

  • maryjboom
    maryjboom Posts: 137 Member
    I need my coffee too. I have changed to moo moos and stevia and have brought my coffee calorie down to around 30 or 40. So if I need another cup, I can have one.
  • StevenDweeb
    StevenDweeb Posts: 24 Member
    This may sound crazy, but coffee doesn't have to be bitter. I learned this when a friend made me a cup in her French Press.

    Over time I've gone from only drinking coffee that had so much stuff in it that I couldn't actually taste the coffee to drinking coffee completely black. That being said, I've probably become a bit of a coffee snob...I think that Dunkin Donuts & Starbucks brewed coffee is incredibly bitter & if I'm in a situation where I'm drinking it, I do have to cut it with a bit of sweetener. I even keep an Aeropress at work because I want GOOD coffee.

    I still sometimes treat myself to a more dessert like coffee every now & then, but it's really more of a special occasion thing for me.

    So true. We are speaking the same coffee language. And hey, if enjoying the taste of good coffee made properly is snobbish, count me in.
  • MelissaE1214
    MelissaE1214 Posts: 73 Member
    i ran into the same issue with my creamer - international delight - french vanilla. i was using 2 tbsp in a large cup of coffe, but that is 70 calories and alot of sugar! So i found the perfect coffee mug to have only 1 tbsp. I was thinking about switching but i love it so much i am not willing to give it up. (although, this past weekend someone told me the sugar free version isnt really that bad.)
  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    I used to put tons of stuff in my coffee. I slowlly backed off. Now I am down to just one single sugar pack. I also went from full caffine to half decaf. I used to drink a whole pot a day but now I am just down to one cup in the morning. I know in the winter I used to drink it all day just because it is warm. This year I am going to try to drink tea instead. I am not a tea drinker but with the thousands of different kinds out there, there must be one that I can tollerate. :)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    Soon as I wake up, the coffee is brewing, and I drink it until after lunch ........

    Used to add whole milk & 2 sugars ...... I gradually weaned myself down to just skim milk ..... and maybe some Torani sugar-free vanilla syrup as a treat with my iced coffee :drinker:
  • imaindigogirl
    I drink coffee in the morning too. With 1/2 and 1/2 and just a 1/4 tsp of sugar. I have given up cigarettes, I don't drink, if I had to give up my coffee, someone would get
  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    I went from drinking almost pure sugar.. to just putting a dash of milk so its not black.. I just quit it and got used to it.. now I cant stand it with sugar or a lot of milk..
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    When I was trying to lose weight I slowly switched to garilick farms fat free half and half. I am back to my coffee mate, but I make sure I measure 2tbs instead of pour it in like I use to.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Drink it black!
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    I have one cup every morning :) I use skimmed milk and I've just started using one sugar, one 0 cal sweetener. I can't really taste the difference, it's gone in no time, plus the sugar is 32 cals a teaspoon so I don't feel guilty at all having it in there :P

  • traoldaker
    First off - as an avid coffee drinker - 35 calories for good half and half and a teaspoon of sugar is SO WORTH IT. Eat a bite less at dinner.

    Second, I have to put cream and sugar in lousy coffee. But at home I have an espresso maker. With good ground coffee, it tastes great just black.

    My machine will also make skim milk froth for a latte or cappuccino - but you can buy a frother and just put a dollop on your regular coffee.

    Quality, not quantity.

    This is the trick! Make GOOD coffee! :) and when you are really in the mood for a little half & half, go for it!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'm usually a 2 or 3 cup a day person.

    I've been using 2 sweet & low packets and a tbsp of fat free half & half for a large cup of coffee.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I have one cup (and it's typically in the afternoon as that's when my energy starts flagging) and it's precisely 45 calories. I just add a tbsp of some flavored creamer from Nestle Coffee Mate (it's currently the Vanilla Caramel flavor) and two little packets of Splenda and I'm good to go.
  • stephensmith0929
    Total coffee addict!!!! I drink mine with milk only. ( i am sweet enough) :smile:
  • crazycakez
    I use half and half and Splenda. It actually fills me up a bit, so between two cups of coffee and 2 hard boiled eggs most mornings I don't get hungry till lunchtime.
  • harley47920
    harley47920 Posts: 62 Member
    I, too, an an avid coffee drinker. I used to drink mine with sugar and flavored creamer. When looking at the calorie intake of the sugar and creamer, I decided to learn how to drink my coffee black. It wasn't easy at first. I started buying the whole bean flavoured coffee. That helped alot. For me, it wasn't worth the extra 100+ calories a day, just to flavour my coffee.
  • AleksD3
    AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
    I've managed to go from extra cream and extra sugar to skim milk and regular sugar over the last year. I miss the cream but it's not worth it to me anymore.
  • bran26ju
    bran26ju Posts: 30 Member
    I have 2 sometimes 3 cups a day. Mine is black though but my capachino that I drink on occassion from my kerig machine has a cream in it just not sure the cal for it. I also stick mainly to water for my beverage. My husband uses stevia for sweetener for his coffee and it doesn't have the bitter aftertaste that the other sweeteners do and you only need a very small amount since it is concentrated.
  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    I don't drink horrible amounts anymore. I still use International Delight FV creamer, can't have the low fat kind as it doesn't agree with me and lets face it tastes different, I use spenda in my coffee instead of sugar. Other than that I drink crystal light (not a fan of plain water) or I drink black tea with a tsp of splenda. I still need my am coffee.
  • calihoya
    calihoya Posts: 80 Member
    I used to use a lot of flavored creamer. I always used Splenda, but I cut way back on the creamer down to just one of those little creamer packets. I think if you gradually scale it back it helps. I don't drink my coffee black, but it's only 35 calories to have that one little creamer in there, so it's worth it for the extra flavor.