Why do people get mad at me for trying to be healthy?!?!



  • tmfrater77
    tmfrater77 Posts: 26 Member
    I just try to surround myself with like minded friends who share my drive to be healthy and love for fitness. It makes it a little bit easier to maintain the lifestyle I have chosen for myself. The main goal for me is to be healthy and that's all that matters. If other people don't like it, tough luck!
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    i don't know what peoples problems are, and i personally think everyone should try to be healthier and not that you should push it down their throats or anything, but maybe one of those things you post could inspire someone else to get healthier also... i get tired of hearing, your thin why do u need to exercise, why do u need to watch what you eat... um, everyone, fat, thin, whatever needs exercise and healthy food, you can be "skinny" and still be unhealthy, God knows when I was a teenage, I was the definition of skinny-fat, I could (and did) eat whatever I wanted and was skinny, really skinny, but my diet consisted of fast food and junk food and zero exercise, so i was definately NOT healthy. and it seems that its usually the ones that should be more concerned with their health that don't want you to be, i think its a defense mechanism becuase they know they need to get in shape too, so it makes them feel better to rant on you. think i just had a small rant of my own.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    Another similar one...


  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    AS the old saying goes, "misery loves company."
  • Yep, I always get that, it doesnt matter what you eat, or i am wasting my time trying to eat healthy. I get the what the hello are you eating all the time. I think its just people see that you are serious about being healthy and they are jealous. Its hard especially when I am munching on my celery and they are having pizza and what not. .
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Here's the thing. As excited as I was for my relative's wedding, I got tired of seeing posts about it every single day. Same for people who post political stuff every day. Or cat pictures. Or baby pictures. Or weight loss updates. It's not that I don't want to hear about it or see pictures; I just don't want to see it *every day*.

    Picture life without Facebook. Would you call, email, or text someone a daily update about your weight loss, wedding, cats, baby, or politics? Of course not. You'd go crazy if someone did the same thing to you too. Those of us who remember life before Facebook treat it like a phone call instead of assuming our friends care about what we're doing every hour or every day.

    There's something to be said for fewer updates. If a friend of mine posted her weight loss every day, I would be proud, but I probably wouldn't notice/care after a while because of the overload of posts. If she posted her weigh-in once per week, then sure, I'd be right there clapping and cheering. It's more about information overload than anything else.

    When people have 200-300 people in their news feed, they have to filter some of it. It would take me DAYS to catch up on just 12 hours of activity if I kept everyone in my news feed. It doesn't mean I don't love them or care about them; they simply overwhelm me with daily information about everything in their life, and it's much easier for me to visit their page once per week to see how they're doing (this goes back to the phone call analogy).

    As far as saying something like, "I'm not going to eat Chick-Fil-A because it's fattening and bad for me," that comes off kind of preachy and sanctimonius, even though that isn't your intent. If someone was talking about their wedding colors and you said, "I don't like the color red. It's too harsh," you can imagine how they could take that as an attack on their choice. That may not have been your intent, since you're just talking about your personal preference, but it can kill a conversation because it can *sound* passive-aggressive.

    When someone asks if I want to go to McDonald's, I just say, "Nah, I don't like fast food," not, "No way. I'd never eat there. Their food is processed, fatty junk." I don't see it as an "opportunity to educate them" as others have mentioned because I KNOW they know it's processed, fatty junk. So what? It's their body. They can do what they want with it. I liken this to "educating" people about religion or any other personal preference. You're just bugging them and being snotty. (Not you, OP, the others who take that stance.) If someone ASKED me for nutrition advice, then of course I'd share some tips with them, but I cannot stand it when people offer unsolicited advice.

    I do think it's horrible that they tease you for ordering a salad and say they shouldn't have invited you. Those are not real friends. Your real friends will want to spend time with you no matter what you are eating or not eating. They would even take it a step further to make sure you were accommodated (I would never bring my vegetarian friends to a steak house or my low-carb friends to Noodles & Co).
  • Breeoxd
    I would, personally, say something like "it's ok, I have plenty of food in and will make my own sandwich" rather than making a comment about fat content etc in the food that they are choosing to eat.
    When we are eating healthily / dieting etc it is very easy for us to say what we think out loud rather than thinking before we speak.
    I know I have been in the past!

    Not to the OP but to the lady that said her friends / family are concerned thinking that they she is getting obsessed... Maybe they are genuinely concerned that you appear to be losing too much weight? Just an idea. It may not be true but sometimes, again when we are in a strict routine of what we eat and do, it is easy to not see what others see.

    Thats a nice balanced approach I think. More flies with honey, as they say :)
  • Kali_Dreams
    Is anyone else having this issue? I have been posting a few inspirational weight loss/health/fitness pictures on my facebook page here and I sometimes write about my workout experiences. I had a friend (she's overweight btw) actually unsubscribe from my posts because of it. I could understand if I was constantly spamming them but I usually only post about once a day on facebook. She said the posts were "annoying" and "We all know you're trying to get healthy and all. Good for you but I don't want to hear about it." WHAT? You're ok with everyone else's 20 posts about their drama with their bf, endless pictures of cats and ridiculous amounts of political graphics but you don't want to see my ONE post a day about being healthy?!?! Also, my sister (she is overweight too) and I were discussing the whole ChikFilA thing and I said "Well, I wasn't going to go there anyway because I'd rather make my own chicken sandwich instead of eating one with a ridiculous fat content." and my sister said "JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT TO WORK OUT AND STARVE YOURSELF DOESN'T MEAN EVERYONE ELSE DOES!!" ....it just took me aback because A: I DO NOT starve myself and B: It was not a personal attack on her or anyone else. I was just talking about me. On top of that, I get a bunch of aggressive comments from some friends telling me I'm crazy and that I don't need to eat healthy or work out because I don't need to lose weight. Some friends literally get ANGRY when I order something healthy when we go out to eat. "A salad? Are you serious?!?! That's so lame!! If I knew you were just going to get a salad I wouldn't have invited you!" They push ridiculously hard for me to get something fatty whereas before, they didn't give a crap what I ate. I have other examples but I already pretty much wrote an essay haha. But what is up with that?!?! Why do people get so angry when you talk about health, weight loss or fitness?!?! You seriously would think I was trying to talk about religion or politics!!!!

    Sometimes it's not what you have or w/e that make ppl hate on you.. It's your ambition and determination. Phuck them HATERS. My sisters the same way but I'm doing the damn thing
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I don't post pics of my dinner or check in at the gym, or post about workouts etc. because it really can rub some people the wrong way I've herd. So I text about workouts, adding weight to the bar, losing weight etc. with friends who share my love for fitness. Others might just not want to hear about it
  • mil2584
    mil2584 Posts: 1 Member
    I am very late to this conversation; however I have to chime in. My girlfriend and I have begun our healthy lifestyle back in January, and we have never felt/looked better in our lives. I found this stream of conversations after doing a quick google search on, "Why do people get mad at me for being healthy?" which lead me here.

    People don't like change; people like to see that you are partaking in the festivities by eating the same garbage as everyone else and drinking excessively. The moment you derive from that equation, people freak out!! They will consume you and try to change you if you are not partaking in the same bad behaviors as them. Its a reality check for them when you are making the right choice by ordering a salad, or drinking a 4 oz glass of red wine instead of a double bacon cheese burger with extra fries and multiple 16 oz beers. They get defensive because they think that you are silently judging them. The best part is when someone tells you, "Hey man you look great! Maybe you can help me out, I've been trying to get healthy!" Then that same friend gets mad at you for being healthy...

    You will never win. The best thing is keep doing what you are doing, post all the success stories you want, and if people have a problem with them, don't worry about it because two things will happen; one, you will have inspired them, or two, you may have exposed some major holes in your friendships. True friends will support and encourage you on! The flaky friends will just try to bring you back to their level to make themselves feel better.

    If we listened to our "friends" my girlfriend would not have lost over 40lbs and I would have the muscle definition that I have now.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    It's called the crab bucket. No one wants to see anyone succeed higher than them.... and when they see someone doing well sometimes it offends them so badly that they can't hide it.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    They might feel like you're being passive aggressive rather than inspirational. I don't bring it up, my goals aren't other people's' goals and I would feel terrible if my rah-rah-weight-loss thing made my friends think I was picking on them--even if I wasn't.
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    I personally think if they are your "true friends" and don't support you, then sure find new friends. If they are acquaintances and they hide you, so what. I have some on my page that aren't close friends who feel the need the post selfies every single day. I hide them. Am I jealous? No. Do I want to be them? No. I just saw what you looked like yesterday and day before and day before that and guess what-- day before that too, etc. I think there can be a point where it does get old. JMO.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    Just to add: Quitting Facebook has been the best thing I ever did for my mental health and stress levels. Better than leaving a bad relationship, better than quitting smoking, better than losing weight. And easier than either three by a long shot. If it's an option for you, I recommend cutting out the chatter.
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    It's your Facebook page and you can post anything you want, but if I were your friend, I'd unfollow too. Diet talk is boring and I don't need to hear about every trip to the gym. Few people will want to hear about your quest to be healthier. It's not because they don't want you to be healthy; it's because it's boring conversation.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    People were interesting five years ago.

    I would hide that shiz too. But then, I only go to FB three times per year. It's like a loud child's toy. The kid doesn't seem to hear the noise, or enjoys it, but everyone else will get sick of hearing it in short order. Why is it assumed that if you're annoying someone, it's because they're a hater? Ridiculous.
  • heiliskrimsli
    heiliskrimsli Posts: 735 Member
    Just to add: Quitting Facebook has been the best thing I ever did for my mental health and stress levels. Better than leaving a bad relationship, better than quitting smoking, better than losing weight. And easier than either three by a long shot. If it's an option for you, I recommend cutting out the chatter.

    Not having Facebook seems to have saved me a lot of annoyance and frustration. Plus I get to see people sputter like crazy when I say that I do not have a Facebook.
  • nappy_cornrolls
    nappy_cornrolls Posts: 8 Member
    Damn, this app was out in 2012!!!!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited May 2017
    Damn, this app was out in 2012!!!!

    Not sure exactly when the app was introduced. The website has been around for at least that long.

    ETA: 2005: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyFitnessPal
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 945 Member
    Ignore the haters. It's Facebook, where things are shared and everyone has a quick opinion. It's like some people can't just look away or decide it's not their place to comment. Not your problem! Keep up the good work!