What does your SO (Signifigant Other) do to support you?

I have to say my amazing husband did it again... picked out the most perfect bunch of strawberries!! Let's make this fun... what is your "SO" amazing at for your health?

**This is in light of all those threads today about guys not being happy with their wives or guys wanting to know how to tell their girls that are friends that they are noticing X doesn't look right on their body.


  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    My husband started working out with me and happily eats all my cooking from recipes on SkinnyTaste.com. He even started logging his food on here even though he only has like 5lbs to lose. He said he wanted to support my new lifestyle as much as possible.
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    My husband started working out with me and happily eats all my cooking from recipes on SkinnyTaste.com. He even started logging his food on here even though he only has like 5lbs to lose. He said he wanted to support my new lifestyle as much as possible.

    That is great! Isn't it such a wonderful feeling when they embrace the lifestyle change. It makes it easier and better for you both.
  • EricaCarmack
    me and my husband have been together since age 11~ i am now 25 and he is 26...

    he constantly tells me i am good looking~ but that is no fun!

    he actually picks on me- he isnt dieting like me just working out-
    so he eats crap- rubs it in my face~ so when he notices a few extra pounds on himself- i get to make fun!
    i know it sounds bad- but the back and forth is fun and kind of works for us! lol
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    My last boyfriend told me he thought running was just my latest "thing" and I'd give up before I'd ever run a 5K. It motivated me to prove him wrong! He wasn't trying to be supportive, but it still worked!
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    My husband is a very healthy weight, but he completely supports my efforts to eat healthfully. He helps me cook good meals and sometimes cooks them on his own. He has learned to avoid many of the caloric pitfalls like using excess oil or cheese. He encourages eating at home instead of going out to eat by doing all the cooking and clean-up himself if I'm just too tired. He doesn't complain when I tell him he can't have seconds because I'm saving that portion for my lunch the next day.

    He supports my need to exercise and has offered to walk with me on many occasions (although the weather is still too hot to walk outside). He even does Zumba with me!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I have to say my amazing husband did it again... picked out the most perfect bunch of strawberries!! Let's make this fun... what is your "SO" amazing at for your health?

    **This is in light of all those threads today about guys not being happy with their wives or guys wanting to know how to tell their girls that are friends that they are noticing X doesn't look right on their body.
    My imaginary boyfriend, Jason Bateman, is very flattering. He's also 100% attentive, respects my choices and needs, and takes care of me completely in every aspect of my life. And he's a gourmet chef who specializes in balanced meals, nutritionally rich, full flavor foods.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    My partner is doing it with me - so we support each other. If either of us has a weak moment the other is there to remind them not to give up!
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    My husband will eat WHATEVER I put in front of him... He would work out at the gym with me if I asked, ( i usually go mornings and him during his lunch) He tells me I'm good looking EVERY SINGLE DAY. He will also walk/run whenever I want him to, even if he's dead tired and worked out earlier that day...

    He's a good one :)
  • speedisoverrated
    She exercises with me and has taken up MFP - couldn't ask for anyone better.
  • bethmakesmusic
    bethmakesmusic Posts: 164 Member
    My hubby helps me pick new goals and they finds a way to reward me when I meet them: takes me on a date or buys me a new outfit! Love it!
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    well she encourages me to eat dinner at her house, where we both eat healthy...

    and I am a horrible influence that suggests pizza and eating out on a regular basis.
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    my dairy loving, meat fanatic boyfriend who I live with (and who pays for the groceries as well) tries at all times to replace fatty and high calorie portions of our recipes with low-cal options :) he takes me to Sobey's at 11pm when I want chocolate soy milk and lets me test all my low-cal/healthy/vegan and non-vegan recipes on him.

    my boyfriend also tells me i'm good looking, beautiful, sexy all the time. makes me feel really really appreciated and is constantly proud of my achievements both in my regular life but massively in my fitness life. he takes me to events, to the zoo in our city so i can run a full 5km without any impedances and makes sure i have what i need in order to meet my goals.
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    Whenever I tell my SO about my workout or that I'm going to workout, she always comments on how amazing I look or how sexy I look running/swimming/lifting. It's easily enough to push me from a maybe skipping a workout to definitely working out
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    He goes on walks with me even though he spent his entire day in the heat and would much rather be indoors.

    He constantly praises my hardwork and dedication. And when I feel puffy or like crap, he says Im beautiful. Always has something nice to say and encourages me to stick with it (or to totally blow it out when I get stressed - I need both of those).

    He hides the scale so I cant become obsessive (after I asked him to).

    He thanks me constantly for shopping, cooking and packing his lunches.

    He truly is awesome.
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    My boyfriend cooks dinner almost every night while I work out after work... it's the only time I have! I always tell him how much I appreciate it!!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    My husband was awesome when I needed to lose. He told me don't buy any more snacks or sweets. We kept them out of the house and if either of us wanted an occasional treat we just went out and got it when we were out and about. He started eating more healthy foods too. It was an awesome lifestyle change for both of us. :smile:
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    My hubby supports me in EVERYTHING I do or say about my body. Thinks I'm perfect the say I am, but does what he can as far as cooking healthier, staying/entertaining the kids while I exercise, etc. He tells me he's proud of me for coming as far as I have. When I was depressed about my "girls" dropping a cup size, he just said "Huh...I didn't notice! They're just perfect to me!". :love:
  • LLEB92
    LLEB92 Posts: 21
    My lover is skinny as a twig and has been all the time I've known him. He lives off junk food and the occasional salad on a Sunday if we cannot be bothered to cook. It annoys me that he can stay thin and I can't. If it's his tern to cook he measures everything out for me and writes down the calories which is very helpful of him.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Mine is funny. Every night he looks at my dinner plate when I am sitting down to eat and asks, "Did you weigh that?"
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    He doesn't bring home junk food.