Runners: When did you start to enjoy running?



  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I have always loved running from the very first time I laced up my shoes and hit the streets. It's not that way for everyone though. Many people don't "love" running right away.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I started running the day after memorial day, so....4 months ago? And yeah...still not my favorite thing. However, I LOVE the results, so I know if I stop, I'll backpeddle. And I love the feeling when I'm done with a run (that "runner's high" I guess) that helps!
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    With C25K, probably week 5. More than halfway through, and when I finished day 3, I was so damn proud of myself. People tend to like what they're good at. When you feel accomplished, you'll start to like it more. :-D
  • Sojaided34
    Sojaided34 Posts: 113
    I tried an similar program. Got about week 3 and quit. I wasn't enjoying it either. Hope I can start it up again and enjoy it. Happy running!!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Never. But running gives me killer abs for some reason. And it gives my heart a good workout. Worth it!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I was on week 8 of C25K and HATE HATE HATE running. I took a vacation and a couple weeks off and am planning to start over. I can't imagine that I'll ever actually enjoy running, but I'd like to be able to do a Fun Run or 2 next summer.
  • akrnrunner
    akrnrunner Posts: 117 Member
    Once I ran my first race, I was hooked! The adrenaline rush and feeling after you you finish it, is amazing!
  • For me, it's usually a couple weeks into starting running again and then it just strikes.

    I'll be partway through a run, panting, sweating and hating it and then the wheezing clears and the sun and rainbows come out and I feel like I can push through. That moments gives me the biggest runners high and I find myself loving it again and wondering why I ever stopped in the first place.

    Now, I'm still at square wheezing, but I've run my first 5k, I'm signed up for my second and I even though I'm slow and terrible at it and my lungs are *kitten*, I love. I really and truly love running.
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    I've finished C25k twice and I still hate running, ha ha. I'm just not built for long distance running and also i get bored. I still do it because it's a great workout, you can run just about anywhere and I feel good when I'm done but I hate just about every second of it while I'm running. I keep thinking I'll learn to love it but not yet...
  • 91King
    91King Posts: 12 Member
    I started loving it when I took off my ear buds and started going running outside early in the morning while almost everyone else was still sleeping. It is so peaceful and meditative focusing on your steps and breathing and I've seen some great wildlife - bunnies and blue herons etc...The air is so fresh in the morning - and before the sun is fully out, I find I don't get nearly as hot and sweaty - makes the whole thing so much more enjoyable. I also like that there aren't a zillion people out watching me run! Focus on the positive and before you know it, you will love it. The feeling you get when you arrive back home and have accomplished something before most people are out of bed can't be beat.
  • lldem
    lldem Posts: 31 Member
    I did C25k too. I found the 2nd week in I liked it and then by 4th week I was loving it... Now I'm addicted! lol
    I feel out of sorts if I don't get to run now - I'm already worrying what I'll do this winter. I love going outside and I stick to a trail/route for 3 or 4 times then move on to another one always trying to set new goals. It's the cheapest cardio for me. BUT I don't like running alone; I'm not motivated. I don't mind running alone (a min or so ahead/behind someone) but I like to know someone starts with me and when we finish we can chat about the run. Oh another thing, I love running with music, Couldn't Stand it if it was quiet and also use a running app which tracks route, cals, time fastest/slowest km. Its fun to finish to see how I did. Keep it up - Hope you come to love it too! :)
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I ran a 5K last week and gave myself only one week to train. Eek! I wanted to die... BUT once my shin splints heal, I plan on running a mile 2-3 times a week. The benefits of running is what makes me want to do it again. On my 5K, my heart rate peaked at 207! I feel like I need the cardio.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I went from doing it to loving it when it was just happening the miles were passing and I was focused on the music not straining not having to work or think about stride or pace. I was enjoying the scenery nature and the miles were passing. Thats when I started to enjoy running
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    I started with C25K and when I finished, I couldn't let all that hard work go to waste, so carried on with B210K. Just completed a 10k fun run.........not sure about the fun part! Still there must be something in it as I entered another one in October.
    Basically I have and probably always will - A love/hate relationship with running.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I started C25K in May and completed it in 10 weeks. I've been running for 5K lengths on the treadmills at my gym, trying little by little to increase my speed. Today I did something different: I did intervals again, starting and ending them with an easy 10 minute long 5.5 mph pace. During the intervals I ran for 1 minute at 7mph, then 3 or 4 minutes at 6.1mph, then repeated, for a full 20 minutes.

    Today is the first day that I can actually say that not only do I like running, but it is fun!! You may find that you hit that point eventually, or it may be that you end up not liking running. What worked best for me to make it feel like I wasn't dying was to do some searching online for running tips. The best one I found was to be sure to keep my shoulders relaxed (I noticed I had been tensing them up when the going became difficult) and try to keep my torso as upright as possible, to allow easier breathing. That worked for me very well! Be sure your shoes have plenty of room in their toe box, keep your toenails on the toes next to your big toe trimmed pretty short to help avoid losing the nails from pressure while running, and never forget to stretch both before and after, to prevent pain after running.
  • RumRum85
    RumRum85 Posts: 61 Member
    I start running with the plans of miCoach, and wasn't till 2 month after the first training, when I started to run more than 5 mins without going out of breath, that I found that it has the ability of put your mind blank and forget all the **** that could happen in the day. In fact I run with no music now, only listening my feet to be sure that I'm going with a correct stride (and the indications of the apps of course).
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    I started liking running more after my first 5k... The experience was amazing and I think the goals are what keep me going. I want to be able to run my next 5k faster, run a 10k and so on... Good luck at your first 5k! :)
  • I did the C25K more or less (I skipped some days, or repeated some, etc) and still hated running until I got to the last week of it, when you're supposed to run for like 25-30 minutes non-stop, and after 20 minutes I was like "HELL YEAH I FRICKEN LOVE RUNNING" and kept going for 11 miles (walking maybe 1 or 2 miles of that). Looking back, I don't know what the hell happened, after that day I never ran that far again, haha. But I guess you just have to get to the point where you have enough endurance to go for a long time, then you get into the swing of it and it feels really good.
  • I only started running a couple of years ago in my mid forties. I still don't run real far and have had some injuries to hold me back, but I remember my first "runner's high" - after that I was hooked. I remember thinking I could run forever and I keep going out to get that back. Feels so good!! Running races also is very fun!