TEAM FIT- December continued



  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    oh and dont worry Lmr, you'll get back on track and you will do great! just keep focused and when you think you might over eat, say to yourself, how will i feel after i eat this? thats what i always say to myself. i know if i eat something i probably shouldnt, i feel guilty for eating it afterwards.... i need some self control so that helps me to avoid eating something i shouldn't. but dont get discouraged, you're trying and thats what matters!!:glasses: :flowerforyou: Keep it up, you can do this!!:bigsmile:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    oh and dont worry Lmr, you'll get back on track and you will do great! just keep focused and when you think you might over eat, say to yourself, how will i feel after i eat this? thats what i always say to myself. i know if i eat something i probably shouldnt, i feel guilty for eating it afterwards.... i need some self control so that helps me to avoid eating something i shouldn't. but dont get discouraged, you're trying and thats what matters!!:glasses: :flowerforyou: Keep it up, you can do this!!:bigsmile:

    Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • DownSizin
    Good FRIDAY morning, TEAM! It's SNOWING here in ALVIN, TX !!!! woo hooooooo! Huge flurries mixed with rain. It's not sticking yet, but the temp is falling...schools are planning to close by noon and I'm hoping we can get out of here early today. :laugh:

    lmr - It's so easy to slip, but identifing things that have a direct impact on how you feel will help you get back on track. Exercise releases hormones that elevate your mood. When I don't eat right, I can tell physically; when I don't exercise, my mood is not as happy and I don't feel good. Today is your day - a fresh start - a new beginning. Start now! You CAN DO THIS!!! :happy: :smile: :wink: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Amm / Ariel - I am not a morning person either but the mornings are the only times I can work out. I have to force myself out of bed to go but I feel so much better when I do! :happy:

    Everyone have a wonderful Friday. Stay strong this weekend! :smile:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    BAD NEWS, team... I gained 4 lbs this week. :sad: I am VERY disappointed but not surprised. Turns out having a slice of apple pie or apple crisp with ice cream every day for a week will do that to a person. Also, I slacked a little in my workout earlier this week. Not a good combination.

    lmr9, I'm with you on the falling off the wagon thing. So it's back to the grind with new goals: lose those 4 lbs in 2 weeks by following my calorie goals CLOSELY and NO SLACKING on my workout. :angry:

    Today's (Fri) totals: 55 mins cardio, 3 glasses of water

    Anyone want to hold me accountable for my calories?? I'm going to start reporting them daily, along with cardio and glasses of water. I'll say something like "60 mins cardio, 4 glasses of water, +100 calories" which would mean I went 100 calories over my daily goal. If someone holds me accountable I think it will help. I will do the same for you if you want.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Friday - 0 exercise - 6 cups of water - went over my calories.

    amm - I'm with ya! I need someone to hold me accounable too. I think if I could just get off my lazy butt and get to the gym one time, I could break out of this funk. Ugg - I hate this! The holidays, mixed with this cold weather make me want to curl up on the couch. I hate the time change - the darkness so early really messes with me. My job has been stressful - I'm thinking about changing jobs - and possibly moving. I feel like I'm in such a time of change that it's kind of paralyzing. I'm blessing with having opportunities, but I'm not sure what I want to do. I just have to keep reminding myself to keep taking action - take one day at a time - and God will take care of the rest and lead me to where He wants me to be. Do you guys feel like things just snowball on you? I mean when I'm in a funk - it's with everything - over-eating, working out, flossing my teeth, reading my Bible, doing my nails, ironing my clothes, cleaning house - all the routine/maintenence things I want in my life seem so difficult to keep up. It's like I just freeze up. M-U-S-T B-R-E-A-K T-H-I-S C-Y-C-L-E!!!

    I need to quit whining and making excuses and JUST DO IT!!!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning everyone. Sorry I did not posted yesterday too much stuff going on at work. I have stuck to my exercise but I have slacked on logging calories because I don't have the time, but I am fairly certain I am still within the range.

    It sounds like everyone needs a little boost to keep going and hang in there. Remember that this is for the long haul and that we will all slip from time to time but that is no reason to continue slipping. Like most of you have said get back into your exercise, calories, water, etc. You can do this. I believe in each and every one of you. We have been at this for over 2 months and we have all seen progress and setups, but our progress has won over the set backs.

    The next 3 weeks are going to be tough for all of us. Try to exercise and keep the calories down and we will all get back into full swing weightloss in January. If you don't think that you can get the loss then shoot for the maintaining.

    Determine what you motivation is for the next 3 weeks. Focus on that. WE CAN DO THIS. :smile: I BELIEVE IN EACH OF YOU.:heart:

    My goal is to be 20 pounds lighter than I was last Christmas. So that everyone I haven't seen in a year will be shocked. I have 3 pounds to go and I am going to do this.

    What is your determination for the next 3 weeks?

    And yes amm and lmr we will hold you accountable for calories if that is what you want. We are here for you.

    Karen - happy you are enjoying the snow.
    Ariel - 45 min of exercise if nothing to frown on. Be positive about what you are doing.
    AMM - I didn't wake up early until I had my son. Exercise when it is best for you
    LMR - sorry you job is stressing you out. Take it one day at a time and yes everything will work out the way it should

    My husband's birthday is today so I need to run. But hang in there everyone. I will check in on Monday - hopefully
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Just raked for an hour and I'm pooped. 10 bags of leaves! That's my workout for today! :happy:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Saturday - 6 cups of water - 60 minutes of exercise - went over on the calories.
    Sunday - 10 cups of water (yes!) - 0 exercise - went over my calories by about 200-300. Not too bad. :tongue:

    I'm re-energized and re-motivated!! Thanks ladies!!! :flowerforyou:

    Workout clothes are ready and waiting for tomorrow's 5:30am trip to the gym. First time since November 17th.
    Dinners planned, entered in MFP, and shopping done for the week.

    I'm ready to get this going and make a good push until Christmas! Kim, I too want my family to see me lighter than last Christmas. My goal is to lose 4 pounds by Christmas. Let's go ladies!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Ok just got back from dinner for my husband's birthday. Anyone Top Chef fans. We are. We had a birthday dinner/new job dinner at Tom Collicho's CraftSteak at MGM. OH MY GOODNESS. That was an amazing dinner. I am totally stuffed. I have no idea how many calories I ate but that was the best steak and rissotto I have ever had. Plus they had homeade dinner rolls with butter and salt on top - heaven. I did exercise for 50 minutes today and I didn't go over the my calories the past few days so I think I should be ok. We will find out in the morning.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi everyone!!:smile:

    Hope you all had a nice weekend! Mine was good and the Cardinal's beat the crap out of the Vikings tonight!! WOOOO:laugh: :tongue:

    And on top of that, I lost 3 pounds this week!!!:love::flowerforyou: :glasses: :smile: I'm so happy!! I am only 7 pounds away from what I weighed in high school and 22 pounds from my goal now!! Thank god!!:glasses:

    I'm glad tomorrow is coming so I can get back into working out since I dont really do it much on the weekdnds! I want to have another week like last week and lose another 3 pounds! Then that will put me at 169!!! OMG I cant believe how close I am!!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for all your support guys!!:flowerforyou: I really dont know how I would have done it without you!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :smile:
  • DownSizin
    :flowerforyou: Good morning, TEAM FIT!
    Whew! What a weekend! Everything shut down early Friday afternoon due to the snow but Saturday was very hectic with concerts on the Strand in Galveston and a Christmas Parade (my son plays drums in the school band). I did some walking, & only drank 4 waters. Sunday I finished my indoor decorations (climbing stairs and a ladder) and drank about 4 bottles of water. I'm counting that as my exercise. Needless to say, I have not logged anything on the spreadsheet - this is my first time on the site since Friday. :embarassed:

    lmr & amm - Yes! We will hold you accountable for your cals + water + workouts. That's what we are here for - to help each other! You both can do this! This is the most difficult time to try to lose weight. Stay Focused. Eat healthy. Drink your water. DO something to get yourself off the couch! Walk, clean house, put on some music and dance!!! You will feel soooo much better! I believe in each of you!!!! :happy: :flowerforyou: :wink: :laugh: :smile: :bigsmile: IT'S A NEW DAY, LET'S GO!!!

    My goal this week: Drink water every day! Eat all cals + 1/2 exercise cals. Exercise everyday!

    Okay, Newbies...let us hear from you. How'd you do this week? :smile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Monday - 30 min workout

    Weigh in - maintained

    Got to run. Will try to chat later
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi everyone!!:smile:

    Hope you all had a nice weekend! Mine was good and the Cardinal's beat the crap out of the Vikings tonight!! WOOOO:laugh: :tongue:

    And on top of that, I lost 3 pounds this week!!!:love::flowerforyou: :glasses: :smile: I'm so happy!! I am only 7 pounds away from what I weighed in high school and 22 pounds from my goal now!! Thank god!!:glasses:

    I'm glad tomorrow is coming so I can get back into working out since I dont really do it much on the weekdnds! I want to have another week like last week and lose another 3 pounds! Then that will put me at 169!!! OMG I cant believe how close I am!!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for all your support guys!!:flowerforyou: I really dont know how I would have done it without you!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :smile:

    GREAT JOB GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy: :bigsmile:
  • DownSizin
    Hi everyone!!:smile:

    Hope you all had a nice weekend! Mine was good and the Cardinal's beat the crap out of the Vikings tonight!! WOOOO:laugh: :tongue:

    And on top of that, I lost 3 pounds this week!!!:love::flowerforyou: :glasses: :smile: I'm so happy!! I am only 7 pounds away from what I weighed in high school and 22 pounds from my goal now!! Thank god!!:glasses:

    I'm glad tomorrow is coming so I can get back into working out since I dont really do it much on the weekdnds! I want to have another week like last week and lose another 3 pounds! Then that will put me at 169!!! OMG I cant believe how close I am!!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for all your support guys!!:flowerforyou: I really dont know how I would have done it without you!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :smile:

    CONGRATS ON 3 LBS!!!! FANTASTIC! Keep it up! :laugh: :smile: :wink: :heart: :love: :flowerforyou: :tongue: :happy: :bigsmile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    thanks guys!!:flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Monday - 8 cups of water - 0 exercise - stayed within my calories!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi team!!:flowerforyou:

    Hope you all had a nice Monday evening! It rained here yesterday which was nice. It hardly rain's ever so its always welcome here!!:laugh:
    Well i only got in 45 mins of exercise yesterday. I think I am kind of being lazy because i saw that i only exercised for 70 mins 1 time last week and still lost 3 pounds. So i think its made me feel like i dont need to exercise as much as i thought, but i dont want to think that way. I want to think "if i dont do this, its not gonna happen". so i'm a little irritated at myself. so i'm going to make sure i do it twice tonight. At least i recognize that and i am trying to make changes. i really want to get below 170 so i need to be good this week and try harder!!:glasses:

    Yesterday: 45 mins of exercise and 9 glasses of water
    today: 70 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water

    I hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :glasses: :smile:

    RIP Dimebag Darrel (12/4/04) 5 years ago today!! :sad: :frown:
  • DownSizin
    :smile: Morning, TEAM! How's everyone? It was rainy and dreary here yesterday and supposed to rain again today. :sad: I'll take snow over the rain anyday! :happy:

    Monday - 8 water, 0 exercise, didn't eat all my cals...:frown:

    lmr - Let's both get some exercise in tonight or tomorrow, okay? You're doing great with the water and staying within the cals. I couldn't go yesterday, but I don't want to get into a slump with the exercise. Come on, I'm holding you accountable. You can do it! :flowerforyou:

    Ariel - It's so great that you can identify where you need change and go for it!!! I'm proud of you!!! 48 pounds!!! That's awesome!!:flowerforyou: :happy:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Morning team!!:flowerforyou:

    Hope you all had a nice tuesday yesterday. I was bad again and only got in 45 mins of exercise. I know why i've been like this now.... my sister has been exercising with me everyday since last monday and after we do the dvd once we hang out pretty much all night (we've been hung up on the new mario bros wii game, its so much fun to play 4 people at once!! :happy: ) and so since she's been there and we've been playing the game, i guess i either forget to exercise again or i'm just like, ehh i dont want to. so i gotta make sure i do it for the rest of the week!!:indifferent:

    Yesterday: 45 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water
    today: 70 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water.

    I took my measurements also and I didn't lose any in my arms or my neck or waist but i did lose on my hips! which is always a good thing! i can't remmeber now if i lost 1 or 2 inches, but either one is awesome!!:happy: :bigsmile:

    So be strong today and the rest of the week, and just remember, you CAN do this, and you WILL do this!!:drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning everyone.

    This new job has got me running, sorry I haven't checked in.

    I have been exercising each morning:
    Wednesday - 20 min
    Tuesday - 35 min
    Monday - 40 min + 20 min walk

    I have not been doing very well with calories - under eating. I just don't have time to get in the snacks during the day. I have not been that great with my water either - which is weird for me. I am hoping I will settle into a pattern soon, but it may not happen until after the new year. At least I am still getting in my morning workout.

    Sounds like everyone is hanging in.

    Ariel - remember some exercise is better then no exercise and spending time with your sister is just as important.
    lmr - wonderful news on your calories and water. you are doing great. You and Karen need to challenge each other to some workouts.
    Karen - sounds like the weather is messing with you. You are doing great on your water. You and lmr work on the workouts and you and I can work on our calories :smile: deal

    Hopefully I will be able to check in tomorrow.