Runners: When did you start to enjoy running?



  • bcerz811
    bcerz811 Posts: 39 Member
    took me 5 weeks of running 1 mile every day for it not to be torture. . . took another month or two of every other day, plus a 5k under my belt to enjoy it, and a few weeks of running lightly due to an injury and another 5k for me to be excited about it. It takes a long time, especially if you're starting from barely being able to run a mile. Plus, running a mile is a lot different than running a 5k+. I can run a mile in under 9 minutes, but it still takes me about 36 minutes on a very hot day (less if it's nice and cool out), to run a 5k. It first became FUN when I finished my first 5k and realized "hey! i can do this!" The sense of accomplishment and the excitement of crossing the finish line suddenly makes it awesome :)
  • SteveMoto
    SteveMoto Posts: 41 Member
    It took me about 6 months. I started by running on a gravel/rock switchback trail that was about a 20 minute loop up and down a hill. On the descent you have to be very focused on where you put your feet because you're carrying a lot of momentum when the trail goes left! I used to have to stop three times on the way up. Then some time later I got to the top without stopping. Then one day I was able to crest the ridge and keep on trucking. Later I was able to sprint at the end. :) What makes me happiest about it is my increasing ability to do it. I've moved since and now, several years later, I'm running on the East River path in NYC. Much less challenging terrain wise but I'm making it my goal to run 7mph. After about 6 weeks on the restart I'm averaging 6mph. It may take another year to get to 7 but having some goal to chase is the heart of it for me. Even when the goals seem small like when you're starting out.
    Anyway, run while you can.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    When I started crosstraining honestly. I thought running was the only way to get into shape and build endurance so I would force myself to do it and hate every second of it. I started doing other stuff, like Jillian Michaels videos and ride my bike and then running became a lot more enjoyable because the other forms of exercising helped build strength and endurance. I still only run 2-3 miles at a time though, mostly to avoid injury and because 5Ks are so fun :)
  • BetterMike
    BetterMike Posts: 131 Member
    Started running at the end of April. I kind of look forward to running each day, I usually dislike/hate it anywhere from .5 to 1.5 into the run. Many times I'm okay for the rest of the run and am glad when I'm finished.

    I'd say my feelings about running are all over the place.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I have restarted running a few times. In my experience it doesn't stop being miserable until you have run around 50 miles. It doesn't start becomming enjoyable until after around 150-200 miles. I guess it takes that much until the body adapts enough so that it isn't a real chore.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I've been at it for several months. Still don't like it, but it's the best way to challenge my workouts on the cardio side. My husband swears he's going to get me a shirt that says "Running Sucks." I say it often but when I get a good run under my belt it always feels good after. Hang in there.
  • blackcoffeeandcherrypie
    For me it was after a few months, when I could run for about 40 minutes without stopping. I started noticing that the first twenty minutes were actually quite enjoyable. I think it's a case of the more you do it the more it becomes enjoyable. The less I do it the less enjoyable it is.
  • _canuckrunner_
    _canuckrunner_ Posts: 364 Member
    I started enjoying it when I stopped thinking about it as 'exercise' and something that I should or had to do and started just enjoying being outside, breathing clean air and using it for pure enjoyment and de-stressing at the end of the day. I still don't like the first 20 minutes of the run (takes me that long to 'get in the zone') but after that its all good.
  • molldolly
    For me It goes a bit like this:
    first mile - i love running
    second mile - running is ok
    running up hill - i hate running
    get to top of hill -i love running
    third mile - I hate running
    fourth mile - i hate running
    fifth mile - runnings not too bad
    finish run - i love running
    finish run faster than last time - I LOVE RUNNING ITS THE BEST

    and I don't think it will ever change for me!
  • leslielrd12
    leslielrd12 Posts: 115 Member
    When I stopped cramping up all the time. My right side use to cramp every time I ran, but I finally got past that point (for the most part). Running my first 5k was also a lot of fun.
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    I love the idea of running already. Which is why I'm doing C25K (week 6.)

    I figure eventually my love of the reality will catch up with my love of the idea.
    Finishing the 20min run at the end of week 5 felt pretty darned good.
  • allnaday
    allnaday Posts: 54 Member
    i have always been in love with the thought of runnin. In college, we ran and i did ok for the first time. by the end of the semester, our final run, i rocked it out, increased my time by 2 minutes, etc. witch gave me a B becuse she said you if you improved your time that much, you didn't give it your all the first motivator was the my running partner who was pacing herself to slow down to keep me going, all while doing jumping jacks at the same time......i cursed her a few times, but she never left my side...........she was trying to keep her pace whle helping me.......i wish i had her now

    btw........just did DAY 1 if anyone is looking to start, we could be on the same schedule!
  • hellou76
    hellou76 Posts: 33 Member
    I :heart: what Brian just said.

    The absolute most fun I have when running is when I do trails. I partially hike and partially run, and I don't put any pressure on myself for how fast or how far I have to go. Sometimes I get lost and have to consult my GPS. :blushing: I just run bouncing along like a little kid or a mountain goat, walk when I need to catch my breath, then run and bounce around some more. I'm in full "play" mode... right back to childhood. Sometimes I pretend zombies or werewolves are chasing me. :heart:

    I am so going to try this... Watch out for the werewolfs.
  • tarynnmichelle
    tarynnmichelle Posts: 27 Member
    I still don't enjoy it... but it gives me something to do.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I wanted to be a runner my whole life and just didn't know where to start or how to go about it. So when I decided that I was going to run, I went out and did 3 miles my very first try. I signed up for a 12K the next day, and told myself I would be a runner come hell or high water.

    I read an article when I first started running that said to smile when you run, it will make you simply feel better overall and make you look like you are having fun.

    Attitude is everything to me, you have to tell yourself you love it.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I dropped 12 pounds in a month when I started running without changing my diet much.

    Seeing the 650-850 calories burned on my HRM after a run keeps me loving it... More food for me!!!!!!!!!!
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    I have been running now for about a year and it started when in the gym after part of my workout I would then go for a short run out doors and I found that the more I did it the more I enjoyed it and so I was running more and then found the c25k program and that got me even more into it then the best thing I did was join a parkrun group every saturday and not when not working I rum most of them but if its rainning to much then sorry but no run that day
  • nichojanes
    nichojanes Posts: 76 Member
    I did the c25k and it was a real struggle for me. When I started doing the runs without any breaks I started to get more encouraged.

    When you are at a point doing perhaps 18 minutes running and can look back to barely being able to do 30 seconds you get a real sense of achievement which pushed me on.

    The best feeling is the 1st time I did 5k. I screamed with joy and was buzzing for days.

    It should come if you persevere with it. If it doesn't and you really don't enjoy running, find something else that you do enjoy. (cycling for example)
  • Moniqua1
    Moniqua1 Posts: 195 Member
    I started loving running when I started thinking of it as play rather than a workout.

    Go to any park and watch children playing, what do they do? Run and jump and chase balls. As adults we often lose that sense of fun - embrace your inner child and run and play.

    ^^^ THIS!!!^^^ when I'm having a tough day and it clears your mind and you get to "run away" from everything. Don't think about your run, it makes it 10xs harder.
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    I'm on day 3 week 4 of C25K and I still don't love it. I love riding my bike and I get mad that it's a running day, when it's so nice out an I just want to go out on my bike instead. But my dogs do love getting to run, so I'm sticking with it for them. I have one overweight dog who used to only be able to walk a block and have to be carried home, and now she can run 1/2 mile - so it's fun to see her progress. I also have a greyhound mix who loves to run and I can finally let him sprint a little without having me hold him back. So I guess it's good for all of us. I just don't like the pain. My first 5K is in September, so I don't know how much I'll stick to it once that's done.