What would you do . . . .



  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Why would you wear a dress at an auto parts store? Thats like wearing pants made of red meat ina Lion's Den.

    Even a lion is trainable.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    Why would you wear a dress at an auto parts store? Thats like wearing pants made of red meat ina Lion's Den.

    Even a lion is trainable.

  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 648 Member
    Op weighing, again!
    Why would you wear a dress at an auto parts store? Thats like wearing pants made of red meat ina Lion's Den.

    I seriously thought this response was very funny! It seems that there are a few women here, that think my response was wrong. This guy is a customer, I cannot be rude to him and lose a customer. That just isn't done in this line of work. However, for the women who think I give "women" a bad name, because of my topic or my response or whatever, PLEASE, tell me what you would have done, that would make it all okay, and not make men hate "all women" - Because, I sure don't want to be one of THOSE women, that would cause such a dilemma! Horrible, stinky prude, that I am!!

    It seems a little strange, that most of the men are okay with my response. Go figure!! Not all men are like this particular guy, thank goodness.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I would have have given him a very confused look, , then look surprised and say, "Ohhhh! I had no idea you were TV! All this time I thought you were straight! I'm so sorry, I hope that doesn't offend you! You know, I do have this one dress that isn't my style, but would look SO PRETTY on you. You can have it, I'll be sure to bring it in tomorrow." And every time you see him, make sure you say something like "we should totally go shopping together, you would be the best shopping buddy" or "I saw this Steve Madden catalog, and thought of you; I circled these wedges that are SO YOU!"

    **This will only work if you have him convinced that you ACTUALLY think he is a legitimate transvestite. He will either get really offended, and leave you alone, or he will get super embarrassed, and leave you alone. Either way, you win. :)
  • missa526
    missa526 Posts: 103 Member
    I worked at Wendy's the fast food chain and I leared early on that men can be crude and tasteless, luckily for me I have a sese of humor and would through it right back at them. WAY TO GO!! I believe I would have said something similar to your words. Jokes are jokes comment are coments and that's why I normally avoid message boards at all costs. There's always someone correcting your grammer, telling you you're wrong or trying to take the fun out of a hilarious story. Don't you wish the political activist police would chill out for a day and let everyone feel free to post what they want here? anyways WAY off subject. LOved the story, only way to make it better is to say that the man was really hairy LOL
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Errrrr has anyone heard of Sexual harassment? It doesn't matter that its an auto parts store. He is a fellow employee who is saying things to another employee that he shouldn't. Contact the HR office if they have one. Its not right.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    OP weighing in:

    IS THERE ONE PERSON here that can honestly say that someone has NEVER given you a remark, that made you want to sucker punch their *kitten* clear into next week? Because if you say "NO" you are lying!!

    I do not wear very much makeup and I do not dress in anything that could be considered provocative, I hardly ever come out of my office - except to leave!! I do not ask, nor do I care for any response from any man - PEROID. . . .

    On that day, last week, I was wearing a dress because I had just came from my uncles' funeral!

    I can honestly say that I frequently have the (tightly controlled) urge to punch people, that these people are frequently people with whom I work, and sometimes people I've met on line.... and I'm very sorry about the loss of your uncle.

    On top of the funeral, to face jerky comments, both in person and online, rather than garnering a bunch of funny "I wish I'd said" statements, is probably not doing much to improve your overall sense of people. (this thread certainly showed me a whole new level of rude on mfp....I'm probably over empathizing with your position, and for assuming it struck you the way it struck me, I apologize.)
  • falcon367
    I usually tend to stay away from these drama filled threads, but for what it's worth ... and it's just my opinion along with 29 yrs of working around and with women .... women say and do the same things as men. Some are just as crude or sexual in nature as men because they know men won't b*tch and complain. Don't kid yourself by thinking they don't. Sure not all women do, just like not all men. But for the most part, flirting (which essentially is what he was doing, whether in a crude way or not) is part of human social behavior. Handle it however you feel comfortable doing so ... I usually just smile/laugh and walk away.
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    I would have flashed my *kitten* at him and said "I doubt it mate" :drinker:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I wouldn't really think anything of it...

    He's a dude with an ego who thought he was being funny.