Sixers Heading into the Holidays WK 6 (final week)



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    gooooddddd morninnnnn......

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY i feel old you are over 30......loves ya anyway. see you this afternoon.

    another busy day for me. have repair man coming around 10-11. going to get my new phone at 1. shanell and i are getting blackberry curves. verizon is having a sale today and their FREE. i really like free. best price around. so for free i will learn to love the roller ball. LOL. need to get laundry done, house picked up and all the other daily duties.
    bones are telling me today that i have worked them hard this week. i haven't worked out more than 2 days a week in months and i have worked out everyday this week, and they are letting me know today. so listening to them and resting them.

    glad to see ya amypyr.
    good luck tif on your test
    lauryn the stretching always lets me know i had a good workout.
    tamm are you feelin better?
    candy yea, she has had it rough, glad things have been good for her in the last few years.

    everyone else have a great day. need to get my paperwork done (balancing checkbook, looking over cell phone plans, etc.)

    back later
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANELL!!!!!:drinker:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    It usually takes about 30 days to change a habit. Not because you need 30 days. You could do it in 68 seconds if you could once you did it hold your vibration there, but you have to consciously make that decision. --- Abraham
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I did NOT get in my workout yesterday due to my three yr old grandson coming for the weekend, then company showing up and then husband getting in late blah-blah-blah! I should have done it at 5 a.m and been done with!!! So needless to say I went over on calories!!! I am getting in my full body routine today NO MATTER what!!!!!! I wish you all a good day and an even better weekend!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Cathy(chipper)....................SW 0 lbs / GW 0 lbs / CW 0 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lb
    Margaret (elephantmeg) ..SW 128.0 lbs / GW 123.0 lbs / CW 125. lbs / PROGRESS -3 lbs
    Maggie (magglett) .............SW 174.0 lbs / GW 169.0 lbs / CW 175.5 lbs / PROGRESS +1.5 lb
    Alison (ali258).....................SW 233.0 lbs / GW 224.0 lbs / CW 227.5 lbs / PROGRESS -5.5 lb
    Nicole (nicolee516)............SW 178.0 lbs / GW 170.0 lbs / CW 173.8 lbs / PROGRESS -4.2 lb
    Melanie(mello) ...................SW 306.0 lbs / GW 291.0 lbs / CW 290.0 lbs / PROGRESS -16 lbs
    Verda (vhuber).....................SW 150.2 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lbs
    Tammy (TERVIN) ...............SW 241.0 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 236.0 lbs / PROGRESS -5 lbs
    Susan (slightingscale).......SW 158.8 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 153.2 lbs / PROGRESS -5.6 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24)...........SW 153.4 lbs / GW 147.0 lbs / CW 151.1 lbs / PROGRESS -2.3 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW 145.0 lbs / GW 135.0 lbs / CW 146.4 lbs / PROGRESS +1.4 lbs
    Lorna (iftcheiaf)...................SW 143.4 lbs / GW 140.0 lbs / CW 140.6 lbs / PROGRESS - 2.8 lb
    Emmie (emmie110)..........SW 215.2 lbs / GW 205.0 lbs / CW 216.0 lbs / PROGRESS +0.8 lbs
    Rhonda (rmchan) ..............SW 194.5 lbs/ GW 182.5 lbs/ CW 190.0 lbs / PROGRESS -4.5 lbs
    T (datenshi) ........................SW 208.6 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 195.4 lbs / PROGRESS -13.2 lbs
    Amy (amypyr) ......................SW 151.8 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 155.6 lbs / PROGRESS +3.8 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)... SW 142.0 lbs / GW 135.0 lbs / CW 139.0 lbs / PROGRESS - 3lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)...SW 152.0 lbs / GW 148.0 lbs / CW 152.8 lbs / PROGRESS +0.8 lb

    Margaret (elephantmeg) ..SW 128.0 lbs / GW 123.0 lbs / CW 124.5 lbs / PROGRESS -3.5 lbs
    Kel(redneckwoman)...........SW 157.0lbs / GW 152.0 lbs / CW 154.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Leslie(pirategirl)..................SW 145.0lbs / GW 140.0 lbs / CW 145.0 lbs / PROGRESS +/-0.0lbs
    B (Its_B)................................SW 220.0 lbs / GW 180.0 lbs / CW 204.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Amy(PDXmomof2)..............SW 194.6 lbs / GW 186.6 lbs / CW 197.0 lbs / PROGRESS +2.4 lbs
    Erin(gogoleaner).................SW 161.0 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 159.8 lbs / PROGRESS -1.2 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)... SW 142.0 lbs / GW 135.0 lbs / CW 138.6 lbs / PROGRESS - 3lbs
    Jessica (raincloud)............SW 222.0 lbs / GW 210.0 lbs / CW 218.8 lbs / PROGRESS -3.2 lbs
    Nicole(Colie) ......................SW 212.0 lbs / GW 200.0 lbs / CW 206.0 lbs / PROGRESS -6 lbs
    Jenn (fairy28).......................SW 212.0 lbs / GW 200.0 lbs / CW 211.0 lbs / PROGRESS +/-0 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm)...........SW 196.5 lbs / GW 192.0 lbs / CW 194.5 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Sandy ...................................SW 234.5 lbs / GW 225.0 lbs / CW 234.5 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Patti (pattitricia85)...............SW 150.0 lbs / GW 144.0 lbs / CW 145.0 lbs / PROGRESS -5.0 lbs
    Jenn (fairy28).......................SW 212.0 lbs / GW 200.0 lbs / CW 211.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2 lb
    Shanell (nellienell12) .......SW 220.0 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 219.5 lbs / PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Marci (mdogg09)................SW 305.0 lbs / GW 263.0 lbs / CW 274.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1 lb
    Tami (tigersgirl)..................SW 231.0 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 231.0 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Brady(bradybrookes).........SW 185.0 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 185.0 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I think I've blown this challenge, but I'm accepting it with grace. I have gained 0.8lbs over the course of 6 weeks worth of fluctuations. My goal is to be back at my starting point by Tuesday, without loss or gain, and then working harder on our next challenge, focusing more.

    My biggest problem is that as I lose weight, I've become complacent. I get so many compliments at this weight -- even though my BMI is still unhealthy -- and I feel so much better, sitting at a size 10, sometimes even a size 8!!! So I'm getting lazy because this size is kinda nice.... even though I still need to lose another 15-20 lbs to be healthy and at my goal weight.

    My ultimate goal weight is 135, btw. I am 5'4''. My healthy 'range' is 118-145. I figure 135 is a good goal.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Just wanted to share something ... It was one year ago today that I had my last cigarette!!!

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Good for you Maggie! That's awesome!!!:bigsmile:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Just wanted to share something ... It was one year ago today that I had my last cigarette!!!


    I am so proud of you my friend!!!!!! You are so awesome. :flowerforyou:

    Take care,
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I just finished my test :-) It was difficult. Praying I did well :-) I think i did, and I always give my best! I'm back to my starting weight. and have been eating pretty healthy. I'm going to clean up today and read my nutrition books since I finally have a break from the school work!!!! YAY!

    Also, my goal is to get into 130's by new years! All of my clothes are fitting much looser! And I feel better AND I'm fighting off the Winter Blues! so that's always great!

    Have a happy Friday everyone!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    CONGRATS on 1 yr no smoking!!! thats wonderful!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Maggie - That's awesome! I've heard from many people that cigarettes are one of the hardest things to give up. Good for you!! :flowerforyou:

    Tiff - Good job on the weight loss!! :flowerforyou:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I just did my Friday "accountable" weigh in and it said 147 ! That means I lost since Tuesday's weigh in BUT I will have to starve to hit my 5 # loss by Tuesday which was to be 145 !!! Oh Lord this is HARD !!!!! I am going to try two workouts a day "JUST" to see if I can do it! I did a 45 minutes of my Insanity Series workout this morning and burned 460 cals! That is one of the toughest series I have ever done! This morning was cardio and this afternoon is weightlifting! I will post through the weekend to stay accountable! I wish you ALL success and a great weekend!!!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I just did my Friday "accountable" weigh in and it said 147 ! That means I lost since Tuesday's weigh in BUT I will have to starve to hit my 5 # loss by Tuesday which was to be 145 !!! Oh Lord this is HARD !!!!! I am going to try two workouts a day "JUST" to see if I can do it! I did a 45 minutes of my Insanity Series workout this morning and burned 460 cals! That is one of the toughest series I have ever done! This morning was cardio and this afternoon is weightlifting! I will post through the weekend to stay accountable! I wish you ALL success and a great weekend!!!!

    I love to read your updates. They are very inspiring especially when it comes to motivating to exercise. Awesome job and keep up the great work!!

    Take care,
  • pdxmomof2
    Hello all! I didnt weigh in this week. I am having a hard time right now in life. I wont get into much of it but to say that I stress eat and I thought getting on the scale would be a bad, bad idea.

    I am, however, going on a vacation the end of March 2010 for a friends 40th birthday. We are heading to Vegas. I have been so many times but it has been 5 yrs since our last trip. I am super excited and dont want to be 190 something when I go. That is for sure!. I have a little less than 4 months to lose as much as my body will allow.

    So, next challenge I have no choice but to hit it hard and not use the holidays or my bday as an excuse to cheat.

    Great job ladies! I hope to get super aqquainted with the new members that started this challenge and re-aqquainted with the older members of the group.

    We are heading to the beach tonight and tomorrow we are cutting firewood. We need it. We have a threat of snow in the PNW next week. I live in a old house with no insulation and old windows, 1926 to be exact. Love its charm but not so much in the winter months! Then Sunday we are going out to find our tree. Cant wait. I need something to put me in the Christmas spirit!

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    PDX, I'm sorry to hear about your stress. I hope things are better for you soon. Vegas is pretty amazing. Everyone should experience it, at some time in their life. My girls had a few soccer tournaments there, and at one time it really cleaned up its act on the strip (no card flickers, etc). Unfortunately, it's back to how it used to be. I'd like to vacation there with adults only (and I wouldn't have to censor everything). That would be fun. Have a great time! And I hope you reach your goal for the trip.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    OH MY GOODNESS ... I can't believe I drank the whole bottle ... French Blend Red by Magnotta ... mmmmmmmmm!!!!

    I guess I took the celebration a bit too far. Dang It!!

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS ... I can't believe I drank the whole bottle ... French Blend Red by Magnotta ... mmmmmmmmm!!!!

    I guess I took the celebration a bit too far. Dang It!!


    Is it good? Well obviously if you drank the WHOLE bottle, but tell me what it's like. I do not like dry wine but sorta sweet bubbly!! I am glad you liked it!!! Get the asprin out before the headache sets in!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I love to read your updates. They are very inspiring especially when it comes to motivating to exercise. Awesome job and keep up the great work!!

    Take care,
    YOU are inspiring, 61 pounds??? WOW you go girl! How much more till your goal? You are doing awesome so you WILL do it!!!!
    I actually LOVE to workout, it is portion that is my problem! But I must say it is much much better! Have a good weekend and post back that you DID get in a workout!!!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Susan- My sister Tiff, when she isn't busy can tell you more about the book bc she has actually finished it. Beck diet soln is about cognitive therapy to making your mind make conscious decisions. LOL.

    It teaches you to write down your reasons why you want to lose weight and to read them twice daily. Just so you don't forget
    Tells you to:

    Eat slowly
    Learn how hunger doesn't kill you
    Teaches you to defend the sabotaging thoughts like. Well its JUST ONE slice of cake when you should be thinking about your goals

    I love the book and I know its helping me. Im learning how powerful the mind is!!!

    PDX- we are here for you when you are ready. Miss you girlie

    Verda- You are doing well..... keep up the good work

    Well ladies.. Off to bed.
