finally a pen for women, what did I ever do before???



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Uh? Why is this offensive or sexist?? I don't get it! They made girly ink pens. Big deal. Being offended over a 'just for her' product is stupid! I highly doubt BIC made this pen because women have a hard time using pens! Grow up people.


    You said what I wanted to say only slightly nicer.:heart:

    It was hard to be nice. I see these things, and wonder.. why is being girly, or buying 'just for her' things so bad??? I highly doubt an ink pen is gonna take away my right to go work! O.O It is a cute, girly, pink pen! Are they gonna be pissed because Tampax only markets to girls?

    I do have to agree with this. I love pink. I buy razors "for her" as well. Oh, and my shaving cream is also pink and labeled "for women," as is my body wash. My notebook that I use is also pink with "Hello Kitty."
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member

    ROFLMBO with tears running down my face. The one by John Osborne, July 30, 2012 will have you literally crying it's so funny.
  • SelenityJ
    SelenityJ Posts: 168 Member

    What is with society now and finding something wrong with everything? I honestly don't see Bic trying to be sexist by creating a line of pens meant for a woman and designed with comfort in mind because let's face it, the physiology of a man's and woman's body are different. And add in a jeweled accent, I happen to know my Mother would love this! She loves having a bit of bling on just about everything and she writes throughout the day for her job.

    I have a couple of these pens and I've found them to be comfortable and do as they say with gliding smoothly over the page. I do calligraphy as a hobby and before I get out my quill pen and ink I do like to map out a rough idea of what I'd like to do and these pens do that.

    If it's something you personally wouldn't like, don't get it. But don't create a 'sexist problem' where there isn't one. It's not like we're having it crammed down our throats that women should use this pen. I honestly hadn't seen the pens in many stores and bought a few in bulk when I did find them for my nieces because the pens suit their personality and they like the idea that something was made with them in mind.

    *end rant at this ridiculousness of creating a sexist problem where there isn't one*
  • SelenityJ
    SelenityJ Posts: 168 Member
    Uh? Why is this offensive or sexist?? I don't get it! They made girly ink pens. Big deal. Being offended over a 'just for her' product is stupid! I highly doubt BIC made this pen because women have a hard time using pens! Grow up people.

    Just so you know, I am fluent in sarcasm...I wasn't actually offended, but needed a good way to suck people in to the thread. Glad it worked :wink:

    By creating a thread where you screamed sexism was in the making? Yeah... that seems like a perfectly good reason to do something. I Oh I know I'll create a thread and cry sexism and then later recant it and say that I just wanted to suck people into a thread...

    Do you really have that much time on your hands?
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    I love these pens. I am not ashamed. :smile:
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    Uh? Why is this offensive or sexist?? I don't get it! They made girly ink pens. Big deal. Being offended over a 'just for her' product is stupid! I highly doubt BIC made this pen because women have a hard time using pens! Grow up people.
    The pens are silly. The sexism part was obviously joking. Get a grip on yourself.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    The stereotype that all women want to be bathed and saturated in the color pink gets old. That is one reason I found the sarcastic reviews of these pens to be entertaining. The first thing most companies do when they create a "for her" version of anything is to douse it in a heavy coat of pink or other pastel of choice, as if that has magically transformed it into something that women simply cannot resist.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I happen to have several of the pink and purple pens because I love those colors.

    Me too. And I'm okay with celebrating my differences from men. Women and men are not the same and that's what makes us great.
  • SelenityJ
    SelenityJ Posts: 168 Member
    Do you really have that much time on your hands?

    actually yes, yes I do... my job is currently very boring, and if you would have read the link I posted you would see that those reviews were just as sarcastic as I was. also, this is in "chit-chat, fun, and games".... and I like to play games with people's minds

    I did read your link. Point still stands even if it's sarcastic boredom do we really need to send out fake crys of sexism out there? To me that's just as bad as someone crying out rape and then seconds later laughing and going 'just kidding'. You want to know the scary part of this, a feminist group I know of, because one of the members I'm friends with, referenced this link and noted that SEVERAL of their groups members had commented about the sexist nature of the pen and that women needed to rise up. While you may think it's all sarcasm there are some people out there that don't.

    I think playing with people's minds is stupid and childish to do. Really, you want to play games like that? Do you play games with relationships to? Where do you draw the line with playing games with peoples minds?

    Though honestly this dribble of a thread is beneath me. I'm kicking myself for even to responding to this thread but I suppose everyone has those days where they respond to something they should likely just walk away from.

    edit- they linked the amazon pen link where the pens can be bought online.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Does it write what it really means or are males supposed to interpret the writings of this pen?

  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I like the author's review the most and the bike shop mechanic. Maybe I can see if my office will get me a pink desk to match my pen. That way everyone knows a female is working... while they're at it, they can give me a sandwich making station so I can make sandwiches.

    They ought to get you a pink and lavender computer too. With a bit of fur on it and a soft fluffy mouse.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The stereotype that all women want to be bathed and saturated in the color pink gets old. That is one reason I found the sarcastic reviews of these pens to be entertaining. The first thing most companies do when they create a "for her" version of anything is to douse it in a heavy coat of pink or other pastel of choice, as if that has magically transformed it into something that women simply cannot resist.

    I love pink! But I like neon colors better than pastels. :bigsmile:
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Yes, screw you bic! I work for Newell Rubbermaid and we make Sharpie & Papermate. Down with bic ;-)

    I <3 Sharpies! Best scrapbooking pens in the world!! :)
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    Oh, I needed that laugh! Thank you!!!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    The stereotype that all women want to be bathed and saturated in the color pink gets old. That is one reason I found the sarcastic reviews of these pens to be entertaining. The first thing most companies do when they create a "for her" version of anything is to douse it in a heavy coat of pink or other pastel of choice, as if that has magically transformed it into something that women simply cannot resist.

    Um, I can never resist anything pink. Or fuzzy. Or sparkly. If it's all three then SCORE! :blushing:

    I have a tape dispenser in the shape of a high heeled shoe and I was mad because it's black. I'm actually thinking of painting it pink and putting rhinestones on it.

  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    The stereotype that all women want to be bathed and saturated in the color pink gets old. That is one reason I found the sarcastic reviews of these pens to be entertaining. The first thing most companies do when they create a "for her" version of anything is to douse it in a heavy coat of pink or other pastel of choice, as if that has magically transformed it into something that women simply cannot resist.

    Um, I can never resist anything pink. Or fuzzy. Or sparkly. If it's all three then SCORE! :blushing:

    I have a tape dispenser in the shape of a high heeled shoe and I was mad because it's black. I'm actually thinking of painting it pink and putting rhinestones on it.


    There is nothing wrong with liking pink, as we all have our own minds and our own preferences. I get tired of being boxed into "light pink or dark pink?" when it comes to buying something marketed to women.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    LOL-too funny
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    Someone's panties are tied in a knot.

    Now you have something sexist to complain about. :P


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS
    F'N Hilarious.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    #8 is my fav.

    It's the pink stereotype that gets old. Also, the exclusivity associated with the color--"just for" like it's wrong for men to like pink, or women to like blue or black. That's what rankles.

    Also, BECAUSE IT COST A DOLLAR MORE (when compared to other bic cristal products of similar ink color and line mm thickness). Just like any of the "for her" razors. --And that's why I shave my legs with "men's" razors. I'm not paying a dollar or more extra for a product that is geared towards women that's the EXACT same product except for color or grip width because manufacturers know that women are more likely to pay more for specialty goods. Like this product is "specially formulated" for some sort of female pen "quick fix." Is it because of diet, cleaning or other "shortcut" "quick fix" marketing they've been doing towards women for the past umpteen hundred years?

    If it's about grip width, then just say, for "smaller hands" or "now with narrower grip" or something...anyhow. I need to go lay down, all this thinking has given me "the vapors."
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I'm not ashamed to say that I love pink and I'm totally sucked in by anything girlie. Oh nooooes, I just set feminism back elebenty bajillion years :laugh: