200+ group (week7)



  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Heather - I forgot to respond to a comment you had on crunches last week. Crunches do work your abdominal muscles more than regular sit-ups because most of us have Abs that are to weak to bring us up - your hip flexor muscles kick in during full sit-up to make up for the weak abs. To fully work your abdominal muscles, I recommend you also do reverse crunches (bring knees up toward chest while on your back), diagonal crunches (take elbow toward the opposite knee), and LE bicycling (on your back with hips and knees bent in air, lower legs one at a time like pedaling a bicycle).. Don't forget to flip over and do Superman raises (lift arms and feet at same time) to strengthen your back muscles. Good luck.

    Thank you :D
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    last night was so horrible i had my neice and she would not stop crying ......i do Not know how you moms do it 24-7.........wow just congrats lol

    Yikes! How old is your niece? It must be hard on moms who have babies who cry a lot or have colic. I was so lucky - my daughter didn't cry a lot, and when she did, it was usually about something we could solve quickly, like feeding or a nap.

    That's about how old this baby was too. Must be the age!

    she's about six months old
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    hello every one, my name is tracy. i weigh like 270 5'6''(getting a scale for xmas, last one broke when we moved a couple months ago) i just started a "diet" today ( basiclly i just want to stay under 1500 cals, drink water, eat more fiber,eat healthy,ect...) so i havent lost any weight yet. also i have netflix so im going to start doing the some of instant play exercise videos.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sexygenius - welcome to our group :flowerforyou: We weigh-in and change to the next thread every Friday. We have just started a challenge for New Years Daychallenge 12/04 was the 1st weigh-in. We are keeping a chart and will post after the challenge. Do you have a goal for New Years Day? Good luck with your journey.

    FYI everyone- snow shoeing is really fun and does burn calories. I could feel that I worked so many different muscles than I normally do. WOW.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sexygenius - welcome to our group :flowerforyou: We weigh-in and change to the next thread every Friday. We have just started a challenge for New Years Daychallenge 12/04 was the 1st weigh-in. We are keeping a chart and will post after the challenge. Do you have a goal for New Years Day? Good luck with your journey.

    FYI everyone- snow shoeing is really fun and does burn calories. I could feel that I worked so many different muscles than I normally do. WOW.

    pinbot, I'm jealous of your snow. granted, i probably won't be so much when it finally starts here. in fact there's a chance of snow both tonight and tomorrow. mm.. driving to work first thing in the morning on a monday in snow is not a fun prospect. i hope it holds off. snow shoeing sounds like a blast!!

    this weekend has been okay for me. counteracted my last of working out wed-fri last week with going both days this weekend. I got my HRM in the mail that I ordered, but, unfortunately it was acting a bit wonky, or I was doing something wrong. When i tried it on at home, I had no problems with it reading my heart rate, but when I got to the gym and I put it on again, it wasn't registering. I need to fiddle with it some more. Put in a good work out though. Went grocery shopping too. Have some lentil soup left from last week. The recipe for this week: moroccan chickpea stew. yum!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks to jitteryspork's eggplant fries, I was motivated to make zucchini fries - they were WONDERFUL. My husband has asked about 5 times already "When are you making those again?"
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Thanks to jitteryspork's eggplant fries, I was motivated to make zucchini fries - they were WONDERFUL. My husband has asked about 5 times already "When are you making those again?"

    I am glad you liked them! You should try the eggplant version too though! They are fantastic!

    Jumping jack challenge complete!! I am sorry I wasn't able to check in. I bombed this weekend with the healthy eating, but I did manage to get my Jacks in.... :happy:
  • Lovinglife
    Hi all ! :smile:

    I guess this is where I belong 200+ ! I hate that and hope to some day join an ex-200+ club.

    My all-time highest was 276 and that was last week. This week I'm 273. I was so embarrased as I stod there on the scale in my bathroom, that I started to cry. :cry:

    I don't want to be to fat to have a baby.
    I don't want to be unhealthy anymore.

    I want to live a loving life ........that includes loving myself. :heart:

    This is why I'm taking my first steps towards a better life..... I know that not all of them will be right on the trail, but when I stray I will find my way back.

    I'll check in again later this week.

    M. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Lovinglife
    Oh by the way !

    How do you write those minigoals at the bottom ?

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    I totally fudged up this weekend. Gained 7lbs back?? :grumble: :grumble: Hopefully I can back to 231 by weds-thursday. I always leave work lighter on Friday, and come in heavier Monday.. Then work all week to get back to the original.. all this back and forth.. wish I had more self control...:explode:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Nikki, 7 pounds seems like a lot in any direction in a week. What happened? Wonder if you're just retaining fluids, so something was wonky with the scale.

    Happy Monday everyone. Today has been okay. Plan to go to the rec center again today.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Nikki, 7 pounds seems like a lot in any direction in a week. What happened? Wonder if you're just retaining fluids, so something was wonky with the scale.

    Happy Monday everyone. Today has been okay. Plan to go to the rec center again today.

    hMM, Well I did eat more than usual, and my water intake suffered quite severely... Idk what happened, but I am soo bummed about it and I just want to say a big "F-U" to weight loss. I 'ruined' today by eating dunkies for breakfast.. tomorrow is a new day.. and I plan on making something healthy for dinner.. I have been back & forth with this weight, I want to throw in the towel, and I would if I didn't want to be fat..lol!:cry:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey Nikki - I agree with akasullengal that you would have to eat alot of food 24500 (3500 cal per pound) calories more than normal.... My gut tells me it is water weight or a funky scale. Do you weigh yourself at the same time each day, in the same clothes (or lack of clothes) and on a firm surface? Are you using the same scale? It is normal for a body to fluctuate up to 5 pound in a day. I always weigh myself in my birthday suit, first thing in the morning before I eat or drink anything and after I go to the bathroom :blushing: . I find this gives me the most consistent weight. If you are getting frustrated, try to stay away from the scale except for one day each week or every other week. I only record the changes in my weight on Thursdays. I just use the other days to see how I am doing and to keep me on track. If you ate bad and didn't drink water, your body is probably just retaining water. I gained 4 pounds over my Thanksgiving day celebration weekend but it all came off within 4 days - it must have been water weight. To get back on track, start drinking extra water so your body can flush the excess salt and water out. Good luck and let us know if you need more encouragement. P.S. One meal cant "ruin" a day - it just means you need to be more active to make up for the calories. Try jogging in place or marching during a 1/2 hour TV show tonight or take a walk.
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I would like to say welcome to all the new ppl! today I ate a big bowl of cereal.....but as a snack when i got home i had cucumbers and a bananas
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome lovinglife :flowerforyou: . Do you have a goal for New Year's Day? 10.5 weeks ago, I had the same breakdown on the scale when it said 237. Since then, I cant believe how easy it has been to loose the weight - I was shocked the first few days at the calories I had been consuming - I just turned my life around and decided to eat better and have since started cooking... The chicken quesidillas are in the oven with side of green beans and brown rice. I do still eat everything, just smaller portions. It really helps to weigh and measure your food. I feel so much better now that I exercise for 30 to 60 min a day - I started with pretty easy exercise just walking but the the last few weeks have kicked it up a few notches with jogging and step aerobics. My knees and feet and back all feel so much better now that I have lost 22 pounds. I carried in 12 pounds of apples the other day and my knees hurt getting them up the stairs to my house - that was the day I realized life is so much better since I have been losing weight. I don't think I could have done it with out the support of MFP. I wish you the best of luck - YOU CAN DO THIS if you really want to.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    aww, pinbot, after reading your post, it just reminded me again how well we all are doing. *virtual group hug* definitely proud of us. I couldn't do it without you either. This group has really given me the extra boost i've needed.

    I didn't end up going to the rec center today, but don't feel terrible about it, as I went both days this weekend, and plan to go tomorrow. I did eat well today.. upped my fruit intake as well as packed in some veggies with a big salad at dinner... and right around my calorie goal for the day. it really is getting easier to stay around there. you can eat a lot if you don't eat a bunch of crap. not that it's not okay to each crap occasionally... just in moderation, or as pinbot said, work extra hard the rest of the week to compensate.

    I hope peeps will be around and online occasionally around the holidays. I'm seriously worried about falling off the bandwagon. At least I know that's been a problem for me in the past, so hopefully recognizing the warning signs will help me stay relatively good over the week at home, and be able to hope back on good eating/exercising train completely when I get home.

    On a good note, I wore another pair of pants today, that while I'm not down a size, they are no longer snug on me. Hooray! I tend to lose weight first in my "souffle", which only somewhat affects my pants sizes, so I can lose a fair bit of weight and not go down much in clothes (when I did WW a few years ago, I dropped 30 pounds, and only 1 pants size), which can be frustrating, but hey, it's still slowing, but surely going away, so I can't complain!
  • Lovinglife
    Welcome lovinglife :flowerforyou: . Do you have a goal for New Year's Day?

    Thanx pinbotchick, I do have a goal for New Years Day ! :drinker:

    Right now I'm 266 but my goal is 260 by new year, that is what I weighed 1 year ago when I went to the Dr. :huh:

    I have many minigoals, and I would like to write them as a signature when I reply, but don't know how ? :blushing:

    M. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member

    Thanx pinbotchick, I do have a goal for New Years Day ! :drinker:

    Right now I'm 266 but my goal is 260 by new year, that is what I weighed 1 year ago when I went to the Dr. :huh:

    I have many minigoals, and I would like to write them as a signature when I reply, but don't know how ? :blushing:

    M. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Above here there are links: >Home >Recent Posts > My Topics >Signature >Search

    Click on signature. Write in the box. Your ticker information is already there usually, so just write underneath it. You don't get an option to preview it, but it changes on ALL your signatures from the past too.. so you can go back to one of your recent posts and look at it. If you like it then your done, if not.. go change it :)

    Hope that helps!

    BTW You should all check out the "FAB FOURS" group I am part of. They are a challenge group that started today 12/8 and weighs in every tuesday for the next 4 weeks to help us get through the holidays.

    We have a once a day or at least once every otherday accountablity and so you definately know you can find someone for support through the holidays..

    Hope to see you there!
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Hello, new people!!!! Really glad you found us!!!

    I haven't exercised in over a week. It's been below zero (yes, Fahrenheit AND Celcius) and it just burns the skin to be outdoors. Plus, I haven't felt back to normal after I got the H1N1 shot - felt flu-ey for days. And as soon as that started to clear up, my tom came, which is a big, crampy, bloated, sicko production that puts everything else on hold.

    It's not supposed to warm up any time soon, so I'm thinking I might have to break down and either go to the gym or work out to exercise dvd's at home. I'm starting to lose the gains I've made, exercise-wise, that I was so proud of a month ago.

    However, I've been doing pretty well with the eating, only going over a bit during the big tom days, and staying pretty well within the calorie range other days. Maybe this week I'll see a weight loss.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    LittleSister, and that is why I don't get a flu shot. haha. Sorry to hear you've been feeling crappy though. It's starting to get colder here today as well. There's no way I would exercise outside. We have to make do with what we have. Hope you'll be able to find something that works out well for you. Good job on the eating!

    Today's eating has been good. I'm going out to lunch with the coworkers tomorrow. As I didn't do pub trivia this week, I don't feel horrid about eating out, so while I'll try to get something semi-healthy, I'm not going to sweat it. I worked out pretty hard today at the rec center on the elliptical (I keep on trying to go up in resistance), and plan to go again tomorrow, so I think I'll be okay. I'm hoping this will be a good week for me weight loss wise. I feel like every other week I do really well, and the week in between I either gain just an teensy bit or maintain. As I maintained last week, I'm hoping for a decent loss this week. I was down a couple over the weekend (total mystery), so if I can just maintain that, or eek down a bit more, I'll be pleased with the week. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

    I hope everyone's Tuesday is going well. And oooh, did you see the new MFP iPhone app? I'm totes not going to have any excuse not to log my food now. It's pretty.