TEAM FIT- December continued



  • DownSizin
    Hi all,
    I have been swamped both at home and at work!!! I've been helping my son study - he has some major catching up to do with daily grades with finals next week. At work it's like the 8 month slump is gone! I'm so busy, I didn't eat lunch today until 2pm today! Not good! I am drinking my water, though.

    No workouts this week - been getting my son to school early for 'helps' class that starts at 7:30. Going to the gym 1/2 hour earlier is so hard after staying up late studying. I've got to get it together, though! I was making such good progress.

    Kim - Deal!
    lmr - Let's do it!

    Gotta run...hope everyone has a great day. Stay strong! I've got to try to do something tonight - walk, anything!!! :smile:

    I'm wondering if the time of year / weather is messing with all of us!!! : (
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    HI team!:ohwell:

    so i think i'm getting sick. i stayed home from work today. my nose is plugged and my throat is all weird feeling. yesterday it felt like my nose was draining into the area that you can't get to and it was driving me crazy, then i wake up this morning and am all yucky.:frown: but so far i've got in 45 mins of exercise. i dont care if i'm getting sick, if its not stoping me from doing it then i'm going to do it. my sister is coming over when she gets off of work so i'll get in my 70 mins for today. which is good. i'll have to do it again tomorrow and some on saturday to get in all the exercise i need for the week according to mfp, but thats okay, i dont mind doing some on saturdays.

    yesterday: 45 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water
    today: 70 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water.

    hope you all have a better day then me! lol:laugh:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Ariel - if you are sick take time to get better or you will get worse. Working out can get you out of the funk feeling but too much will not help. take care of yourself.

    Karen - I feel your pain with work. Hang in there, the holidays are right around the corner

    So I got in the correct calories today - yeah, but I didn't exercise - which is probably why I got in the correct calories.

    I updated my picture. That was taken last weekend. If you go to my photos you can see a very similar picture taken last year same time. That is the exact same shirt in both pictures - did that on purpose. Wanted to see if you could see the change. I think my arms are greatly improved.

    Hope everyone has a Happy Friday. I will check in when I can tomorrow or this weekend.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi team!:flowerforyou:

    So I feel better today but my nose is runny :ohwell: At least my throat isn't sore. I did get in 70 mins of exercise yesterday though!! So I'm happy about that. I wont be able to tonight though, a friend of my boyfriends was murdered and his wake is tonight at 5pm. :cry: The whole situation is really sad, and I cant believe there are people in this world that could do something like this to another human being. It makes me sick. :mad: So I'm going to try to get in 45 mins today and then I'll have to do the other 25 tomorrow.

    yesterday: 70 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water.
    today: 45 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water

    Hope you all have a nice Friday!!!:glasses: :flowerforyou: keep up the good work!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Ariel - if you are sick take time to get better or you will get worse. Working out can get you out of the funk feeling but too much will not help. take care of yourself.

    Karen - I feel your pain with work. Hang in there, the holidays are right around the corner

    So I got in the correct calories today - yeah, but I didn't exercise - which is probably why I got in the correct calories.

    I updated my picture. That was taken last weekend. If you go to my photos you can see a very similar picture taken last year same time. That is the exact same shirt in both pictures - did that on purpose. Wanted to see if you could see the change. I think my arms are greatly improved.

    Hope everyone has a Happy Friday. I will check in when I can tomorrow or this weekend.

    WOW Kim!! you can totally see the difference!! Way to go!!! Thats awesome!!:flowerforyou: :glasses: :bigsmile: You look wonderful!!
  • DownSizin
    :smile: Morning TEAM!!!

    Ariel - I am so sorry to hear about your boyfriend's friend. You are so right - it's awful to think someone could take another life. :mad: :cry:
    You are doing amazing on your exercise and your will power and focus shows so strongly thru your posts. Keep it up! I"m proud of you!!!!

    Kim - :happy: :laugh: :wink: :smile: :tongue: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: You look GREAT! I noticed right away - before even reading it in your post or checking your photos. Good idea to wear the same shirt for comparison!

    lmr - Where are you? You doing okay? How are the workouts? :flowerforyou:
    amm - How are you doing? We didn't lose you, did we? We are missing you! :sad: are you doing with your goals?

    Me: Calories are going great! Water is okay (averaging 4-5 daily). No workouts all week. :sad: I won't be able to get back into it until Monday. My son qualified to go to AOK State Championships and we are heading to Austin today for the weekend. He's ranked 2nd in sparring against his best friend, so I'm anxious about that. He's ranked 3rd in Kata, and the competition is stiff there. Wish us luck! :flowerforyou:

    HANG IN THERE GROUP! :happy:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi everybody! I haven't been to the gym, but will try, I promise! I weighed myself this morning and I didn't gain and didn't lose - same as last week........YESSSSSSSS!!! :bigsmile:

    Have a good weekend everybody!!
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Hey, just wanted to tell you all that I am not completely quitting. (I got a really nice message from DownSizin and wanted to respond to everyone.) I guess I am just taking a little time off from the gym. I feel like I've wasted the last 10 weeks going to the gym 5 days a week, because I have only been able to lose and keep off 3 lbs total. For the past week I've been doing yoga, I'm still watching what I eat and trying to drink just as much water as I have been. I know when I go home for Christmas (Dec. 23-31) that it's going to be difficult to count calories, and I know I won't be able to get to the gym during that time (but I will take my yoga DVD with me), so I am just going to take time off from the gym until January 1. Getting back into it is my New Years Resolution!! lol

    This probably isn't the right attitude to have... I just feel defeated and I think I need a break to re-motivate myself. I think getting to see my friends and family back home will recharge me... I haven't seen them since mid-September!

    In other random news, my husband and I are road trippin' this weekend to see METALLICA in San Jose, CA!!! We are totally stoked even though it's an 8-hour drive from where we live!

    Kimberly - you look FANTASTIC!!! Way to go!!!
    Ariel - I am very sorry to hear about your boyfriend's friend. Death is soooo hard. I'll be praying for you guys.
    DownSizin - thank you for the message!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    thanks guys!:cry: i dont want to bring you all down but the way he was killed is that reason its so sad. he got beat up to the point that he couldn;t move, then they put him in a box and he starved to death in a river bed. its sick. and it breaks my heart because he was really close with his brother and i'm really close to my sister so i just keep thinking of his poor brother. i dont know what i would do if something like that happened to my sister, i can only imagine the pain his brother is going through. and now on top of that i find out today that i'm not going to be paid for christmas or new years!! i hate my job. hey're cheap *kitten* who will do anything to keep a buck in their pocket. i've been here 2 years and still haven't gotten the .50 cent raise i was promised after my 90 days. theres no room for advancement and i am never going to get a raise. no one has gotten a raise since the cheap basterd who bought our company come on. its been 3 years! i am so sick of this cheap *kitten*! also i have to take a mandatory week off from christmas eve to jan 4th. without pay. i can use my pto, but if i use it then it only leaves me with 4 days the rest of the year! total CRAP!! today is not a very good day.......:grumble:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi guys,
    i'm sorry i posted that last post. i want to delete it to bad but i dont know how to. i dont know why i told you. its so sad, no one wants to hear about that stuff. so i am so sorry.:embarassed: :frown:

    but for better news, i lost 2 pounds last week!! bringing me to tal pounds lost= 50!!!! I cant believe it!:bigsmile: :glasses: :noway:
    Only 20 pounds from my goal and 6 pounds for what i weighed when i was a senior in high school!!! I went and bought a new pair of pants because the ones i had were sooo baggy on me! i grabbed a few 14's and i looked for 13's but i didnt see any i liked. while i was about to go to the fitting room, i saw a pair i liked and they were a 12, but i thought "why not?" so i grabbed them. I went and tired on all the pants and what do you know? THE 12'S FIT!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :love: :noway: :laugh: I was SHOCKED! I haven't been able to fit into a size 12 in almost 5 years!!!! I can't believe how far i've come! and i can't wait to see the end results! if i think i'm looking good now, then i'm going to be amazed by the end!! I want to take some pics, but i think i might wait until the last 20 are gone.:wink:

    i hope you guys had a great weekend and i'm hoping some of you can say the same (lbs wise)! BYE!!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    weighed in this morning and I lost another 1 lb so I am down to 132. Two pounds to go for my first goal. Not sure if I will make it but it feels great to be this close.

    Ariel - it sounds like you have a lot going on. Take a few deep breaths and hang in there. Your weight loss is going great. A Size 12 WAY TO GO :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :drinker: :smile: :happy:

    AMM - yoga is a great thing to do when you need to regroup. Get through the holidays and enjoy your family. Come back in the New Year with some new energy

    LMR - no change is great. Let us know how the workouts go

    Karen - you are doing a great job or motivation and support. thank you for that. Hope you had a great weekend in Austin and that your son did well in the Championship. Let us know how the exercise went this morning - if you weren't too tired from the roadtrip
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    thanks Kim!! I am really excited! If I can continue to lose 2 pounds a week, then I will be to my goal of 150 by the 21st of February!!:bigsmile: :drinker: Which would be amazing!! I want to be able to wear a bikini this summer!! :happy: My dad is giving me money for xmas, so I am going to use some of that to buy new clothes! I need new clothes bad now!!:laugh: i can't believe i like to shop again! when things fit, it makes all the difference in the world!!:glasses: I hope you all have a great Monday! Hang in there this week and be strong!!:flowerforyou: :wink: :happy: :drinker:
  • DownSizin
    :bigsmile: HI TEAM!
    Wow! Ariel - A BIG 5-0 in total weight loss! FANTASTIC!!! I am so happy for you!
    I was sad to read your last post. I just cannot imagine something like that happening to a loved one. I'll keep you both in my prayers.
    If you want to change a post, there's an 'edit' function at the bottom of the posted window right after you first post it. I've edited almost all of mine to correct spelling, etc. You cannot completely erase a post, though.

    lmr - Keep it up!! Maintaining is great, especially during the Holidays and with Christmas right around the corner!
    Kim - Way to go!! Congrats on your loss - that's wonderful!!!
    Amm - We understand. It's easy to get down about the time invested when you don't see a loss. Seeing family soon will do wonders to re-energize you. We'll see you back here, okay???

    Me - I did great on the water this weekend; great on the cals, but I did not weigh. The only workout I had was walking 5 blks to the convention center twice a day, then walking up the stairs to the very top where we were seated. But, I wasn't breathless when I got to the top, so that counts for something!
    My son did really good! He had to spar in 5 matches, one right after another, only 1 minute of rest between each match. He lost to his 5th opponent, so he took 3rd place in State for sparring. My birthday was yesterday, and I cheated with a Fuddrucker's cheeseburger and onion rings. YUM! No dessert, though.
    I didn't work out this morning - too tired from the weekend, but I'm up for it in the morning!

    I'm sorry I haven't updated the spread...I've just been too busy with everything else going on. Maybe after Christmas, I can get back to it. It was helping ME to update it because I saw all your amazing results and that motivated me! Thanks, guys!!! :wink:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    I wasn't keeping track of my calories this weekend, but my husband and I walked at least 4 miles on Saturday. We were in San Jose for a Metallica concert (which is where my pic was taken!) and we went to a museum a couple hours before the concert started. It was only 2 miles from our hotel, so we decided to walk. And of course, it rained all the way to the museum and all the way back. Luckily I was wearing a raincoat but my jeans, shoes and socks were SOAKED!!! That's okay though, it was really good exercise... I can STILL feel it in my calves! I think I need to walk more often.

    Ariel - you are doing fabulously!! I'm jealous. :wink: And it's okay to talk about your friend that died. I know it helps to talk about it. When I was a senior in high school, my best friend died in a car accident and I would talk about it to anyone who would listen. It helped me so much.

    Kimberly - way to go!! You're so close to your first goal!! I'm jealous of you too! :wink:

    DownSizin - you walked quite a ways this weekend too! Generally 6 or 7 blocks = half a mile. And walking up the stairs is great exercise... that's why companies make StairMasters! lol

    lmr9 - maintaining is good. I wish I could say the same. :grumble:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    I wasn't keeping track of my calories this weekend, but my husband and I walked at least 4 miles on Saturday. We were in San Jose for a Metallica concert (which is where my pic was taken!) and we went to a museum a couple hours before the concert started. It was only 2 miles from our hotel, so we decided to walk. And of course, it rained all the way to the museum and all the way back. Luckily I was wearing a raincoat but my jeans, shoes and socks were SOAKED!!! That's okay though, it was really good exercise... I can STILL feel it in my calves! I think I need to walk more often.

    Ariel - you are doing fabulously!! I'm jealous. :wink: And it's okay to talk about your friend that died. I know it helps to talk about it. When I was a senior in high school, my best friend died in a car accident and I would talk about it to anyone who would listen. It helped me so much.

    Kimberly - way to go!! You're so close to your first goal!! I'm jealous of you too! :wink:

    DownSizin - you walked quite a ways this weekend too! Generally 6 or 7 blocks = half a mile. And walking up the stairs is great exercise... that's why companies make StairMasters! lol

    lmr9 - maintaining is good. I wish I could say the same. :grumble:

    Thanks AAM!! :flowerforyou: Well I am jealous you saw Metallica! I saw them last year in October when they came here to AZ with a band named Down, and I saw them in 2004 with Godsmack too! I love seeing Metallica! I bet you guys had a great time!!

    Yesterday: 45 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water
    today: i want to get in 70 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water.

    I figure that since last week I pretty much only worked out half as much as I normally do and still lost 2 pounds, if i had been working out that extra time, maybe i could have lost 3? :wink: So I'm going to push myself this week for sure! especially since next week is Christmas!! :noway:

    Keep it up everyone! You all are doing wonderful!! Can you believe Christmas is only 10 days from now!? MAN this year has just flown by!:ohwell: :noway:
  • DownSizin
    :smile: Good afternoon, TEAM!
    Thanks, Amm. Love the new pic!

    My water intake is still good. I feel like I'm in a rut with the exercising. I need to get back into the exercise mode quickly!! I don't want to gain any of the 7lbs back!!!

    Everyone have a great day and stay strong! I can't believe there are 10 days until Christmas, either, Ariel! :noway: :noway: This year HAS FLOWN!! :frown:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Mornin' Team!!:flowerforyou: :happy:

    Hope you are having a great Wednesday morning so far!! :drinker: I'm drinking my morning coffee (mmmmm i cant go without it!! i love coffee!!) and eating a nutri-grain bar!! YUM!:happy:

    Karen- dont worry!! I know you will get back into things, sometimes we need to take a little break! I think thats one reason why i havent been exercising for a 2nd time at night. I'm burned out on it!! lol. But after a while, i know you will be itching to get back to it!! And as long as youre eating good and drinking your water, i dont think you will gain back any of the weight you've lost so far. Keep your head up!!:flowerforyou: :glasses: :bigsmile:

    yesterday: 45 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water
    today: i'm going for 70 again! And I WILL do it tonight! I've just been so lazy. my sister is still coming over, which is good i like hanging out with her, shes my best friend, but it makes me lazy. and then before i know it, its 11 o'clock! So I have to be like i'm doing it tonight weather you're here or not!! and i will tell her to make me do it! maybe she will do it with me twice. but knowing her she wont. :laugh:

    Well the week is half way through, thank god!!:wink: I hope you all have a great day!! Be strong!!

    btw- did anyone watch the Cardinals and 49er's game on Sunday!?!?!? OMG!!! we're self destructing!! not good since there's only 3 games left in the season!! And if the 49er's can win every game from here on out, we will need to win every game! because if we lose 1 and win the other 2 and they win all 3, then we will be tied for the division and it will go to the 49er's since they've beaten us twice!!!:grumble: :noway: Sorry, i like football. haha :laugh: GO CARDINALS!!!!:bigsmile: :blushing:
  • DownSizin
    Mornin' Team!!:flowerforyou: :happy:

    Hope you are having a great Wednesday morning so far!! :drinker: I'm drinking my morning coffee (mmmmm i cant go without it!! i love coffee!!) and eating a nutri-grain bar!! YUM!:happy:

    Karen- dont worry!! I know you will get back into things, sometimes we need to take a little break! I think thats one reason why i havent been exercising for a 2nd time at night. I'm burned out on it!! lol. But after a while, i know you will be itching to get back to it!! And as long as youre eating good and drinking your water, i dont think you will gain back any of the weight you've lost so far. Keep your head up!!:flowerforyou: :glasses: :bigsmile:

    yesterday: 45 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water
    today: i'm going for 70 again! And I WILL do it tonight! I've just been so lazy. my sister is still coming over, which is good i like hanging out with her, shes my best friend, but it makes me lazy. and then before i know it, its 11 o'clock! So I have to be like i'm doing it tonight weather you're here or not!! and i will tell her to make me do it! maybe she will do it with me twice. but knowing her she wont. :laugh:

    Well the week is half way through, thank god!!:wink: I hope you all have a great day!! Be strong!!

    btw- did anyone watch the Cardinals and 49er's game on Sunday!?!?!? OMG!!! we're self destructing!! not good since there's only 3 games left in the season!! And if the 49er's can win every game from here on out, we will need to win every game! because if we lose 1 and win the other 2 and they win all 3, then we will be tied for the division and it will go to the 49er's since they've beaten us twice!!!:grumble: :noway: Sorry, i like football. haha :laugh: GO CARDINALS!!!!:bigsmile: :blushing:

    Thanks, Ariel! I appreciate the encouragement.
    Yes!!! I watched part of the game on one of Fuddruckers' big screens. LOL. We were pulling for the Cards! We pulled four tables together so me, my daughter, my son and hubby could all see the game. It was exciting from what I saw! We didn't get to see the whole thing...missed the end. : (

    No exercise this morning. Brrrr, it's cold outside today - 48 when I left for work this morning! Drinking my water and trying to stay within the calories. I have a 'birthday lunch' to go to today. My boss is taking our group for my birthday. I'll try to get something healthy. I told him no cake! :smile:

    Everyone have a great day!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Mornin' Team!!:flowerforyou: :happy:

    Hope you are having a great Wednesday morning so far!! :drinker: I'm drinking my morning coffee (mmmmm i cant go without it!! i love coffee!!) and eating a nutri-grain bar!! YUM!:happy:

    Karen- dont worry!! I know you will get back into things, sometimes we need to take a little break! I think thats one reason why i havent been exercising for a 2nd time at night. I'm burned out on it!! lol. But after a while, i know you will be itching to get back to it!! And as long as youre eating good and drinking your water, i dont think you will gain back any of the weight you've lost so far. Keep your head up!!:flowerforyou: :glasses: :bigsmile:

    yesterday: 45 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water
    today: i'm going for 70 again! And I WILL do it tonight! I've just been so lazy. my sister is still coming over, which is good i like hanging out with her, shes my best friend, but it makes me lazy. and then before i know it, its 11 o'clock! So I have to be like i'm doing it tonight weather you're here or not!! and i will tell her to make me do it! maybe she will do it with me twice. but knowing her she wont. :laugh:

    Well the week is half way through, thank god!!:wink: I hope you all have a great day!! Be strong!!

    btw- did anyone watch the Cardinals and 49er's game on Sunday!?!?!? OMG!!! we're self destructing!! not good since there's only 3 games left in the season!! And if the 49er's can win every game from here on out, we will need to win every game! because if we lose 1 and win the other 2 and they win all 3, then we will be tied for the division and it will go to the 49er's since they've beaten us twice!!!:grumble: :noway: Sorry, i like football. haha :laugh: GO CARDINALS!!!!:bigsmile: :blushing:

    Thanks, Ariel! I appreciate the encouragement.
    Yes!!! I watched part of the game on one of Fuddruckers' big screens. LOL. We were pulling for the Cards! We pulled four tables together so me, my daughter, my son and hubby could all see the game. It was exciting from what I saw! We didn't get to see the whole thing...missed the end. : (

    No exercise this morning. Brrrr, it's cold outside today - 48 when I left for work this morning! Drinking my water and trying to stay within the calories. I have a 'birthday lunch' to go to today. My boss is taking our group for my birthday. I'll try to get something healthy. I told him no cake! :smile:

    Everyone have a great day!

    Dont worry, the end of the game SUCKED!!! haha we finally got a touch down and would have been 1 touch down behind with 10 mins left in the 4th quarter. totally do-able for the Cards! But NOOOOOO, he had to miss the extra point kick! so then we were down by 8. after they missed the extra point, i went home. hahaha. i think they were too anxious to win that game and they didnt take the time they needed. hopefully they can pull it together and win the next 3 so we go to the play off's again! and then maybe the super bowl again! because they should have won the super bowl! but just like the 49er's game, we did it to ourselves.... if only hightower can stop fumbling the ball!!!:grumble:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    oh and I'm so sorry!! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!:flowerforyou: :glasses: :happy: :drinker: :bigsmile: