veggies you like and a bit of cheese, too, and still keep it healthy. You can also make fruit smoothies with a splash of soy milk rather than regular dairy milk.

    The cauliflower cakes are so good! I add a bunch of veggies, onion and lots of garlic. Real parmesean! Eat them with some greek yogurt (instead of sour cream) or salsa, or both! Yummy!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Salty: Kale chips! I make mine with a little EVOO, low sodium Lawry's seasoning salt and pepper. Bake on cookie sheet at 350 for about 15 minutes. Perfection! It really does the trick.

    Sweet: sugar free fudgsicles (40 cals), sugar free jello pudding cups (my fave is dolce de leche for 60 cals)

    Salty and sweet: 1/2 of a wheat and flax pita (30 cals) toasted, and 1tbsp natural PB inside (85 cal). The PB gets all melty and delish, and it fits in well with the day's cals since it's only 115 total. I have one like 3 or 4 times a week before bed.
  • myfitnessisavirtue
    myfitnessisavirtue Posts: 673 Member
    I eat a serving of ice cream. ONE serving = 1/2 cup. I put it in a toddler bowl and sometimes use a smaller spoon.

    Quaker chewy granola bars are 90-120 calories each

    Most things aren't that bad if you just have one serving and not 3-4.

    Edited to add: if potato chips are your downfall, try pita chips and hummus. Surprisingly filling and satifies my salt craving with one serving of pita chips and half a serving of hummus.

    I also like frozen simply go-gurt. 70 calories per tube. Also some Popsicles are 50 calories but have no nutritional value.
  • RozsGurl
    RozsGurl Posts: 31 Member
    bump for ideas
  • paprikas
    paprikas Posts: 118 Member
  • mulcahya
    mulcahya Posts: 82 Member
    My mum made these delicious savoury muffins the other day --

    - 100g carrot (grated or finely chopped)
    - 110g capsicum (finely chopped)
    - 60g mushroom
    - 60g spring onions
    - 100g light cheese (i used coon light'n'tasty but can find lower calorie/lower fat cheese)
    - 100g short cut rindless bacon
    - 320g gluten free plain flour (can substitute regular flour)
    - 375mL light milk
    - 1 egg
    - 180g Nuttelex Lite (reduced fat spread replacement)

    Mix them all together and bake in the oven! Makes 24 small muffins.

    Nutritional info:
    - Calories: 118
    - Carbs: 12
    - Fat: 6
    - Protein: 3
    - Sodium: 330

    To reduce the calories/fat you can change the cheese and take out the bacon but they were delicious and a great snack!!!

    Another great recipe I discovered recently on this site was for zucchini tots --

    - 1 cup finely chopped zucchini
    - 1/4 cup finely chopped onion
    - 1/4 cup breadcrumbs
    - 1/4 cup light cheese
    - 1 egg

    Mix them all together and bake in mini muffin pans (spray first to grease) for ~12 - 15minutes or until brown. Makes ~24.

    Nutritional information:
    - Calories: 16
    - Carbs: 1
    - Fat: 1
    - Protein: 1
    - Sodium: 25

    And lastly, a nice sweet treat I make sometimes are vanilla bean scones --

    - 225g gluten free self raising flour
    - 1tsp baking powder
    - Pinch of salt
    - 1 egg
    - 100mL light milk
    - 3tsp vanilla extract
    - equivalent to 1/4 cup sugar (depends on what substitute you use - i used 12.5 sachets of stevia)
    - 50g light spread

    Mix the flour, baking powder and sugar together in a bowl with a pinch of salt. Rub the margarine in until it has consistency similar to breadcrumbs. In a jug, mix the egg, milk and vanilla. Mix the egg mixture into the bowl, leaving a few tsp to brush on scones before placing in oven. Roll out on floured surface, and cut scones out. Bake in oven on baking trays for ~10 minutes, after brushing the top with remaining egg mixture.

    Makes 23 small scones.

    Nutritional information:
    - Calories: 47
    - Carbs: 9
    - Fat: 1
    - Protein: 1
    - Sodium: 10

    Hope I didn't ramble too much! Good luck :)
  • mrsains
    mrsains Posts: 104 Member
    Try not to completely deprive yourself, or as you say, you'll end up over-indulging. Instead, focus on portion control and balancing treats with healthy foods. Have a bowl of ice cream or frozen yogurt, but have a healthy dinner with lean protein, veggies, etc. beforehand. And make sure everything fits within your macro numbers for the day!
  • KyleDanielle
    KyleDanielle Posts: 9 Member
    I firmly believe that, in order to avoid binging, you have to allow yourself to eat the yummy things you love, just in moderation. If you allow yourself a reasonable amount, guilt free, I think you take some of the pressure off.

    I quit smoking a few months ago and had the worst sweet tooth of my life. After eating a pound of recee's pieces in a weekend, I realized I needed to make an adjustment so that didn't happen again. I bought myself Hershey's - Dove White & Milk Chocolate Swirl (you can use that to look up the nutritional facts on MFP) and ate 3 pieces a night (5 is a full serving at 220 calories). I didn't feel guilty about it because I was factoring it into my calories and I logged every single piece. And I got to eat more than one piece at a time, so I didn't feel like I was limiting myself as much.

    The less than awesome thing about sugar is the high carb content... so if you're watching your carbs and the chocolate option doesn't appeal to you, I would recommend Philly Swirl - Sweet Delights Frozen Bar. They are low cal, low carb creamsicles... and they are amazing! 14 calories, 4 carbs and they taste phenomenal.

    Remember, everything in moderation. The harder you make it to reach your goals, the harder you will fall if you slip up. Good luck on your journey!
  • hopsywopsy
    Just discovered Liquorice Comfits/Bullets are just 8 cals each, so you could have a few of those.

    Also, here is a recipe for skinny cupcakes. I am going to try them at the weekend and freeze some for those moments...:
  • cmbx2mom
    cmbx2mom Posts: 56 Member
    Frozen strawberry drink. I actually make this now for breakfast too and add a handfull of spinach and a scoop of protein powder and omit the cool whip.

    Crush up some ice in the blender
    Add some fresh strawberries, a little sugar sweetener if u want, and a splash of milk
    Blend it up, transfer to a glass and top with a tablespoon or 2 of cool whip.

    Kind of like a virgin strawberry daquiri.
  • KSofiak
    KSofiak Posts: 18
    i have a serious chip addiction so im always looking for new substitues. so far the best that iv found is kale chips, they are addicting! just drizzle the kale with a little olive oil and whatever spice you like and bake for 10 - 15 minutes. i use a little garlic sea salt, but garlic powder works as well. my friend uses parmesan cheese if you like cheese.
    a sweet-craving snack would be roasted honey cinnamon chickpeas. make sure the chickpeas are completely dry, add a little olive oil, cinnamon, sugar, bake for 35-40 minutes, take out of oven & drizzle with honey and let dry. you can also make roasted chickpeas with any type of seasoning. sooo good! :)
  • spark409
    spark409 Posts: 96
    i have a serious chip addiction so im always looking for new substitues. so far the best that iv found is kale chips, they are addicting! just drizzle the kale with a little olive oil and whatever spice you like and bake for 10 - 15 minutes. i use a little garlic sea salt, but garlic powder works as well. my friend uses parmesan cheese if you like cheese.
    a sweet-craving snack would be roasted honey cinnamon chickpeas. make sure the chickpeas are completely dry, add a little olive oil, cinnamon, sugar, bake for 35-40 minutes, take out of oven & drizzle with honey and let dry. you can also make roasted chickpeas with any type of seasoning. sooo good! :)

    wow actually im liking all those ideas thanks.
    will def try kale chips.
    what sort of spices do u use?
  • spark409
    spark409 Posts: 96
    I firmly believe that, in order to avoid binging, you have to allow yourself to eat the yummy things you love, just in moderation. If you allow yourself a reasonable amount, guilt free, I think you take some of the pressure off.

    I quit smoking a few months ago and had the worst sweet tooth of my life. After eating a pound of recee's pieces in a weekend, I realized I needed to make an adjustment so that didn't happen again. I bought myself Hershey's - Dove White & Milk Chocolate Swirl (you can use that to look up the nutritional facts on MFP) and ate 3 pieces a night (5 is a full serving at 220 calories). I didn't feel guilty about it because I was factoring it into my calories and I logged every single piece. And I got to eat more than one piece at a time, so I didn't feel like I was limiting myself as much.

    The less than awesome thing about sugar is the high carb content... so if you're watching your carbs and the chocolate option doesn't appeal to you, I would recommend Philly Swirl - Sweet Delights Frozen Bar. They are low cal, low carb creamsicles... and they are amazing! 14 calories, 4 carbs and they taste phenomenal.

    Remember, everything in moderation. The harder you make it to reach your goals, the harder you will fall if you slip up. Good luck on your journey!

    damn right haha
    i just burned 400 cal at the gym and just had my 100 cal snack just now
    1 cashew
    2 smoked salmon cajun morsels
    and 1 maria sugar free cookie


    im feeling hopeful that i wont be tempted to eat 4000 cal this coming sat
    whew :)
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    Hey everyone
    Ive found that Ive been depriving myself too much so that I go on a 3000-4000 calorie binge on the weekends.

    So as hard and counter intuitive it is for me
    Im making an effort to stop dieting too extreme and eat little treats throughout the week so I dont lose control on the weekends.

    So far Ive found brown rice cakes and maria gullon biscuits. (4 cookies = 100 cal WOW)

    So what are some of YOUR fav snacks that are pref lower than 200 cal?
    (Please dont say fruit, carrots and hummus or nuts etc...)
    eating carrot sticks all week is the reason why I eat 3 packs of chips on the weekend :(
    obviously I want relatively healthy snacks not loaded with trans fats and sugar.
    maria cookies are really good.
    choc chip and short bread :) 'check them out guys !!

    anyways... ideas anyone?

    I have chocolate chip/oatmeal cookies down to just over 100 calories each by substituting Stevia for granulated sugar (still use regular brown sugar). Will continue to play with recipe and swap out full butter for a lighter version (when I get some!) and expect to make this an even lower-cal treat that satisfies the sweet tooth.

    Recipe on back of choc chip package, add a cup (or more) of oats, and 1/4 to 1/2 the amount of choc chips.

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