I'm having a hard time with "Never again"



  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    ooh, I like what you said - not thinking never again but thinking instead not today. :)
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    When I was first starting, I asked myself every time I wanted to eat if the food I was about to eat would help me reach my goals. I didn't say "never again" I just said "not today" and as the weight came off, the choices got easier. Things will start to taste different too. I prefer a homemade treat over store bought ones because I know what went into the homemade one.

    My reply was supposed to be in response to this post. Sorry all. I'm still getting used to the forums.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    NEVER say NEVER. It's not a matter of eliminating it completely from your diet. Afterall, I think people should strive for long term, life long goals.... goals that they can stick to and live with for the rest of their life to be healthy. It's OK to eat these things, but eat them in small portions and eat them occasionally. It's OK to treat yourself now and again, so don't get stuck in the thought that you'll never see yummy foods again!!! Just be smart about it! :) Enjoy them when you have them. By having them once in a while you'll look forward to them a lot more, too!! Chocolate tastes like HEAVEN now when I have it because it's not often that I do!
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    this may sound crazy but it sure does work for me....everytime I pass by fast food, ice cream places or even restaurant.s I always tell myself... "nah, that place OR that pizza is always gonna be there...I want to reach my goal so badly"
  • mandersatx
    I don't agree with the "never again" approach. That makes being healthy a punishment instead of a blessing. If I want a treat, I make room for it in my calories. I also eat less of it than I used to eat. If you can't trust yourself now, then avoid those foods until you've learned self-control.



    Diet - what you put in your body, not dieting (what you "can't/won't" put in your body), is a lifestyle. There is no such thing as a "good day" or a "bad day." Portion control, alloting calories if you want something highly caloric, and learning how to live while losing weight and then maintaining it means nothing should be off-limits. Dieting is a term I despise because it has such a negative connotation.

    Stick with logging your calories and keeping at your daily count. Workout to eliminate the impact of a highly caloric meal. We're all in this marathon for the rest of our lives. Weight loss and maintenance is not a sprint, it's a marathon. You are doing well, keep it up, and good luck!